Models of Evaluation For Research Proposals in Turkey Prof. Dr. Omer CEBECI Vice President – Funding, TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey) & S. GENC, A. KERC, H. KARATAS, A. FEYZIOGLU, F. COSKUN, O. OZPEYNIRCI, B. DIKMEN, G. KOZANOGLU, H. GULER & O. KARA SUMMARY • Research funding in Turkey, TUBITAK & recent boost • Three-dimensional evalution used by TUBITAK for the evaluation/selection of research project proposals grouped under three categories: • • • • (1) curiosity driven academic research, and (2) customer driven applied research, both in universities and research institutions, and (3) technological and innovation driven research conducted by the private industry, plus • (4) research equipment & infrastructure. • Details of the “Phrase-anchored rating scale” Actors of Turkish National Science and Technology System (policy makers) BTYK- Supreme Council of Science and Technology TUBITAK-The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey TAEK- The Turkish Atomic Energy Commission MIT-Ministry of Industry and Trade TOBB-Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchange of Turkey ME-Ministry of Education The Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) HEC-Higher Education Council (YÖK) KOSGEB- Small and Medium Sized Industry and Development Organizations TTGV- Technology Development Foundation of Turkey TÜRKAK- Accreditation Board DPT- State Planning Organization DTM-Foreign Trade and Treasury Actors of Turkish National Science and Technology System (science and research performers) Turkish Industry Turkish State Universities TUBITAK National Research Other Centers and Institutes National Research Marmara Research Center (MAM) Centers Institute of Energy and Institutes Chemistry and Environment Institute Food Institute Materials Institute Information Technologies Research Institute Earth and Marine Sciences Research Institute Information Technologies and Electronics Research Institute (BİLTEN) National Electronics and Criptology Turkish Research Institute (UEKAE) Private Defence Industry Research and Development Universities Institute(SAGE) and Research Basic Science Research Institute Centers National Academic Network Center Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research Institute National Metrology Institute Turkish Industry Management Institute National Observatory Turkish National Science, Technology and Innovation System President of Republic Prime Minister BTYK MEB YÖK STB Universities KOSGEB TSE DIE TPE DTM DPT TOBB TÜBA TÜBİTAK TTGV TÜRKAK R&D Institutions BTYK- Supreme Council of Science and Technology STB- Minister of Industry and Trade MEB- Ministry of National Education TÜBİTAK- The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey YÖK- Higher Education Council (YÖK) TÜBA- The Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) DPT- State Planning Organization TÜRKAK- Accreditation Board TPE- Turkish Patent Institute TSE- Turkish Standards Institution DIE- State Institute of Statistics DTM- Undersecretariat of the Prime Minister for Foreign Trade TOBB-Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchange of Turkey KOSGEB- Small and Medium Industry Development Organizations TTGV- Technology Development Foundation of Turkey National S&T Indicators Number of triadic patents per million population 2,5 2 Total R&D personnel per 1000 employment Japan 1,5 Germany 1 0,5 0 US Number of papers per million population EU-15 GERD as a percentage of GDP GERD per capita population EU-15 Values (2000-2001): GERD per capita population:467. 6 (PPP $) Number of triadic patents per million population:36 GERD as a percentage of GDP:1,89 Total R&D personnel per 1000 employment: 10.4 Number of papers per million population:822 National S&T Indicators Number of triadic patents per million population 1 EU-15 Total R&D personnel per 1000 employment GERD as a percentage of GDP 0,5 Hungary Spain Number of papers per million population Turkey GERD per capita population Share of Turkey in World Publications (%) Scientific Publications 1,20 1,11 1,10 1,00 0,94 0,90 0,86 0,80 0,70 0,64 0,60 0,50 0,57 0,52 0,46 0,40 1998 1999 2000 2001 Year 2002 2003 2004 Knowledge as a Tool Knowledge is a tool that can be used for a variety of social objectives, including: Meeting Basic Human Needs Increasing Safety & Security Improving the Quality of Life Economic Growth and Development Knowledge - R&D Cost per Kg Concrete 1 cent Cement 5 cent Steel 50 cent Aluminium 1,5 $ Automobile 10 – 100 $ Passenger Aircraft 100 – 1.000 $ Fiberoptical Cable 3.000 $ Combat aircraft 10.000 $ Communication Satellite 100.000 $ Microprocessor (Si) Chip 4.000.000 $ Share of TUBITAK in TR Fiscal Budget 46 50 45 40 30 10 2001 10 9 8 8 8 8 9 10 13 13 12 9 8 8 1999 5 7 8 9 10 11 9 10 8 7 8 10 8 10 11 15 10 15 16 20 17 25 8 ONBİNDE 35 5 0 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 2003 2005 Research Proposals *from universities and research institutions: 1) curiosity driven academic research 2) customer driven applied research *from private industry: 3) technological & innovation driven research TUBITAK Research Project Proposals Number of Proposal Science and Technology Project Proposals 3000 2500 