Administrators Handbook: Student Services Significant Dates Diploma Exams January Administration of Diploma Exams For specific dates and schedules pertaining to each point please go to the link provided above. November • Deadline for all course transfers for diploma examination courses • Deadline for all January registrations and payment of fees, if applicable • Deadline for receipt of all January accommodation requests for students with special diploma examination writing needs • Deadline to submit January Diploma Examination Accommodation Request Transfer Form December • Exam Administration ships Shipment 1 (humanities Part(ie) A and B) diploma examination materials to school authorities and schools • Schools should contact their authority office or Exam Administration if they have not yet received their Shipment 1 diploma examination materials or if there are errors or omissions in a shipment January • Exam Administration ships Shipment 2 (mathematics and science) diploma examination materials to school authorities and schools • Schools administer humanities Part(ie) A diploma examinations according to the schedule • Superintendents/Principals must return, to Exam Administration, only written/used Part A examination materials for English Language Arts 30–1 and English Language Arts 30–2; unused/extra Part A materials may be kept at the schools after the administration • Superintendents/Principals must return only written/used Part(ie) A examination materials for Social Studies 30–1 and Social Studies 30–2; unused/extra Part(ie) A materials may be kept at the schools after the administration • Superintendents/Principals must return, to Exam Administration, only written/used Partie A examination materials for French Language Arts 30–1; unused/extra Partie A materials may be kept at the schools after the administration • Superintendents/Principals must return, to Exam Administration, all Partie A examination materials, used and unused, for Français 30–1 • Schools should contact their authority office or Exam Administration if they have not yet received their Shipment 2 diploma examination materials or if there are errors or omissions in a shipment • Schools administer humanities Part(ie) B, mathematics, and science diploma examinations according to the schedule • Superintendents/Principals must return, to Exam Administration, all Part B examination materials, used and unused, for English Language Arts 30–1 and English Language Arts 30–2 • Superintendents/Principals must return, to Exam Administration, all Part(ie) B examination materials, used and unused, for Social Studies 30–1 and Social Studies 30–2 • School-awarded marks for students who have received instruction in diploma examination courses and who are registered to write the January diploma examinations must be postmarked or transmitted to PASI and Student Records • Principals should have a method in place for informing students of their school-awarded marks that were submitted to PASI and Student Records • Superintendents/Principals must return, to Exam Administration, all examination materials, used and unused, for French Language Arts 30–1 Part B, Français 30–1 Partie B, and Biology 30 • Superintendents/Principals must return, to Exam Administration, all examination materials, used and unused, for Applied Mathematics 30, Pure Mathematics 30, and Chemistry 30 • Superintendents/Principals must return, to Exam Administration, all examination materials, used and unused, for Physics 30 and Science 30 February • Results Statements for the January administration are distributed to students; transcripts are available to students; and Lists of Students’ Results are distributed to schools and jurisdictions March • Deadline for receiving rescore requests from the January session • January school and school authority detailed reports are available on the extranet • January rescore results are distributed to students *Return shipment dates are dependent upon courier schedules. **Requests for rescoring received after the deadline will be denied. Note: In accordance with Section 4 of the Student Evaluation Regulation, Alberta Regulation 177/2003, a late return charge of $20 per late examination will be charged to schools for evaluation materials returned to Exam Administration after a marking session is complete. June Administration of Diploma Exams For specific dates and schedules pertaining to each point please go to the link provided above. April • Deadline for all course transfers for diploma examination courses • Deadline for all June registrations and payment of fees, if applicable • Deadline for receipt of all June accommodations requests for students with special diploma examination writing needs • Deadline to submit June Diploma Examination Accommodation Request Transfer Form May • Exam Administration ships Shipment 1 (humanities Part(ie) A and B) diploma examination materials to school authorities and schools • Schools should contact their authority office or Exam Administration if they have not yet received their Shipment 1 diploma examination materials or if there are errors or omissions in a shipment May – June • Exam Administration ships Shipment 2 (mathematics and science) diploma examination materials to school authorities and schools June • Schools should contact their authority office or Exam Administration if they have not yet received their Shipment 2 diploma examination materials or if there are errors or omissions in a shipment • Schools administer humanities Part(ie) A diploma examinations according to the schedule • Superintendents/Principals must return, to Exam Administration, only written/used Part A examination materials for English Language Arts 30–1 and English Language Arts 30–2; unused/extra Part A materials may be kept at the schools after the administration • Superintendents/Principals must return only written/used Part(ie) A examination materials for Social Studies 30–1 and Social Studies 30–2; unused/extra Part(ie) A materials may be kept at the schools after the administration. • Superintendents/Principals must return, to Exam Administration, only written/used Partie A examination materials for French Language Arts 30–1; unused/extra Partie A materials may be kept at the schools after the administration • Superintendents/Principals must return, to Exam Administration, all Partie A examination materials, used and unused, for Français 30–1 • School-awarded marks for students who have received instruction in diploma examination courses and who are registered to write the June diploma examinations must be postmarked or transmitted to PASI and Student Records • Principals should have a method in place for informing students about their school-awarded marks that were submitted to PASI and Student Records • Schools administer the humanities Part(ie) B, mathematics, and science diploma examinations according to the schedule • Superintendents/Principals must return, to Exam Administration, all Part B examination materials, used and unused, for English Language Arts 30–1 and English Language Arts 30–2 • Superintendents/Principals must return, to Exam Administration, all Part(ie) B examination materials, used and unused, for Social Studies 30–1 and Social Studies 30–2 • Superintendents/Principals must return, to Exam Administration, all examination materials, used and unused, for Partie B Français 30–1 and French Language Arts 30–1, Biology 30, Applied Mathematics 30, and Pure Mathematics 30 • Superintendents/Principals must return, to Exam Administration, all examination materials, used and unused, for Chemistry 30, Physics 30, and Science 30 July 20, 2012 • Results Statements for the June administration are distributed to students; transcripts are available to students; and Lists of Students’ Results are distributed to schools and jurisdictions August 3 • Deadline for receiving rescore requests from the June session • June school and school authority detailed reports are available on the extranet • June rescore results are distributed to students *Return shipment dates are dependent upon courier schedules. **Requests for rescoring received after the deadline will be denied. Note: In accordance with Section 4 of the Student Evaluation Regulation, Alberta Regulation 177/2003, a late return charge of $20 per late examination will be charged to schools for evaluation materials returned to Exam Administration after a marking session is complete.