WHY DO SOCIETIES REVOLT? Humans rely on culture to adapt to the environment – whereas other organisms rely on biology FUNCTIONS OF CULTURE Provide for production and distribution of necessary goods and services Provide for biological continuity of members of society (promote inclusive fitness/ promote the ability of the individuals offspring to meet their future needs) Enculture new members positively Maintain order, internally and externally FUNCTIONS OF CULTURE Motivate members to survive and thrive Must be able to change and remain adaptive in changed conditions Change is both inevitable and necessary Part of the twin laws of tradition Change can be positive (growth) or negative (decline) WHAT IS SOCIETY? • Society is ultimately a group of individuals • The needs of the individuals must be balanced with the needs of society (individual vs common good) • If the needs of the individual are not met, then the individual takes too much stress And then society will suffer through loss of the individual, through revolution, etc…. • Typically those in the upper class are able to manipulate the circumstances so they receive less stress than those in lower classes • Revolutions occur when enough people lose faith in societies ability to meet their needs • Typically the lower classes are marginalized for extended periods of time while the loss of faith creeps upward socially • There are often built in hurdles that keep society stratified (ie distribution of wealth, laws targeting/restricting certain societal groups, two tiered justice system, etc) • Those hurdles are safeguarded by groomed, educated, encultured people who strive to some day reach the upper echelons of society. They believe they can make it to the top – they are invested in the status quo • When the people who safeguard the hurdles of stratification feel like they no longer have the opportunity to meet their perceived expectations then they throw off their façade, quit towing the party line and join the lower classes in petitioning the upper classes to reform Typically those whom once safeguarded the status quo that are well versed in the internal workings of society can game the system in reverse for the benefit of the lower echelons of society at the expense of the top • Often those who are in power do not recognize the societal transition as valid and shrug off reform. It is at this point when society is primed for a revolution all it needs is a spark • More about that spark in France tomorrow! VOCAB: QUIZ ON FRIDAY 1. Old Regime 2.Estate 3.Louis XVI 4.Marie Antoinette 5.Estates General 6.National Assembly 7. Tennis Court Oath 8.Great Fear 9.Tithe 10. deficit 11. mercenary army 12. bourgeoisie