Electrostatics • Electrostatics is the study of electrical charges that are not moving. Electro – charges, statics– not moving. • Review chemistry – Protons, positively charged, in nucleus – Neutrons, not charged, in nucleus – Electrons, negatively charged , outside of nucleus • Protons determine the identity of the atom, and are not allowed to move within the atom, they always stay in the nucleus Bonding • There are 3 types of bonding – Covalent = Sharing electrons – Ionic = atoms steal or have their e- stolen – Metalic = atom’s nucleus is in a “sea of electrons” • No electron belongs to any particular nucleus • All electrons interact with all protons in all of the nuclei • This allows electrons to be “pushed” or pulled through the material Conductivity- Insulators • The type of bond determines if an object will be able to conduct electricity or not – In covalent and ionic bonds the electrons are shared between atoms and are tightly bound – Electrons are not able to flow, these materials are called insulators – Examples? Conductivity-conductors • The type of bond determines if an object will be able to conduct electricity or not – In a metallic bond electrons are not tightly bound and are able to flow. These materials are called conductors. – Conductor applet – Examples? Conductivity of dissolved Ionic compounds • Solid Ionic compounds themselves are not conductors because their Ions are locked in place • But when dissolved in water, or melt them they become very good conductors because the ions are now free to move about. • Do demo • Pure water is not a conductor of electricity and neither are salts (sweat, dissolved minerals, sea salts • But put them together and watch out! Coulomb’s Law • • • • Coulomb’s Law 2nd Coulomb’s Law website Which charges are which (challenge) Move the charge where the force would be zero • Continue to work on this page Electric force compared to Gravitational Force • Gravity vs electrical force.pdf • In physics gravity is by far the weakest to all the forces, but physics also tells us that is will predict the outcome of the end of the Universe. MORE POSITIVE Types of Charges • There are 4 methods of charging • Friction Objects likelihood of gaining electrons can be summarized by if they are “natural” or “manmade” The more natural tends to lose electrons and become positive, man made to gain electrons and become negative •Human Hands (if very dry) •Leather •Rabbit Fur •Glass •Human Hair •Nylon •Wool •Fur •Lead •Silk •Aluminum •Paper •Cotton •Steel (neutral) •Wood •Amber •Hard Rubber •Nickel, Copper •Brass, Silver •Gold, Platinum •Polyester •Styrene (Styrofoam) •Saran Wrap •Polyurethane •Polyethylene (scotch tape) •Polypropylene Vinyl (PVC) •Silicon •Teflon MORE NEGATIVE Types of Charges • There are 4 methods of charging • • • • Friction Induction Conduction (animation to show friction and conduction charging) And Polarization (applet to show how electrons move) • Sweater Applet Charges build up on points • Keys • Fingers • Lightning rods • This is because of something called an electric field, it is kind of complicated Electric fields • Electric fields are ways of visualizing the electric force that Coulomb’s law predicts • Electric fields can be drawn following a few rules 1. 2. 3. All field lines start at a positive charge and end at a negative charge (if there is one) All field lines leave and enter the surface of the charged object at a right angle to the surface The “density” of the lines represents the strength of the electric field. • A test charge is used to determine the force in an electric field – It is a positive charge – It should be thought of as having such a small charge that it doesn’t effect the electric field in any way, but does predict the Coulomb’s force • Applet with two unlike charges(with test charge) • Applet with two like charges (with test charge) • Applet where you can add charges Lightning • Lightning is a result of a built up static charge between the ground and the clouds • Lightning applet • BrainPop on Lightning Van de Graff Generator Short video on how it works Florescent light bulbs