Teacher: Pia M Denzmore Room: 107/108 Classes: Magnet Physics (2A, 1B, 2B, 3B), PreAP Physics (A3) Cycle II: Fall 2013 Oct 7- November 8th Day/Date Lesson for each period Homework Mon/Tue 10/7-8 B/A Day Magnet: Vectors Worksheet # 1-4, 6,8,9,11 Discuss Acceleration/Free-Fall Test Chapter 3: Two-Dimensional Motion and Vectors Objectives: Distinguish between scalar and vector quantities Add and subtract vectors Multiply and divide vectors by scalars Wed-Thurs 10/09-10 B/A day A2: Introduce Projectile Motion Part I: Objects launched horizontally SWBAT: 1. Recognize examples of parabolic motion 2. Describe the path of a projectile as a parabola Know that projectile motion is free fall with an initial horizontal velocity, vertical velocity = 0 Continue: Projectile Motion Part I: Objects launched horizontally SWBAT: 1. Recognize examples of parabolic motion 2. Describe the path of a projectile as a parabola Know that projectile motion is free fall with an initial horizontal velocity, vertical velocity = 0 A2: Part 2 of projectile motion: launch at an angle: Fri-Mon 10/11-14 B/A Day Part 2 of projectile motion: launch at an angle: SWBAT: Use the kinematic equations to resolve vectors into their components and solve problems involving projectile motion. Launch at an angle : neither initial horizontal velocity nor vertical velocity is equal to zero Tue-Wed 10/15-16 B,A, Fri-Mon 10/18-10/21 A day/ B day **PSAT – 10/16**- A2- Missing Other periods: In class practice problems: Projectiles Worksheet Magnet: PW p. 23 2,3,6,8 TB p. 113-119 35,39,53,58 PreAp: PW p. 23 2,4,5,7,8 TB p. 113-119 35, 39, 41,53, 58, 67 Projectile Motion Quiz PreAP: Vectors Worksheet # 1-4. 7-11, 16, 17 A2: MODIFIED ASSIGNMENT: Vectors Worksheet #1-4, 9, 14,17 And p. 102 1,3 Magnet: Wksht #13 1,3,5 p. 102 1,3 p. 105 1-5 PreA-AP: Wksht #13 1-5 p. 102 1,3,4 p. 105 1-5 A2: MODIFIED ASSIGNMENT: Wksht #13 1,3,5,6 p. 105 1-5 Magnet: Wksht #13 6-8 p.104 #3 PreAP Wksht #13 6-8 p. 104 1,3,5 PW p.25 2,4 Quiz next period Teacher: Pia M Denzmore Room: 107/108 Classes: Magnet Physics (2A, 1B, 2B, 3B), PreAP Physics (A3) Tue-Wed 10/22-10/23 A/B day Discuss Projectile Motion Quiz Projectile Motion Lab Lab due Mon/Tues 10/28-29 Test Review due on Test day: All: TB p. 113-119 12,22,23,27,30,32,33 SR p. 13 PW p. 17 1-3 Plus: Magnet: p. 113-119 #60, 63, 69 Thurs-Fri 10/24-25 A/B Day Mon-Tues 10/28-10/29 A/B Wed-Thurs 10/30-31 A/B Projectile Motion Test *FALL FESTIVAL 10/25- Short Day* Begin Chapter 4: Forces Define and distinguish between the two major types of forces. Introduce force diagrams and free body diagrams in conjunction with Newton’s 1st Law *Early Dismissal Wed 10/30* Discuss Newton’s 2nd and 3rd Laws Special Forces (weight, gravity, friction) Coefficients of Friction Pre-Ap: Pull/Push at an angle Fri-Mon 11/1-4 A/B Tue/Wed 11/5-6 A/B Thurs-Fri 11/7-8 A/B Forces Quiz Discuss forces quiz Forces Lab Forces Test PreAP: p. 113-119 37,38,60,61,63,69 Lab Questions due next class Magnet TB p.128 5,6 p.133 1-4 PreAP TB p.128 5,6 p.133 1-4 Magnet: p.138 3,5 p. 140 1,3,5 p. 145 1-3 Pre-AP p. 138 3-5 p. 140 1,3,5 p. 145 1-3 p.153 #39 Test Review Due on Test day: All: Forces Wksht PW p.32 4,6,14 p.35 1,2 p.38 1,5 p.151-157 7,10,11,27,37,49,52,57 ,58,67 PreAP: Above plus: p. 151-157 12, 23, 41, 42, 54 Lab due on Test Day