Software Life-Cycle Models

Lecture 10
CSCI – 3350 Software Engineering II
Fall 2014
Bill Pine
The Implementation Workflow
Choosing a Programming Language
Good Programming Practices
Coding Standards
Metrics for the Implementation Workflow
CSCI 3350
Lecture 10 - 2
Overview (cont)
Secure Coding Background
Buffer overflow attack
Strategies to reduce vulnerability
Guiding Principles for Software Security
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Lecture 10 - 3
Implementation Workflow
• Goal: Clearly and accurately represent the
detailed application design in the chosen
implementation language
– Define the unit tests
– Write the code
– Execute the unit test suite
• Resolve any discrepancies
– Submit to QA group for further evaluation
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Lecture 10 - 4
Choosing a Programming Language
• Specified directly as a requirement
• Specified indirectly as a requirement
– Platform specified
• If there is an opportunity for choice
– “Most appropriate language” requirement
– Or you may be driven by an object-oriented
design and implementation requirement
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Lecture 10 - 5
Taking a Decision
• Base upon
– Cost benefit analysis
– Risk analysis
• Use the language strength of the organization
– Procedural vs. object-oriented
• Pure object-oriented
• Hybrid
• Acquiring needed skills issue
– Hire new talent
– Retrain existing employees
– A mixture?
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X- Generation Language
• First-generation languages
– Machine code
• Second-generation language
– Assembly
• Third-generation language
– High order language
• Multiple (5-10) machine instructions/source line
• Examples: FORTRAN, C, COBOL …
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Fourth-Generation Language
• Application-specific language
• Original goal was 25 - 50 mi/source line
– Database based
Report generators
– Mathematics based
• Mathmatica
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Good Programming Practices
• Many best practices tend to be language specific
– Some authors have made a career of adapting for each
new language
– Example: Henry Ledgard - authored > 25 works
Programming Proverbs
Programming Proverbs and Principles
Programming Proverbs for FORTRAN Programmers
FORTRAN with Style: Programming proverbs
Pascal with Style: Programming proverbs
Pascal with Excellence: Programming proverbs
Programming Language Landscape
• Some general practices cut across specific
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Lecture 10 - 9
Best Coding Practices
• The following slides on best practices draw
heavily upon
– Clean Code – full citation in reference
• Agile Development Community is the origin of
the Best Coding Practices
• You must devote effort to writing and maintaining
quality code
– As the code deteriorates, so decreases team productivity
– Decreasing productivity, causes less effort to be
expended in maintaining code quality. Leading to lower
productivity …
– A positive feedback loop that is inherently unstable
Best Coding Practices (cont)
Writing clean code is what you must do in
order to call yourself a professional. There
is no reasonable excuse for doing anything
less than your best.
- Robert Martin
Best Programming Practices
• Will examine guidelines relating to the
following areas
Identifier names
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Lecture 10 - 12
Guidelines for Identifier Names
• Meaning must be obvious to the
maintenance programmer
– Maximize communications
• Use intention-revealing names
– Much harder than it seems
– Accept that the name will probably change as
you are developing
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Lecture 10 - 13
General Practices
• General Guidelines
– Variables should be nouns (noun phrases)
– Class and objects names should be nouns (noun
– Function and method names should be verbs (verb
– Kernighan and Pike assert: “Long names for global
identifies; short names for local identifiers”
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Identifier Names (cont)
• Identifier name should answer the questions
– Why does the entity exist?
– What does the entity do?
– How is the entity used?
• If the identifier name requires a comment to
answer these questions
– The name does not reveal the identifier’s intent
and needs to be changed
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Identifier Names (cont)
• Avoid Disinformation
– Use a difference in identifier only when you are making
a meaningful distinction
• Example: fetch, get, retrieve or controller, manager, driver
– Don’t use lower case L or upper case O as variable
– Don’t use noise words
• a, an, the - as prefixes without a convention
• info, data – as suffixes
• nameString instead of name?
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Contrived (?) Example
int a = 1;
if( 1 == O1 )
a = Ol
a = 01
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Identifier Names (cont)
• Use pronounceable names
• Use searchable names
– One or two letter variable names and literal
constants yield too many matches
• Avoid encoding the identifier type in the name
– In particular, eschew Hungarian notation
• No help with strongly typed languages
• Allow for misleading information if the type changes
– But the encoding doesn’t
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Identifier Names (cont)
• Avoid mental mappings
– Short names / heavily abbreviated names require
the reader to translate
• Avoid cute names
• Prefer solution domain names over problem
domain names
– Who is the reading audience of your code?
