Rights, Regulations & Compliance

Barbara C. Wingo
Associate Vice President and
Deputy General Counsel
Appointment, Evaluation & Discipline
Grievances and Complaints
Tenure and Promotion
Outside Activities and Conflict of Interest
Intellectual Property
Research Compliance
◦ Reg. UF-7.010
◦ Art. 18, BOT/UFF
Professional Ethics and Academic Freedom
◦ Reg. UF-7.010, UF-7.018
◦ Art. 10, BOT/UFF
◦ Reg. UF-7.048
◦ Art. 27, BOT/UFF
Grievances: Reg. UF-7.041; Art. 28, BOT/UFF
Complaints: Discrimination, research
(scientific) misconduct, fraudulent or other
dishonest acts, and other complaints against
faculty members
Reg. UF-7.019
Article 19, BOT/UFF
What is tenure?
What is the tenure probationary period?
What are the criteria for tenure and
What are the procedures?
What is the role of the department chair?
Reg. UF-1.011; Art. 26, BOT/UFF
What is a “conflict of interest”?
State requirements
Federal requirements
University requirements
What is the role of the department chair?
Current areas of interest
What are public records?
◦ All materials made or received by an agency that
are used to perpetuate, communicate or formalize
Are personal notes “public records”?
Public records must be maintained pursuant
to the applicable Records Retention Schedule.
Student (and student applicant) records
Limited access records
Certain research records
Patient records and certain other medical
Social security numbers
If a public records request is received, contact
the Office of News and Public Affairs or the
General Counsel’s office.
Student (“education”) records are confidential
and exempt from disclosure under federal
law (FERPA) and state law.
◦ http://www.registrar.ufl.edu/ferpahub.html
UF Intellectual Property Policy
◦ Ownership rights
◦ Disclosure requirements
◦ Maintenance of research data
Copyright Compliance
Human Subjects Research
Use of animals in research
Cost accounting
Export controls
Research misconduct
General Counsel website
◦ http://www.generalcounsel.ufl.edu