Career 2000 International Sector 1500 Units Infrastructure 1000 Research 500 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 Years 2003 2004 Running Research Projects 3000 2600 2500 2000 1500 1353 1212 1199 1000 694 885 889 929 899 1995 1996 1997 1998 750 982 833 837 1999 2000 587 430 500 264 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 EVALUATION & MEASUREMENT TARİHTEN BUGÜNE SAĞLIK ve ÖLÇME • Ateş ve nabız – 1625 (Santario ve Galileo) • Torricelli - 1643 • Tansiyon - 1733 (Hales) • 1896 - Riva-Rocci • Korotkov - 1905 • Ateş - nabız - tansiyon ölçüm ve kayıtları ile hasta izleme - 1920 ÖLÇME ve DEĞERLENDİRME “ Ölçemediğinizi anlıyamazsınız ! ” Lord Kelvin (1824 - 1907) (If you can’t measure it you don’t understand it) “Her hesaba katılması gerekenin sayılır olması gerekmez ! “ Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) (Not everything that can be counted counts & not everything that counts can be counted) Çıktı mı ? Sonuç mu ? Etki mi? Çıktıların sonucu olarak gerçekleşen ETKİ ! OUTPUT – OUTCOME – IMPACT IMPACTS achieved as consequences of the OUTCOMES resulting from the realisation of the OUTPUTS OUTPUT – OUTCOME – IMPACT IMPACTS achieved as consequences of the OUTCOMES resulting from the realisation of the OUTPUTS ( My eye jelly project ) Intended / Expected / Desired IMPACT : . . . in full control of my mandate . . . Unintended / Unexpected / Unwanted BUT ACTUAL REAL IMPACT : . . . under strict control of my wife ! . . Evaluation Criteria three-dimensional evaluation criteria developed in collaboration with researchers & reviewers 1) Curiosity Driven Academic Research - the three dimensions 1. intellectual/scientific/professional merit 2. expected impact of the anticipated outcome 3. achievability of the research with the proposed research team, equipment/facilities and methods 2) Customer Driven Applied Research - the three dimensions 1. research and development merit 2. expected impact of the anticipated outcome 3. achievability of the research with the proposed research team, equipment/facilities and methods 3) Technological & Innovation Driven Research - the three dimensions 1. technological level of the research 2. innovative level of the product/outcome 3. feasibility of the process Evaluation Process all three-criteria are given equal weights Phrase-Anchored Rating Scale versus Likert Scale sub-criteria phrases describing *very competitive *competitive *not-competitive features of the proposal Very competitive *scientifically and professionally outstanding & very well justified project & *points to an opportunity for a major contribution to the advancement of the knowledge and/or to the resolution of a problem of practical importance Competitive *scientifically and professionally competent and justified proposal which will make a contribution to the advancement of knowledge &/or the resolution of a problem of practical value & therefore *support is suggested if funds are available Not competitive *work routine in character *scientifically and professionally unsatisfactory and poorly organized Evaluation Process 5-8 Individual Reviewers evaluate 10-15 proposals by referring to the sub-criteria phrases Panels a meeting for a final verdict Curiosity / Merit = V. Comp. • Outcomes have high potentials for publication in journals or books listed in international indexes • The originality of the work has been supported by extensive and critical literature survey • Hypothesis for evaluating the research topic is very well defined • Explanation and analysis of the expected outcomes reveal the superiority of the work in comparison to the existing science and technology. Curiosity / Merit = Not comp. • Scientific consistency and the rationale of the research are not clearly explained. • A clear scientific / technological question is not put forward. • Project is more like an investigation / data collection / routine work. • References provided include similar studies & literature survey does not point out the basis / importance of the project. • The research is based on unreliable data and hypothesis. Curiosity / Impact = V. Comp. • Very important in terms of sustainable development of the country /very likely to be implemented to find solutions for the problems of society • Very likely to be employed in different scientific & technological fields • Very likely to generate new projects • Commercialization potential of the outcomes is very high • The project is supported by international, national or industrial sources. Curiosity / Impact = Not comp. • Potential for adding value to science and technology is low • Subject of the project is not among the priorities of the country • Not likely to result in intellectual property worth-protecting. Curiosity / Achiev. = V. Comp. Project Team • The team is experienced in national / international projects related with same/similar subject • They have experience as advisors /authors / referees / editors / book authors • The can allocate enough time for the project • Competencies / responsibilities / roles of the team members are well defined and adequate • End users of the project outcomes are also members of the team. Curiosity / Achiev. = Not Comp. Project