Welcome to Honors English 10 Units Covered

Units Covered
Unit 1: Risk and Consequence
This introduction unit will walk you through the process of reading closely in order to learn how to relate
every piece of text to yourself, to other texts, as well as to the world. We will also respond to the text we
read by focusing on the Jane Schaffer model of writing. Reading during this unit will be Farley Mowat’s
novel Never Cry Wolf. This will allow us to analyze how and why man is willing to take risks even when he
is aware of the sometimes dire consequences.
Unit 2: Cultural Perspectives
Students will read and write informational text to show an understanding of how individual, societal, and
characters’ beliefs shape world views and choices. This unit delves into who we are and how the cultures
we belong to shape us individually. This unit will require the students to research a culture and write a
report, as well as give a speech, about a culture in which they belong.
Unit 3: Leadership and Citizenship
This unit focuses on power and how it exists at different levels. We will focus on how some individual's
ambitions can lead to a corruption of power. This novel unit allows us to delve into the history of the
Russian Revolution through the reading of Animal Farm and how everything that happened during this
time period is portrayed in this satire. You will be responsible for making all of these connections through
group research/presentations where you become the experts.
Unit 4: Poetry Analysis/Writing
This unit is two-fold. Some days we will be reading, annotating, and writing about and/or discussing
poetry. The other days we will be creating our own poetry by following different forms. This unit will
challenge you to focus on your word choice and how to express yourself in a different medium, as well as
review annotation from semester one, but this time with poetry.
Unit 5: Imaginative Literature
Our final unit has us explore the purpose of imaginative literature by reading The Princess Bride. We all
love to read imaginative literature, but what benefits can we derive from this genre? This unit challenges
us to see which life lessons the author wanted us to learn and how we can relate it to our own life.
Late Work/Absent Work
40% formal writing assessment
Late work: per Rocky Mountain High School’s Language Arts
policy, all late work is due by the end of the unit and can only
earn a maximum grade of 70%.
30% daily work/projects
20% tests/quizzes
10% semester final
Absent Work: you are allowed 2 days per day absent to
turn in absent work. Please talk to me if this is not possible
due to extreme circumstances. There will be a folder
containing missing work/directions for the day(s) absent If
the work involves taking notes, you will have to find
someone in the class who will share notes with you. I expect
you to take the initiative to get your work. I will not hunt
you down.
Classroom Rules:
• Allow all students the opportunity to learn by not disrupting class.
• Cell phones/IPads/IPods are not to be used unless instructed to use them for educational
purposes or if okayed by the teacher (For example, listening to music while drafting your paper).
Please always ask for permission.
•Respect others’ opinions. I LOVE discussion time, so let’s be kind to each other.
•Do your best the first time by using your time wisely, asking questions when needed, and putting
your best effort into all you do.
• Hydration is important to learning. Water bottles are welcome, Dutch Bros and drinks from other
facilities are not.
•Purses, bags, and backpacks are not allowed. You will need to keep your belongings in your locker.
Please don’t stack them outside my door.
How can I contact Mrs. Fernandez?
E-mail: Fernandez.tonya@westada.org. Remember, I do require sleep, so don’t expect me to
answer your 2 am question about the essay that is due tomorrow. Your failure to plan is not my
emergency. However, I would be happy to answer questions coming in before 9 pm.
Phone: 350-4340 EXT. 1224 (If it is during school hours, it will be directed to my voicemail. I will
check this first thing in the morning, during my prep, or after school.
Extra Preparations:
During this year we will work on items not only required per the West Ada School District
curriculum, but also to help you prepare for upcoming classes/tests.
• ACT/SAT Vocabulary
•PSAT prep questions to look at strategies and format of test. I will let you know as soon as I can
when this test will be available. The counseling office will give you materials needed to sign up.
More than likely, you will receive these during English class.
•Timed Writes to prep for AP tests and any other testing situations requiring quick organization of
What do I need for class?
• Novel of choice for book project (see handout for more specifics as they are
assigned throughout the year)
• Paper/pens/pencils (don’t be that kid who NEVER has materials!!)
• Packet of sticky notes for creating annotations
• Pack of 3x5 index cards (lined or unlined)
• Great attitude!!!!
• Completed work/reading!!!!!!!!
Please return by September 1 (A Day)/September 2 (B Day) to
Mrs. Fernandez.
I, _______________________ ____ (please print), understand what is expected of me in this class.
Student Signature:_________________________________________________________________
Parent’s Name (printed):_________________________________________________________
Parent’s Signature:______________________________________________________________
Phone Numbers (if I need to call home, this is the best number to use):______________________
Other numbers __________________________________________________________________
E-mail (if I need to e-mail home, this is the best one to use):______________________________
Other e-mail:____________________________________________________________________
Important Note for Teacher (please let me know if you have anything you wish to
share at this time to help me better serve your child).