Op-Amp Noise Calculation and Measurement Art Kay Senior Applications Engineer Texas Instruments Inc – Tucson kay_art@ti.com 1 Noise Presentation Contents • • • • • • Review of white noise and 1/f noise Noise Hand Calculations Tina Spice Noise Analysis Noise Measurement Appendix 1 – Measurement Example Appendix 2 – Analysis Details 2 What is Intrinsic Noise Why do I Care? Vin vs Time 1.5 R1 1k Vin (mV) 1 R2 2k 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 8 10 12 10 12 -0.5 -1 -1.5 Time (mS) V1 2.5 Ideal + + U1 OPA335 VG1 4 VF1 V2 2.5 3 Vout (mV) + Vout Ideal vs Time 2 1 0 -1 0 2 4 6 -2 -3 -4 Time (mS) Real • The op-amp itself generates noise Vout with Noise vs Time 5 4 • Noise acts as an error—it corrupts the signal • Calculate, simulate, and measure this noise Vout (mV) 3 2 1 0 -1 0 2 4 6 8 -2 -3 -4 Time (mS) 3 White noise or broadband noise normal distribution Noise Voltage Distribution of Noise 0.02 -0.04 Counts Recorded During Measurement Period. 0.04 -0.04 0.00E+00 Voltage (Volts) Voltage (Volts) numb of occ -0.02 250 -0.02 200 0.00 150 0 0 0.02 100 -0.02 0.02 50 0 -0.04 0.04 0.04 Voltage (Volts) Thermal Noise Measured In Time Domain 5.00E-04 Time (sec.) Time (Sec) 1.00E-03 4 1/f or pink noise normal distribution 1/f Noise vs Time 1/f Noise Measured in Time Domain 1/f Noise vs Time Distribution of Noise -0. 1 0.1 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 -0. 08 -0. 06 0.02 0 0. 02 -0.02 0.02 0 0 -0. 02 Voltage (V) -0. 04 Voltage (V) 15 10 5 0 0.1 0. 04 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 -0.06 0. 06 -0.04 0. 08 0. 1 -0.08 -0.08 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time (sec.) Time (sec) 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 Counts Recorded During Measurement Period 4 5 Time (sec 5 <-30.00 Count Num = 15000 0 0 5 178 <-24.00 500 <-18.00 438 342 851 703 <-6.00 641 [uV rti] 302 1174 991 943 130 46 434 961 2034 1874 Vn RTI (uV) <-12.00 1000 1330 <0.00 1500 <6.00 1611 <12.00 2000 <18.00 2500 <24.00 Bad INA128 (fc=300Hz) 10 2 <30.00 Mean = 0.00 Std. dev. = 12.67 (Burst) Popcorn Noise Bimodal (or multi-modal) distribution Popcorn Noise(fc=300Hz) (fc = 300Hz) Bad INA118 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 time (sec) 6 Synonyms • Broadband Noise – White Noise, Johnson Noise, Thermal Noise • 1/f Noise – Pink Noise, Flicker Noise, Low Frequency Noise, Excess Noise • Burst Noise – Popcorn Noise, Red Noise random telegraph signals (RTS). Strictly speaking, these terms are not 100% synonymous. For example, broadband noise on an op-amp may be a combination of thermal noise and shot noise. 7 Statistics Review – PDF 0.4 Probability Density function for Normal (Gaussian) distribution f( x) 1 2 Outline of Gaussian Curve f( x) ( x ) 2 22 e 0 Probability Distribution function for Normal (Gaussian) distribution b P( a x b ) f( x) d x a b a 1 2 ( x ) 2 22 dx e f(x) 0.2 5 a 0 b x 5 P(a<x<b) Where P(a < x < b) -- the probability that x will be in the interval (a, b) x-- the random variable. In this case noise voltage. -- the mean value -- the standard deviation Probability an event will occur within interval For example, if P(-1<x<+1) = 0.3 then there is a 30% chance that x is between -1 and 1. 8 The Probability Distribution Function P(a<x<b) gives the probability that an event happens between a and b. b f( x) d x P( a x b ) STDEV Relationship to Peak-to-Peak for a Gaussian PDF a f( x) +/-3 STD Deviations = 6 sigma 99.7% Let Voltage 1 2 Gaussian PDF ( x ) 2 22 e 0 because noise has no mean value (dc component). Distribution of Noise sured In Time Domain 250 200 150 100 50 0 -0.04 0.04 3σ P x b f( x) d x -0.02 0.02 σ 0 0.02 -0.02 -0.04 -3σ 0.04 68% chance in time that the 5.00E-04 measurement will me (sec.) be between ±σ me (Sec) -σ numb of occ { 0.00 Voltage (Volts) a 1.00E-03 Counts Recorded During Measurement Period. P x 1 2 ( x) 2 22 dx e 1 2 ( x) 2 22 d x 0.683 e This can be translated to mean that there is a 