BUS 110 - Introduction to Business Fall Semester 2011 Heartland Community College Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays Time: 12:30 – 1:45 PM Instructor: Mr. Aaron Hurley E-mail: aaron.hurley@heartland.edu Office Hours: Before/After Class or by appointment Credit Hours: 3 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course focuses on the formation, development, and growth of small businesses and the related applications to develop strategic durable competitive advantages in a local and global marketplace. This course will focus on wealth creation, marketing in a global environment, motivation and management, product development and pricing, financial management, entrepreneurship, and much more. REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: Nickels, B., McHugh, S. & J. (2010). Understanding Business, 9th Edition. McGraw-Hill 2010 LEARNING EXPERIENCE This course will utilize a variety of active and participative learning methods, such as discussions, papers, projects, and presentations. Students will have the opportunity to learn through talking, listening, writing, reading, thinking, and reflecting. GRADING POLICY/SCALE Grading is based on: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Percentage 10% 15% 10% 20% 20% 20% 5% Requirements Individual Company paper and presentation Group Project - paper Group Project - presentation Exam one Exam two Exam three (Final Comprehensive Exam) Participation Total Possible Points Points 100 150 100 200 200 200 50 1000 GRADING SCALE A= 90% - 100% B= 80 - 89 % C= 70 - 79 % D= 60 - 69 % F= 59 % and below COMMUNICATION WITH THE INSTRUCTOR The most effective method to communicate with the instructor outside of the classroom is by email to schedule an appointment or to ask relevant questions regarding assignments, tests, etc. When emailing me to schedule an appointment or to have a question answered, please allow ample time for me to answer your email; in other words, do not wait until the last minute to contact me. BUS 110 Fall 2011 1 ATTENDANCE POLICY All students are required to attend each class. Absences will not be excused unless the instructor has been notified in advance or in the case of a medical or family emergency. PARTICIPATION The learning experience in this class depends on your participation and contributions to class. Your participation will be evaluated based on the following: You are present, seated, and ready at the time class begins. You are prepared for class. You answer questions, offer meaningful questions, and discuss issues related to the lectures, problems, and presentations. You carefully listen to others and respect their viewpoints. Quizzes and Pop-quizzes will be issued and represent 10 participation points each. MAKEUP /LATEWORK POLICY NO MAKE-UP EXAMS OR QUIZZES WILL BE GIVEN. You must take the exams and quizzes on the specified date and time. Make-up exams will be given only under special circumstances and at the discretion of the instructor. COURSE CALENDAR The course calendar is to help you prepare for class and complete assignments within the due date. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to obtain the missed information or handouts from a fellow student. It is your responsibility to follow the calendar and to know what assignments are due and the correct date(s). Dates on the syllabus are subject to change at the discretion of the instructor and notice will be given in class if/when changes are made. EXAMS There will be three exams for the semester. Each exam will cover all course assignments, including the textbook, lectures, handouts, homework problems, and class discussions. The final exam will be comprehensive. Students are not allowed to utilize any electronic device during an exam (cell phone, laptop computer, iPod, PDA, mini-computer, CD player, MP3 player, or anything else not cleared in advance as needed) will be presumed to be using them for cheating and will fail the exam. CLASSROOM CONDUCT You are expected to show respect to the instructor and to fellow students, while acting maturely and appropriately as future business professionals. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Disruptive behavior can be classified as: foul or inappropriate language, excessive talking, class disruptions, or verbal threats. Only behaviors consistent with real-life business settings will be encouraged to prepare you for the business world. TARDINESS If you are consistently late to class, the instructor reserves the right to lock you out of the classroom. You will not be allowed to attend that class session. For excessive tardiness, the instructor reserves the right to lower a student’s grade up to one letter grade. CLASSROOM GENERAL POLICIES All cell phones must be put on silent prior to starting each class. No use of any electronic devices in class other than approved calculators No unauthorized surfing the Internet, talking, or texting while in class No reading of newspapers or textbooks from other courses. No sleeping or napping (if you are ill, inform the instructor) BUS 110 Fall 2011 2 No smoking or use of tobacco is allowed while in the classroom. Only bottled water with a lid is allowed in the classroom. PLAGURISM AND ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, cheating or aiding or suborning cheating or other acts of academic dishonesty, plagiarism, misrepresentation of data in oral or written form. Plagiarizing or cheating will not be tolerated. All students are expected to do their own work. You are expected to properly document quoted or paraphrased material. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN INSTRUCTOR AND PARENTS Due to federal regulations, the instructor is not able to communicate any grade, attendance, or any information with parents or third parties without written consent of the student through the Admissions Office. Instructor will not communicate grade information through email to students and will only post grade information online in a timely manner. Instructor will only communicate with students through Heartland email accounts and/or over the phone. BUS 110 Fall 2011 3 Course Calendar Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Date Tues, August 23 Thurs, August 25 Topic/Activity Syllabus and Course Introduction Tues, August 30 Thurs, September 1 Tues, September 6 Thurs, September 8 Tues, September 13 Thurs, September 15 Tues, September 20 Thurs, September 22 Tues, September 27 Thurs, September 29 Tues, October 4 Thurs, October 6 Tues, October 11 Thurs, October 13 Tues, October 18 Thurs, October 20 Tues, October 25 Thurs, October 27 Tues, November 1 Thurs, November 3 Economics and Business Economics and Business Global Markets Tues, November 8 Thurs, November 10 Tues, November 15 Thurs, November 17 Tues, November 22 Thurs, November 24 Tues, November 29 Thurs, December 1 Developing and Pricing Goods & Services Distributing Products Using Effective Promotions Thanksgiving Break Begins Tues, December 6 Thurs, December 8 Tues, December 13 Using Securities Markets for Financing and Investing Comprehensive Final Exam Last Class BUS 110 Fall 2011 Ethical and Socially Responsible How to Form a Business How to Form a Business Entrepreneurship Management and Leadership Management and Leadership Adapting Organizations to Today Production and Operations Man. Production and Operations Man. Motivating Employees Human Resource Management Human Resource Management Employee Management Relations Marketing Accounting and Financial inform. Financial Management 4 Chapter covered/Assignment Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Goals Assignment Due Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 & 5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5 and review Exam No. 1 on Wednesday Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 10 & 11 Chapter 11 Exam No. 2 on Wednesday Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Individual Presentations Chapter 14 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Group Presentations Chapter 19 Chapter 19 and Review Session Exam No. 3