Whole-Course Self

Child Development
Whole Course Self-Assessment
Where am I in understanding how to nurture and care for children?
Rate yourself on each of the following statements using this scale:
3 = I am confident in my ability to do this independently.
2 = I am proficient at this but would benefit from a little extra practice or
1 = I am developing in my understanding of this and would benefit from additional
learning opportunities.
Learning Target
1. I can explain the best way to learn about children. (1)
2. I can identify three areas of childhood that researchers
have studied. (1)
3. I can summarize how children learn and develop
important skills. (1)
4. I can list the stages of development after childhood. (1)
5. I can determine why observation is important in the
study of child development. (1)
6. I can compare and contrast different methods of
observation and interpretation. (1)
Total: ___/18
Final Assessment
Total: ___/18
7. I can explain who can benefit from knowing about child
development and parenting. (2)
8. I can describe the five areas of responsibilities for
parents. (2)
9. I can identify pressures involved in sexual development.
10. I can summarize the benefits of abstinence. (2)
11. I can describe the possible consequences of sexual
activity. (2)
12. I can compare and contrast the options available to a
teen parent. (2)
13. I can explain what it means to be sexually responsible.
Total: ___/21
Total: ___/21
14. I can summarize the qualities that contribute to
building a strong family. (3)
15. I can describe the different family structures. (3)
16. I can discuss the trends affecting families. (3)
17. I can list the basic categories of children’s needs. (3)
18. I can identify the three parenting styles. (3)
19. I can summarize effective ways to guide children’s
behavior. (3)
Total: ___/18
20. I can list the methods of family planning. (4)
21. I can outline what occurs during each of the three
stages of prenatal development. (4)
22. I can contrast miscarriage and stillbirth. (4)
23. I can identify how ten major birth defects can be
diagnosed. (4)
24. I can summarize the hazards that alcohol and other
drugs pose to prenatal development. (4)
25. I can assess why environmental hazards must be
avoided during pregnancy. (4)
26. I can describe how a fetus can be affected by certain
illnesses the mother may contract. (4)
27. I can identify the early signs of pregnancy. (5)
28. I can explain the importance of proper nutrition during
pregnancy. (5)
29. I can list six categories of basic baby supplies. (5)
30. I can describe why parents need to develop a budget.
31. I can identify ways expectant parents can prepare for
the birth of a child. (5)
32. I can compare and contrast the options for the
delivery of a baby. (5)
33. I can describe the progression of labor. (6)
34. I can explain what happens during a cesarean birth. (6)
35. I can list the factors that can contribute to a premature
birth. (6)
36. I can describe a newborn’s appearance immediately after
birth. (6)
37. I can identify the exams and procedures given to a newborn in
the first few days. (6)
38. I can review what occurs during the hospital stay after
delivery. (6)
39. I can summarize the physical and emotional needs of a new
mother. (6)
40. I can identify the four major influences on an infant’s
growth and development. (7)
41. I can summarize how a baby typically grows in the first
year. (7)
42. I can explain how to safely hold a baby. (7)
43. I can identify how to meet a baby’s nutritional needs.
44. I can describe the best type of clothing suitable for a
baby. (7)
45. I can describe how to bathe a baby. (7)
46. I can explain why checkups and immunizations are
important for babies. (7)
47. I can list six basic emotions that babies experience. (8)
48. I can explain the role of attachment in a baby’s
emotional development. (8)
49. I can describe how temperament affects a baby’s
social development. (8)
50. I can explain how the emotional climate of the home
can affect a baby’s development. (8)
51. I can explain how a baby learns social behavior. (8)
52. I can identify how play and exploration help a baby
develop socially. (8)
53. I can describe how a baby’s experiences increase brain
function. (9)
54. I can explain how the brain becomes organized. (9)
55. I can list four abilities that show intellectual growth in
infants. (9)
56. I can identify specific abilities that babies learn during
Piaget’s first period of learning. (9)
57. I can name five ways caregivers can encourage learning. (9)
58. I can discuss how to choose toys appropriate for babies of
different ages. (9)
59. I can identify five changes in a child’s physical growth from
ages one to three. (10)
60. I can explain how developmental milestones are used. (10)
61. I can describe how a parent should respond to typical changes
in a child’s sleeping patterns. (10)
62. I can explain why it is important to establish good eating
habits early in life. (10)
63. I can identify why young children are particularly at risk for
accidents. (10)
64. I can list four factors to consider when choosing clothing for
young children. (10)
65. I can identify the factors that contribute to a child’s
emotional development. (11)
66. I can describe six specific emotions children ages eighteen
months to three years show. (11)
67. I can list the four signs of a healthy relationship between
parents and a child. (11)