68.3% probability that you will measure a noise voltage between - and at any instant in time. 9 STDEV Relationship to Peak-to-Peak Number of Standard Deviations Percent chance of measuring voltage 2σ (same as ±σ) 68.3% 3σ (same as ±1.5σ) 86.6% 4σ (same as ±2σ) 95.4% 5σ (same as ±2.5σ) 98.8% 6σ (same as ±3σ) 99.7% 6.6σ (same as ±3.3σ) 99.9% Is standard deviation the same as RMS? 10 n (14) Discretenform xi 2 1 2 x i1 i n RMS vs STDEV i 1 (12) Discrete f Root when Mean Squared (RMS) defined for DC a Probability Distribution Function Stdev = RMS the Mean is zero (No component). For all for thea Probability noise Standard deviation defined Distributio This is the same as if = 0 analysis we do this will be the case. The noise signals we consider are Gaussian signals with zero mean. Note that the two formulas are equal to each other if you b set μ = 0 (zero average). information in appendix. b 1 See2 further 1 2 RMS g ( t) d t g ( t) d t (13) Continuou b a a (15) Continuous form b a Standard a RMS deviation RMS n n 1 2 xi i1 Where xi – data samples n – number of samples 1 (16) Discrete form n n 2 xi 2 (14) Discrete f i1 Where Root Mean Squared (RMS) defined for a Probability D xi the – data This is samesamples as if = 0 μ – average of all samples b 1 2 gof RMSn – number ( t) samples dt b a a (15) Continuou DC component will create reading error q RMS RMS n n 1 i1 2 xi 11 (16) Discrete f Add Noise As Vectors (RMS Sum) Sum of two Random Uncorrelated Noise Sources Vn1 Σ Vn2 5mVrms VnT 2 Vn1 Vn2 Example 3mVrms 2 V n1 V n2 VnT Vn2 Vn1 V nT 2 ( 3mVrms ) ( 5 mVrms ) 2 5.83mVrms 12 Thermal Noise The mean- square open- circuit voltage (e) across a resistor (R) is: en = √ (4kTKRΔf) where: TK is Temperature (ºK) R is Resistance (Ω) f is frequency (Hz) k is Boltzmann’s constant (1.381E-23 joule/ºK) en is volts (VRMS) To convert Temperature Kelvin to TK = 273.15oC + TC Random motion of charges generate noise 13 0 1 10 468.916 1000 3 en density = √ (4kTKR) 1 10 468.916 3 100 23 ( 25 273.15 ) X 10 9 23 ( 125 273.15 ) X 10 9 23 ( 55 273.15 ) X 10 9 nV/rt-Hz 0 Noise Spectral Density vs. Resistance Noise Spectral Density vs. Resistance 0 Thermal Noise 100 10 23 4 1.3806510 9 ( 25 273.15) X 10 25C 23 9 4 1.3806510 ( 125 273.15) X 10 10 125C 1 23 9 4 1.3806510 ( 55 273.15) X 10 -55C 0.347 1 0.1 10 10 100 1 10 3 1 10 X 4 1 10 5 Resistance (Ohms) Resistance versus Spectral Density 1 10 6 1 10 7 10 7 0.347 0.1 14 10 10 Op-Amp Noise Model Noise Model OPA277 Data (IN+ and IN- are not correlated) VN IN+ IN- IOP1 Tina Simplified Model IN * + nV * VN - fA U1 15 16 Noise Analysis for Simple Op-Amp Circuit R3 1k Noise Sources Op-Amp Voltage Noise Source V2 2.5 Op-Amp Current Noise Sources R2 1k - + + VG1 VF2 + U1 OPA277 V1 2.5 Resistor Noise Sources Calculation Considerations Convert Noise Spectrum to Noise Voltage - External Filter Bandwidth Limit - Op-Amp Closed Loop Bandwidth Noise Gain 17 Calculus Reminder 9 4 dx 4 9 36 Height x Width 0 4 Height Area 9 Width Integral = Area under the curve 18 Convert Noise Spectrum to Noise Voltage (Broadband Only – Simple Case) You can’t integrate the Voltage spectral density curve to get noise 5V / rtHz Voltage Spectral Density (V/rt-Hz) 10 0 0 Power Spectral Density (V2/Hz) Freq (Hz) Freq (Hz) 5 V 10 Hz 50 Hz V Hz Hz Wrong 10 You integrate the Power spectral density curve to get noise 25V2 / Hz 0 V_spec_dens d f 10 Correct 19 Convert Noise Spectrum to Noise Voltage (Broadband Only – Simple Case) You integrate the Power spectral density curve to get noise Correct Noise Power = V2 * BW (Hz) Hz Noise Voltage = V * BW (Hz) Hz 20 Noise Gain for Voltage Noise Source Noise Gain – Gain seen by the noise source. Example: Noise_Gain = (R2/R1) + 1 = 2 R2 1k Signal_Gain = -R2/R1 = -1 Referred to Output Output_Noise = Vn*(Noise_Gain) V1 5 R1 1k U1 OPA277 Signal Vs Source + + * Vn Referred to Input + VF1 + V2 5 Noise Source 21 Understanding The Spectrum: Total Noise Equation (Current or Voltage) 1/f