11-4 ABO blood types and Rh System are based on antigen

Name: ____________________________________________
Date: ________________ Hour: _______________
11-4 ABO blood types and Rh System are based on antigen-antibody responses
Trigger an __________ ________that protects the body from ___________
On ________membranes of all cells
Red Blood Cells (RBCs) have at least ____kinds of surface antigens
Determine your ____________ ______________
All red blood cells have _______ ________, but the surface antigens are
different with different ___________ ___________
Type A Blood
Type B Blood
Type ____ blood
Type O blood
Surface ___ antigen
Surface B antigen
______ antigens
Anti ______ antibody
Anti ______
Surface A and B
_______ antibodies
Anti-A and Anti-B
From table 11-2
About ______ percent of the US population have Type O blood.
Type ______ blood is the least common blood type in the US population
The only population that has only one type of blood type is__________________
Rh Factor=
Determined by the ________________________
_______________= surface of RBC contains that antigen
_______________= no surface Rh antigen
______ percent of the US population have O+ blood
The second most common blood type with Rh factor in the US is ________ with ______percent
Cross reactions in blood transfusions
Usually, your _____________ _____________ ignores your surface antigens--- antigens are sometimes called
Name: ____________________________________________
Date: ________________ Hour: _______________
However, your _____________contains antibodies (also called _____________________) that attack
surface antigens of RBCs that are of a different _____________________ _______________________.
If you receive a different blood type, _______________in your plasma meet their specific antigen on
the donated RBCs
This binding causes ______________ of the RBCs
This is called _____________________________
This clumping can plug small ___________________ in the kidneys, lungs, heart, or blood, damaging or
destroying _______________
This all can be avoided by making sure the donor and recipient are ______________________.
Draw a diagram of which blood types can receive what blood:
Rh and blood transfusions
Plasma of a person with _____ __________________ blood does not usually contain any ______
These antibodies are only present in your blood if you have been previously ___________ to Rh antibodies
Exposure can occur through a __________________ or during a _______________________
Erythroblastosis fetalis/Hemolytic disease of the newborn=
Name: ____________________________________________
Date: ________________ Hour: _______________
11-1 Functions and Characteristics of Blood
The cardiovascular system ____________ all other body systems
Kind of like a cooling system of a car
both have ______________ _______________ (blood v. water)
both have a ____________________ (heart v. water pump)
both use __________________ _____________ to carry the fluid (blood vessels v. radiator hoses)
both can _______________ from fluid loss, pump failure, or damaged tubing
First body system to be formed in the ________________
 _____________________ used first
 Heart begins beating in the ___________ week of pregnancy
 Embryo can now use _______________ from the blood stream more ______________
 Embryo _______________in size the next week
Functions of the blood:
1. Transportation
 Dissolved ___________, ____________, _______________, and _____________
Carries ____________ to the ______________
Carries _______________ _____________________from the tissues to the lungs
Distributes nutrients that are either______________ at the ________________ __________ or
released from storage in ________ or ___________
Name: ____________________________________________
Date: ________________ Hour: _______________
Carries _______________ from endocrine glands
 Absorbs _____________ and transports them to the _________________ for excretion
2. Regulation
 Regulates_______ and composition of ions throughout the body
Absorbs and ____________acids made by tissues. Example: ____________ _________
produced by muscles when working out
 Prevents too much ______________ or _____________ ___________
3. Prevents fluid loss
 Blood contains _______________ and other components that ____________ blood loss
Clotting form a _______________ ______________ that prevents further ____________ of
blood volume
4. Defense
 Blood transports ____________ _____________ _____________ (________) around the body
which fight______________ and remove__________ and other _____________
Delivers _____________ which attach invading ___________ and other alien compounds
5. Regulation of body temperature
 Blood ___________ ____________ made by muscles and redistributes it to ____________
 When your body temperature is_______, blood is directed to the
 When your body temp is too _________, the flow of blood is restricted to _________________
Blood Composition: Blood is basically ___________________ ______________________
Made up of a ____________ of plasma and _________________ _____________________
Plasma is made up of _____________________ ______________________, not insoluble
fibers like those in ___________________________________________________________
Plasma is __________________ ________________________ than water
Name: ____________________________________________
Date: ________________ Hour: _______________
Formed elements are _____________ _______________ and cell fragments (platelets) which are suspended
in the plasma
These include:
Red blood cells or ______________________
White blood cells or _______________________
__________________________________= Process that produced formed elements
Made by _________________________________________________________________________
Together, the ___________________and ________________ ______________ make up the
________________ ________________
On average, a _____________ has about ________________________________ of whole blood
A _________________has about _______________________________ of whole blood
All of the ______________________________ of the whole blood can be ___________________ (or
separated) for analytical or clinical purposes
Blood Collection
Fresh whole blood is collected from the anterior ___________________________________________
Common sampling technique because superficial veins are _______________________________ and
have thinner wall than _____________________
Also, ___________________ ___________________ in the venous system is relatively low so the
puncture seals quickly
Arterial Puncture
Drawing blood from an ________________
May be needed for __________________________________________________________________
Name: ____________________________________________
Date: ________________ Hour: _______________
Samples are usually drawn from the ______________ ______________ at the wrist or brachial artery
at the elbow
Whether or not whole blood is drawn from an artery or vein, it still has these same basic
o ______________________________: 100.4 degrees F (just above normal body temp)
o Viscosity: blood is ______________________________________________________________
o pH: blood is slightly basic- average ph= __________
11-2 Plasma
Plasma makes up about _________________ of the volume of ______________________________
Water makes up about ______________ of the volume of plasma
Plasma contains lots of ___________________ ________________________
These _________________ are too large to diffuse through the walls of the capillaries, so they ____________
Plasma is made up of:
1. ______________________: (60%)
o Most abundant proteins
o Contribute to _______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________: (35%)
o Include _________________________________________________________________
Antibodies are also called ___________________________ and attack foreign proteins
and pathogens
Transport proteins bind to small ions, hormones, or other compounds ______________
Name: ____________________________________________
Date: ________________ Hour: _______________
Plasma and fat transport:
Albumins and globulins bind to __________________________________________________________
However, when the plasma proteins bind to the lipid, they make a compound that is _______________
This compound allows for lipids to be _____________________________________________________
This compounds are called ______________________
3. The third and last type of plasma protein is_________________________
o Used in ___________________________________________________
o Interact to make fibrin; __________________________________________________________
o _________________is the fluid left over after the _____________________________________
The liver makes about ___________________________________________________________________
Antibodies are made by the ______________________________________________________
Liver disorders can alter the ___________________________________________________________________
Example: __________________________________________________________________________________