Facebook Party Packet

Facebook Party Packet
November 2014
Are you new to American Serenade? Envision this....coffee, tea and wine sent to your home!
Not having to add cream and sugar or flavorings to your morning caffeine? Flavors you can
actually taste in the coffee and tea. Wines so unique and smooth tasting you do not think you
are drinking wine. Achieving health benefits from teas an an easy way to brew them. Does any
of this sound good? http://americanserenade.com/
Do you feel like this most days? Then you need to meet Grace. Read more here:
Tell me what kind of coffee do you drink? What brand? Flavored or unflavored?
1.Respond directly in comments to what they tell you and tag them.
2.People can get overwhelmed by the coffee choices we have if they have never tasted our coffees
before. A tasting negates this…however a virtual party needs this specific question to help guide them.
3. People want you to direct them to what is comparable. They are more likely to buy if you recommend
a specific item vs just tell them they will love it all and to choose.
Example 1:
Comment from Holly McInerney: “I love dunkin donuts coffee and I usually add French Vanilla creamer
to it.”
Response: @Holly McInerney, that is great, you would really love either our Liberty from Peru which has
a very similar profile to DD or if you want to skip the calories and the creamer all together, our French
Vanilla is absolutely divine. It taste like a warm vanilla bean and you actually taste the flavors in the
Example 2:
Comment from Lisa: “I only buy Intuisita coffee and I love their breakfast blend. I am very particular
about my coffee beans. I will not buy unless I taste.”
Response: @lisa. “I can appreciate your taste and expectations of your morning brew. What I can assure
you is that we use only the top specialty Arabica beans that very few places offer. Our roasters care for
each roast and understand the climate, temperature, soil etc from each Harvest and they go through
several iterations of roasting before determining the perfect roast for that bean. It is truly unique and
quality experience to bring out the natural taste of the bean. I have researched with our founder and
we recommend Liberty from Peru as that will be your perfect match. We do offer it in 1/2lb bag so it is
not quite so much of a commitment. If you prefer we do have gift bags of coffee in packs of 3 at $16.99
so you can try a few different coffees and ensure it measures up to your standards.”
Do you love flavored coffee? How would you like to actually taste the flavors in your
morning brew without adding flavors to your coffee?
Due to the way we add the flavoring during the hand roasting process you actually
taste the flavors in your coffee. #noshotsofflavoringrequired. What is your favorite
flavor? http://americanserenade.com/flavored/
Hold a poll:
Tell me about your coffee or tea buying habits:
1. I buy whatever is on sale
2. I have bought the same brand for years
3. I love to try new things
4. Yuck that stuff taste bitter, none for me please
Once the poll is responded to, use that to drive what you post.
Ex: if some are all about price, make sure you post about the what the cost /cup of our coffee and tea breaks
down to.
Ex: if they say it taste bitter, talk about the quality of bean and the way it is hand roasted and explain why ours
is not bitter. Use your own testimonial about what you thought about it…
How do you like your coffee? Light roast, Dark Roast? Do you have a favorite brand?
Tell us about your morning brew and we will find your perfect match.
Our coffees are hand roasted using the highest quality beans that not even our competitors use?
Our expert roasts know exactly how to roast each bean from each countries harvest to give you
Perfectly smooth and natural cup of coffee.
Change the way you experience your morning brew!
Our coffees and teas are 100% Organic and Fair Trade. You can trust the quality in your cup! We are
unmatched in taste and quality. Pamper your taste buds and change the way you experience your morning
Do you love ICED coffee? Not sure how to get that coffee house taste at home? Coffee taste amazing using a
French Press. It is so easy to brew hot coffee but even easier to brew iced coffee using a french press. Here is
our recipe: http://www.coffeewinetea.com/the-best-iced-coffee-recipe-using-a-french-press/
We offer french presses in two different styles and sizes. http://americanserenade.com/accessories-3/
The perfect way to brew your Saturday morning coffee. The chemex produces an amazing cup of coffee and
brings out the flavors even stronger than any other brew method. It takes a few extra minutes, but the taste is
well worth it ….and the smell permeates your home!
We offer two different sizes of the glass chemex. They are so cute and stylish and take up no room.
Snuggle up with a hot Peppermint Mocha treat made
right in your home!
