christmas & new year's break

Lincoln Park Alternative High School
“The Talker” Weekly Newsletter
Volume 1, Issue 15
Week of:
Dec 15, 2014 – Jan 4, 2015
Norma J. Garcia, Principal’s Headlines
Daily Reminders
Clock in/clock
out – DON’T
Door Duty –
Be at your
doors as soon
as the bell
School duty –
Make sure to
report to
your stations
in a timely
Christmas break is coming up soon next week, December 19 – January 4, 2015
for the student, December 20 – January 4th, 2015 for the Faculty and Staff. Please
be reminded to disconnect all electrical equipment just in case. Have a blessed
Christmas break with your families. Enjoy, rest!
If you are going to call in for a substitute, remember to notify me as soon as
you know. If you qualify for a substitute, you must input your request into the
system asap. If you are calling in the morning, I need to know by 6:00am please.
My number is 956-545-5955. Your support is needed. Any questions or clarifications
please see me. Thank you.
From the desk of Ms. L. Ortiz, Asst. Principal Please remind your students to be present for attendance purposes
and achieving our goals for academic success!
Your support is always greatly appreciated!
 Benchmark Data is available through TANGO. Please take time
and look at the various reports and information that can be
obtained through this great software. We need to ensure that we
are creating data driven lessons.
WO# 400750 White boards needed to supplement chalk boards for instruction
WO# 408979 Alarm Box in Daycare needs to be repaired
WO#410411 Relocation of Drops in the library
WO#412757 Roof is leaking in room 107
Counselor’s Center
From The Counselors:
Week of December 15th – 19th
RECAP on LAST WKS EVENTSo Big Thank You Again – to Mrs. Farias for her assistance in the Counseling Office! 
o Big thank you Again- to Mrs. Alviar for Continuing to assist with the College Awareness
activities. 
o BIG Thank You to all the teachers that have been attending the Weekly At-Risk meetings
and sharing your concerns- Very Helpful
 Monday, December 15th – Folow Up Meeting with all the potential candidates for the Medical
Admin Assist Cert (CMAA) Program scheduled for the Spring Semester/ Announcement will be
 Work on Building Spring Semester Schedules Continue to Meet with the MIDDLE School students- Individual and Group, walk in visits
 Continue to meet with all students– College Awareness and New classes being offered next
Teachers: Reminder to report any type of Bullying that you may witness in your
classroom or may become aware of…
o Alejandra Patino from Porter HS
CONGRATULATIONS for completing all credits pending EOC results- 
o Jessica Garcia From Porter H.S.
o Joana Reyes from Lopez H.S .
o Valeria Garcia Porter H.S .
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TLI NEWS by Candase Hampton
Word of the Week: Distinguish
Just another reminder that we will be having training in January for Determining Importance and
Summarizing Part II.
CBLT Members: I will be emailing you a study guide/questions that may be answered and emailed back
to me. Remember there are only 4 books on campus. Please share your books with the other CBLT
members so that they may be able to complete the task. When I get back we will use the questions to
complete the book study.
When asking questions to students, make sure you are utilizing higher level questions. Preparing you
questions beforehand helps make sure these questions are being used. Refer to the TLI website for DOK
question stems that may be useful in any class.
On the website I also posted STAAR Blueprints & Lead 4Ward Academic vocabulary for each testing
area. Please feel free to browse.
Please don't hesitate to contact me via email for any questions or concerns.
Happy Holidays!
TST News by Ricardo Longoria Jr.
Teachers please continue to send all Compass and A+ requests
via email to me. Please include student’s name, I.D., Home
Campus and your course number/period.
Please submit your Tech requests via our school website.
I will be scheduling an upcoming training on Office 365 for our
entire campus.
If you have any computers that still give you the Windows XP
logo when logging in; please send me an email. I will need to
image your computer to bring it up to date with Windows 7. If
this includes your teacher unit please begin saving your files
into My Documents as I will have to image that unit as well.
May you have a very restful and Merry Christmas!!
Parent Liaison News
 Attendance Issues, please
notify Ms. Anzaldua.
Monday, December 15
Secret Angel mini gift exchange
Day Care: Parent Meeting at lunch time
Cluster Principal’s Meeting for Ms. Garcia @ 7:30 AM
DEIC Meeting for Ms. Wilson @ Boardroom @ 5:30 PM
Tuesday , December 16
Secret Angel mini gift exchange
Christmas Breakfast sponsored by Group I
At- Risk Meeting @3:30- 4:00 Computer Lab – To discuss students that are endanger of failing/
and or not progressing.
Wednesday, December 17
Secret Angel mini gift exchange
Adopt an Angel Activity by Day Care & Sponsors
Sweetbread sponsored by Mrs. Leal & Mrs. Garcia
Principal’s Meeting in the Boardroom @1 PM
Christmas Parties 7th Period
Thursday, December 18
Secret Angel mini gift exchange
End of 3rd 6 Weeks/1st Semester
Friday, December 19
Secret Angel $15-$20 gift exchange during Breakfast
Teacher Work Day/No classes
Christmas Breakfast sponsored by Group II
Happy Friday!
Saturday, December 20, 2014 – January 4, 2015:
 Jan 10: New Teacher Inservice Day 1
 Jan 13 – 17th: TMFSA
 Jan 17: New Teacher Inservice Day 2
 Jan 22: BISD College Financial Night 6:30 – 8:30 PM @ Events Center
 Jan 23: Progress Reports Due
 Jan 26: Parent Mtg in Day Care at lunch time
A couple of reminders: As we continue to conduct walk-throughs, you must make sure to have the
following items displayed in addition to utilizing required district guidelines:
 All TEK numbers need to be posted; you must have an objective as well.
 You should be following your district Scope and Sequence and you need to be following your
Curriculum Instructional Framework from the C & I website.
 ELPS are not posted, the poster itself is not sufficient to tell us what you are teaching, please
ensure you target the listening, speaking, reading and the writing.
 CPQ’s – There should be a “GREAT” CPQ daily posted on your boards. It must connect to the
objective of the day or the week.
 Your classes need to be more student-centered. In other words, students need to be given more
opportunity to discuss higher order thinking questions.
 Plan in advance for your Think/Turn/Talk opportunities.
 Interactive Word Walls must be displayed. It must contain words that you are covering for the
week. It needs to be interactive.
 Word of the Day must be reviewed and displayed daily. (You will be receiving a template in
order for all teachers to implement) This initiative is a district mandate.
Library News by Ms. Alviar
The Library and Media Service Department would like to give your students an opportunity to
demonstrate their creativity, digital literacy and above all, love for reading. We will hold a Teen Read
Week Contest for secondary schools which will consist of creating a video promoting the campus choice
book title from the top ten listed by the Young Adult Library Association (YALSA) on their website at Entry links must be submitted by 19 October at midnight
to to be eligible for the prize (10 copies of the book featured in their video) being
awarded. The top ten submissions which meet the below criteria will be listed on our website for viewing, if
submitted by October 31st.
All participants in the video must be a student, faculty, staff member or administrator at your
campus. The video will be judged on the following:
Convinces others to read that book
Presents the overall theme of the book
Demonstrates that campus’ commitment to reading
Demonstrates the design team’s digital literacy skills
Meets the 1-3 minute length
Meets the “G” movie rating criteria