ELASTOMER SEALS OCTOBER 2015 UNCONFIRMED UNCONFIRMED MINUTES OCTOBER 19-20, 2015 PITTSBURGH, PA, USA These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency. MONDAY, OCTOBER 19 to TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2015 1.0 OPENING COMMENTS – OPEN AND CLOSED 1.1 Call to Order / Verbal Quorum Check – OPEN and CLOSED The Elastomer Seals Task Group (SEAL TG) was called to order by M. Koucouthakis, Chairperson, at 8:00 a.m., 19-Oct-2015. It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting. A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance: Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member) NAME * * * * * * * * Shaun Brent Kent Melissa Alan Patrick Manuel Estrella COMPANY NAME Brewin Clothier DeFranco Facas Fletcher Heppe Koucouthakis Watson Rolls-Royce Cessna Aircraft Company Lockheed Martin Corp. Pratt & Whitney US Air Force The Boeing Company Honeywell Aerospace UTC Aerospace (Goodrich) Proxy for M. Keal and J. Cutler Chairperson V. Chairperson; Proxy for M. Gauge Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member) NAME * * * * Steven Dirk John Scott Manuel Joseph COMPANY NAME Booker Bushman Dickinson Kronabetter Rebelo Tengco DuPont Freudenberg-NOK Parker Hannifin Corp. CSS Division Micro-Tronics Inc. Freudenberg-NOK Parker Hannifin PRI Staff Present Keith 1.2 Purnell Safety Information – OPEN and CLOSED Fire exits and how to vacate the building using the stairs were reviewed. Attendees were requested to notify PRI Staff of any emergencies. ELASTOMER SEALS OCTOBER 2015 UNCONFIRMED 1.3 Review Code of Ethics and Meeting Conduct – OPEN and CLOSED The Nadcap Personal Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest were reviewed with the Task Group in the OPEN and CLOSED meetings. 1.4 Present the Antitrust Video – OPEN and CLOSED The Antitrust Video was reviewed with the Task Group in the OPEN and CLOSED meetings. 1.5 Review Agenda – OPEN The agenda for the October 2015 meeting was reviewed. Attendees were given the opportunity to discuss their expectations for this meeting. No expectations beyond what was listed in the agenda were expressed. 1.6 Acceptance of June Meeting Minutes – OPEN The minutes from June 2015 Nadcap meeting were reviewed. Motion made by K. DeFranco and seconded by J. Dickinson to accept the June 2015 minutes as written. Motion Passed Unanimously. 2.0 REVIEW MEMBERSHIP STATUS – OPEN The voting membership was reviewed and proxy votes were recorded. The voting records and meeting attendance for SEAL Task Group Voting Members, Subscriber and Supplier, were reviewed for compliance to the requirements for maintaining membership. PD 1100 paragraph 5.10.6 states “To maintain Task Group Voting Member (Supplier or Subscriber) privileges, the following criteria shall be met unless the Task Group Chair determines that other circumstances warrant retention:” Voting Member or approved alternate representation (Alternate Voting Member or proxy) shall not be absent from three consecutive regular Nadcap Task Group meetings. Voting Member, or approved alternate representation, shall not miss a vote on 2 consecutive letter ballots. A waive shall count as a vote (OP 1101). All SEAL TG Voting Members except M. Gage & D. Grulke met the requirements for voting on letter ballots. The Voting Members and Chairperson agreed to waive the voting requirement for this occurrence. M. Gauge and D. Grulke will maintain Voting Member status. J. Hudspeth needs to be removed from the Elastomer Seals Membership in the Attendees’ Guide. The SEAL TG requested a plaque be sent to J. Hudspeth’s family in recognition of his years of TG and SSC service. ACTION ITEM: M. Koucouthakis to email M. Gauge and D. Grulke to explain the importance of voting on letter ballots. (Due Date: 31-Dec-2015) ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to remove J. Hudspeth from the Elastomer Seals Membership of the Attendees’ Guide. (Due Date: 31-Dec-2015) ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to arrange for a plaque to be mailed to the Family of J. Hudspeth. (Due Date: 1-Feb-2016) 3.0 STAFF REPORT – OPEN Staff Engineer, K. Purnell, presented the PRI Staff Report that included Auditor Status, SEAL TG Metrics, Audit Cycle Time, Most Common NCR’s, Average number of Major and Minor NCR’s, ELASTOMER SEALS OCTOBER 2015 UNCONFIRMED Latest Changes, Future Nadcap Meeting Dates / Locations, and Staff Engineer Delegation