The Early Republic - Washington to Monroe

1) The people most opposed to the War of 1812 were:
a) mid-Atlantic farmers.
b) New England merchants.
c) western frontiersmen.
d) Southern plantation owners.
2) When John Marshall was Chief Justice, United States Supreme Court decisions tended to
strengthen the power of:
a) the national government
b) state and local governments
c) labor unions
d) trusts and monopolies
3) The significance of the Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison is that the decision:
a) advanced civil rights for minorities
b) upheld the constitutionality of a national
c) limited Presidential control of foreign policy
d) established the power of judicial review
4) One factor that led to the formation of the first two political parties in the United States in the
1790s was the conflict over the:
a) distribution of power between the federal and state governments
b) spread of slavery into the western territories
c) control of interstate commerce
d) acquisition of lands from France and Spain
5) When President Thomas Jefferson acquired the Louisiana Territory from France, he
demonstrated that he had modified his belief that:
a) the Constitution should be strictly interpreted
b) the federal government should limit individual rights
c) adding territory would lead to regional rivalries
d) commercial development was the main goal of the federal government
6) A major reason for the issuance of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) was to:
a) discourage United States trade with Latin
b) defend the Panama Canal from Great
c) prevent further European colonization in the d) provide economic aid to Latin American
7) Which of the following was NOT a cause of John Adam's defeat in the presidential election of
a) the Alien and Sedition Acts
b) the XYZ Affair
c) Hamilton's disagreement with Adams.
d) the impressment of American sailors
e) the failure of Adams to support the war with France
8) The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions argued that the right to determine the constitutionality of
a law passed by Congress rested in:
a) Congress
b) the states
c) the President
d) the vote of the people
e) the Supreme Court
9) In 1800 Federalists viewed Jeffersonian Republicans as dangerous radicals and feared the
consequences if they gained control of the government. What actually happened when the
Republicans were elected?
a) the Republicans adopted a more radical plan than they had previously advocated.
b) Jefferson immediately curtailed overseas commerce with France.
c) the Republicans maintained the policies of the Federalists.
d) the Republicans ruthlessly destroyed all opposition to their policies.
e) the Republicans did not make nearly as many changes as they had advocated.
10) Purposes of Alexander Hamilton's tax, tariff, and debt manipulation schemes during the
presidency of George Washington included:
a) ridding the federal government of debt as soon as possible.
b) ending undue government interference in the economy.
c) binding the interests of the moneyed class to the new federal government.
d) maintaining the United States as an agrarian society.
e) promoting the importation of British manufactured goods.
11) Which of these most clearly illustrates the president's power as chief executive:
a) Washington's appointment of a cabinet.
b) Monroe's policy toward Latin America.
c) Jefferson's leadership of the Democraticd) Marshall's decision in Marbury v. Madison.
Republican party.
12) Which of the following BEST describes how the War of 1812 affected the Federalists?
a) It increased their power.
b) It somewhat strengthened their power.
c) It destroyed their power at a national level.
d) It somewhat weakened their power in New
13) In the Rush-Bagot Treaty, Great Britain and the United agreed:
a) on a timetable for the withdrawal of British forces from the Oregon territory.
b) on the fishing rights of each in the Atlantic.
c) to the creation of an Indian buffer state in the Northwest.
d) to limit their naval forces on the Great Lakes.
14) One direct result of the Battle of New Orleans was that:
a) it spurred the Americans to victory in the Battle of the Thames.
b) Francis Scott Key wrote the 'Star-Spangled Banner.'
c) Tecumseh was killed and the Indian Confederation fell apart.
d) Andrew Jackson became a national hero.
15) Aside from stopping the fighting, the Treaty of Ghent established:
a) nothing important.
b) a guarantee of British respect for American neutrality.
c) borders between Canada and the U.S.
d) the end of impressment of American sailors by the British.
16) The purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803:
a) tied the U.S. security insterests to the British fleet and nation.
b) doubled the size of the U.S.
c) cost $7 million.
d) was made at the expense of the Spanish.
e) was most popular among New England Federalists.
17) The War Hawks were:
a) mostly from New England.
b) eager for war against Napoleon in order to gain the Louisiana Territory.
c) supporters of Jefferson and Madison's policy of economic coercion.
d) Republicans from the West and South who wanted to take Canada from Britain and Florida
from Spain.