Noise Region (Pink Noise Region) enT = √[(en1/f)2 + (enBB)2] 100k Voltage Noise (nV/ Hz ) where: enT = Total rms Voltage Noise in volts rms en1/f = 1/f voltage noise in volts rms enBB = Broadband voltage noise in volts rms White Noise Region (Broadband Noise Region) 10k 1k 100 10 1 0.1 1 10 100 1k 10k Frequency (Hz) fL enBB calculation fH en1/f calculation 22 Low Pass Filter Shapes the Spectrum RMS How do we convert this plot to noise? Broadband Region Low pass filter 1/f Region 23 Real Filter Correction vs Brickwall Filter where: fP = roll-off frequency of pole or poles fBF = equivalent brickwall filter frequency Noise BW Small Signal BW 0 Filter Attenuation (dB) Skirt of 1-Pole Filter Response Skirt of 2-Pole Filter Response -20 Skirt of 3-Pole Filter Response -40 Brickwall -80 0.1fP fP fBF Frequency (f) 10fP 24 AC Noise Bandwidth Ratios for nth Order Low-Pass Filters BWn = (fH)(Kn) Effective Noise Bandwidth Real Filter Correction vs Brickwall Filter Number of Poles in Filter Kn AC Noise Bandwidth Ratio 1 1.57 2 1.22 3 1.16 4 1.13 5 1.12 25 Broadband Noise Equation eBB BWn = (fH)(Kn) where: BWn = noise bandwidth for a given system fH = upper frequency of frequency range of operation Kn = “Brickwall” filter multiplier to include the “skirt” effects of a low pass filter enBB = (eBB)(√[BWn]) where: enBB = Broadband voltage noise in volts rms eBB = Broadband voltage noise density ; usually in nV/√Hz BWn = Noise bandwidth for a given system 26 1/f Noise Equation e1/f@1Hz (see appendix for derivation) e1/f@1Hz = (e1/f@f)(√[f]) where: e1/f@1Hz = normalized noise at 1Hz (usually in nV) e1/f@f = voltage noise density at f ; (usually in nV/√Hz) f = a frequency in the 1/f region where noise voltage density is known en1/f = (e1/f@1Hz)(√[ln(fH/fL)]) where: en1/f = 1/f voltage noise in volts rms over frequency range of operation e1/f@1Hz = voltage noise density at 1Hz; (usually in nV) fH = upper frequency of frequency range of operation (Use BWn as an approximation for fH) fL = lower frequency of frequency range of operation 27 Example Noise Calculation R2 1k Given: OPA627 Noise Gain of 101 R1 100k V1 15 - + + VG1 VF1 + U1 OPA627/BB Find (RTI, RTO): Voltage Noise Current Noise Resistor Noise V2 15 28 Voltage Noise Spectrum and Noise Bandwidth 50nV/rt-Hz 5nV/rt-Hz Unity Gain Bandwidth = 16MHz Closed Loop Bandwidth = 16MHz / 101 = 158kHz 29 Example Voltage Noise Calculation Voltage Noise Calculation: Broadband Voltage Noise Component: BWn ≈ (fH)(Kn) (note Kn = 1.57 for single pole) BWn ≈ (158kHz)(1.57) =248kHz enBB = (eBB)(√BWn) enBB = (5nV/√Hz)(√248kHz) = 2490nV rms 1/f Voltage Noise Component: e1/f@1Hz = (e1/f@f)(√f) e1/f@1Hz = (50nV/√Hz)(√1Hz) = 50nV en1/f = (e1/f@1Hz)(√[ln(fH/fL)]) Use fH = BWn en1/f = (50nV)(√[ln(248kHz/1Hz)]) = 176nV rms Total Voltage Noise (referred to the input of the amplifier): enT = √[(en1/f)2 + (enBB)2] enT = √[(176nV rms)2 + (2490nV rms)2] = 2496nV rms 30 Example Current Noise Calculation Note: This example amp doesn’t have 1/f component for current noise. en-in= (in)x(Req) R1 1k en-out= Gain x (in)x(Req) Rf 3k Gain IOP1 U2 - fA * VF1 Req = R1 || Rf + * 31 Example Current Noise Calculation Broadband Current Noise Component: BWn ≈ (fH)(Kn) BWn ≈ (158kHz)(1.57) =248kHz inBB = (iBB)(√BWn) inBB = (2.5fA/√Hz)(√248kHz) = 1.244pA rms Req = Rf || R1 = 100k || 1k = 0.99k eni = (In)( Req) = (1.244pA)(0.99k) = 1.23nV rms neglect Since the Total Voltage noise is envt = 2496nV rms the current noise can be neglected. 