Metrics. PRI Staff Report SEAL Oct 2015.ppt 4.0 SUPPLIER SUPPORT COMMITTEE REPORT - OPEN A Supplier Support Committee (SSC) update was given that included an overview of the SSC Leadership Team, how the SSC helps suppliers, current SSC activities, and their new Supplier Initiatives. For additional information please review the SSC minutes posted on the PRI website at www.p-r-i.org. SEALS SSC TG Presentation - Oct 2015.ppt M. Koucouthakis asked for a volunteer to become the SSC representative for the SEAL TG. No Supplier volunteered to act as a representative at this time. ACTION ITEM: Suppliers interested in being the SEAL TG SSC representative should contact kpurnell@p-r-i.org. (Due Date: 1-Feb-2016) 5.0 AUDITOR CONFERENCE - OPEN The SEAL TG Auditor Conference was conducted on Saturday, 17-Oct-2015 from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm and Sunday 18-Oct-2015 from 8:00 am – 10:00 am. The Auditor Conference agenda was reviewed, including a summary of the presentations. The most common NCRs were reviewed with the auditors. Technical discussions including audit effectiveness were discussed. Auditors requested additional information on Subscriber requirements for fabric reinforced seals. Auditors were interested in Subscriber specifications and unique purchase order requirements of which they should be aware. Checklist requirements of AC7115 Rev. C were reviewed. Auditors stated the Job Audit Matrix and the notes under it on pages 7 and 8 were confusing and requested they be clarified. It was also felt that allowing three days to perform an all scope audit would not be adequate for a thorough audit. Auditors commented they are receiving self-audits that do not reference procedures and paragraphs which causes wasted time during the audit. Auditors are not receiving requested information from suppliers in a timely manner. Advanced audit preparation was discussed along with the importance of audit entrance, interim, and exit meetings. The proposed Auditor Conference topics for 2016 are: Review of the AC7115 Checklist and Auditor Feedback Most Common NCRs and NCR Data Analysis for Auditor Consistency (K. Purnell) Subscriber Audit Expectations Fabric/ Textile Reinforced Seals Process Training Question / Answer / Open Discussion Session (Subscribers and Auditors) ELASTOMER SEALS OCTOBER 2015 UNCONFIRMED 6.0 AC7115 REV C DRAFT – OPEN The latest AC7115 Draft Rev C audit checklist was reviewed. Auditors stated the Job Audit Matrix and the notes under it on pages 7 and 8 were confusing and requested they be clarified. Auditors requested that section 2.2.3 of the checklist be revised to address the need for procedure and paragraph to be included in the Supplier’s self-audit. They also requested an audit question against which they could write an NCR for not providing the self-audit with procedure references or providing requested audit preparation materials in a timely manner. The SEAL TG developed the following clarification for the Auditors to the Job Audit Matrix until the checklist is revised. The two Flag Notes that caused some of the confusion should have been linked to Job Audit Matrix Line 23. Clarification “Auditor is to complete one job audit for each applicable row (1 thru 22) of the job audit matrix. For row 23, three paper job audits are required, a minimum of one for each scope.” Motion made by A. Fletcher and seconded by M. Koucouthakis to accept the above clarification of the Job Audit Matrix and notes in AC7115 Rev. C pages 7 and 8. Motion Passed Unanimously ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to issue an auditor advisory that includes the AC7115 Rev. C Job Audit Matrix Clarification. (Due Date: 19-Nov-2015) The SEAL TG proposed changes to the AC7115 Rev. C checklist: Add questions to document two additional paper job audits: In section 2.2.4a, the list of unacceptable job audits needs to be revised Add question that verifies all parts from start to finish are accounted for Add question to verify each shift is signing production paperwork Section 14C for prepping of substrates needs to be checked for adequacy ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to document the proposed changes to AC7115 for the next checklist revision. (Due Date: 19-Nov-2015) ACTION ITEM: M. Koucouthakis to review section 14C of AC7115 and forward any additional questions to kpurnell@p-r-i.org. (Due Date: 19-Jan-2016) There were no NMC ballot comments to resolve. The NMC Compliance Spreadsheet is being updated by K. Purnell. 