Minorities and the
Criminal Justice System
Hate Crimes
© 2005 Hi Tech Criminal Justice,
Raymond E. Foster
Hate Crime Defined
The FBI defines a
Hate Crime as a crime
against a person or
property motivated by
bias toward race,
origin, disability, or
sexual orientation
Federal Statues
Title 18, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section
241 (Conspiracy Against Rights)
Title 18, U.S.C., Section 245 (Interference with
Federally Protected Activities)
Title 18, U.S.C., Section 247 (Damage to
Religious Property; Obstruction in Free Exercise
of Religious Beliefs)
Title 42, U.S.C., Section 3631 (Criminal
Interference with Right to Fair Housing)
Conspiracy Against Rights
This statute makes it a
crime for any person
acting under color of law,
statute, ordinance,
regulation, or custom to
willfully deprive or cause
to be deprived from any
person those rights,
privileges, or immunities
secured or protected by
the Constitution and laws
of the U.S.
Conspiracy Against Rights
Acts Under "color of any law" include acts not
only done by federal, state, or local officials
within the bounds or limits of their lawful
authority, but also acts done without and beyond
the bounds of their lawful authority; provided
that, in order for unlawful acts of any official to
be done under "color of any law," the unlawful
acts must be done while such official is
purporting or pretending to act in the
performance of his/her official duties.
Conspiracy Against Rights
This definition includes, in
addition to law
enforcement officials,
individuals such as
Mayors, Council persons,
Judges, Nursing Home
Proprietors, Security
Guards, etc., persons who
are bound by laws,
statutes ordinances, or
Conspiracy Against Rights
Most of the FBI's color of law
investigations would fall into five broad
excessive force;
sexual assaults;
false arrest/fabrication of evidence;
deprivation of property; and
failure to keep from harm
Interference with Federally
Protected Activities
This statute prohibits willful injury,
intimidation, or interference, or attempt to
do so, by force or threat of force of any
person or class of persons because of their
participation in a federally protected
Federally Protected Activities
A voter, or person qualifying to vote
Participant in any benefit, service,
privilege, program, facility, or activity
provided or administered by the United
Applicant for federal employment or an
employee by the federal government
Federally Protected Activities
Juror or prospective juror in federal court
Participant in any program or activity
receiving Federal financial assistance.
student or applicant for admission to any
public school or public College
Participant in any benefit, service,
privilege, program, facility, or activity
provided or administered by a state or
local government
Federally Protected Activities
Participant in any benefit, service, privilege,
program, facility, or activity provided or
administered by a state or local government
Applicant for private or state employment,
private or state employee; a member or
applicant for membership in any labor
organization or hiring hall; or an applicant for
employment through any employment agency,
labor organization or hiring hall
Federally Protected Activities
Traveler or user of any facility of interstate
commerce or common carrier
Patron of any public accommodation,
including hotels, motels, restaurants,
lunchrooms, bars, gas stations, theaters,
or any other establishment which serves
the public and which is principally
engaged in selling food or beverages for
consumption on the premises.
Juror or prospective juror in state court
Church Arson Prevention Act of
Prohibits (1) intentional defacement, damage, or
destruction of any religious real property, because of the
religious, racial, or ethnic characteristics of that property,
or (2) intentional obstruction by force or threat of force,
or attempts to obstruct any person in the enjoyment of
that person's free exercise of religious beliefs. If the
intent of the crime is motivated for reasons of religious
animosity, it must be proven that the religious real
property has a sufficient connection with interstate or
foreign commerce. However, if the intent of the crime is
racially motivated, there is no requirement to satisfy the
interstate or foreign commerce clause.
Freedom of Access to Clinic
prohibits the use of force or threat of force or physical obstruction,
to intentionally injure, intimidate or interfere with or attempt to
injure, intimidate or interfere with any person or any class of
persons from obtaining or providing reproductive health services;
the use of force or threat of force or physical obstruction to
intentionally injure, intimidate, or interfere with or attempt to injure,
intimidate, or interfere with any person lawfully exercising or
seeking to exercise the First Amendment right of religious freedom
at a place of religious worship
intentionally damages or destroys the property of a facility, or
attempts to do so, because such facility provides reproductive health
services or intentionally damages or destroys the property of a place
of religious worship.
Hate Crime Climate
poor or uncertain economic conditions
racial stereotypes in films and on
hate-filled discourse on talk shows or in
political advertisements
the use of racial code language such as
"welfare mothers" and "inner city thugs,"
Individual's personal experiences with
members of particular minority groups.