68. I can identify four ways to help children get adequate sleep.
69. I can compare and contrast parallel play and cooperative play.
70. I can list six ways to help children develop social skills. (11)
71. I can explain the purpose of guidance. (11)
72. I can summarize how heredity and environment shape
intelligence. (12)
73. I can describe the four methods of learning used by young
children. (12)
74. I can list the seven areas of intellectual activity. (12)
75. I can list 11 ways to help guide children’s learning. (12)
76. I can identify four parts of language that children have an
inborn ability to decipher. (12)
77. I can summarize how to evaluate toys for young children. (12)
78. I can summarize how an average child’s posture and body
shape change from ages four to six. (13)
79. I can compare and contrast average motor skills development
for four-, five-, and six-year-olds. (13)
80. I can explain why good nutrition is essential for children ages
four to six. (13)
81. I can identify ways that four- to six-year-olds are able to
care for themselves. (13)
82. I can describe three steps that can help minimize toileting
accidents. (13)
83. I can list three areas of outdoor safety to discuss with fourto six-year-old children. (13)
84. I can identify a single characteristic that marks the
emotional development of four- to six-year-olds. (14)
85. I can list five ways to help children reduce worry and
frustration. (14)
86. I can describe how to help children develop self-confidence.
87. I can list three social skills children must learn as they begin
school. (14)
88. I can identify seven guidelines for encouraging moral
development in children. (14)
89. I can describe three ways to encourage conflict resolution
and cooperation in children. (14)
90. I can list eight types of intelligences. (15)
91. I can identify the common element of all theories of
intellectual development. (15)
92. I can identify three ways to encourage children’s
interest in learning. (15)
93. I can describe the link between speech development
and physical development. (15)
94. I can explain how parents can help their children
adjust to kindergarten. (15)
95. I can describe the two significant stages that occur
between ages seven and twelve. (16)
96. I can explain why children’s motor skills improve
between the ages of seven and twelve. (16)
97. I can list the nine topics in the Dietary Guidelines for
Americans. (16)
98. I can identify five areas that contribute to overall
physical health and wellness. (16)
99. I can identify ways to help ease emotional upsets. (17)
100. I can explain how to help children control and express
their anger in socially acceptable ways. (17)
101. I can list six ways to help a child develop a sense of
competence. (17)
102. I can summarize the four main qualities children look
for in friendships. (17)
103. I can identify typical changes that occur in children’s
attitudes toward their parents. (17)
104. I can describe five ways to help prepare children to
make good moral choices. (17)
105. I can identify four signs of intellectual development in
children ages seven to twelve. (18)
106. I can explain four thinking skills that build a
foundation for mastering school work. (18)
107. I can describe three learning methods that are
effective for children ages seven to twelve. (18)
108. I can identify characteristics of the middle school
experience that make it well suited to preteen learning.
109. I can compare and contrast three types of
standardized tests. (18)
Total: _____/15
110. I can list three main areas of change for adolescents.
111. I can identify three ways parents can help adolescents make
good nutrition choices. (19)
112. I can describe the four main influences on personal identity
development. (19)
113. I can identify three roles of peers on a teen’s social
development. (19)
114. I can list the major influences on a teens’ moral development.
115. I can identify three factors that influence how a student’s
learns in school. (19)
116. I can compare and contrast Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories
of intellectual development in adolescence. (19)
Total: ____/21
117. I can explain how regular checkups and immunizations can
help prevent illness. (20)
118. I can summarize effective ways to care for a sick child. (20)
119. I can outline the steps to follow in an emergency situation.
120. I can describe appropriate first-aid procedures for three
types of bleeding. (20)
121. I can compare and contrast reuse breathing and CPR. (20)
122. I can describe how parents can help children cope with
stress. (21)
123. I can list eight possible causes of stress in children. (21)
124. I can identify nine categories of disabilities. (21)
125. I can describe some of the traits exhibited by gifted
children. (21)
126. I can identify four major types of maltreatment. (21)
127. I can summarize common reasons behind abuse and
maltreatment. (21)
128. I can explain what can be done to prevent child abuse. (21)
Total: _____/21
Total: _____/21
129. I can describe two types of substitute care for younger
children. (22)
130. I can list questions a parent should ask when choosing homebased care. (22)
131. I can describe the benefits of having learning centers in
early childhood classrooms. (22)
132. I can explain the factors to consider when planning
activities. (22)
133. I can identify methods for promoting positive behavior in
the classroom. (22)
134. I can describe three different ways to gain work
experience. (23)
135. I can identify factors to consider when evaluating
careers. (23)
136. I can explain the relationship between a career goal
and a career path. (23)
137. I can list six steps involved in a job search. (23)
138. I can compare and contrast job-specific skills and
transferable skills. (23)
139. I can summarize an employee’s responsibilities when
leaving a job. (23)
Total: _____/18
Overall Total