Project Risk Assessment Form The School of Civil Engineering requires users of the facility to conduct a risk assessment of their projects prior to commencing work in the School in compliance with the University of Sydney WHS Policy 2012 and WHS Procedures 2012. NOTE: NO LAB WORK CAN COMMENCE WITHOUT THIS PROJECT RISK ASSESSMENT APPROVAL RISK ASSESSMENTS ARE APPROVED FOR 12 MONTHS ONLY. ANY CHANGES TO THE PROJECT WILL REQUIRE A RE-SUBMISSION OF THIS DOCUMENT. PROJECT RISK ASSESSMENT FORM You must complete all parts of this form as required. All documents are to be forwarded to the School of Civil Engineering’s Departmental Safety Officer Mr Garry Towell. NAME: SUPERVISOR: LOCATION/S: PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT SAFETY CLASSIFICATION: (Project Safety Classifications are defined on page 2) August 2015 Civil Engineering Project Risk Assessment Form HAZARD RATING FOR ACTIVTIES CARRIED OUT IN THE LABORATORY Matrix (on the right) defines the Hazard Classification to be used in the following pages when describing possible Experimental Risks. The Hazard rating is based on the likelihood that a particular activity/procedure can hurt someone (vertical column) and on the possible severity of the injury that it can lead to (horizontal rows). Note: likelihood of injury will be reduced if effective risk control measures are already in place e.g. safe operating equipment and procedures, trained staff etc. PROJECT SAFETY CLASSIFICATION (BASED ON MINIMUM HAZARD RATING OF IDENTIFIED EXPERIMENTAL RISKS) RISK CLASSIFICATION OF PROJECT MINIMUM HAZARD RATING OF IDENTIFIED EXPERIMENTAL RISKS LOW L6 MEDIUM L4-L5 (i) Provide detailed testing procedure (ii) Academic/Supervisor in charge of project needs to be present during first test L2-L3 (i) Approval for the project to be provided by HoS and Risk Management Office (ii) Provide detailed testing procedure (iii) Academic/Supervisor in charge of project needs to be present during first test and satisfied that student/s is/are competent HIGH ADDITIONAL WHS REQUIREMENTS (in addition to information requested in this form) None August 2015 Civil Engineering Project Risk Assessment Form (A) THE RESEARCH PROJECT Title of research project Types of samples For example, what types of samples will be used? Where will they be prepared? Will they be stored? How will they be safely disposed of in an environmentally protective manner? Overview of experimental work For example, how the samples will be prepared? What experimental set-up will be used? How the loading will be applied to the specimens? August 2015 Civil Engineering Project Risk Assessment Form (B) REQUIRED TRAINING ACTIVITIES TO SUPPORT RESEARCH AND TEACHING SPECIFIC TASKS Required training activities Name of person who provided the training Signature of the person providing the training Signature of trained person Date of the training August 2015 Civil Engineering Project Risk Assessment Form (C) EXPERIMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT Details of experimental risks List each significant risk that pertains to your planned experiments Possible injury What injury could happen if the risk occurs? Control measures Consider the hierarchy of controls to reduce the risk of potential injury Hazard rating (refer to matrix outlined on page 2) Elimination Substitution Isolation Engineering Administrative PPE Elimination Substitution Isolation Engineering Administrative PPE Elimination Substitution Isolation Engineering Administrative PPE August 2015 Civil Engineering Project Risk Assessment Form (D) HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & DANGEROUS GOODS (provide yes/no answers for middle columns only) Area (laboratory name) Chemicals MSDS attached Toxic Flammable Carcinogenic Irritant Disposal August 2015 Civil Engineering Project Risk Assessment Form (E) REQUIREMENTS FOR AFTER HOURS ACCESS Details of activity to be carried out after hours List each significant risk that pertains to your planned experiments Details of experimental risks List each significant risk that pertains to your planned experiments Possible injury What injury could happen if the risk occurs? Control measures Consider the hierarchy of controls to reduce the risk of potential injury Hazard rating (refer to matrix outlined on page 2) Elimination Substitution Isolation Engineering Administrative PPE Elimination Substitution Isolation Engineering Administrative PPE Elimination Substitution Isolation Engineering Administrative PPE Elimination Substitution Isolation Engineering Administrative August 2015 Civil Engineering Project Risk Assessment Form PPE DECLARATION I have read and understood the attached MSDS and have completed this form to accurately assess the WHS risks associated with my project at the School of Civil Engineering. Name of User/Staff/Student: . . ............................................. Signature of User/Staff/Student: . ................................................ Date: .. .............. Name of User’s Supervisor: . ................................................. Signature of User’s Supervisor: . ................................................. Date: . ............... Name of Assessor: . ................................................ Signature of Assessor: ................................................ Date: . ................. Name of Departmental Safety Officer: . ...................................... Signature of Departmental Safety Officer: .................................... Date: . .................. Attach all MSDS August 2015 Civil Engineering Project Risk Assessment Form ATTACHMENT A – LABORATORY WORK PERMIT ROOMS/LABS: PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT SAFTEY CLASSIFICATION: EXPIRY DATE: EQUIPMENT AND ACTIVITIES PERMITTED DURING NORMAL WORKING HOURS (To be listed only once training is Completed) EQUIPMENT AND ACTIVITIES PERMITTED AFTER HOURS (ONLY ACTIVITIES WITH HAZARD RATING OF L4-L6 ARE ALLOWED FOR AFTER HOURS ACCESS) General requirements for working after hours in the lab: 1) Tell someone in the School or University Security that you are working alone in the lab 2) Have emergency contact details with you Name of User/Staff/Student Phone number Signature Date Name of Supervisor Phone number Signature Date Name of Assessor Phone number Signature Date Name of OHS Officer Phone number Signature Date August 2015 Civil Engineering