Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation (TeachCh9)

Teaching and Learning with Technology
Audio and Visual Technologies
Chapter 9
Teaching and Learning with Technology
 Allyn and Bacon 2002
Audio in Teaching and Learning
• Listening includes both hearing and
comprehending audio
• Effective listening for learning includes
• Accurate hearing
• Focused listening
• Reinforcement to stimulate neural
Teaching and Learning with Technology
 Allyn and Bacon 2002
Traditional Audio Media
Audio Cassette
• Economic, durable, and easy-to-use
• Uses magnetic tape to record voice, music,
and other sounds
• Can be used in centers, small groups, or
large group instruction to add audio elements
• May be used for talking books, multimedia
kits, oral histories and journals
Teaching and Learning with Technology
 Allyn and Bacon 2002
Traditional Audio Media
Broadcast Audio
• Received via radio or cable audio channels
• Enhances content with current events, music,
and foreign language
• May be used to bring speakers in via phone
• Can also be used to include home-bound
students in class activities
Teaching and Learning with Technology
 Allyn and Bacon 2002
Digital Audio Media
Optical Media (CD-ROMs)
• Offer better clarity and greater storage
capacity when compared with traditional
audio media
• Easier to directly access target audio for
• With CD-Rs and CD-RWs you can also
record audio
Teaching and Learning with Technology
 Allyn and Bacon 2002
Digital Audio Media
Internet Audio
• You can download audio rather than acquire
• While audio clips in Wav and MP3 formats
are widely available, MP3 is gaining
popularity because it require smaller files
• You will need media players (typically free) to
play back these files
Teaching and Learning with Technology
 Allyn and Bacon 2002
Digital Audio Media
MP3 Files
• Sometime include visualizations (graphics or
video) displayed during audio playback
• MP3 players usually include recording and
playback controls to enhance quality and
control sequences
• Typically music but may also include any
other audio elements
Teaching and Learning with Technology
 Allyn and Bacon 2002
Digital Audio Media
Internet Radio
• Using streaming media, many radio stations
simultaneously broadcast via the Web as well
as the airwaves
• National and international stations outside the
local area are now available via the Web
• Include music, news and talk stations from
around the world
Teaching and Learning with Technology
 Allyn and Bacon 2002
Visual Communication
• Visual literacy is the ability to correctly
interpret visual signals
• Visual experiences in education should be
designed to encourage visual literacy
• Awareness of effective visual design helps to
impart visual literacy skills to students
Teaching and Learning with Technology
 Allyn and Bacon 2002
Visual Communication
Visual Design Basics
• Visual design includes text, visual elements,
and affective elements
• Text refers to all aspects of text including
fonts, spacing, color, and sizes
• Visual elements include graphics, symbols,
real objects, and organizational elements
• Affective elements are visual components that
can elicit responses from viewers
Teaching and Learning with Technology
 Allyn and Bacon 2002
Visual Communication
Visual Design Guidelines
• Relevance
• All elements should add clarity to the visual
• Graphics should accurately illustrate the
intended concept
• Coherence and Consistency
• Include only those elements that support the
• All elements should be consistent with each
other and with the message
Teaching and Learning with Technology
 Allyn and Bacon 2002
Visual Communication
Visual Design Guidelines
• Proportion and Contrast
• Proportion refers to relative size of elements
• Contrast refers to the arrangement and
balance of the various elements
• Use proportion and contrast to draw attention
to the most significant aspects of the message
• Unity and Direction
• Elements must work together to communicate
the focus of the message and then to direct the
viewer to subsequent components
Teaching and Learning with Technology
 Allyn and Bacon 2002
Traditional Visual Media
Non-Projected Visuals
• Real objects include all objects that can be
brought into the classroom and used as a
visual enhancement
• Models are 3-D representations of real
objects or concepts
• Exhibits are displays or dioramas that are
created or arranged to illustrate instructional
Teaching and Learning with Technology
 Allyn and Bacon 2002
Traditional Visual Media
Non-Projected Visuals
• Print Materials include commercial and
teacher-made paper materials
• Graphics and Photos are pictorial images
used to illustrate and clarify
Technologies for Non-Projected visuals include
•Chalk Boards
•Bulletin Boards
•White Boards
•Flip Charts
•Electronic White Boards
•Magnetic Boards
Teaching and Learning with Technology
 Allyn and Bacon 2002
Traditional Visual Media
Projected Visuals and their Technologies
• Overhead Projectors
• Shine light through transparencies for large
group projection of the images
• Transparencies can be drawn or printed with
ink jet or laser printers – the right transparency
film must be used with each
• Commercial transparencies are frequently
available with texts or in supplemental books
• Transparencies can also be created with
common software such as word processors
Teaching and Learning with Technology
 Allyn and Bacon 2002
Traditional Visual Media
Projected Visuals and their Technologies
• Slide Projectors
• Slides are small film images mounted in
cardboard which are typically organized in
• Photographic slides remain popular because
they offer the most accurate, high resolution
color images
• Slides require limited equipment for projection
but may deteriorate with age
Teaching and Learning with Technology
 Allyn and Bacon 2002
Non-traditional Visual Media
Digital Projectors
• Used to project digital images from computers,
digital cameras, and photo CDs
• Allow for large group display of anything
• Document Cameras
• Video camera mounted on a stand to capture
and display live video images
• May use monitor or digital projector for display
• Can be use to zoom in on a real time
demonstration or to share images of small
Teaching and Learning with Technology
 Allyn and Bacon 2002
• Combining multiple media into a single
integrated whole
• Multimedia includes audio and visual
elements typically stored on a CD-ROM with
hyperlinks between the elements
• Multimedia must be carefully evaluated for
good design and appropriate and meaningful
audio and visual elements
Teaching and Learning with Technology
 Allyn and Bacon 2002