• Prefer problem domain names over informal
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Identifier Names (cont)
• Don’t add gratuitous context to identifier
– Add context only as necessary
• accountAddress and customerAddress may be
appropriate for instances of a class
• But not appropriate for a class name – Address would
be a better choice
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Identifier Names (cont)
• Final comments
– Poor names
• Impede communications between the code author and
the code reader
• Have been shown to be an indicator of overall poor code
– Indicate a less than complete understanding by the author
– Point to likely areas for code faults
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Guidelines for Functions
• First rule of functions
– A function should be small
• Second rule of functions
– A function should be smaller than would be
produced by rule 1
– Try for an average of 20 lines / function
– Indent depth should should be 1 or 2 levels
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Functions (cont)
• Functions should do 1 thing
– They should do it well
– They should do that 1 thing only
– All steps in the function should be at the same
level of abstraction
• Principle of Least Surprise
– Based upon the function name, the code in the
function is what you would expect
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Functions (cont)
• The ideal number of arguments is zero
– Niladic
• Followed by
– 1 argument – Monadic
– 2 arguments – Dyadic
– 3 arguments – Triadic
• Any more than 3 requires compelling
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Functions (cont)
• Why restrict the the number of arguments?
– An increasing number of argument requires
increasing conceptual power
– Harder to test and requires an increasing number of
• Eschew flag arguments
– Indicate that a function is doing more than 1 thing
• Functions should have no side effects
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Functions (cont)
• Avoid output arguments
– The reader’s expectation is that an argument is an
– Prior to object oriented programming, one could
justify the use of output arguments
• With o-o, instead of having a function return a value
through an argument, the function should change the
state of the appropriate object
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Functions (cont)
• Functions should change the state of an object
or return the state of an objects – never both
• Prefer exceptions over returning error codes
• Never duplicate code (i.e. copy &paste)
– Code bloat
– Multiple places to change the code => multiple
places for faults to be injected
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Guidelines for Comments
• Myth of “self-documenting” code
– Goal: The code should not need comments to
make clear the “how” of the code
– Always need internal documentation
• To meet the need of making clear the “why”
• Block comments at the beginning of each unit
• Comments interspersed (as needed) within the unit
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Comments (cont)
• The previous slide not withstanding, which
code would you rather read?
• Version 1
*** Check if employee is eligible for benefits
if( (employee.flags & HOURLY_FLAG) && (employee.age > 55 ) )
• Version 2
if( employee.isEligibleForFullBenefits( ) )
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Comments (cont)
• Additional thoughts on comments
– Don’t comment the obvious
– Don’t use end-of-line comments with highorder languages
– Format of the comments should reflect and
reinforce the structure of the code
– Comments must be accurate
• Agree with the code and support reading the code
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Comments (cont)
– Don’t comment closing braces
– Don’t use comments as a substitute for source
code versioning systems
• Remove commented-out code from production code
• Don’t add bylines
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Guidelines for Formatting
• Code formatting is important
– Format as you write the code, not as a cleanup
• Remember the PARC Design Principle
• Indentation
– Source code is a hierarchy
• Use consistent indentation to reflect the hierarchy
• Don’t violate indentation – ever – not even for short
functions / methods
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Formatting (cont)
• Intra-line white space
– Some freedom to improve readability if your
editor / IDE doesn’t insist upon removing
– Consider the following
root1 = (-b+sqrt(b*b-4ac))/(2*a)
– Versus
root2 = (-b - sqrt(b*b – 4*a*c))/(2*a)
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Miscellaneous Practices
• Eschew literal constants for symbolic
Higher informational content
Easier to read
Easier to maintain
More readily searchable
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Miscellaneous (cont)
• Layout
– Use the block separators consistently
• K&R
• Allman
• Whitesmith
– One statement per line
– Use parenthesis to eliminate misunderstanding
• Order of precedence
– Break complex expressions into simpler ones
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Miscellaneous (cont)
• Strive for clearness not cleverness
– Be concise, but not at the expense of readability
• Be aware of side effects
– Some languages have operators that
• Return a value
• Modify the internal state of an item
• Do not specify the exact order of execution
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Miscellaneous (cont)
• Idioms
– Definition - an expression that has a meaning
not readily understood from the meaning of the
individual words
– A central issue in learning any language is to
absorb and use the idioms
– Example
• “Burf is a student after my own heart”
• Array idioms (code patterns)
• List walking
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Coding Standards
• Purpose is to define the practices that make
the life of the development and maintenance
programmers easier
• Records, documents and clarifies the set of
best programming practices that will be
used by the
– Organization
– Team
– Project
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Lecture 10 - 38
Recall The Distinction
• Error - A discrepancy between an actual value
