Market-Oriented Chapter 5Economic Systems The Free Enterprise System • Section 5.1 Market-Oriented Economic Systems • Section 5.2 Business Opportunities Maket-Oriented Economic Systems Objectives Explain the characteristics of a free enterprise system Distinguish between price and nonprice competition Explain the theory of supply and demand Marketing Essentials Chapter 5, Section 5.1 Market-Oriented Economic Systems A free enterprise system X encourages individuals to start and operate their own businesses in a competitive system, without government involvement Marketing Essentials Chapter 5, Section 5.1 Free Enterprise Systems Basic Principles of Free Enterprise 1. Freedom 2. Freedom 3. Freedom 4. Freedom to to to to Own Personal Property Compete take risks make a profit 1. Freedom of Ownership Free enterprise system enables us to own the following: A. Personal property B. Businesses C. Intellectual Property A. Personal Property A Free enterprise system enables us to own personal property: • Cars, • Computers • Homes • Natural resources (oil and land) • Buy want you want as long as not prohibited by law • Do what you want with property – give it away, lease it, sell it, or use it B. Business Ownership Entrepreneurs People who have started and own their own businesses Stockholders Others not involved in running a business but support businesses by investing their money in parts or shares of the company C. Intellectual property rights Intellectual property rights: The ownership of ideas and control over the tangible use of those ideas through protection under federal and state law. Ex: copyrightable works, ideas, discoveries, and inventions Three Types of Intellectual Property 1. patent X A document granting an inventor sole rights to an item or an idea on an invention • 20 year protection: would have to pay the patent holder through a licensing agreement to produce 2. trademark X A word, name, symbol, sound, brand name, brand mark, trade name, trade character, color, or a combination of these elements that identifies a good or service and cannot be used by anyone but the owner because it is registered with the federal government and has legal protection • Lifetime protection: renewed indefinitely as long as it is being used by a business Three Types of Intellectual Property 3. A copyright X involves anything that is authored by an individual, giving the author exclusive rights to reproduce or sell the work. Such works can be: • Writings (books, articles, etc.) • Music • Artwork Author’s life + 70 year protection: A copyright usually lasts for the author’s life plus seventy years 2. Freedom of Competition competition X struggle between businesses to gain and keep customers There are two basic ways businesses compete: • Price competition • Non-price competition Two Ways Businesses Compete 1. Price competition X a company focuses on distinguishing its products from the competition on the basis of low price. (This assumes, all other things being equal, consumers will buy the products lowest in price) • Ex: through Sales and rebates • Focus on lowest prices (Wal-mart, Southwest Airlines) Two Ways Businesses Compete 1. Non-price competition X a company distinguished its products from the competition in areas other than price, such as: • Quality of the products • Service • Financing • Business location • Reputation Monopoly A monopoly X is exclusive control by one firm over a product or the means of producing it • Monopolies are not permitted in a free enterprise system because they prevent competition Monopoly Monopoly 3. Freedom to take a Risk Business risk is the potential for loss or failure • As the potential earnings increase, so does the risk • Some risks businesses take include: • Competition • Starting up – 1 of 3 new business fail in first year • Investing in the development of new products • 85% of new products fail in the first year • Natural disasters Marketing Essentials Chapter 5, Section 5.1 4. Freedom to make a Profit Profit X the money earned from conducting business after all costs and expenses have been paid Profit is the motivation for taking the risk of starting a business • • 1% - 5% of total sales is profit for most businesses 95% - 99% of sales pays costs, expenses and business taxes Profits help the economy because they encourage: • Competition and product development in hopes of earning a profit Supply and Demand In free enterprise, supply and demand determine the prices and quantities of goods and services Supply X is the amount of goods producers are willing to make and sell • The law of supply is that price and quantity supplied move in the same direction • As prices rise • quantity produced rises • As prices fall • quantity produced falls Supply and Demand Demand X refers to consumer willingness and ability to buy products • The law of demand is that price and demand move in opposite directions • As prices increase • the quantity demanded decreases • As prices decrease • quantity demanded increases Supply and Demand When supply and demand interact, three conditions are created: 1. Surplus: Supply exceeds demand • What happens to price? • Price too high, demand decreases and must offer sales and promotions 2. Shortage: Demand exceeds supply • What happens with price? • Can raise prices and still sell the product 3. Equilibrium: Supply equals demand • What happens? • Everyone is happy What is the equilibrium price if this is where supply and demand meet? Surplus $30 price, $30 quantity Surplus Supply > Demand Where is this on the chart? Shortage Demand > Supply Where is this on the Chart? Shortage Market-Oriented Economic Systems Study Organizer What are the four characteristics of a free enterprise system.