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Welcome to Physics!!
Day One Agenda:
 Intros
 Formalities
 Syllabus: Online!
 Books, Reference Tables
 Tissues = Gold
 What is Physics?
 Unit 1 !!!
Scientific Calculators
► Texas
Instruments = Good
► Casio = Garbage
Target Practice
► Doesn’t
Count (except if not complete)
► Try ALL Questions
► See what you know
► Find out what you’ll need to know
Topic Pre-I:
Measurement and Mathematics
Essential Questions
 What do we use to measure Physics?
 How are accuracy and precision different?
 What is scientific notation?
 How can quantities be represented on graphs?
I. Units
A. “Comparison to a known standard”
B. MOST numbers have a unit and they MUST be
written (usually a symbol)
C. The SI System
1. Used everywhere
2. Fundamental Units: Simplest
• Examples: Meters (m)
Seconds (s)
3. Derived Units: put two or more fundamental
units together
• Example:
kilogram • meter
Force =
F = kg • m
= Newtons (N)
4. Prefixes for Units: PRT’s Front Cover!
D. Addition and Subtraction require all quantities to
have the same units
• Example:
200km + 34000m = ?
Should Be:
200 km + 34 km = ?
200,000 m + 34,000 m = ?
II. Measurements, Units, & Instruments
Length (m)
Name of Instrument
Mass (kg)
Triple Beam
Time (s)
Force (N)
Name of Instrument
Volume (L)
Temperature (K)
Name of Instrument
Angles (°)
Electricity (V)
AKA: Sig Figs
A. The Rules
1. All NON-Zero digits are significant
2. Zeros before a nonzero are NOT significant
• 0.005 cm ONE significant digit
• 0.75 cm
TWO significant digits
3. Zeros between two nonzero digits ARE
• 25,001 Ω FIVE significant digits
• 0.203 kg
THREE significant digits
4. Zeros to the right of a nonzero digit ARE
significant if followed by a decimal or are to
the right of a decimal
• 30 sec
• 10.0 sec
• 40. sec
• 3.600 sec
5. Correct number of Significant Digits is
always shown automatically when scientific
notation is used
• Example: 2.45 x 108 has 3 sig figs
6. Operations using sig figs
• One Rule: Final answers have the same
number of significant digits as the LEAST sensitive
measurement (lowest number of sig digs)
Example: Sig Fig Operations
► Add:
420 cm
0.515 m
0.80 m
Warm Up #1
► What
is 8.99 x 109 in standard form?
► What is 0.0000000000667 in scientific notation?
► How many megameters are in 5,500,000 m?
► How many kilometers are in 5,500,000 m?
► Which of these is NOT a fundamental unit?
 meters, Newtons, meters per second, kilograms
IV. Precision vs. Accuracy
A. Precise = measurements with great detail
(More decimal places)
B. Accurate = Acceptable, consistent
(close to the scientifically proven values)
A. Vectors are arrows that represent
actual measurements to scale
• Example: Let 1 meter = 1 centimeter
Therefore: 50 m would be a 50 cm arrow
• The number of a vector is its
B. Vectors have both magnitude and direction
• Examples:
 velocity
 force
22 m/s East
45 N at 30o
C. Scalars: values that only have magnitudes
(a certain number of something)
• Examples:
 time
 mass
30 Seconds
100 Kilograms
D. Vector Combination
1. Can involve both addition and subtraction
2. Resultant: A combination of two or more
3. Vectors are always combined tip to tail
(start of one to end of other)
4. If vectors are acting in different directions, find
the difference in magnitudes and combine tip to tail
to find the direction
 resultant points the same direction as the largest
5. Vectors at angles to each other are still combined
tip to tail!
 angles of vectors must be preserved
 The resultant connects the beginning of the
first vector to the end of the last vector
 Most cases only involve two vectors
 sometimes there can be multiple vectors
involved, but the process stays the same!
