OSHC Contract management plan information session, PowerPoint

Out of school hours care
Contract management plan
information session
Why do we need a contract management plan?
• The DECD Contract Management Guidelines reflect the
State Procurement Board’s expectations for contract
management within DECD
• The Guidelines identify the requirements for the
management of mandated contract terms and
conditions, with the ability to tailor in part to suit
individual procurements
Overview of contract management
• The contract must be managed for its life cycle
throughout the initial acquisition planning stages
through to performance of the contract after
execution, including ongoing management, evaluation,
contract closure and beyond
• Includes all activities associated with administering a
contract after it is executed
DECD Contract Manager’s role and
The Principal as the Ministers representative is the
Contract Manager. Their role is to ensure:
• They are familiar with the plan during the acquisition
planning and complete it after meeting with the
selected provider
• Relationships between the Provider, the school
governing council, families and children are managed
• Disputes are avoided by open communication and
regular monitoring of performance
• Risks effectively managed
• Keep Provider up to date with information and advice
regarding DECD operational policy which may impact
the services provided
• Maintain adequate records for audit purposes
• Respective parties meet their contractual obligations
• Final plan to be submitted to the DECD OSHC Unit for
approval at service commencement
• Contract to be reviewed regularly by Contract
Managers who are:
o Principal as the Minister’s representative
o School governing council chairperson
o Provider must nominate a contract manager
Contract management plan familiarisation
• Layout of plan
• Populate highlighted areas
Advisory Committee Role – page 6
• Contract requires that Parties form an Advisory Committee.
• Primary role of the Advisory Committee is to monitor
performance of the Provider and provide feedback to the
school governing council on the operation of the service
• The Committee will consist of the Principal, the Director of
the OSHC service, the Nominated Supervisor of the OSHC
Service, two elected parent representatives from the
school governing council, two parents whose children
attend the OSHC service, management representative from
the OSHC Provider and the School Finance Officer.
Key Advisory Committee responsibilities
• Monitor fee structure and any increase in fees
• Participate in selecting, appointment and engagement of
OSHC leadership staff (eg Director / Assistant Director)
• Monitor enrolments and needs of OSHC service
• Undertake an annual review of the Provider’s compliance
with the KPI’s
• Undertake an annual survey to assess children, families
and the school governing council’s satisfaction of the
OSHC service
Performance Monitoring
School governing council
• Contract reviews must be undertaken:
o three months after the commencement date to
determine the offer of contract extension
o before the end of the first year
o every 12 months and
o prior to the contract completion.
Contract Variations
Variations that can be tabled at Advisory Committee
meeting include:
• Variations to the OSHC service that impact pricing
• Advisory Committee terms of reference
• KPI’s
Variations MUST be documented in writing.
Contract Managers must contact the OSHC Unit before
agreeing to any other proposed variations, which need
to be documented via Deed of Variation.
Out of school hours care Unit
Procurement Unit
Office for Resources, Operations and Assurance
Office for Children and Young People
Department for Education and Child Development Department for Education and Child Development
Level 11 31 Flinders Street
Level 7 31 Flinders Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Adelaide SA 5000
Tel 08 8226 1610
Tel 08 8226 6427
Fax 08 8226 1902
Fax 08 8226 0808
Email decd.oshc@sa.gov.au
Web: www.decd.sa.gov.au/oshc/pages/thirdparty/intro/