Daley Chapter 1

Computers Are
Your Future
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Computers Are Your Future
Chapter 1
Computers & You
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
What You Will Learn . . .
 Define the word computer and name the four basic
 Describe the main components of a computer
 Hardware
 Software
 Provide examples of hardware devices
 Explore the information-processing cycle
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
What You Will Learn . . .
 Major categories of computers and various types of
 Two general types of software
 Risks of using hardware and software
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Computers & You
Workers with computer and Internet skills tend to
make more money and have more satisfying careers
than workers without such skills.
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Understanding the Computer: Basic Definitions
Computer – A machine
that performs the four
basic operations of the
 input
 processing
 output
 storage
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Understanding the Computer: Basic Definitions
Computer system – A collection of related
components that are designed to work together
 A system includes hardware and software.
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Understanding the Computer: Basic Definitions
Program – A list of instructions that tell the computer how to perform the
four basic operations to accomplish a task
 Computers use algorithms to solve a problem.
 Algorithms are step-by-step procedures.
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
 Hardware is the computer’s physical components.
 The components include:
 Input devices– Enable users to enter data into the computer
for processing.
 Processing circuitry– Components located in the system’s
case that transform data into information.
 Output devices– Peripherals that show the results of
 Storage devices– Used to store all the programs and data
that the computer uses.
 Communication Devices– Used to move data between
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Input: Getting Data into the Computer
 Data – Unorganized raw materials made up of words,
numbers, images, or sounds
 The first operation: input
• Input devices enable the user to enter data into the
• The computer accepts data.
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Input Devices
Microphone –
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Mouse – pointing device
Digital Cameras
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Processing: Transforming Data into Information
The second operation: processing
 Computers transform data into information.
 Processing circuitry:
 Central processing unit (CPU)
 Random access memory (RAM)
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Processing Devices
Expansion Card
Central Processing Unit – CPU
Random Access
Memory– RAM
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Output: Displaying Information
The third operation: output
 The computer shows the results of the processing operation
in a way people can understand.
 Output devices show the results of processing operations.
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Output Devices
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Storage: Holding Programs and Data
for Future Use
The fourth operation: storage
 The computer saves the data or output so that it can be used
again later.
 Storage devices hold all programs and data that the
computer uses.
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Storage Devices
Hard Drive
Floppy Disk Drive
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Micro Drive
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Communications: Moving Data
between Computers
A fifth operation: communications
 Moving data within the computer or between computers
 Communications devices – Enable computers to connect to a
computer network
 Network – Two or more computer systems that are
 Modem – A device that enables the computer to access other
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Communications Devices
Network Interface
Card – NIC
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
The Information Processing Cycle In Action
 Input – You enter text in a
word processing program.
• You run the program’s spell
checker program.
 Processing – The computer
checks and compares all
words entered with a list of
correctly spelled words.
 Output – The computer
provides a list of apparent
A computer is a machine that perfirms four basic
operations: input, processing, output, and
storage. Together, these four operations are
called the information proceesing cycle.
• You correct the spelling in
your document.
 Storage – You save the
revised document to a disk.
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Types of Computers
Computers for Individuals
Desktop – PC, iMac
Notebook – Laptop
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Personal Digital
Internet Appliance
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Types of Computers
Computers for Organizations
 Servers are not
designed for
individuals. They
make programs
available for network
 Minicomputers
(mostly obsolete
term) handle the
computing for small
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 Mainframes
handle gigantic
processing jobs
for large
corporations or
 Supercomputers
are ultra-fast and
handle huge
amounts of
scientific data.
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Understanding the Computer: Basic Definitions
Software – All the programs that give the computer
its instructions
Two categories of software:
System software
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Application software
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Introducing Software
 Software consists of the programs that give the
computer’s hardware its step-by-step instructions.
 Software is created by programmers using a
programming language.
 Programs contain units called files.
 Transferring a program into the computer’s memory
is called loading.
 Once loaded into memory the program’s instructions
are carried out or executed.
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Types of Software
System software
Application software
 System software– All programs that help the
computer function properly.
 Application software– All the programs you
use to perform a task such as writing a
letter or browsing the World Wide Web.
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
System Software
 System software is divided into two categories:
The operating system:
Provides support for running application software.
Coordinates the various functions of the
computer’s hardware.
System utilities:
Are programs for optimizing computer
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Types of Operating Systems
Command-line interface– Users type
instructions at the keyboard, one line at a time.
Examples: MS-DOS, PC DOS, UNIX
Graphical user interface (GUI)– Users choose
items from menus by using a pointing device
to click on icons which represent resources
and commands. Examples: Windows, Mac OS
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Command-Line Interface
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Application Software
 Application software includes all programs that
enable us to use the computer in a useful way.
 Custom software is developed for specific needs.
 Packaged software is produced for the mass market.
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Software Suite
 A collection of full-featured standalone programs that
usually share a common command structure and have
similar interfaces.
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
The Internet
 A world-spanning computer network.
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Internet Services
World Wide Web– (WWW)
Electronic commerce– (e-commerce)
Electronic mail– (e-mail)
File Transfer Protocol– (FTP)
Instant messaging
Standards and software that make Internet resources,
such as Web pages, files, and electronic mail available
to users.
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Maintain a Safe Working Environment
 Do not overload
electrical outlets.
 Do not position
hardware where it can
 Leave space for proper
 Check that cords are
fastened securely.
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Help to prevent injuries from computer use:
 Special keyboards can prevent carpal tunnel syndrome.
 Chairs can help improve your posture.
 Anti-glare screens can be used on computer monitors.
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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1
Recognize the Risks of Using Flawed Software
 All programs contain errors.
 All computer use entails a certain level of risk.
• Bug – An error or defect in software or hardware that
causes a program to malfunction
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