AP Calculus AB Syllabus 2013-14 Meyer-HAIS AP Course Design and Philosophy AP Calculus AB is designed to deliver a semester or more of University level Calculus in one high school yearlong course. We will be working at a high level and at a steady pace, which will demand work outside of class via homework, projects and tutorials. Students are expected to take advantage of outside class time in order to get up to speed in the prerequisite concepts. We will be starting the year with the concept of the derivative and will not be doing a beginning of the year math review. The goal of this course is three-fold: 1) the student will be exposed to the beauty of calculus, not only the mechanics, but the manifold applications and the natural relationship between differentiation and integration. We will do this in a variety of ways: through writing, through reading, through data banks and tables, through graphs, through function notation and mathematical equations, and much of this through technology. 2) The student will be prepared for college level math courses through an intense level of study. The expectation is for the student to gain the necessary study skills to succeed in post-secondary coursework. 3) The final goal of the program is for the student to pass the AP Calculus AB test at the end of the year and thus gain college credit for the first semester of the Calculus series. Content Outline 1. The Definition of the Derivative: A First Introduction to Limits 2. Linear Approximation (The Secant Line) 3. The Power Rule, Constant Rule, Addition & Subtraction Rule 4. Limits (One and Two sided) and Continuity; Discontinuity 5. Basic Differentiation (Product, Quotient and Chain Rule) 6. Intermediate Value Theorem; Mean Value Theorem 7. Early Transcendentals; Exponential and Logarithmic Derivation 8. Limits of Trigonometric Functions 9. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions; Inverse Functions 10. Optimization (Maximum and Minimum Problems) 11. Extreme Values and Critical Points; Graph Sketching with Asymptotes 12. Motion and Higher Order Derivatives; Concavity 13. Implicit Differentiation 14. Related Rates 15. Riemann Sums (various methods) and the Area Under a Curve 16. Antiderivatives 17. Definite and Indefinite Integrals (Families of Functions) 18. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Part I and II) 19. Methods of Integration (U-Substitution) 20. Further Transcendental Functions 21. Differential Equations (Separation of Variables) 22. Slope Fields 23. Area Between Two Curves 24. Setting up Integrals: Calculating Volume by cross section 25. Volumes of Solid Revolution (Disk, Washer and Shell Methods) AP Calculus AB Syllabus 2013-14 Meyer-HAIS Grading weights: (Block Schedule 90-Minute Class) 1. Homework: 10% (approximately 1-2 sets per week) 2. Class Participation (Punctuality, attendance, activities): 20% (2 per week) 3. Quizzes: 20% (approximately 1-2 per week) 4. Projects: 25% (1 per cycle) 5. Tests: 25% (at least one per cycle) Grouping and Seating Choice seating is a privilege not a right. Group members must have specific responsibilities when engaged in activities. Be cooperative during activities that require you to break away from your group. Projects: 1st Cycle Project: The Unit Circle Students will be required to create the unit circle on a poster board. A rubric of required components for the poster will be given. Students will also be given an oral examination over the important trigonometric values and coordinates. 2nd Cycle Project: Graphical Analysis: Investigation of Motion Students will be required to create a position, velocity, and acceleration graph on a poster board and give a written scenario. A rubric will be given as to the required components. 3rd Cycle Project: Application of Derivatives Students will be required to create a story and a related rates problem that they will solve using differentiation. A rubric will be given. 4th Cycle Project: Application of the Integral Students will be required to create and solve a problem using integration. Students must supply a graph, a written description of the scenario and solution of the problem, an analytical representation of the problem and solution, a table or data bank must be provided, and the student group must present the project to the class. 5th Cycle Project: Constructing a model that approximates the volume via perpendicular cross sections of the base. 6th Cycle Project: Mock AP Exam Students will be required to take a full mock AP Calculus AB examination. Students will learn the scoring process, and will create an improvement plan to maximize their AP score after identifying personal weaknesses. This will require time outside of the classroom. Homework Students are encouraged to study the concepts explored in class on a daily basis as an ongoing homework assignment. Frequent exposure to the language of mathematics inspires deep comprehension of the subject. There will be homework assignments in the form of problem sets, AP challenge problems, projects and extra credit. There are approximately 25 homework problem sets for the year. AP Calculus AB Syllabus 2013-14 Meyer-HAIS Absences Those students with excused absences will be allowed to make up missed work within a reasonable time frame. Inevitably anyone absent from class is losing instruction. It may be very difficult to make up grades from missed group activities and class participation with full points. It is of extreme importance that students develop a strong work ethic that is so highly desired in the work place. Tutorials If a student’s grade falls below an 80% in the course, the student will be required to create a plan to raise his or her grade and may also be assigned required tutorials until they return a mastery level of the subject matter. Office Hours The teacher will be available Mondays and Tuesdays after school from 4-5 pm for impromptu and scheduled tutorials. We will also take advantage of Saturday tutorials as needed and by appointment. Classroom Rules Follow the student code of conduct. No food or drinks are allowed in the classroom w/o teacher permission. The use of personal electronic devices is prohibited in class w/o permission. Be respectful of school property. Be respectful of yourself and others. Consequences for Breaking Classroom Rules Confiscation of your electronic device, accessories, food, and/or drinks. Relocation to another seat in the classroom. Student-teacher conference. Teacher-parent conference. Referral to the office. Required Materials 1. Colored Pencils, Pens, Glue Sticks. 2. Composition Book/ Journal (for Interactive Notebook). 3. Graph paper. 4. Homework Manual with Solution Guide (Provided by Teacher) 5. Although graphing calculators are provided for use in class, it is recommended that students purchase a graphing calculator for use at home. Resources HISD Adopted Resource: Smith/Minton Text Larson, Hostetler & Edwards. Calculus, 5th ed. Houghton Mifflin Co., 2006. Rogawski and Cannon, 2nd ed. W.H. Freeman and Co., 2012. Finney, Demana, Waits & Kennedy, Calculus, 4th ed. Prentice Hall, 2012. AP Central Free Response and Curriculum Modules for AP Calculus AP Calculus AB Syllabus 2013-14 Meyer-HAIS Attention: Parents and Students Please review, sign and return this page as soon as possible. If completed and returned by Friday August 30, you will receive 5 extra credit points on your first test! ---------------------------------------------------Student Name (printed)_____________________________________________________ Student e-mail ___________________________________________________________ Student Signature _________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (printed)___________________________________________ Parent/Guardian e-mail ___________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________________________ Please use the additional space here to ask any questions/ concerns regarding the course: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________