32 Example Resistor Noise Calculation enr = √(4kTKRΔf) where: R = Req = R1||Rf Δf = BWn enr = √(4 (1.38E-23) (273 + 25) (0.99k)(248kHz)) = 2010nV rms * U1 en-out= Gain x (√(4kTRΔf)) Gain nV R1Rf 2k nV R2R1 1k * U1 en-in= √(4kTRΔf) IOP1 - VF1 Req = R1 || Rf + * 33 Total Noise Calculation Voltage Noise From Op-Amp RTI: env = 2510nV rms Current Noise From Op-Amp RTI (as a voltage): eni = 1.24nV rms Resistor Noise RTI: enr = 2020nV rms Total Noise RTI: en in = √((2510nV)2 + ((1.2nV)2 + ((2010nV)2) = 3216nV rms Total Noise RTO: en out = en in x gain = (3216nV)(101) = 325uV rms 34 Calculating Noise Vpp from Noise Vrms Relation of Peak-to-Peak Value of AC Noise Voltage to rms Value Peak-to-Peak Amplitude Probability of Having a Larger Amplitude 2 X rms 32% 3 X rms 13% 4 X rms 4.6% 5 X rms 1.2% 6 X rms * 0.3% 6.6 X rms 0.1% *Common Practice is to use: Peak-to-Peak Amplitude = 6 X rms 35 Peak to Peak Output For our Example R2 1k R1 100k V1 15 - + + VG1 VF1 + U1 OPA627/BB V2 15 en out = 325uV rms en out p-p = (325uV rms )x6 = 1.95mVp-p 36 37 Tina Spice – Free simulation software • • • • DC, AC, Transient, and Noise simulation Includes all Texas Instruments op-amps Unlimited Nodes Does not include some options (e.g. Monte Carlo analysis) • Search for “Tina Spice” on www.ti.com – Download free – Application circuits available 38 Tina Spice Analysis 1. How to Verify that the Tina Model is Accurate 2. How to Build Your Own Model 3. How to Compute Input and Output Noise 39 Noise Model Test procedure: Is the Tina Noise Model Accurate? 40 Translate Current Noise to Voltage Nose Set Gain to 1. 41 Generate Spectral Noise Plots “Output Noise” diagram gives the output voltage noise spectral density measured at each volt meter. 42 Separate Curves 43 Click on Axis to Scale 44 OPA227 Matches Tina Model Matches the Data Sheet 45 The OPA627 Tina Model Does NOT Match the Data Sheet Wrong magnitude No 1/f 5nV/rtHz 46 Build Your Own Noise Model Using “Burr-Brown” Macro Model Noise Sources and Generic Op-Amp The voltage and current noise source is available at www.ti.com (search for “noise sources”). 47 Right Click on Noise Source to Edit the Macro Enter magnitude of 1/f and broadband noise into the macro. 48 1/f Region Look for a point in the 1/f region. Enter the frequency and magnitude at this point (1Hz, 50nV/rtHz) 49 Broadband Region Look for a point in the broad band region. Enter the magnitude at this point (100kHz, 5nV/rtHz) 50 Compile the Macro After macro is compiled press “file > close” and return to schematic editor. 51 Same Procedure for Current Noise Source Follow the same procedure for current noise. This example has no 1/f component (set FLWF = 0.001). 52 Important Op-Amp Characteristics OLG = 10(Ndb/20) = 1E6 (From Data Sheet) GBW = 16MHz (From Data Sheet) Dominant Pole = GBW / OLG = (16MHz) / (1E6) = 16Hz where: GBW – Unity Gain-Bandwidth Product OLG – Open Loop Gain Dominant Pole 53 Edit Generic Op-Amp Macro-model 1. Double Click on Op-Amp 2. Press “Type” Button 3. Edit “Open loop gain” and “Dominant Pole” according to Op-Amp data sheet 54 Verify the Noise Model is Correct Using the Test Procedure 2.5fA/rtHz 50nV/rtHz 2.5nV/rtHz 50nV/rtHz 2.5nV/rtHz 55 Let’s Use Tina on the Hand Analysis Circuit “Output Noise” will give the noise Spectrum at all output meters (V627 in this example). “Total Noise” will give the integrated total RMS noise at all output meters. 56 Let’s Analyze the Circuit that We did Hand Analysis on 10.00u Output noise (V/Hz?) Hand Analysis: en out = 325uV rms 100.00n Tina Analysis: en out = 323uV rms R2 100k 1.00n 1 10 400.00u 100 1k 10k 100k Frequency (Hz) 1M 10M 100M 323uV rms R1 1k V1 15 OP1 !OPAMP VG1 - * + 300.00u V627 + V2 15 Total noise (V) + U1 nV * fA U2 200.00u 100.00u 0.00 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k Frequency (Hz) 1M 10M 57 100M Use Tina to Analyze this Common Topology C1 1n R2 10k Gain vs Frequency 30.00 AC Analysis > Transfer Characteristic 20.00 R1 1k OP1 !OPAMP - * + nV * fA U2 Gain (dB) V1 15 V627 + 0.00 V2 15 U1 + 10.00 -10.00 VG1 -20.00 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k Frequency (Hz) 1M 10M 100M 1.00u Output Noise Spectrum 25.00u Output noise (V/Hz?) Total noise (V) Total Noise 25uV with BWn = 100MHz 100.00n 12.50u 10.00n 1.00n 0.00 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k Frequency (Hz) 1M 10M 100M 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k Frequency (Hz) 1M 10M 58 100M External Filter Improves Noise Performance Gain vs Frequency (V627 / VG1) 30.00 Cf Filter Gain (dB) R2 10k R1 1k V1 15 * + R2 10k V627 C1 1n V2 15 U1 + External Filter + nV * fA U2 OP1 !OPAMP - -35.00 VG1 -100.00 1 Cf Filter 25.00u 10 1.00u 100 1k 10k 100k Frequency (Hz) 1M Output noise (V/Hz?) Total noise (V) 12.50u Cf Filter 1.00n External Filter External Filter 0.00 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k Frequency (Hz) 1M 10M 100M 100M Output Noise Spectrum Total Noise 25uV with BWn = 100MHz 10M 1.00p 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k Frequency (Hz) 1M 10M 59 100M 60 Instruments For Noise Measurements 1. True RMS Meter 2. Oscilloscope 3. Spectrum Analyzer / Signal Analyzer 61 Standard deviation defined for a Probabilit True RMS Meter – How it works b Circuit under test HP3458A Input terminals b a a 1 g ( t) 2 d t (1 n 2 x n i 1 2 (1 Digitizer i1 ac Display Thousands coupling of Samples Compute RMS RMSSquared (RMS) defined for a P Root Mean This is the same as if = 0 RMS RMS Good Broadband Noise Measurement b g ( t) 2 d t b a a 1 n n 1 (1 2 xi (1 i1 62 True RMS Meter – HP3458A • 3 True RMS modes (Synchronous, Analog, Random) • Random – optimal mode for broadband measurements - Specified Bandwidth (BW = 20Hz to 10MHz) - Accuracy 0.1% for Specified Bandwidth - Noise Floor 17uVrms (on 10mV range) - Ranges: 10mV, 100mV . . . 1000V • See Appendix for Setup 63 Oscilloscope Noise Measurements • Do NOT use 10x Probes for low noise measurements • Use direct BNC Connection (10 times better noise floor) • Use Male BNC Shorting Cap to Measure Noise Floor • Use BW Limiting if Appropriate • Use digital scope in dc coupling for 1/f noise measurements (ac coupling has a 60Hz high pass) • Use AC coupling for broadband measurements if necessary 64 TDS460A Digitizing Oscilloscope Example Best Noise Floor = 0.2mV BW Limit = 20MHz BNC Shorting Cap Noise Floor = 0.8mV BW FULL = 400MHz BNC Shorting Cap Noise measurements use BNC cables Worst Noise Floor = 8mV BW FULL = 400MHz 10x Scope Probe 65 Oscilloscope Noise Measurement Ground connection Measurement Point The GND lead on the scope probe can act as a loop antenna! BNC Shorting Cap 66 Spectrum Analyzer -- Convert Result to nV/rt-Hz Vnoise 0.1Hz to 100MHz Noise Components 1MHz 10kHz Notch Filter 1MHz +/-5kHz Noise Component Spectrum Analyzer V 10kHz 100nV Spectrum Analyzer Plot f 1MHz 10MHz To convert to nV/ Hz plot at 1MHz data point we divide 100nV by 10kHz which gives the Spectral Noise Density (nV/ Hz) at 1MHz 67 Effect of Changing the measurement Bandwidth Measuring 67kHz and 72kHz -10dBm @ 72kHz -10dBm @ 72kHz -26dBm @ 67kHz -26dBm @ 67kHz Lower harmonics obscured -77dBm @ 74kHz Noise floor -80dBm Noise floor -87dBm BW set to 150Hz BW set to 1200Hz Narrow BW increases resolution & lowers noise floor Wider BW reduces resolution & raises noise floor Narrow BW Longer Sweep Time 68 dBm to Spectral Density Convert dBm to nV/rt-Hz NdBm 10 10 ( 1mW ) R Vspect_anal Vspect_den ( 5.4) Vspect_anal Kn RBW ( 5.5) Where NdBm -- the noise magnitude in dBm from the spectrum analyzer R -- the reference impedance used for the dBm calculation Vspect_anal -- noise voltage meas ured by spectrum analyzer per resolution bandwidth RBW -- resolution bandwidth setting on spectrum analyzer Vspect_den -- spectral density in (nV/rt-Hz) Kn -- conversion factor that changes the resolution bandwidth to a noise bandwidth Filter Type Application Kn 4-pole sync Most Spectrum Analyzers Analog 1.128 5-pole sync Some Spectrum Analyzers Analog 1.111 Typical FFT FFT-based Spectrum Analyzers 1.056 69 Effect of Changing Averaging No Averaging. Averaging = 49. Increase Averaging to Reduce Noise Floor Increase Measurement Time 70 71 Noise Measurement Circuits 1. 