2010-11 Work Plans Implementation of the 2016 Plan Color Codes • • • • • No current activities or projects Largely completed tactic/activity 2010-11 special project Ongoing projects that have been initiated Tactics we might consider eliminating Enriching Educational Experiences Enriching Educational Experiences Strategies 1. Improve instruction of courses 2. Improve student advising 3. Strengthen/innovate curriculum 4. Enrich campus life experience Progress Enriching Educational Experiences Strategies 1. Improve instruction of courses Review and update 2. Improve student advising Core curriculum 3. Strengthen/innovate curriculum 4. Enrich campus life experience Progress Begin construction on new residence hall this year Enriching Educational Experiences Strategies Perform external evaluation of advising services 1. Improve instruction of courses 2. Improve student advising 3. Strengthen/innovate Implementcurriculum UTSA Portal 4. Enrich campus life experience Progress Enriching Educational Experiences Performance Measure 2008 2009 2010 Goal 2016 Undergraduate six-year graduation rate (%) 28.6 25.4 26.3 54 Student credit hours taught by full-time faculty (%) 69.5 72.1 70.8 85 Key Implementation Activities– AA • Increasing number of course and student program offerings during the school year and summer • Increasing the number of hybrid and distance learning courses • Improving course delivery, scheduling of classes, and professional development of instructors • Piloting developmental math program with Northwest Vista College • Formalizing graduate TA training course • Renovating JPL to create student spaces Other significant activities • Review and remove curricular barriers to student success • Valero graduate fellowships; Alvarez fellowships • Develop a veteran-friendly campus and a financial literacy program for students (SA) • Complete SACS re-accreditation process (AA/Institutional) Expanding Research & Innovation Expanding Research and Innovation Strategies 1. Expand scholarly activities 2. Strengthen graduate programs 3. Expand/optimize research space 4. Improve research infrastructure 5. Develop research agenda in five areas Progress Expanding Research and Innovation Strategies Progress 1. Expand scholarly Optimize activities research space allocation 2. Strengthen graduate programs Provide IT support for 3. Expand/optimize research space research computing 4. Improve research infrastructure 5. Develop research agenda in five areas Expanding Research and Innovation Performance Measure 2008 Total Expenditures, Research $34.6 M Grants and Contracts (millions) Annual number of doctoral degrees awarded (#) 61 2009 2010 Goal 2016 $46.5 $49.0 $100 M 46 60 150 Key Implementation Activities— VPR • Establish proposal development support for major grants in areas of emphasis • Maximize SALSI program and funding • Initiate “SALSI-2” with SwRI • Establish multi-disciplinary research centers • Increase student participation in research Promoting Access & Affordability Promoting Access and Affordability Strategies 1. Develop an enrollment management plan 2. Enhance recruitment efforts 3. Develop admissions standards 4. Increase financial aid to support enrollment management plan Progress Promoting Access and Affordability Expand recruitment of underStrategies represented groups 1. Develop an enrollment management plan 2. Enhance recruitment efforts Develop marketing plan for EMP 3. Develop admissions standards 4. Increase financial aid to support enrollment management plan Progress Promoting Access and Affordability 2008 2009 2010 Goal 2016 28,413 28,955 30,395 30,000 Minority undergrads (% of total) 59 60 62 60 Minority graduates (% of total) 46 45 44 52 Students receiving financial aid (%) 65 66 69 70 4,164 4,516 5,292 10,500 Performance Measure Total student enrollment (headcount/FTE) Average grant package ($) Serving the Public Through Community Engagement Serving the Public Strategies 1. Develop UTSA’s outreach infrastructure 2. Expand lifelong learning opportunities 3. Increase student engagement with the community 4. Enhance quality of life Progress Serving the Public Seek Carnegie Community Service Strategies classification 1. Develop UTSA’s outreach infrastructure 2. Expand lifelong learning opportunities 3. Increase student engagement structure with the Organize facilitating community for non-degree programs 4. Enhance quality of life Progress Serving the Public Performance Measure 2008 2009 2010 Goal 2016 Number of non-degree students served through continuing education courses 1250 1900 2800 TBD Economic impact of UTSA $840 M* $1.2B $1.3 billion Additional Activities— CS • Complete master planning for ITC, Hemisfair campus • Expand IED programs in Mexico and Latin America • Strengthen UTSA P-20 efforts with school outreach and STEM initiatives (CS, Colleges) Expanding Resources & Infrastructure Expanding Resources & Infrastructure Strategies 1. Optimize, expand, enhance space 2. Develop, align budgetary resources 3. Recruit, retain faculty and staff 4. Improve administrative processes Progress Expanding Resources & Infrastructure Establish a comprehensive space utilization policy Strategies Progress 1. Optimize, expand, enhance space Support a rigorous annual 2. Develop, align budgetary resources evaluation process 3. Recruit, retain faculty and staff 4. Improve administrative processes Expanding Resources & Infrastructure Strategies Create 501(c)(3) to facilitate 1. Optimize, expand, enhance space entrepreneurial activities 2. Develop, align budgetary resources 3. Recruit, retain faculty and staff 4. Improve administrative processes Progress Expanding Resources & Infrastructure Performance Measure 2008 2009 2010 Goal 2016 Minority faculty 439 (35) 462 (35.0) 415 (33.0) 500 (45) 132 135 146 135 (37.7) (37.7) (39.6) (45) Minority staff 1326 1420 1385 1260 (# and %) (53.6) (54.1) (53.0) (60) (# and %) Minority Executive & Administrative staff (# and %) Expanding Resources & Infrastructure Performance Measure 2008 2009 2010 Goal 2016 Ratio of FTE students to FTE faculty 24.1 24.1 25.1 20.6 Total gross sq ft per FTE student As % of statewide average 159 (60%) 199 (75%) 190 (72%) 200 (75%) Number and avg dollar amount of gifts to UTSA 5,586 $1,766 6,819 $1,415 8,825 $3,704 12,500 $3,200 Key Implementation Activities • Build new parking structure, office building on main campus • Begin transition to Peoplesoft administrative software • Improve faculty recruitment process • Review and implement new employee orientation processes • Develop and implement “lean” project management processes for renovations Other significant activities— • Strengthen IT security efforts on campus (SA, AA-IT, BA) • Inventory public outreach activities • Implement QEP • Expand use of paperless processing Performance Measures Percent of 2016 Goal Achieved Strategy E Strategy D Strategy C Strategy B Strategy A 0 20 40 60 80 100 120