Team • The team is not experienced in conducting projects of this size • The knowledge and awareness of the team is not sufficient • They do not have important publications in the subject of the project • Some of the team members are irrelevant for the project • Essential competencies are lacking Curiosity / Achieve. = V. Comp. Infrastructure • Infrastructure of the institution is very adequate for the project • Additional equipment requested within the scope of the project is very compatible with the existing infrastructure and the project • Existing sources / equipment are used rather than purchasing new sources • Requested equipment can also be used in other / future projects Curiosity / Achieve. = Not Comp. Infrastructure • Infrastructure of the institution is not adequate for the project, unless supported with major equipment • Equipment requested within the scope of the project is not compatible with the existing infrastructure and the project Curiosity / Achieve. = V. Comp. Methodology • Approach / methodology are very well designed to reach the target • Methodology is correct and well-defined; and standard methods and literature are cited • Preliminary experiments have been conducted to rationalize the hypothesis • Alternatives (plan B) have been considered if difficulties are encountered Curiosity / Achieve. = Not Comp. Methodology • Methodology is not adequate to reach the target • Relations between the experiments and hypothesis are not well defined • Methodology is not explained with a common scientific basis • Possible problems and limitations are not considered • Statistical analytical requirements are not considered Curiosity / Achieve. = V. Comp. Timeline • Proposed period & time schedule are realistic Budget • Proposed budget is realistic and well-justified • Project is also supported by other institutions Curiosity / Achieve. = Not Comp. Timeline • Proposed period and time schedule are not synchronized • Time schedule is not adequate Budget • Budget is not well-define and requested amount is too low / high • There is no possibility of support from other institutions Customer / Merit = V. Comp. • Aims to develop a national / international novel technology (methodology, system, product, process / technique) • Brings comparable superiority to the existing system • Outcome will be a technology to be protected under the intellectual property rights • Work consists of a scientific and rationale approach • An interdisciplinary project with the collaboration of the Public- Private IndustryUniversity-Research Institutions Customer / Merit = Not comp. • Literature survey and market survey are not satisfactory, work is based on unreliable data • No scientific / technological rationale and integrity in the project • It is a study that had been done before in the country • Aim, objective and motivation are not clear • Outcome is not qualified as “applicable/usable” • Not related with a real need / problem Technological Level = V. Comp. • Technology / product developed aims to fill a gap in the existing technology or replace the existing technology within the following 3 years • Has an interdisciplinary approach to solve more than one problem • Rationale of the R&D is well established (theoretical / analytical / experimental) • Added value of the anticipated outcome of the R&D project is considered • Has contribution to increase R&D staff • A doctorate / masters study is incorporated within the project and the outcomes have potentials to be published in national/international journals. Technological Level = Not comp. • Literature survey and market survey are not adequate • No scientific/technological advance and integrity in the project • R&D rationale (analytical and /or experimental) is not adequate • Aim, objective and motivation are not clear.Procedure that has been used will not provide a change / improvement in the methodology and technology Innovation Level = V. comp. • Outcomes may lead to spin-off company • Outcomes include production standards and technical specifications • Outcomes will affect other sectors as well • Outcomes very likely to increase the export capacity of the country • Very likely to be a basis for generating new projects / products Innovation Level = Not comp. • Outcome is not qualified as “applicable/usable” • Period of usefulness is very limited or not effective • Does not provide new areas of work and as a result does not increase employment • Expenditure for the R&D study is far beyond the expected economical benefit of the product • Support provided by the private organization is not sufficient. Comments Reviewers (hundreds): • The model reduced the, – burden of the review process on them, & – subjectivity and variability of the opinions of the individuals • Convenience of selecting from a comprehensive list of phrases as well as • the freedom of offering their own judgments Researchers (thousands): • Sub-criteria phrases to be very instrumental in guiding the development of their proposals Thank you Hundreds of scientists, researchers and reviewers participated in workshops for the development of the criteria and phrases listed in the tables. Their contributions are gratefully acknowledged.