1/f Measurement Filter Circuit • Measurement results • Noise floor (choosing the best amp) 2. Example Circuit Noise Measurement • Broadband with scope and true RMS meter 3. Voltage Noise Spectral Density Measurement • Look at typical spectrum analyzer errors 72 0.1Hz Second Order 10.0Hz Fourth Order 1/f Filter 0.1Hz HPF Gain = 10 Gain = 1001 10Hz LPF Gain = 10 R1 2M R2 402k R11 2M R13 100k V7 5 C4 22n V1 5 R12 100 C2 1u - C3 1u V4 5 + + - VG1 V8 5 R6 40.2k - R3 634k + U1 OPA227 V6 5 C1 470n + U2 OPA735 + R7 97.6k + + U3 OPA735 V2 5 Device Under Test R4 1k R5 9.09k DUT R8 178k C6 10n V5 5 1/f Filter 0.1Hz to 10Hz C5 470n - R9 178k VF1 R10 226k + + U4 OPA735 V3 5 10Hz LPF Gain = 1 73 The Circuit Generates the Data Sheet 1/f Plots (Example OPA227) Tektronix TDS460A Measurement OPA227 PDS 0.1Hz to 10Hz Noise Curve OPA227 Data Sheet Curve Y-Axis scale must be adjusted to account for the gain to match data sheet. 5mV/(10x10x1000) = 50nV/div 74 1/f Filter Measured vs Tina (Example OPA227) Tektronix TDS460A Measurement Tina Simulation 1.84m OPA227 Total noise (V) OPA227 917.84u 0.00 10m 100m 1 10 Frequency (Hz) Measured Output is approximately Tina Simulation 10mVp-p 1.84mV rms 100 1k (1.84mV)(6) = 11mVp-p 75 Measure Noise Floor of 1/f Filter What Op-Amp will give us the lowest noise Floor? R1 2M R2 2M C2 1u C3 22n V1 15 C3 1u + + V4 15 U3 OPA227 + - VG1 R3 634k V3 15 R2 40.2k C3 470n Replace DUT with Short R1 402k R3 97.6k + + U1 OPA227 V1 15 R4 1k R5 9.09k R6 178k Large Input Impedance C4 10n V5 15 C1 470n R7 178k VF1 R8 226k + + U2 OPA227 V2 15 76 Measure Noise Floor of 1/f Filter What Op-Amp will give us the lowest noise Floor? Op-Amp General Description Vn (nV/rt-Hz) In (fA/rt-Hz) OPA227 Low noise Bipolar 3.5 @10Hz 6 @1Hz 20 @0.1Hz 2,000 @10Hz 6,000 @1Hz 20,000 @0.1Hz OPA132 Low noise CMOS 23 @10Hz 80 @1Hz 228 @0.1Hz 3 OPA735 Auto Zero CMOS 135 40 77 OPA227 OPA132 (15mVp-p paint can) (0.6mVp-p in paint can) Large Current noise Low noise in thermally stable environment OPA734 OPA132 (0.8mVp-p in free air) (3mVp-p in free air) Auto zero No 1/f Noise Low Vosi Drift “Noise” from Vosi Drift Note: measurements in paint can minimize thermal drift. 78 Some General Measurement Precautions Linear Supply or Battery Copper box or paint can as RFI / EMI Shield. This also minimizes thermal drift BNC From Circuit Under Test BNC To Scope Use BNC Male Shorting cap for noise floor 79 A paint can makes a good shielded environment Scope or true RMS DVM Floating Linear Supply or Batteries 20mV p-p Out Low Noise Boost Amp 1000x In 20uV p-p Out Circuit under test Steel Paint Can 80 Measure The OPA627 Example Using A Scope Copper box Rf R2100k 1k R1 1k R1 1k V1 9 + Output noise To_Scope + U1 OPA627/BB BNC V2 9 Scope BNC Calculated (Previous Example): Vn = 325uV rms Measured: Vn = √((476uV)2 – (148uV)2) = 452uV rms Noise floor Note: peak to peak reading is roughly 2mVp-p 81 Measure The OPA627 Example Using A True RMS Meter (HP3458a) Copper box Rf R2100k 1k R1 1k R1 1k V1 9 BNC + To_Scope Coax HP3458A True RMS + U1 OPA627/BB SETACV RNDM V2 9 Banana Calculated (Previous Example): en = 325uV rms Measured HP3458A DVM: DVM_READING =346uV Noise Floor = 18uV Noise_Meas = √((346uV)2 – (18uV)2) = 346uV rms 82 Spectrum Analyzer Measurement of OPA627 Low Req to reduce effect of in and thermal noise (Voltage Noise Spectrum) Agilent 35770a Dynamic Signal Analyzer R2 10k • Has nV/rt-Hz Mode • Bandwidth 0Hz to 100kHz V2 5 R1 100 U1 OPA627/BB + V1 5 R3 1M + C1 20u 1M Input Impedance 20mV dc offset 0.2mVp-p noise (Bad SNR) 0.008Hz HPF removes dc component, but still allows 1/f measurement 83 Spectrum Analyzer Measurement of OPA627 The low frequency run is time consuming. Approximately 12 min. OPA627 OutputSpectral Density (Gain=100) 1.00E+00 1.00E-01 Spectral Density (V/rt-Hz) 1.00E-02 Spect 1.00E-03 spect3 spect2 1.00E-04 spect4 spect5 1.00E-05 noise floor 1.00E-06 1.00E-07 1.00E-08 1.00E-02 1.00E-01 1.