Learning Plans for: L. Carter Content/Grade: 7th Grade Accelerated

Learning Plans for: L. Carter
Content/Grade: 7th Grade Accelerated Math
Overview for the week of: September 1, 2014
Unit Objectives:
Enduring Understandings:
 Rational numbers can be classified into sets and subsets. 
 Different forms of rational numbers are appropriate for use in different situations. 
 Different forms of real numbers are appropriate for use in different situations. 
 All real numbers can be classified into subsets. 
 Irrational numbers can be approximated to rational numbers. 
 Converting real numbers to the same form can be used for ordering. 
Essential Questions:
 What are rational numbers? 
 How can rational numbers be grouped into sets and subsets? 
 Why would one change the form of numbers to solve a real-world problem, involving rational
numbers? 
 Why is it important to understand properties and operations involving integers and negative
rational numbers? 
 What are real numbers? 
 How can you describe relationships between sets of real numbers? 
 What form of real numbers would be best to compare and order numbers? 
 How do you express a rational number as a decimal and approximate the value of an irrational
number? 
 How can you use scientific notation to express very large or very small quantities? 
 How do you convert between standard decimal notation and scientific notation? 
Vocabulary: rational number, terminating decimal, repeating decimal, irrational number scientific
notation, base, power, real numbers, whole number, exponent, integers, standard notation
Resources: TRC Math Collaborative, HMH textbook
Tuesday, September 2, 2014 to Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Rational Numbers & Decimals
Module 1, Lesson 1.1 (text pg. 7-12)
Learner Objectives:
7.1G display, explain, and justify mathematical ideas and arguments using precise mathematical
language in written or oral communication.
extend previous knowledge of sets and subsets using a visual representation to describe
relationships between sets of rational numbers.
EQ: How do you covert a rational number to a decimal? Percent? Fraction?
I can name all the sets to which a rational number belongs.
I will create a circle graph of how I spent my Tuesday.
I can create a visual representation of sets and subsets of rational numbers
I will generate real world appropriate applications of using fractions, decimals, and percents.
Wolf Work:
Formative Assessments: Exit Ticket: Frayer Model defining Rational Number; 4 Corners: Students
will be given 4 choices of pictures and asked to complete the phrase, “Rational numbers are like…”
Teaching Strategies:
Thursday, September 4, 2014 to Friday, September 5, 2014
Relationships Between Sets of Rational Numbers
Module 1, Lesson 1.2 (pg. 13-18)
Learner Objectives: (TEKS)
7.1F analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas.
extend previous knowledge of sets and subsets using a visual representation to describe
relationships between sets of rational numbers.
EQ: : How can you describe relationships between a set of rational numbers?
I can classify a number according to the set or sets to which it belongs.
I will explain why every prime number is an integer.
I can explain the difference between a set of whole numbers, a set of integers, and a set of rational
I will draw a Tree Map giving examples and non-examples of whole numbers, integers, and
rational numbers. (This will also be W2).
Wolf Work: Tree Map
Formative Assessments:
Teaching Strategies:
OMG Foldables: Number Relationships (pg. 71/72)