Hate Crime Victims
African Americans, who constitute the
single largest minority group in the Nation,
are more likely to be targets of hate
crimes than members of any other group.
Of the nearly 8,000 hate crimes reported
in 1995, almost 3,000 of them were
motivated by bias against African
Americans. Other typical victims are Jews,
homosexuals, Muslims, and, increasingly,
Asian Americans
Hate Crime Perpetrators
Not by members of an organized hate group but
by individual citizens.
Scapegoating - resent the growing economic
power of a particular racial or ethnic group and
react to a perceived threat to the safety and
property value of their neighborhood.
Thrillseekers - those who randomly target
interchangeable representatives of minority
groups for harassment and violence,
Mission offenders -those who believe they are
on a mission to rid the world of some perceived
Hate Crime Trends
Difficult to forecast trends
Many jurisdictions do not count
Some do not have specific laws
Lack training to identify
Victims fail to report
Victims Fail to Report
Homosexual victims may decide not to report hate
crimes to police because of fears of reprisals or a belief
that they will be forced "out of the closet."
Some victims have little confidence that authorities will
bring the perpetrators to justice.
Immigrant hate crime victims may not be proficient in
English or may be undocumented aliens who fear that
any contact with police will increase their risk of
Other immigrants come from cultures that mistrust law
enforcement agencies, or they believe that victims of
bias-motivated crime are somehow stigmatized.
Some victims refuse to report such crimes because they
want to avoid the humiliation of recounting the event
Source: Southern
Poverty Law
Hate Groups - California
Source: Southern
Poverty Law
Potential Hate Groups
The following is a list of websites and
other electronic mediums which advocate
violence, separatism and hostility towards
groups and individuals based on race,
religion, ethnic background, gender or
sexual orientation. Be warned that clicking
on the links takes you to that site and we
have no control over content, virus, etc.
Potential Hate Groups
Adams Bible
Adelaide Institute
Aggressive Christianity
American Defense League
American National Action Party
American Nazi Party
American Resistance
Race Traitor
Potential Hate Groups
American Resistance Corps
American White Knights
American White Patriot
American’s Invisible Empire
America’s Promise Ministries
Angry Arian Website
Potential Hate Groups
Aryan Nations
Aryan Nation’s Church of Jesus Christ
Aryan Nation’s Texas
Chinese swastika method
Be Wise as Serpents
Note: This is only a
small sampling of
Blood and Honor UK
groups with the word
“Aryan” or phrase
Potential Hate Groups
Blood and Honor USA
Brotherhood of the Klans
Call to Freedom
Campaign for Radical Truth in History
Children of Yahweh
Christian Defense League
Christian Holocaust
Potential Hate Groups
Christian Separatist Church Society
Christian White Knights
Aryan Nations Church of Jesus Christ
Church of the National Knights of the KKK
Church of the First Born
Church of the Sons of YHVH
Potential Hate Groups
Church of True Israel
Adolph Hitler and Me
The International Conspiratological
The Couch Potato Show
Council on Domestic Relations
The Creativity Movement
Creators Rights Party
Potential Hate Groups
Crusader Kids
David Duke Online
Diehard Records
Dixie Dolls
Dragonland’s Aryan Restoration Troops
Potential Hate Groups
East Coast Aryan Nation
The Enslavement of Mankind
Ethnic Survival Kit
Ethnic Cleansing
White Civil Rights
Storm Front
Racist Games
Potential Hate Groups
Faction 88
Father’s Manifesto
Third World Planet
Final Conflict
Final Conflict International Fanzine
Final Solution 88
Final Stand Records
Final Amendment Exercise Machine
Potential Hate Groups
Focal Point Publications
Forward Area
Free Knights of New York
Free Knights – Realm of North Carolina
Free Knights Realm of Georgia
Free Your Mind
Resistenci Aria
Gerald Smith
Potential Hate Groups
German Cross
God Hates Fags
Hail Victory
The Hal Turner Show
The Heritage Front
Hindu Unity
Holocaust History News
Potential Hate Groups
Holy War
New Nation News
The Racial Compact
Racial Nationalist Library
Radio Islam
Remove Jews.com
The Revisionist Clarion
Society for Cutting Up Men
Holden, D., Lawrence, P. Moran, L., Kapler,
M. & Ferrante, J. (1999) A Policymaker's
Guide to Hate Crimes. National Institute
for Justice
Southern Poverty Law Center
Hate Crimes Research Network
Franklin, R. (2005), The hate directory,
Woodstock, MD
Minorities and the
Criminal Justice System
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© 2005 Hi Tech Criminal Justice,
Raymond E. Foster