Waves - Revision World




Characteristics of waves

Types of wave

Electromagnetic Spectrum

The 7 Electromagnetic Waves

Uses of Electromagnetic Waves

Sound Waves

Sound Quiz


Seismic Waves

Colliding: The Andes

Spreading: Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Sliding Past Each Other: San Francisco

Characteristics of Waves

Amplitude, a

The distance from the middle to either the trough or peak

Wavelength, λ (metres)

The distance of one full cycle of a wave

Frequency, f (Hertz, Hz)

The number of waves that pass a point in 1 second

Waves carry energy from one place to another

Types of Wave

Transverse (light, water, strings)

Vibrations are at 90° to the direction of wave travel

Longitudinal (sound, slinky spring)

Vibrations are along the same direction as wave travel

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light in a vacuum

The electromagnetic spectrum consists of 7 types of em wave:

Short wavelength

High frequency

The 7 Electromagnetic Waves

Long wavelength

Low frequency

Uses of Electromagnetic Waves

Wavelength of the EM spectrum continually changes high frequency = short wavelength high frequency = high energy high energy = more dangerous

Radio Waves (communications)

TV and FM radio (short wavelength)

Direct line of sight with transmitter (do not diffract)

Medium wavelength – travel further because they reflect from layers in the atmosphere

Uses of Electromagnetic Waves

Microwaves (cooking and satellite signals)

Satellite signals: Frequency of microwaves pass easily through atmosphere and clouds

Cooking: microwaves are absorbed by water molecules.

These water molecules become heated  heat food

Dangers: microwaves are absorbed by living tissue

Internal heating will damage or kill cells

Uses of Electromagnetic Waves

Infrared Radiation (remote controls, toasters)

Any object that radiates heat radiates IR radiation

IR is absorbed by all materials and causes heating

IR is used for night vision and security cameras as IR is visible in daytime or night-time

Police use it to catch criminals, army use it to detect enemy

Dangers: damage to cells (burns)

Uses of Electromagnetic Waves

Ultraviolet (detect forged bank notes, tanning booths)

Darker skin protects UV from penetrating skin tissue deeper under the skin

Forged bank notes fluoresce in UV light; real don’t

Dangers: overexposure damages surface cells and eyes

Uses of Electromagnetic Waves

X Rays (detect bone breaks)

X-rays pass through flesh but not dense material like bones

Dangers: X-rays damage cells and cause cancers

Radiographer precautions include wearing lead aprons and standing behind a lead screen to minimise exposure

Gamma Rays (cause and treat cancers)

In high doses, gamma can kill normal cells and cause cancers

Gamma can be used to kill mutated cells though too…

Sound Waves

How do we hear?

Object vibrates  vibrations travel away as a wave

Vibrations enter the ear and vibrate a liquid in the inner ear

Vibrating liquid affects 1000s of nerves which tell your brain that you can hear a sound

Amplitude (dB) (loudness) Frequency/Pitch (High or Low)


Wavelength (m) amplitude amplitude

Wavelength (m) amplitude

Wavelength (m)

Wavelength (m)

Sound Quiz

The Greek letter  refers to which part of a wave?

The distance between two crests of a wave is called the…?

Frequency is measured in…?

If the amplitude of a sound wave increases, what would you hear?

What is the unit of amplitude of a sound wave?

Does sound travel through space?

Increasing the pitch also increases what?

If the amplitude of a light wave increases, what would you see?

Which has the highest pitch – a wave with short wavelength or long wavelength?

Two people at equal distances from a sound source. One is under water, the other is standing on the ground. Who will hear it first?


Ultrasound: sound with very high frequency

: frequency above 20kHz - inaudible

: high frequency = short wavelength

V = f x λ

V = wave speed (m/s) f = frequency (Hz)

λ = wavelength (m)

Wavelength, λ (m)

The 4 Uses

1. Industrial Cleaning

Ultrasound can be used to clean delicate equipment.

Short λ = narrow, focused beam.

Vibrations remove dirt effectively by “shaking” dirt loose.

No need to dismantle the equipment.

The 4 Uses

2. Industrial Quality Control

Ultrasound waves can detect cracks inside metals.

When a sound wave travels from one substance to another, some waves are reflected back as echoes.

The reflected waves (echoes) are detected by a computer...

An echo = a flaw in the metal

 a crack has formed.

The 4 Uses

3. Pre-Natal Scanning

X-rays can be used to see inside the body - (unsafe for a baby)

Ultrasound can create images and is safer.

Passes through new substance (skin, muscle, bone)

 waves are reflected as echoes.

The reflected waves (echoes) are detected by a computer... which builds up a picture from each echo.

The 4 Uses

4. SONAR - Direction and Range

• Bats produce ultrasound squeaks

 pick up the reflections using their big ears.

• Brain processes the reflected signals into a mental picture of the surroundings.

• Ships use SONAR to detect items on the seabed.

• The pattern of the reflections indicates the depth and shapes.

Seismic Waves

P waves (primary):

1) They are longitudinal so they cause the ground to move up and down

2) They pass through solids and liquids

3) They go faster through more dense material

S waves (secondary):

1) They are transverse so they cause the ground to move sideways

2) They ONLY pass through solids (hint: s wave = s olids)

3) They go faster through more dense material

Seismic Waves

S waves will only travel through a solid

P waves travel through the Earth and are refracted when they pass through a medium

The paths of these waves are curved because density is gradually changing

Observations: 1) It has a thin crust, 2) it has a semi-fluid mantle where density increases with depth, 3) a core with a liquid outer part and a solid inner part


The Earth’s crust is made up of plates of rock like a jigsaw

These plates move slowly as they float on the liquid mantle

This mantle moves slowly by convection currents, caused by the radiation emitted from the Earth’s core

The Earth’s crust is constructed of sedimentary rock layers

These plates meet at boundaries…

… at which plates collide, separate or slide past each other

Earth’s Crust

Sedimentary rocks settle in layers

The oldest rock is at the bottom; the newest at the top

Sedimentary rock is often folded or fractured due to pressures:

Colliding: The Andes

Oceanic plates are more dense than continental plates

When they collide: oceanic plate is pushed under  earthquake continental plate slides over and crumples  mountains

Oceanic plate melts  increased pressure of magma pushes through the crust as a volcano

Spreading: Mid-Atlantic Ridge

As tectonic plates move apart, magma rises and sometimes with enough force to produce an underwater volcano

Force causes tidal waves  tsunamis

These cause huge destruction when they reach the land

As the magma rises and cools, underwater mountains form

Evidence for Continental Drift e.g. Atlantic Ocean

Sliding Past Each Other: San Francisco

Plates can slide past each other

But when they do, they catch on each other and lurch

This lurch lasts a few seconds but is extremely violent

Violent shaking destroys buildings

Poorer countries suffer worse as they have:

1) overcrowded cities

2) poorly constructed buildings

3) inadequate rescue services


Parts of a wave; transverse (light) and longitudinal (sound)

EM spectrum: radio, microwaves, IR, UV, X-ray, Gamma

Ultrasound has 4 uses

Seismic waves: P (quicker) and S (solid only) waves

Tectonics drift on molten mantle and meet at boundaries

Interaction causes:

1) earthquakes

2) volcanoes

3) mountains

4) trenches

5) ridges

6) evidence for Continental Drift