and a expected value
• Failure - Inability for the system to perform
according to specifications
• Fault - A condition that causes the system to fail
• If an error is observed, then a failure must have
• If a failure has occurred, then there must be a fault
in the system
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Implementation Metrics
• Code complexity metrics
– Lines of code
• Assumes a constant probability that a line of code
contains a fault
• More lines of code => more faults
• A number of studies have shown a correlation
between the number of faults and the size of the
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Implementation Metrics (cont)
– McCabe’s cyclomatic complexity M
• M = number of binary decision + 1
• A measure of the number of branches in the code
• Recall white-box testing coverage criteria
– M can be used as a measure of the number of test cases for
branch coverage
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Implementation Metrics (cont)
• Advantages
– Almost as easy to calculate as lines of code
– Studies show a good correlation between M and number
of faults
• Disadvantages
– M correlates strongly with lines of code
– There may be little additional value over lines of code
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Implementation Metrics (cont)
• Testing metrics
– Number of tests
• McCabe’s M a good measure for number of tests for branch
– Total number of faults
• Exceeding a threshold triggers rewrite of a “chunk” of code
– Number of faults by faulty type
• Use of the types of faults to generate checklists for nonexecution based testing
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Origins of Bad Software
• Graff and van Wyk cite three factors
– Technical
– Psychological
– Real world
• Probably not due to
– Ignorance
– Stupidity
– Laziness
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Technical Factors
• Secure software is intrinsically difficult to
– Complexity
• Composition
– System composed of multiple separate
– Each component standing alone is secure
– Combination introduces a vulnerability
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Psychological Factors
• Software professionals make mistakes
• Even when examining software for vulnerabilities,
– Tend to discover only faults
• That we are looking for
• That we understand
• That we know how to fix
• Most people find it hard to
– Assume that the “other guy” is a “bad guy”
• We are too willing to trust others
– Adopt a different view of the software
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Different Views of Software
• Software developers frequently employ
mental models
– When viewed only from the mental model,
potential vulnerabilities are not apparent
• The bad guy is successful in his attack by
adopting a different mental model
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Mouse Attack
• An attacker was able to gain control of a
Unix system by abusing a mouse driver
• Purpose of the driver was to position the
cursor at a specified screen location
• Since the driver needed to interact with the
display hardware it was installed with high
• Driver worked error-free for years
• Until …
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Mouse Attack (cont)
• An attacker directly called the driver with very large values
for the screen coordinates
– Internal memory of the driver was overwritten
– Allowing the attacker to gain control of the system
• The attacker was successful by
– Ignoring the mental model for the driver
– Concentrating on the code bytes
• Developer’s mental model did not admit the possibility for
the driver being directly called by an application program
• The ability to ignore the mental model is
– A hard skill for developers to cultivate
– An essential skill for locating vulnerabilities
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Some Different Views of the System
• An ordered set of algorithms
• Lines of text on the screen
• An ordered set of instructions for a specific
• A series of bits ( 0 | 1 )
– In memory
– On magnetic disk
– On optical media
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Some Different Views (cont)
• An ordered set of linked libraries, other
• A stream of bits along various pathways
• Executing on a host as a part of a network
• A set of vertical layers ( transport, protocol,
presentation, … )
• A ordered set of events, with critical timing
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Real World Factors
• Source of essential source code
– Much was written by “amateurs”
• The architecture and design decisions for the TCP/IP network
– Developed by Berkeley undergraduates
• Much of the code for Internet applications written
by people without any software engineering
– Web pages, scripts, …
• A phenomenon know as “democratization of
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Real World Factors (cont)
• But, the real software professionals are
responsible for most of the problems
– Even with
• Extensive training
• Awareness of the critical issues
• The best of intension
Developing secure software is one of the
most challenging activities imaginable
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Real World Factors (cont)
• Production pressures
• Just secure enough
– As little as possible, just enough to prevent loss of sales
and avoid bad publicity
– Resources spent on security mean fewer features in the
next release
– By not acknowledging security problems, don’t have to
deal with them
• Tragedy of the commons
– Garrett Hardin, 1988
• Pasture land commonly shared by many herdsmen
– Likewise the common shared Internet
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Focus for the Rest of the Lecture
• Although as mentioned earlier, security issues in
– Architecture
– Design
Are of equal or perhaps greater importance,
• These issues are the focus of software engineering
• For the remainder of the lecture, we will
concentrate on coding
– In particular, on buffer overflows
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Buffer Overflow Background
• Buffer overflows are arguably the most common
form of attack
• First well-known buffer overflow attack
– The Internet Worm, written and released by Robert T.