18) Alexander Hamilton and his supporters believed that _____________ would protect local
industries and lead to economic growth.
a) income taxes
b) protective tariffs
c) commercial treaties
d) the Northwest Ordinance
19) The Judiciary Act of 1789:
a) appointed the first Chief Justice.
b) created the federal circuit and federal district courts.
c) helped federal laws remain the 'Supreme Law of the Land'.
d) provided for the number of justices to make up the Supreme Court.
20) The Missouri Compromise of 1820 did all of the following EXCEPT:
a) bring in Maine as a free state.
b) prohibit slavery north of latitude 36o 30'.
c) maintain the balance of slave and free states.
d) bring in Missouri as a slave state.
e) establish the principle of popular sovereignty south of 36o 30'.
21) The Monroe Doctrine was an effort to stop European nations from interfering in:
a) each other's business.
b) the American continents.
c) neutral international trade.
d) U.S. affairs.
22) The Jay Treaty (1794) provided for:
a) the acceptance of American trade with the French West Indies.
b) free navigation of the Mississippi.
c) an ending of the impressment of American seamen.
d) the settlement of the Canadian boundary.
e) evacuation of English troops from their posts along the Great Lakes
23) This agreement arranged for America to purchase Florida:
a) Adams-Onis Treaty
b) Monroe Doctrine
c) Pinckney Treaty
d) Treaty of Ghent
24) In his single term as president, John Adams was a strong advocate of:
a) a massive buildup of the nation's army.
b) war with France.
c) expanding civil rights for all Americans.
d) rapidly expanding political democracy.
e) a powerful and active national government.
25) The election of 1800 was referred to as the "Revolution of 1800" because of all of the following
reasons EXCEPT:
a) Jeffersonians thought liberty and the people had triumphed over special interests.
b) Democratic - Republicans had won control of the Presidency and the Congress.
c) it resulted in the first transfer of power from one party to another.
d) Federalists feared that the 'rabble' had seized power.
e) Jefferson's wide margin of victory in the electoral college gave him a strong mandate to
change federal policy.
26) In the Treaty of San Lorenzo (Pinckney's Treaty), the United States gained from Spain:
a) an opening of the Mississippi River to American commerce.
b) the right to deposit goods at New Orleans without paying dues.
c) a secure southern boundary on the 31st parallel
d) all of these choices are correct.
27) The real strength behind the early enforcement of the Monroe Doctrine was:
a) American military might.
b) British naval power.
c) Spanish protection.
d) European fear of the U.S.
e) the lack of any European interest in the Western Hemisphere.
28) During the Era of Good Feelings:
a) there was only one major political party, but factional rivalries persisted.
b) there were two major parties, but they agreed on most issues.
c) the U.S. had its only experiment with a three-party system.
d) politics in the U.S. was fragmented among many small parties.
29) The Bill of Rights:
a) extended full civil liberties to native Americans.
b) was added to the Constitution to fulfill a promise of the national government.
c) protected individual liberties from the power of the national government.
d) was an integral part of the Constitution written in 1787.
e) are composed of the first twelve amendments to the Constitution.
30) Jefferson's presidency was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:
a) land gains.
b) political non-partisanship.
c) philosophical consistency.
d) stability and prosperity.
e) casual informality.
Match the President to the event which occurred during his presidency.
31) ______ Whiskey Rebellion
a) George Washington
32) ______ Lewis and Clark Expedition
b) John Adams
33) ______ Establishment of the National Bank c) Thomas Jefferson
34) ______ Embargo Act
d) James Madison
35) ______ Alien and Sedition Acts
e) James Monroe
36) ______ Burning of Washington, D.C.
37) ______ War against the Barbary pirates
38) ______ Build up of the American navy
39) ______ Florida enters the Union
40) ______ Aaron Burr was his Vice-President
Match the political parties to the description.
41) ______ opposed a tariff on imported goods a) Federalists
42) ______ supported a strong central
b) Democratic-Republicans
43) ______ had more support from immigrants
44) ______ sympathetic to the British in the war
between England and France
45) ______ supported states' rights
46) ______ argued for a broad interpretation of
the Constitution
47) ______ supported the creation of a national
48) ______ encouraged westward expansion
49) ______ supported by well-educated,
wealthy men
50) ______ supported by common people and
51) Identify the men who held the first Cabinet positions under George Washington.
(This question is all or nothing - you must get all of them correct to get points!)
Secretary of State:
Secretary of Treasury:
Attorney General:
Secretary of War:
52) Name two precedents set by George Washington as President.