 Graphical vector combination can be done
using metric rulers and protractors!
Warm Up #2
► What
is 4.98 x 109 m in standard form?
► How many gigameters is the above distance?
► How many megameters is the above distance?
► How many kilometers is the above distance?
► How many significant figures are in each of the
numbers below?
 100,000,005 m
8.621 x 103 V
 30.0000 s
200 s
With proper
► Add: 2.3 km, 3500 m, and 4.625 km sig figs!!
Warm Up #3
► Find
the hypotenuse in the following triangle!
► Then
use “trig” to find the angle!
E. Breaking Down Vectors
1. It is MUCH easier to combine vectors using
horizontal and vertical components
2. horizontal component = X component
vertical component = Y component
3. X and Y components can be combined
All X components are Horizontal
All Y components are Vertical
4. Diagram of Vector “A”and Components
• x and y subscripts on the components differentiate
them from the original vector A
6. Horizontal and Vertical components make a
right triangle so any side can be found
cosθ = A/H
sinθ = O/H
Adjacent = Ax
Opposite = Ay
Hypotenuse = A
Hypotenuse = A
Ax = Acosθ
Ay = Asinθ
7. Example:
Kyran drags a heavy box with a tensional force 50 N that
acts up to the right at an angle of 40 degrees. What are
the horizontal and vertical components of the force?
Warm Up #4
► Find
the hypotenuse and adjacent side in the
following triangle if the angle θ is 22.6°
Warm Up #5
► Find
the hypotenuse and opposite side in the
following triangle if the angle θ is 60°
VI. Scientific Notation
A. Used to express very large and very small
B. General Form: A x 10n
• A is a number between 1 and 10
• n is a “power” equal the number of places to
move the decimal point
 + for numbers greater than 1
 - for numbers less than 1
C. Adding and Subtracting Sci. Notation
 make the powers of ten (n’s) the same
and then just add (the A’s) together
D. Multiplying and Dividing Sci. Notation
• Rules:
 To multiply, add powers of ten (the n’s)
and multiply the other numbers (the A’s)
 To divide, subtract the powers of ten
(the n’s) and divide the other numbers
(the A’s)
Examples: 100 =
100,000 =
0.001 =
• Addition Example:
2.1 x 105 kg + 8.7 x 104 kg
 Final Answer: 2.97 x 105 kg
• Multiplication/Division Examples:
 Multiply: (1.5 x 105 km) (2.8 x 103 km)
 Divide: (1.5 x 105 km)
(2.8 x 103 km)
E. Estimating Orders of Magnitude
1. Always think in powers of 10
 103 = 1000
101 = 10
100 = 1
10-2 = 0.01
2. Examples:
• a pencil is closest to _____ kilograms
• the distance from Arlington to
Carrollton is closest to _____ kilometers
VII. The Trig of Physics
A. Right Triangles are used VERY OFTEN in Physics
B. Use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve for the
length of a missing side
• Formula:
c a b
C. Angle Trig
Oscar Had A Heap Of Apples
 How on Earth do you remember all that???
It’s in the PRT’s!!!
(page 5)
VIII. Graphs
A. Format
B. Vocabulary
• Direct
• Interpolate
• Indirect
• Extrapolate
• Static
• Slope
• Cyclic
• Direct Squared
• Indirect Squared
Energy of a Photon (J)
Frequency (Hz)
the slope of the graph is f which means
that the slope is proportional to
Force of a Spring (N)
Elongation (m)
the slope of the graph is x which means
that the slope is proportional to
Acceleration (m/s2)
Force (N)
the slope of the graph is
which means
that the slope is proportional to
Journal #X
up the symbols on the PRT’s for the variables
shown on the graph below… then show the slope
of the graph using the slope formula.
► Explain the significance of the slope of the graph
► State the relationship shown on the graph along
with the type of relationship.
Potential Difference (V)
► Look
Current (A)