Morris in 1988,
– Infected thousands of systems on the Internet
– Exploited a buffer overflow in the finger daemon
• In 1999, Brian Snow predicted that buffer
overflow attacks would still be a problem 20 years
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Lecture 10 - 56
Process Memory Image
• Text = code
• Data = unintialized and
initialized data
• Heap - allocated by new
• Stack - local variables,
• Environment = PATH,
Increasing Address
Command Line Parms
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Structure of the Stack Frame
• For each function call,
certain data is placed
on the stack
Function Local Variables
Return Address
Function Parameters
Caller Stack Frame
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Decreasing Addr
Lecture 10 - 58
Local Variable Overflow
• Normally, if a local variable overflows
– The data on the stack is “clobbered”
– When the function attempts to return
• The process crashes
• If however, a “bad guy” carefully crafts the data
that overflows
– Replaces the return address with a valid address that
contains code that the “bad guy” wants to execute
• For excruciating details see
– Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit
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Preventing Overflow
• Many languages perform bounds checks on arrays
and strings to prevent overflow
• Not so, C, C++
• Main offenders
– strcpy, strcat
– sprintf
– scanf,
– gets
And all their sisters, and their cousins, and their aunts
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Preventing Overflow (cont)
• A minor improvement (for C programmers)
– Use strncpy, strncat
– But these are not without problems
• strncpy( source, destination, len );
• If source contains more characters than specified by len,
– No terminating null is place at the end of source
– Better choice
• strlcpy, strlcat - available on Darwin, FreeBSD, OpenBSD
• Freeware source code versions available for down load
– Heavy-duty libraries
• SafeStr
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Preventing Overflow (cont)
• With C++
– Whenever possible use string class
• Overflows still possible if you use [ ]
• If you need a c-style string for system call, recall a
member function exists for that purpose c_str( )
– Some better classes available e.g. Boost library
• rope class
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Stack Protection by Compiler
• Some compilers use a “canary” to detect
stack overflows
– Place an unpredictable value on the stack, prior
to the return address
– Prior to using the return address, check to see if
the canary has be overwritten
• If so - abort, throw an exception, …
• StackGuard, propolice, Stack Shield, MS
/GS switch
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Stack Protection by Compiler (cont)
• However, workarounds now exist
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Heap Smashing Attacks
• Possible in theory; difficult, but not
impossible in practice
– Attacker has to identify security critical
variables (akin to the criticality of the return
address on the stack)
• Difficult without source code
– Attacker has to find a buffer to overflow to
rewrite the critical variable
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Guiding Principles for Software Security
From Viega and McGraw
Secure the weakest link
Practice defense in depth
Fail securely
Follow the principle of least privilege
Keep it simple
Promote privacy
Remember hiding secrets is hard
Be reluctant to trust
Use your community resources
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Secure the Weakest Link
• Example - physical security
– Attacker take the path of least resistance
• Approach
– List vulnerabilities by process area
– Assign weakness ranking
– Iteratively address the vulnerabilities weakest
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Practice Defense in Depth
• Example – perimeter defense
– Originated as military concept
• Approach (NSA)
– Identify potential adversaries, motivations and
classes of attack
– List common classes of attack
– Build the in-depth desfense by the common
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Fail Securely
• Example – buffer overflow detected by
• Approach
– Identify key checkpoint
– Explore what happens if checkpoint fails
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Follow Principle of Least Privilege
• Example – Personnel security clearance
• Approach
– Inventory privileges needed for operations
– Review and restrict to minimum privilege
necessary to carry out the assignment
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• Example – Submarines are built with
sealable compartments
• Approach
– List security components
– Determine coupling between components
– Reduce couplings to the minimum need to carry
out assignment
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Keep It Simple
• Example – Only need to dial 3 digits for
emergency help
• Approach
– Reuse of code
– Introduce common chokepoints
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Promote Privacy
• Example – Cookies used only with user
• Approach
– Compile list of basic system components
– Identify information revealed
• User
• System / Server identification withheld
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Hiding Secrets is Hard
• Example – How quickly have various
“protections” been broken, DeCSS → CSS
• Approach
Identify “secrets” present in the system
Identify adversaries
Assess risk
Address risk
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Be Reluctant to Trust
• Example – Social engineering ala Kevin
• Approach
– Identify trust relations in system
• Individuals
• Other systems
– Log interactions with trustee
– Review log
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Use Your Community Resources
• Example – Use encryption techniques that
are peer reviewed and widely use
• Approach
– Become aware of resources - NIST, SANS,
USCERT, CERIAS, Schneier on Security, ..
– Regularly monitor your resources
– Consult resource when your situation changes
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• Any of Henry Ledgard “Proverbs” series
• Robert Martin, Clean Code, Prentice Hall,
2009, ISBN 0-13-235088-2.
• Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike, The
Practice of Programming, Addison-Wesley,
1999, ISBN 0-201-61586-X.
• Brian Snow, Future of Security, Panel
presentation at IEEE Security and Privacy,
May 1999.
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• John Viega and Gary McGraw, Building
Secure Software, Addison-Wesley, 2003.
• John Viega and Matt Messier, Secure
Programming Cookbook, O’Reilly, 2003.
• Mark Graff and Kenneth R. vanWyk,
Secure Coding, O’Reilly, 2003.
• Aleph One, Smashing the Stack for Fun and
Profit, Phrack 49,
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