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06 Freq (Hz) Noise floor verification Data was collected over five different frequency ranges 84 Spectrum Analyzer Measurement of OPA627 60Hz noise pickup OPA627 OutputSpectral Density (Gain=100) 1.00E+00 1.00E-01 Low frequency tail on each run must be discarded. Spectral Density (V/rt-Hz) 1.00E-02 Spect 1.00E-03 spect3 spect2 1.00E-04 spect4 spect5 1.00E-05 noise floor 1.00E-06 1.00E-07 1.00E-08 1.00E-02 1.00E-01 1.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06 Freq (Hz) 1. Combine to one curve 2. Discard bad information 3. Divide by gain of 100 85 The “Tail Error” is from relatively wide measurement bandwidth at low frequency. OPA627 OutputSpectral Density (Gain=100) 1.00E+00 Spectral Density (V/rt-Hz) 1.00E-01 1.00E-02 1.00E-03 1Hz - Band pass filter is very wide near 1Hz (dc and 1/f noise introduce errors) 1Hz - Band pass filter is very narrow at 1kHz 1.00E-04 1.00E-05 1.00E-06 1.00E-07 1.00E-01 Actual Noise 1.00E+00 Measured Noise 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 Freq (Hz) 86 Spectrum Analyzer Measurement of OPA627 OPA627 PDS Voltage Noise Spectral Density for OPA627 Noise Spectral Density (nV/rt-Hz) 1000.0 100.0 10.0 1.0 1.00E-01 1.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 Frequency (Hz) Measured 1/f noise corner is better then data sheet. 87 References 1. 2. 3. Robert V. Hogg, and Elliot A Tanis, Probability and Statistical Inference, 3rd Edition, Macmillan Publishing Co C. D. Motchenbacher, and J. A. Connelly, Low-Noise Electronic System Design, A Wiley-Interscience Publication Henry W. Ott, Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronics Systems, John Wiley and Sons Acknowledgments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. R. Burt, Technique for Computing Noise based on Data Sheet Curves, General Noise Information N. Albaugh, General Noise Information, AFA Deep-Dive Seminar T. Green, General Information B. Trump, General Information B. Sands, Noise Models Noise Article Series (www.en-genius.net) http://www.en-genius.net/site/zones/audiovideoZONE/technical_notes/avt_022508 88 Thank You for Your Interest in Noise – Calculation and Measurement Comments, Questions, Technical Discussions Welcome: Art Kay 520-746-6072 kay_art@ti.com 89 90 Mean defined for a Probability Distribution Function Mean defined for a Discrete Statistical Population (1) Continuous form ( x)f( x) d x b g ( t) dt b a a 1 (9) Continuous form ( x) f( x) (2) Discrete form Variance defined for a Probability Distribution Function 2 x 2 f( x) dx (3) Continuous form (Formulas) Statistics Summary x 2 x 2 f( x) (4) Discrete form x 1 n n xi (10) Discrete form i1 Variance defined for a Probability Distribution Function b 2 2 b a a g ( t) 2 d t 1 1 n (11) Continuous form n 2 xi (12) Discrete form i1 Standard deviation defined for a Probability Distribution Function Standard deviation defined for a Probability Distribution Function 2 x 2 f( x) dx (5) Continuous form 2 x 2 f( x) b b a a g ( t) 2 d t 1 (13) Continuous form (6) Discrete form x n x 2 n i 1 2 (14) Discrete form i1 Root Mean Squared (RMS) defined for a Probability Distribution Function This is the same as if = 0 RMS 2 ( x) f( x) d x (7) Continuous form RMS x Root Mean Squared (RMS) defined for a Probability Distribution Function This is the same as if = 0 RMS 2 b g ( t) 2 d t b a a 1 (15) Continuous form (8) Discrete form ( x) f( x) RMS n n 1 i1 2 xi (16) Discrete form 91 Statistics Summary (PDF vs Discrete Population) Example: Statistics on the Probability Distribution Function Example: Statistics on the Discrete Statistical Population 1 x rnorm( 1001 0 1) 0 f( x) ( x ) 2 22 e 1 2 i 1 1000 Probability Distribution Function for Normal Curve .5 0.4 f( x) 5 xi 0 0 0.2 5 500 1000 i 0 5 0 5 x 1000 1 1000 ( x)f( x) d x 0 var var x 2 f( x) d x 3 4.181 10 x i 0 Mean i1 Mean var 1 1000 1 1000 Variance xi 0 2 i1 var 1.021 Variance var var 1 RMS 2 ( x) f( x) d x 1.01 Standard Deviation Standard Deviation RMS RMS 1 Root Mean Squared 1 1000 1000 2 xi 0 i1 RMS 1.01 Root Mean Squared 92 Statistics Summary (RMS and STDEV) Example where RMS STDEV Example where