Learning Plans for: L. Carter Content/Grade: 7th Grade Accelerated Math Overview for the week of: September 1, 2014 Unit Objectives: Enduring Understandings: Rational numbers can be classified into sets and subsets. Different forms of rational numbers are appropriate for use in different situations. Different forms of real numbers are appropriate for use in different situations. All real numbers can be classified into subsets. Irrational numbers can be approximated to rational numbers. Converting real numbers to the same form can be used for ordering. Essential Questions: What are rational numbers? How can rational numbers be grouped into sets and subsets? Why would one change the form of numbers to solve a real-world problem, involving rational numbers? Why is it important to understand properties and operations involving integers and negative rational numbers? What are real numbers? How can you describe relationships between sets of real numbers? What form of real numbers would be best to compare and order numbers? How do you express a rational number as a decimal and approximate the value of an irrational number? How can you use scientific notation to express very large or very small quantities? How do you convert between standard decimal notation and scientific notation? Vocabulary: rational number, terminating decimal, repeating decimal, irrational number scientific notation, base, power, real numbers, whole number, exponent, integers, standard notation Resources: TRC Math Collaborative, HMH textbook Tuesday, September 2, 2014 to Wednesday, September 3, 2014 Rational Numbers & Decimals Module 1, Lesson 1.1 (text pg. 7-12) Learner Objectives: 7.1G display, explain, and justify mathematical ideas and arguments using precise mathematical language in written or oral communication. 7.2A extend previous knowledge of sets and subsets using a visual representation to describe relationships between sets of rational numbers. EQ: How do you covert a rational number to a decimal? Percent? Fraction? I can name all the sets to which a rational number belongs. I will create a circle graph of how I spent my Tuesday. I can create a visual representation of sets and subsets of rational numbers I will generate real world appropriate applications of using fractions, decimals, and percents. Wolf Work: Formative Assessments: Exit Ticket: Frayer Model defining Rational Number; 4 Corners: Students will be given 4 choices of pictures and asked to complete the phrase, “Rational numbers are like…” Teaching Strategies: Differentiation: A. B. Thursday, September 4, 2014 to Friday, September 5, 2014 Relationships Between Sets of Rational Numbers Module 1, Lesson 1.2 (pg. 13-18) Learner Objectives: (TEKS) 7.1F analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas. 7.2F extend previous knowledge of sets and subsets using a visual representation to describe relationships between sets of rational numbers. EQ: : How can you describe relationships between a set of rational numbers? I can classify a number according to the set or sets to which it belongs. I will explain why every prime number is an integer. I can explain the difference between a set of whole numbers, a set of integers, and a set of rational numbers. I will draw a Tree Map giving examples and non-examples of whole numbers, integers, and rational numbers. (This will also be W2). Wolf Work: Tree Map Formative Assessments: Teaching Strategies: OMG Foldables: Number Relationships (pg. 71/72) Differentiation: A. B.