Start with our Mocha Mint coffee
Add a candy cane stick
Top with whipped cream
Sprinkle with chocolate topping (nesquik works
Our coffee breaks down to $.29 and doesn’t
require anything extra to taste the flavor.
Did you know you can only achieve health benefits from loose tea?
Yep that is correct. Bagged tea is made up of the dust particles of the bottom of the barrel. And the bleach on
the bag is not health at all as when the hot water hits fragments from the bleach get into your tea.
Our tea is hand designed and loose tea. So it is full of flavor and health benefits.
We offer the following teas:
Allow me to tell you more with a few of our posts.
I love our Earl Grey tea, it has just a
hint of natural honey pieces to
slightly sweeten the tea. All of our
teas are hand designed using the
highest quality leaves, no bitter
taste. Plus loose tea is the only way
you can achieve health benefits and
black tea has a lot of great health
Did you know that Green tea is one of the healthiest teas for your overall
Immune system. Here are some of the health benefits of green tea.
Are you looking for that perfect breakfast tea. One that is light tasting? Look no more. We have two great
breakfast teas that are light teas, great tasting, lightly flavorful and not bitter.
Are you looking for a darker tea …but without the bitter taste? Look no further. Try our Ginger & Peach
Oolong tea or our Earl Grey tea. Both have a heartier tea taste to them but still smooth taste.
All our teas are 100% organic and Fair Trade.
How about a tea that will help you relax and fall asleep? Our tea does just that …
Our Restful Blend tea is NOT your mother’s chamomile. Check out the ingredients!
OUR BEST SELLER: Have you seen our tea infuser?? If you have never tried loose tea or you are just looking for
a easy way to brew loose tea. Check out our video.
Our coffee breaks down to $.29/cup. For specialty, gourmet, hand roasted coffees. Our teas break down to
$.20-$.25/ cup. It does not cost much to enjoy a quality cup of artisan beverages.
Our coffees break down to $.29/cup and our teas between $.20-$.25/cup. What are you paying for your single brew coffee and
Our filter is the only filter that provides a rich cup of coffee through your Keurig or Mr. Coffee single use brewer. It taste like you
used a coffee pot, but with the convience of your single brewer.
Tea lovers, this is the ONLY filter that allows you to brew loose tea through your Keurig or Mr. Coffee brewer.
So easy to use and a fraction of the price of the cups.
Check out our video on how easy it is to use:
I can not wait to laugh and decompress with everyone while tasting
coffees, teas and wines tomorrow afternoon at XXX Tasting!!
We have something for to pamper everyone's taste
Would you like to earn an income selling
quality beverages that are Made in the U.S.A
and your customer’s will want to come back to
buy? Check out how many cups of coffee, tea
and wine are consumed in the U.S. Be a part of
that income.
Not sure you will love our products? Hesitant to give them a try? Here is what our customer’s have to say…
Customer testimonials
Let us design a monthly club just for YOU! Our Monthly
Concierge Clubs are designed by your for you!
Choose from:
1. Coffee Club
2. Tea Club
3. Combo – Coffee/Tea Club
4. Wine club
You choose your products
You change your club as often as you like
1st Friday of every month its charged and then shipped
Let us pamper you with gourmet products delivered
right to your door every month!
Start your American Serenade business and build
1. In-home tastings
2. Virtual Sales
3. Web sales
4. Word of mouth
5. Vendor shows
6. Website sales
We offer business kits ranging from
$29.99 to $109.99
We have a delicious assortment of wines to select from. Order by the case and save 10%
Dry Reds
Dry whites
Ice Wine
Sweet wine lover?
Our light and fruity wines are slightly sweet but no bite. They go down so smooth, it does not taste like you are
drinking wine.
Cadence –Peach/Apricot Chardonnay
Finale White- Green Apple Riesling
Finale Red- Sweet Black Raspberry
Our ice wine is a true cordial. Very sweet and packs a punch with 18% alcohol.
Celebration – Blueberry Ice Wine
We have the DRY REDS you do not want to miss!!
Declaration- Merlot
A lighter, fruitier merlot. A nice sharpness upfront and a very smooth finish. This is great for those that are
either new to dry reds or like a lighter dry.
Overture- Cabernet blend of Cab Franc, Cab Sauvignon & Syrah.
This is a true dry lovers wine and was especially created between our wine maker and our Founder.
Oak fermented it is full of wild berry and pepper flavors.