RMS = STDEV g ( t) sin ( t) 0.3 g ( t ) sin ( t) 2 0 1 2 g( t) dt 0 0.3 var 2 0 2 g( t) 2 d t 0 2 g ( t) dt 0 Variance for a Discrete Statistical Population 1 2 0 1 Variance defined for a Probability Distribution Function var 2 0 2 1 var 0.5 0 g ( t) 2 d t 0 var 0.5 Standard deviation for a Discrete Statistical Population Standard deviation defined for a Probability Distribution Function var var 0.707 0.707 Root Mean Squared (RMS) for a Discrete Statistical Population This is the same as if = 0 Root Mean Squared (RMS) defined for a Probability Distribution Function This is the same as if = 0 2 g( t) 2 dt RMS 2 0 0 2 g( t) 2 dt RMS 2 0 0 1 1 RMS 2 2 2 2 RMS So 0.707 RMS 0.768 2 RMS RMS 0.707 2 93 RMS vs STDEV Stdev = RMS when the Mean is zero (No DC component). Tina gives the true RMS result in AC calculations. See mathematical proof in appendix. RMS = STDEV RMS ≠ STDEV 1Vpk sinusoidal 94 Useful Numerical Methods Method for generating a time domain approximation of 1/f noise For i = 1 To 32768 white = Rnd(1) - 0.5 buf0 = 0.997 * old_buf0 + 0.029591 * white buf1 = 0.985 * old_buf1 + 0.032534 * white buf2 = 0.95 * old_buf2 + 0.048056 * white buf3 = 0.85 * old_buf3 + 0.090579 * white buf4 = 0.62 * old_buf4 + 0.10899 * white buf5 = 0.25 * old_buf5 + 0.255784 * white pink = buf0 + buf1 + buf2 + buf3 + buf4 + buf5 Next i 95 Useful Numerical Methods Method for generating average, standard deviation, and RMS for a discrete population (sampled data) ‘N is the Number of samples, and f(i) is an array of measured data Average=0 ‘Initialize the variables Stdev=0 RMS=0 For i = 1 To N Average=Average + f(i) Next I Average = Average/N For i = 1 To N stdev=(f(i) – Average)^2 Next I Stdev = Stdev/N For i = 1 To N RMS=(f(i))^2 Next I RMS = RMS/N 96 f erms 2 2 2 e G 2 df n f 1 Brick Wall Factor Calculation for first order filter. where erms -- total rms noise from f1 to f2 in Vrms en -- magnatitude of noise spectral density at f1 in V/ Hz G -- gain function for a single pole filter 1 G 1 1 G j f 2 1 p G 2 2 fp 1 1 2 f 2 fp 2 f erms erms 2 2 f2 f 1 2 en 1 2 2 fp 2 en df 2 2 fp f f df f 2 fp 2 1 1 f2 f1 2 2 en fp atan en fp atan fp fp Let f1 = 0, f2 = erms erms erms f1 2 en fp 2 fp 2 en fp atan en fp atan 2 2 en fp 2 2 2 2 en fp 2 97 1/f Noise Derivation en f erms 2 enormal 0.5 2 en 2 2 enormal enormal f 0.5 f 2 Units for en = V / Hz enormal = V f = Hz b 2 enormal f df 2 enormal ln ( f) b erms units of V rms a a erms erms 2 enormal ln ( b ) enormal ln ( a) 2 2 enormal ln 2 2 enormal ln 2 b a b a b erms enormal ln a ln b has no units a enormal has units of V 98 Current Noise - 0V + + (In x Rf) - R1 1k Rf 3k IOP1 U2 In - fA * VF1 + Vo = (In x Rf) 99 Current Noise R2 1k nV * U1 R11k R2 Rf2k R1 - + Equ_Input_Noise Vo R1 2k IOP1 Equ. Input Noise Equ_Input_Noise IOP1 - VF1 + Gain In Rf Rf 1 Equ_Input_Noise = In (Rf || R1) * nV * U1 Vo = (In x Rf) VF1 R1 In Rf R1 Rf R1 U1 nV 100 Solve for Resistor Noise Components * U1 nV R1Rf 2k nV R2R1 1k * U1 Noise Source with Each Resistor IOP1 - VF1 + 101 nV Rf 2k R1 * U1 * U1 en1 nV R2R1 1k IOP1 - VF1 + Vo = en1 x Rf/R1 102 * U1 * U1 en2 nV Rf2k R1 nV R11k R2 IOP1 - VF1 + Vo = en2 103 R2 1k Add noise components and refer to the input. Note: the input noise is equivalent to Rf || R1 (proof on next page) nV * U1 R2 1k 1 U1 nV VF1 Rf R1 4 kT BW Rf R1 Equivalent to noise of Rf || R1 R1 2k Rf IOP1 IOP1 Output_noise R1 Input_noise - + Input_noise R1 2k - VF1 + * nV * U1 2 Output_noise Let Rf 2 e e n1 n2 R1 4 kT BW 104 2 Output_Noise Let 2 en1 en2 2 Output_noise Rf R1 R 1 2 R2 1k nV Rf R1 R1 Input_noise Rf R1 * U1 R2 1k - + Input_noise IOP1 R1 2k IOP1 U1 nV Rf 2 2 Rf 1 2 R1 2k - Rf 2 en1 R en2 1 2 4 kT BW Proof: Simple Amp Resistor Noise Input Noise is equivalent to noise from parallel combination of Rf and R1. 2 VF1 2 Rf R1 Rf 2 Rf R1 2 R1 2 Rf R1 Rf R1 Rf R12 2 + * nV * U1 2 Input_noise 2 Rf R1 Rf R1 Rf R12 Rf R1 Rf R1 VF1 Input_noise Rf R1 Rf R1 4 kT BW Equ to noise of Rf || R1 105