Bengal Tigers Endangered

By Amber Elsner
 Endangered
 Habitat loss
 Poaching
 Total 9 subspecies
 3 extinct
 6 survive
 Mortality rate in India
 8.19%
 Birth rate in India
 4.93%
 Habitat destruction
 Mangrove swamps
 Forest coverage
 Human settlement
 Sport for the wealthy
 Skins for trophies
 Traditional medicines
 Prey depletion
 Bengal: 3,100-4,700
 Indochinese: 1,200-1,800
 Malayan: 600-800
 Sumatran: 400-500
 Siberian: 350-400
 South China: 20-30
 Balinese: Sept. 27, 1937
 Javan: 1980s
 Caspian: late 1950s
 Population biologist
 Lose genetic diversity
 Stochasticprocess
 Genetic drift erases gene forms from
 Genetic homogeneity
 Not for natural reasons
 Humans
 Habitat destruction
 Settlement
 Isolation
 Cut off from new genes
 Eliminate avoiding inbreeding
 Secretary-general of the Convention of
International Trade of Endangered Species
of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
 Letter addressing concern
 Manmohan Singh (Prime Minister of India)
 Population in India
 Estimated approximately 3,600
 Main reason for decrease in population
 Poaching
 Hunting
 National park workers
 Deny poaching
 Prevent poaching and hunting
 Population doesn’t reach extinction
 Conservation zone
 Preserve habitat corridors
 Madhya Pradesh, India
 Incentives
 Prevent
 Poaching
 Hunting
 Conserve habitat locations
 Forests
 Protect subspecies
 With low counts in population
Critically endangered
 Begley, Sharon. "A Question of Breeding." National Wildlife Feb.-Mar. 1991, Vol. 29 ed.,
Issue 2 sec.: 12. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 12 Nov. 2012.
 Green, Susie. "Tiger Tiger." History Today June 2006, Vol. 56 ed., Issue 6 sec.: 29-31.
Points of View Reference Center. Web. 12 Nov. 2012.
 “Indian Tiger Plea.” New Scientist 186.2496(2005): 7. Academic Search Complete. Web. 5
Nov. 2012.
 "THE STRUGGLE FOR IRAQ; U.S. Soldier Kills Tiger in Baghdad Zoo." New York Times.
New York Times, 21 Sept. 2003. Web. 12 Nov. 2012.
 "Tiger: The Animal Files." Tiger: The Animal Files. Liza Carruthers, Nov. 2006. Web. 15
Oct. 2012. <>.
 Toon, Ann, and Stephen B. Toon. "Cats (Felidae)." Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia.
Ed. Michael Hutchins, et al. 2nd ed. Vol. 14: Mammals III. Detroit: Gale, 2004. 369392. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 31 Oct. 2012.