Assignment Sheet

Persuasive Speech
Original Oratory
Time: 6:00 (min.) -- 10:00 (max.)
Speech (You Pick: word for word, outline, or notecards)
Works Cited
This speech is a chance for you to apply your verbal and nonverbal speech delivery technique,
speech composition skills, past speaking experiences, and knowledge of the communication process
to create an original, persuasive speech on a contemporary issue. Your job is to persuade the
class to see your side on this issue through the use of the skills that you have acquired
throughout the semester in Communication Studies. In addition to these tactics, you will be
utilizing the “Monroe’s Motivated Sequence” organizational plan to create and deliver your
persuasive speech. Although the format of the speech will be given to you, the content of the
argument is yours to establish.
Research Requirements
 Minimum 4 sources
 Citation of sources throughout speech (weaved into your speech)
 Works cited turned in with Speech
Ground Rules
1. As an audience member, you have a right to agree or disagree; however, you may not be
disrespectful or outright disagree with a point during someone’s speech.
2. Your teacher reserves the right to approve or disapprove any topic. Your topic must get
approved before you begin researching your speech. You may not change topics without approval.
Fri. 5/1
Mon. 5/4
Tue. 5/5
Wed. 5/6
Thur. 5/7
Fri. 5/8
Introduce O.O. ; Example Speech; Brainstorm Topics
Monroe’s Motivated Sequence; Persuasive Outline
Topic DUE; Troubleshoot
Work Day: Research
Work Day: Research / Works Cited
Work Day: Speech Writing
Mon. 5/11
Tue. 5/12
Wed 5/13
Thur. 5/14
Fri. 5/15
Work Day: Speech Writing
PARCC; 9:10-10:10 Work Day
PARCC; No class
PARCC; 8:50-9:22 Practice Day / Speech DUE
PARCC; 8:50-9:22 Practice Day
Mon. 5/18
Tue. 5/19
Wed. 5/20
Thur. 5/21
Fri. 5/22
Group #4 + Seniors
Group #1
Group #2
Group #3 *Honors Assembly
Additional Speeches
Persuasive Rubric
50 Points
A (50-45 pts.) Your speech meets the time limit and is persuasive in nature. The speech had
evidence of research flawlessly woven into the presentation and sources were creditable. The facts
and information were helpful in supporting the purpose. The topic was narrow enough to be fully
developed and established a need for the audience to listen. The introduction gained audience
attention and created interest. Your creditability was established. The main points were outlined
and previewed for the audience’s understanding. The body of the speech establishes need, provides
a clear solution in order to satisfy the audience, and visualization was used to convince the
audience in a positive or negative manner. The conclusion was well developed by summarizing the
speech content and called the audience to action by directly telling them how they can participate.
The speech ends with a thoughtful clincher or an idea for the audience to remember. The speech
itself used language that was purposeful in making your point and words were used appropriately.
The delivery was well executed and included all 6 key of delivery including eye contact, vocal
variety, gestures and posture, articulation, practice indicated, and pacing.
B (44-40 pts.) Your speech meets the time limit, or is with 5 seconds, and is persuasive in nature.
The speech had evidence of research woven into the presentation and sources were mostly
creditable. The facts and information were somewhat helpful in supporting the purpose. The topic
was narrow enough but not fully developed. You established a need for the audience to listen. The
introduction gained audience attention and created interest. Your creditability was somewhat
established. The main points were outlined and previewed for the audience’s understanding. The
body of the speech establishes need, provides a solution in order to satisfy the audience, and
visualization was used but wasn’t as convincing. The conclusion was present by summarizing the
speech content and called the audience to action by mentioning to them how they can participate.
The speech ends with a clincher or an idea for the audience to remember. The speech itself used
language that was purposeful in making your point and words were used appropriately. The
delivery was satisfactory and included all 6 key of delivery including eye contact, vocal variety,
gestures and posture, articulation, practice indicated, and pacing.
C (39-35 pts.) Your speech doesn’t meet the time limit but is persuasive in nature. The speech had
evidence of research woven into the presentation and sources were mostly creditable. The facts and
information were somewhat helpful in supporting the purpose. The topic was narrow enough but
not fully developed. You established a need for the audience to listen. The introduction gained
audience attention and created interest. Your creditability was somewhat established. The main
points were outlined and previewed for the audience’s understanding. The body of the speech
establishes need, provides a solution in order to satisfy the audience, and visualization was used
but wasn’t as convincing. The conclusion was present by summarizing the speech content and
called the audience to action by mentioning to them how they can participate. The speech ends with
a clincher or an idea for the audience to remember. The speech itself used language that was
purposeful in making your point and words were used appropriately. The delivery was satisfactory
and included all 6 key of delivery including eye contact, vocal variety, gestures and posture,
articulation, practice indicated, and pacing.