Safe Driving -

Driving requires all the care and caution possible any time of
year. But winter driving has even greater challenges because
of wet and icy road surfaces, longer hours of darkness and
poor visibility because of snow, rain and fog.
12 Tips for Winter Driving
1. Allow enough time to get to your destination.
Rushing in difficult driving conditions can lead to an
accident. Turn your radio on to listen to the road
report and weather forecast. Leave a few minutes
earlier in the morning, and allow plenty of time to get
to work. Buckle up your seat belt or safety restraint
before you start driving.
2. Stay alert. Don't drive when you are under the
influence of alcohol, drugs or certain medications.
Read the labels of prescription drugs and over-thecounter medicines to determine if they can cause
drowsiness. Driving demands your full attention.
3. Stay calm. Sometimes other drivers will become
frustrated with slow-moving traffic. Keep your temper
and don't let other drivers aggravate you. Maintain a safe
speed and drive defensively.
4. Keep a safe distance between you and other vehicles. The
"two second rule" works well on dry roads and in ideal
conditions, but in winter you should extend it to four seconds.
Watch the vehicle directly ahead of you. As it passes a stationary
object start counting - "one thousand and one", "one thousand
and two", and so on. Your vehicle should not pass the same
object until you say the word "four."
5. Keep your car well-maintained and in good
working order. This includes having good tread on
your tires, the engine tuned-up for winter, and all
lights functioning properly. In colder climates, you
may need to add anti-freeze to the radiator. In some
areas, gasoline antifreeze may be required.
7. Drive appropriately for the road conditions. The
posted speed limit may be too fast under winter
conditions. Driving on a wet road can cause
hydroplaning as a thin barrier of water builds up
between your tires and the road surface, causing your
vehicle to slip. If you begin to lose control of your
steering, take your foot off the gas.
8. Stay with your vehicle if it breaks down. Put on
your emergency flashers and wait for assistance.
Carry a sign for your window, asking other motorists
to tell the police you need help.
9. Wait out bad weather. Strong icy winds in
combination with snow or dust can make it impossible
to see where you are driving - or walking. Under
these conditions it is usually safest to stay with your
vehicle and wait out the storm.
10. Plan your moves carefully. In slippery
conditions, never jam on your brakes in a panic stop,
you will most likely skid and lose control of the vehicle.
Instead, pump your brakes gently a few times.
11. Avoid driving through deep puddles,
especially at high speeds. The water can make your
brakes less effective and, if deep enough, can cause
serious engine damage. If you must drive through
water and you are not sure about the depth, slow
right down and cautiously inch forward until you are
certain it is safe.
12. Quit driving when you begin to feel sleepy. If you
have a long distance to drive, take frequent short breaks
for fresh air and a walk around the vehicle.
Practice these simple safety tips and you will be
around to see him grow up and fill your shoes!