Oedipus the King

Oedipus the King
Oedipus Rex
by Sophocles
By Amy Bennett, GMHS
Ancient Greece
Scavenger Hunt! Write down everything you know
The Parthenon:
Mt. Olympus:
renown Greek playwright
Born in Colonus, Greece (near
Athens) around 496 B.C.
Had the best teachers available
during that time
Wrote music, lyrics, and scripts
Time Period- When Greece finally
became free of Persian rule.
Was an active participant in the
affairs of the democratic state
Was the first person to add a third
person on stage.
Composed and directed his plays at
the festival of the god Dionysus.
Sophocles wrote 123 plays; only
seven of them have come down to
us complete.
Oedipus the King is regarded as
“the” dramatic masterpiece of
ancient tragedy.
“ Way to GO, Sophocles. You’re
an artist! Way to make history.”
Ancient Greek Theatre
One of the greatest achievements
of fifth century Athens was the
development of the theater, the
first in the Western World.
The theater had a seating capacity
of 14,000.
Did you know the ancient theatre
began as a dance?
The oldest element of the theatre
was the chorus, a team of
dancers. (“choreography”)
A group of individuals would
dance in masks.
So, how did this dance become
the production it is today?
P.S. The Hollywood Bowl seats
The Theatre, Original Hollywood
The theatre was used for religious
purposes and was always for
You could only go to “the theatre”
during the 3 day festival for
Dionysus. (Imagine only being
able to see a movie 3 times a
The first audience helped decide
on who won, but only after they
watched 3 plays in a row, for 3
days straight.
The first audiences were not just
the “privileged,” those who could
afford a ticket; everyone could get
a ticket!!!!
The audience was given an image
of his own life; not only as he sees
it, but as the divine sees it too.
Read description from Norton pp. 475-476
How is this similar to events
The Hollywood Bowl
Macy’s Parade
The images given to us by early
Ajax impales himself on a sword
 Philoctetes screams in pain because of his
infected foot
 Evadne throws herself on the burning
funeral pyre of her husband
 Prometheus has an iron wedge driven
through his chest
 and Oedipus, ……well, you’ll see 
The Chorus, as seen in Greek theater
A group of 15-20 masked performers
This group represented the city’s “people”
Remained on stage the entire production for the “odes”.
They would dance, sing, and play instruments for these
“odes,” and it took awhile before they began leaving this
aspect of the theatre “out.”
Euripides began treating them as “musical interludes”
between scenes.
Sophocles used them to make
political references toward social
and religious relevance.
Literary Component:
Define dramatic irony
Let’s review: dramatic, verbal, & situational
Because of oral tradition, Sophocles grew up
knowing about Athenian’s men, and about Oedipus
Therefore, when the Greeks went to this show, the
audience knew Oedipus’s his fate.
Everything said by the characters in the play means
more to the audience than does it to the speaker.
That way, the audience is in the position of the
gods, and is able to see
Oedipus- Exposition
The story from the eyes of the Greeks
was old, strange, and terrible
Oedipus was born in Thebes to Laius
and Jocasta Labdacus
Apollo’s oracle told the new parentsOedipus will kill his father and marry his
After bolting the child’s feet together,
Laius and Jocasta give the child to a
servant shepherd to leave on Mt.
Kithairon for dead.
The servant shepherd pities the child
and gives him to another shepherd.
Oedipus is raised in Corinth by Polybus
and Merope unaware of his past.
Until one day, a drunken man tells
Oedipus- You are not your father’s son!
the shephard with baby Oedipus
Paris, 490 B.C.
Oedipus- Exposition continued
Oedipus visits Apollo’s oracle and
the priestess tells him his fate- you
will kill your father and marry your
Oedipus flees Corinth in fear that
this prophecy will come true
As he flees, he comes to a point
where 3 roads meet. In his rage,
he kills a carriage full of men,
although one escapes.
Oedipus arrives in Thebes and
helps the people by solving the
riddle of the sphinx.
For his bravery and wisdom,
Oedipus is rewarded- He will be
the next king of Thebes!
He is then introduced to his new
queen, Lady Jocasta.
Oedipus and the Sphinx
And now for your entertainment..
Oedipus has ruled Thebes well for many
 He has had 2 daughters with his queen
Jocasta; Antigone and Ismene, and 2 sons.
 Until one day, a plague breaks out in Thebes.
 People, crops, and animals are dieing.
 The priests of Thebes go to their king to save
them once again.
……………………….and now our play begins