Slide 1 - C-MEnglish10

Macbeth Act III
Group Answers to Study Guide Questions
Remember that you already have the study guide with
summaries & questions on it…these are the groupgenerated answers!
Period 2 = Quiz on Tues., Feb. 2nd
Act III, scene i
Q1 – (lines 7-9) If the witches tell the truth
– which they did about you – maybe what
they said about me will come true.
Q2 – “…and I suspected that you cheated to
win the titles…”
Q3 – Banquo says that he is duty-bound to
serve the king, but he is still suspiscous of
Macbeth’s recent words & behavior
Q4 – (lines 29-30) “We hear our cousins are
bestowed in England and in Ireland, not
confessing their cruel parricide.” (killing of
their father). The irony is that Macbeth
actually killed King Duncan, not them.
Q5 – He has the wisdom to act bravely but
also safely. I’m not afraid of anyone but him.
Around my guardian – he doesn’t want
Banquo’s children to become king. Macbeth
wants to change fate.
Q6 – Keep your friends close & your
enemies closer. Also, ruthless ambition can
drive people to do horrible things.
Q7- The fact that he doesn’t have a son
and it will be taken away to someone
outside of his family.
 Q8 – The murder must take place away
from the castle so on one thinks Macbeth
did it.
Act III, scene ii
Q1 – The snake is the love for the king
and Macbeth damaged the snake but it
will come back and get him later. It’s
ironic because he killed the king which is
something a snake would do.
 Q2 – She means that he got what he
wanted and he still isn’t happy. She said it
would be better to be killed than be the
Q3 – Macbeth suffers from the murder he
has committed and that he would rather be
Q4 – He says how he is going to carry out
the deed of killing Banquo (lines 51-52)
Q5 – Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth to act
calm and make Banquo feel comfortable.
Lady Macbeth thinks Macbeth is losing his
Q6 – He is describing it as dark and scary,
like something bad is going to happen. Black
agents means the predators.
Q7 – Lady Macbeth means Macbeth
needs to stop talking like something bad
is going to happen.
 Q8 – Macbeth wants Fleance killed so
Banquo doesn’t have any heirs left.
 Q9 – Macbeth has the power to hire
someone to kill Banquo so his conscience
won’t be as guilty. He is also trusted by
everyone so nobody will be suspicious.
Act III Scene iii
Q1 – Fleance escapes but his father is
murdered. The witch’s prediction about
Banquo will come true since Fleance still
 Q2 – He suspected that his murder
wasn’t just random; someone (Macbeth)
was sent to kill him.
 Q3 – It is significant because of the three
murders, three witches, and (possibly)
three more murders will occur.
Q4 – Banquo would have revealed
Macbeth as the true murderer of Duncan
and his (Macbeth’s) intentions.
Act III, scene iv
Q1 – “I’d rather see his blood splattered
on your face than flowing through his
veins. Did you finish him off?” Macbeth is
trying to kill everyone who might know
about the murder.
 Q2 – (lines 21-25) He is saying how he is
scared and that he has doubts and fears.
 Q3 – His duties are more than just to
keep an eye on the king when he died.
Q4 – Macbeth is losing his mind because
it’s the same as the floating dagger and
weird voice when he killed Duncan and
it’s all in his mind.
 Q5 – He fears the ghost because he
believes the ghost is Banquo and he
should also fear the spirits of his other
 Q6 – He fears that he will be caught for
killing Duncan.
Act III, scene v
Q1 – Produce magical spirits that will
trick Macbeth with illusions.
 Q2 – “And that’s what worse, you’ve
done all this for a man who behaves like a
spoiled brat, angry and hateful.”
 Q3 – Hecate symbolizes frustration with
how he says “How dare you!” and how he
criticizes and yells at the first witch.
Q4 – “He will be fooled into thinking he
is greater than fate, he will mock death,
and he will think he’s above wisdom,
grace, and fear.”
Act III, scene vi
Q1 – They thought he handled it well. It
was very loyal and wise of him to kill the
 Q2 – Macduff went to ask King Edward
(England) for help.
 Q3’s answer is on next slide 
 Q4 – They will form an alliance against
Macbeth and attempt to overthrow him.
Q3 – The conditions are not good. Macduff
went there to ask King Edward to help him
form an alliance with the people of
Northumberland and their lord, Siward.
Macduff hopes that with their help – and
with the help of God above – he may once
again put food on the tables, bring peace
back into the nights, free their feasts and
banquets from violent murders, and allow the
people to pay homage to their king and
resolve honors freely.