Cell Analogy - Project Description & Parent Signature Form

Name: __________________________________________ Class: _________Date: _______________
Science Project – Cell Analogy Diorama
In science class we have learned about “the building blocks of life,” cells! We
have learned about the many organelles within a cell and what each organelle
does. We have compared the jobs of cell organelles to parts of a factory and a
classroom. Now it is your turn to make your own analogy to the parts of a cell.
You are to create a model or detailed poster that compares the cell to
something else (besides a factory or classroom).
STEP #1 – Parent Signature
Show this page to a parent/guardian. Explain the project and write down any questions your
parent/guardian has. Have parent or guardian sign the back of this page. Due on Wednesday January 20th,
STEP #2 – Project Proposal
Before starting to build your project, you must fill out a worksheet with your ideas and how you will
demonstrate each part of the cell for feedback and approval from Mr. Pye. Due on Wednesday January
20th, 2015.
STEP #3 – Final Project (Due February 4th, 2015)
1. Create a diorama or detailed poster to demonstrate your analogy of an
animal cell.
a. If you decide to make a poster, you need to include lots of pictures
and make it look nice in order to get full creativity points.
2. Create a title for your project.
3. Label each part and organelle in your diorama or poster (9 total labels).
4. Either on your label, or on a separate attached sheet, describe how each
part of the cell is like a part of your diorama/poster. Use complete
sentences. (9 total descriptions).
a. For example:
i. The RIBOSOMES in a cell are like THE STUDENTS in a
classroom because RIBOSOMES WORK TO MAKE
in a classroom.
Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________ Print ____________________ Date _______
Name: __________________________________________ Class: _________Date: _______________
**For extra credit, you can add in the 2 plant cell organelles we will learn about on Wednesday.
Remember, if you do this, you will be making a PLANT CELL, not an animal cell (please adjust your
project title if you do this).
Analogy Examples/Ideas
There are many possibilities for cell analogies. Here are some suggestions, but
please feel free to BE CREATIVE and come up with your own:
The Cell is Like a…………..
City, house, computer, school, restaurant, football franchise, sports
stadium, grocery store, post office, castle, farm, park, department store,
Santa’s workshop, daycare center, prison, state fair, garden, zoo,
Broadway play, train station, cell phone, iPod….
Please use these pictures as IDEAS for referencing what is expected in this
A City
A Baseball Stadium/Franchise
A House
A Flower Shop
Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________ Print ____________________ Date _______
Name: __________________________________________ Class: _________Date: _______________
Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________ Print ____________________ Date _______