A100 (MBBS) Recommended Reading List

READING LIST 2015-2016
There is a required Physiology and Anatomy textbook for the first two years of the
MBBS programme that ALL new medical students are expected to acquire at least
books 1 and 2 on the list below. In addition the anatomy atlas is very useful for the
dissection components of the course and revision.
1. Moore, K.L., Dalley, A.F. and Agur, A.M.R. Clinically Orientated Anatomy
(6th edition), Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2009. ISBN: 9781605476520
2. Rhoades, R.A. and Bell, D.R. Medical Physiology: principles for clinical
medicine (4th edition), Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2013, ISBN.
3. Rohen, JW, Yokochi, C, and Lutjen-Drecoll E. Color Atlas of Anatomy: A
Photographic Study of the Human Body (8th edition), Lippincott, Williams
and Wilkins, 2015. ISBN: 9781496308702
The John Smith Bookshop will be providing the 1st 2 books as part of a bundle
that will be cheaper than buying each on their own.
College bookshop (qmul@johnsmith.co.uk).
If you do not feel able to cope with the large “Clinically Orientated Anatomy”
book then the anatomy book below is the smaller version and is also excellent.
4. Essential Clinical Anatomy 4th Edition. KL Moore, AMR Agur and AF
Dalley. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2011. ISBN: 9781609131128
Please do not get other editions as we will be using the up to date texts.
In addition for the anatomy practicals a lab coat is required. These may be
purchased from the student union when you arrive.
Other Essential Books
Over the 5 years of the MBBS programme you will also need a small group of essential
textbooks that you will turn to on a regular basis. It therefore makes sense to consider buying
a copy of each of these books. Then it will always be there, when you want it, and you don't
have to remember library opening hours, or find all copies on loan to your fellow students
when you do eventually get there! Many of these books are available with a special discount
at the College bookshop and many have additional material online.
Naish, J. and Syndercombe-Court, D. Medical Sciences, (2nd edition) Elsevier, 20014.
ISBN 9780702051388
Rang, HP, Dale, MM, Ritter, JM, and Flower, R. Pharmacology, 6th edition. ChurchillLivingstone, 2011. ISBN
Kumar, P. and Clark, M. Clinical Medicine, 7th edition. Elsevier Saunders, 2009. ISBN
Human Form Human Function: Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology. Thomas H
McConnell and Kerry L Hull. Lippincott Wiliams and Wilkins 2011. ISBN 9780781780209
Baynes, J. and Dominiczak, M.H. Medical Biochemistry, 3rd edition. Elsevier Mosby,
2009. ISBN 978-0323053716
Rubin, E. and Reisner, H.M. Essentials of Rubin’s Pathology, 5th edition. Lippincott,
Williams and Wilkins, 2008. . ISBN
Young, B. and Heath, J.W. Wheater's Functional Histology: a text and colour atlas, 5th
edition, Churchill-Livingstone, 2006. ISBN 978-0443068508
Strachen T and Read A. Human Molecular Genetics 4th edition. Garland Science,
2010. ISBN 978-081534149
For the 2nd year course Human Sciences and Public Health
Alder, B, Porter, M, Abraham, CS, van Teijlingen E. & Porter, M. Psychology and
Sociology Applied to Medicine: An Illustrated Colour Text, 3rd edition. Churchill
Livingstone Elsevier 2009. ISBN 978-0443067877
You should consider getting as many of these as you can afford, possibly staggering their
purchase over a period of time. Don't do what some students do – buy a textbook just before
the end-of-year exams, and then regret that they did not get it earlier in the programme!
Dr Lesley Robson
Head of MBBS Year 1