Hansen AP Euro The New Nationalism of 1848-1871 Ch. 25 Major Themes #1 Old Type of Nationalism 1815-1848 •Origin in the Napoleonic Wars Reaction of nonFrench ethnicities to French heavy handedness •Linked to what class? Liberals want- Republics… not necessarily with full franchise Radicals want Full Franchise… angeling towards Socialism •Intellectual Foundations: Liberal middle class have the Romantic idea that people, as defined by culture and particularly language should unite for the clear expression of a people’s voice . Radicals want the same plus a desire for equality of opportunity. •Faith is placed in Lockian belief that people can make rational decisions and govern themselves •Ideal form of Gov: Constitutional Monarchy or Republic Name ____________ Period _________ New Type of Nationalism 1848- 1871 •Origin in the Napoleonic Wars The French Themselves Under Napoleon •Linked to what class? Conservatives and the poor against the middle class and radicals standing governments, which explains why this is more popular in Italy and Germany, which have governments to unite behind rather than in, say, Bohemia or Ukraine •Intellectual Foundations: Linked to current autocratic gov’s because of a loss of faith in the people that occurred in the year 1848 … liberal reform movements only end in bloodshed and chaos. New belief that people needed to be ruled for their own good; old conservative order realizes that it can get the support of the masses, while retaining power for themselves and marginalizing radicals by simply playing up nationalism. So this is a coalition of the conservatives and moderates at the expense of the radicals. Private property will be maintained and some social progress will be handed down from the top to calm the radicals. •Faith is placed in old conservative elites •Ideal Form of Gov: authoritarian governments given a mandate by ocassional plebiscites showing popular support – This explains why these governments will use _war_____ as a political tool •Often linked to countries that wanted independence from great multinational empires : Greece, Hungarians, Czechs, Baltic Peoples, Slavs •Linked to countries with common culture, such as Ital and Germany [however, both had obstacles to overcome- in Italy _North is industrialized and south is agricultural___________________ and in Germany - Northern and Southern Germany have different religions •These countries sought independence from multinational Empires like Austria Hungary, Russia, or the Ottomans •Level of Success: Italy and Germany both unify, and Germany becomes a great power, but this ends the peace of 1815-1848…. The period 1848-1871 is filled with small wars and builds the tension for WWI •Level of success: The liberal/socialist/radical nationalist movements, culminating in 1848 failed , largely because liberals and radicals couldn’t agree •Extra points to be made •Extra points to be made –hints of we-they attitude already exist –Austro-Hungarian weakness is key - remember that they almost fell in 1848. They are also constantly dealing with problems to the South and East and internally- Hungary. –This gives breathing space to _Italy _, and Germany and will leave a vacuum in the Balkans , since the Ottomans are weakening. –If you look at a map, their weakness explains the ability of _Germany and Italy to unify –Italy less important than Germany –Conservative governments ironically offer many _social programs to keep the people happy… successes eventually bring even the liberals and radicals around Hansen AP Euro The New Nationalism of 1848-1914 Ch. 25 Major Themes #1 Name ____________ Period _________ Old Type of Nationalism ____________ New Type of Nationalism ______________ •Origin in the Napoleonic Wars _______________ __________________________________________ •Origin in the Napoleonic Wars _________________________ •Linked to what class? Liberals want________________________________ Radicals want __________________________________________ •Linked to what class? Conservatives and the poor against the middle class and radicals _________________________________________________ ____________________ •Intellectual Foundations: Liberal middle class have the Romantic idea that people, as defined by culture and particularly _________ should unite for the clear expression of a people’s voice . Radicals want the same plus a desire for equality of ______________________ . •Faith is placed in _______________ •Intellectual Foundations: Linked to ____________ because of a _______________in the people that occurred in the year _______… liberal reform movements only end in ___________________. New belief that people needed to be ruled for their own good; old conservative order realizes that it can get the support of the masses, while retaining power for themselves and marginalizing the middle class by simply playing up nationalism strings. So this is a coalition of the ____________ ______________at the expense of the ____________________. ________________________________ will be maintained and some social progress will be handed down from the top to calm the radicals. •Ideal form of Gov: _________________________________ _________________________________________________ •Faith is placed in ____________________________________________ •Often linked to countries that wanted _________________ _______ : Greece, Hungarians, Czechs, Baltic Peoples, Slavs •Ideal Form of Gov: ________________________________________ This explains why these governments will use ______ as a political tool •These countries sought independence from multinational Empires like _______________, __________, or _________ •Level of success: The liberal/socialist/radical nationalist movements, culminating in 1848 ________ , largely because __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ •Extra points to be made –hints of ________________ attitude already exist •Linked to countries with common culture, such as __________________ [however, both had obstacles to overcome- in Italy ____________________________________________ ______________________________ and in Germany - Northern and Southern Germany have ____________________________________________ •Level of Success: ________ and _____________both unify, and _________becomes a great power, but this ends the peace of 1815-1848…. The period 1848-1871 is filled with small wars and builds the tension for ________________ •Extra points to be made –____________ weakness is key -.remember that they almost fell in _______. They are also constantly dealing with problems to the South and East and internally- _________. –This gives breathing space to ________, and ___________ and will leave a vacuum in the ______________, since the Ottomans are weakening. –If you look at a map, their weakness explains the ability of ________________ to unify –__________ less important than ___________ –Conservative governements ironically offer many __________ programs to keep the people happy… successes eventually bring even the liberals and radicals around Late 19th Century Europe New Nationalism in France – The Model • Constitutional Monarch Louis Napoleon – Chosen because French people want order fear never-ending revolutions and Marxist radicalism – At first, Louis must compromise with the conservative national assembly • Insert the church into schools (will crush antihierarchical urges) • Assembly won’t do what Napoleon wants – When it won’t change the law to grant him a second term coup Plebiscites Emperor (sound familiar) • Napoleon III (Continued) – Founder ‘New Nationalism’ • Remember that France is still the ‘bell weather’ of Europe – is a great example of the great charisma needed in the ruler to rally the masses • … famous name • …promise of universal suffrage( like his uncle) – Unites the poor and the conservative elite – … nationalist – …Protection of property (middle class propertyowners are willing to go along… rural peasants have property… urban poor and property-less peasants get the least, but Napoleon III even tried to find things to give them) France • New Nationalism in France After 1848 – Napoleon III looks after all the people because he knows what is right for them – Nationalism over class struggle – Nationalism brings popular support to conservative rulers • Louis’s Successes – Improved economy – Took public opinion very seriously • Allowed liberal reforms – No internal uprisings • Louis’ Failures – Fared poorly in foreign affairs (perhaps not his fault??) but to understand that story, we have to understand Italian and German Unification Final Points About French New Nationalism • #1) Was Napoleon III really autocratic? – Napoleon III kept his autocratic power by paying close attention to what his people wanted and giving them as much of this as he could before they got mad enough to revolt – He took this so seriously that near the end of his rule, he had allowed opposition groups to seize almost half of the assembly – Would Napoleon have eventually peacefully transitioned to a liberal form of government? • #3 Eerie idea – …what if the ‘new nationalist’ leader is not benevolent (in other words, not a Napoleon III) – … National Socialism…