7.0 AC7122 TESTING METHODS FOR FABRIC / TEXTILE MATERIALS - OPEN The SEAL TG reviewed the list of specifications a sub-team identified as being applicable to testing fabric and elastomer impregnated fabric. The sub-team’s future actions will be: Identify the types of seals to be addressed with these test methods Narrow down the test reference list to what is applicable to the identified seal types Report back progress at the next Nadcap meeting Incorporate the methods and specifications into AC7112/1, /2, and /5 ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to send the fabric / textile test method list to the sub-team members and set up a WebEx meeting to work on the actions identified during the October 2015 meeting. (Due Date: 16-Dec-2015) There currently is no flow down requirement to require suppliers to sign up for auditing their captive SEAL Lab to AC7122. ELASTOMER SEALS OCTOBER 2015 UNCONFIRMED ACTION ITEM: M. Koucouthakis to include reference to AC7112 with slash sheets to Page 1 and to paragraph 4.2.2 of PD2102. (Due Date: 16-Feb-2016) 8.0 AUDITS – CLOSED The current SEAL audit schedule for the next seven (7) months was reviewed; Subscribers were encouraged to observe audits to support the requirements of OP 1117 – Auditor Consistency. The SEAL Task Group questioned why the most senior auditor was not scheduled for any audits in this time period. K. Purnell was requested to review the auto scheduled audits to assure they are being distributed to all the auditors. ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to review the auto scheduled audits to assure they are being distributed to all the auditors. (Due Date: 30-Nov-2015) There were no SEAL audits in Staff Engineer, Supplier, or Task Group Review. There were no problem audits to discuss. Subscribers were requested to notify K. Purnell of any Elastomeric Product issues they are having so the Auditors can be made aware of such issues. ACTION ITEM: Subscribers to notify K. Purnell of any elastomeric product issues they are having. (Due Date: 15-Dec-2015) No suppliers have signed up to be accredited for Fabric Reinforced Seals Manufacturing at this time. Subscribers were requested to provide K. Purnell with a list of specifications that will aid the Auditors in performing the Fabric Reinforced Seals Job Audits. ACTION ITEM: Subscribers to provide kpurnell@p-r-i.org with a list of specifications that will aid the auditors in performing the fabric reinforced seals job audits (Due Date: 1-Dec-2015) 9.0 AUDITORS – CLOSED Auditor performance was reviewed and included the most common checklist paragraphs referenced in NCRs traceable to the Auditors that wrote the NCRs, Audit Oversight Feedback, and Average and Total NCRs per Day written by the Auditors. This information is used for evaluating Auditor Consistency. There was a limited amount of data to review because of the small number of auditors and audits conducted. The SEAL TG reviewed the auditor observation schedule and feedback from two observation audits that were conducted this year. All of the observer feedback was positive. One more observation will be performed in 2015 and E. Watson volunteered to observe audit 162089 of a new auditor that requires observation in 2016. ACTION ITEM: E. Watson to sign up as an Audit Observer in eAuditNet for audit 162089. (Due Date: 1-Mar-2016) 10.0 REVIEW DELEGATION STATUS – CLOSED The SEAL TG reviewed the Delegation Tracking Form for K. Purnell. Staff Engineer. K. Purnell met the minimum criteria of having at least 10% of findings reviewed by the Task Group Subscribers with at least a 90% concurrence rate. The Staff Engineer maintains delegated status. 11.0 CLOSED MEETING ISSUES – CLOSED The advantages of inspecting finished parts from recent inventory as part of job audits was discussed. No actions resulted from the discussion. ELASTOMER SEALS OCTOBER 2015 UNCONFIRMED 12.0 MENTORING OF NEW SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS – CLOSED PRI has written a “Subscriber Voting Members Training” document and it was reviewed during the meeting. This training document will be posted in eAuditNet after the October Nadcap meeting. ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to send the Subscriber Voting Member Training to Task Group Subscriber Voting members. (Due Date: 15-Dec-2015) 13.0 MEETING CLOSE-OUT – CLOSED All action items were reviewed and due dates established. For specific details, please see the current SEAL Rolling Action Item List posted at www.eAuditNet.com, under Public Documents. February 2016 Closed meeting agenda topics were agreed to be the same as this meeting’s agenda topics. 14.0 ARP 3051 MOLDED ELASTOMER COMPONENT MANUFACTURING PROCESS REQUIREMENTS – OPEN The AMS CE committee is developing ARP 3051 Molded Elastomer Components Manufacturing Processing Requirements. There are weekly one hour conference calls for developing this document. SEAL TG members have been participating and are encouraged to participate in the development of this document. Any comments on the ARP should be forwarded to M. Rebelo who participates in the weekly conference calls. The SEAL TG reviewed the most recent Draft ARP 3051. The Seal TG had previously requested the ARP be issued as an Aerospace Standard (AS). The AMS CE Sub-Team developing this document said to change all the questions from “should" to "shall" would cause a major delay in issuing the document so it will be released as an ARP. Several companies on the SEAL Task Group are not permitted to reference ARPs in purchase orders. A separate ARP or Aerospace Standard will be developed to address Fabric/Textile Reinforced Seals Manufacturing Process. ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to email the Seal Task Group membership the latest copy of Draft ARP 3051. (Due Date: 30-Nov-2015) ACTION ITEM: M. Koucouthakis to pursue ARP 3051 being changed to an Aerospace Standard (AS). (Due Date: 30-Dec-2015) ACTION ITEM: SEAL TG members to send any comments on ARP 3051 to Manuel Rebelo at mvr@fngp.com. (Due Date: 16-Dec-2015) 15.0 SEAL TG INITIATIVES – OPEN The SEAL TG created the following list of activities and rated them as High (H), Medium (M), or Low (L) priority and if they are (A) Active, (N) Not Active, or (C) Closed. Where multiple activities have the same priority designation, numbers can be used to further clarify the activity’s level of importance. This list was created so the SEAL TG maintains focus on its high priority tasks. (HA1) Creating a cheat sheet of Subscriber specification requirements for possible future prime supplement development. (HA1) Captive Laboratory Audit Questions for Fabric / Textile AC7122 Checklist (HA1) NMC Compliance Checklist for AC7115 Rev. C (HA1) Monitor Progress on AS Standard / ARP for Seal Manufacturing (HA1) Communicate Need for Creating an AS Standard to Address Fabric Reinforced Seals (HA1) Formal SEAL specific auditor training program AC7115C, Fabric Reinforced. (MA1) 2016 Auditor conference topics (MA1) Track future changes for next revision of AC7115 after a few audits are conducted ELASTOMER SEALS OCTOBER 2015 UNCONFIRMED 16.0 (MA) Monitor progress of AMS2750/1 Sub-Team Press / Curing oven control for potential seal curing oven slash sheet. (MA) Mixing Facilities – Take Question of Audit Mandate to SAE AMS CE Elastomers Committee (MA) Quality system applicable to mixing facility (QPG) (LN) New Subscriber Mentor Program (PRI new training may address, TG needs to review) (LN) Value Added Distributors (Purchase Order Flow down) NEW BUSINESS – OPEN There was a request by the meeting attendees to have a WebEx or Conference call as part of the next SEAL TG Meeting. ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell check if a WebEx or Conference call could be conducted during part of the February Nadcap meeting. (Due Date: 30-Jan-2016) 17.0 MEETING CLOSE-OUT – OPEN All action items were reviewed and due dates established. For specific details, please see the current SEAL Rolling Action Item List posted at www.eAuditNet.com, under Public Documents. The February 2016 SEAL TG Open Meeting Agenda topics will include: Staff Report SSC Report AC7115 Draft Rev C AC7122 Testing Methods for Fabric/Textile Materials Mentoring Fabric Reinforced Seals ARP OP 1117 Auditor Consistency SEAL Task Group Initiatives New Business ADJOURNMENT – 20-Oct-2015 – Meeting was adjourned at 12:00 p.m. Minutes Prepared by: Keith Purnell, kpurnell@p-r-i.org ***** For PRI Staff use only: ****** Are procedural/form changes required based on changes/actions approved during this meeting? (select one) YES* ☒ NO ☐ *If yes, the following information is required: Documents requiring revision: Who is responsible: AC7115 Draft C K. Purnell Due date: 7/24/2016