13 D-1 Substitution of Required Course for Accounting - Minor Proposal 11-13-13 MINOR Curriculum Modification Proposal (11-13-13) Substitution of Required Course for Accounting Majors Submitted on behalf of the Department of Business Anne Zissu, Chairperson Lucas Bernard, Assistant Professor FALL 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Curriculum Modification Proposal Form Curriculum Modification Questions Minutes of Department Meeting Student Survey & Results Appendix 1: Chancellor’s Report Form Appendix 2: Mathematics Department Email Exchange 2 4 5 7 12 13 Page 1 of 15 13 D-1 Substitution of Required Course for Accounting - Minor Proposal 11-13-13 New York City College of Technology, CUNY CURRICULUM MODIFICATION PROPOSAL Please refer to the Curriculum Modification Guide before submitting a proposal. Title of Proposal Date Substitution of Required Course for Accounting Majors November 13th, 2013 Department Chairperson / Coordinator Department/Program Anne Zissu Business/Accounting Brief Description Replace MAT 1272 with BUS 2341 for Accounting majors. In 2008, as a temporary stop-gap measure, while the Business Department developed a suitable course, MAT 1272 was listed as a required course for Accounting majors. The permanent solution, BUS 2341, has now been developed and approved; it retains much of the statistical content of MAT 1272, but with a more applied focus and centers around business issues which will make our students more employable. Indicate the specific change or changes desired. MAJOR: MINOR: __new course(s) __change in course number and/or title __experimental courses __change in course description __Continuing Education courses for credit __change in sequence of courses __addition or elimination of programs or certificates __change in prerequisites or corequisites for individual course __changes in entrance requirements for matriculation or admission to a specific degree program __substitution of one course for another of similar hours and credits X substitution of required course(s) for the degree __a change which would affect the educational objective of a department and/or of the college __course(s) withdrawn or reinstated Supporting Documents Checklist: MAJOR: MINOR: Complete description of MAJOR modifications and rationale All course proposals (see Course Proposal Document Checklist) Catalog course description specifying hours and credits for lecture and labs, prerequisites and/or corequisites Relevant minutes from department meetings Description of MINOR modifications and rationale Department minutes with record of the approval Memo or email from the Dean approving the change Evidence of consultation with all affected departments Completed Curriculum Modification Questions Page 2 of 15 13 D-1 Substitution of Required Course for Accounting - Minor Proposal 11-13-13 Completed Curriculum Modification Questions Documentation of needs assessment Documentation of student views Documentation of Advisory Commission views (if applicable). Evidence of consultation with all affected departments Projected headcounts (fall/spring and day/evening) for each new or modified course. Memo or email from the academic dean to the Curriculum Committee chairperson with a recommendation for or against adopting the proposed change(s) and reasons for the recommendation. Completed Library Resources and Information Literacy Form A memorandum from the VP for Finance and Administration with written comments regarding additional and/or new facilities, renovations or construction (if applicable). Comparative charts, specifying differences in class hours, lab hours and credits, including course titles and codes. Documentation indicating core curriculum requirements have been met for New Programs/Options or Program Changes. (if applicable) Plan and process for evaluation of Curricular Experiments (if applicable) Established time limit for Curricular Experiments (if applicable) Submitted by Lucas Bernard & Anne Zissu Email this form along with all supporting documents to the co-Chairs of the College Council Curriculum Committee. Viviana Vladutescu and David Smith Page 3 of 15 13 D-1 Substitution of Required Course for Accounting - Minor Proposal 11-13-13 CURRICULUM MODIFICATION QUESTIONS: For all Curriculum Modifications Has the department approved the modification and recorded the approval in the minutes? Yes. Has the department consulted with the academic dean? Yes Has documentation of consultation with affected areas been received? The Mathematics Department was presented with the full proposal and voiced no objections (see attached email correspondence). Have potential staff space and budget impacts been addressed? Yes. Have all legal issues and/or restrictions been addressed? Yes. Is renovation or new construction required? No. Does new space need to be made available? No. If applicable, has the VP for Finance and Administration submitted written comments regarding additional and/or new facilities, renovations or construction? N/A Have you surveyed students to determine their interest in the course and learn why they would be interested in taking the course? Are these results included? Yes. Yes. Page 4 of 15 13 D-1 Substitution of Required Course for Accounting - Minor Proposal 11-13-13 DEPARMENT MEETING MINUTES September 25th, 2013 (1:00 PM) Business Department Meeting 1) For only the next Gen-Ed meeting tomorrow (Friday, September 26th at 9:30 AM), Lucas will attend for Melissa and pass the information on to her (Just for the one meeting). 2) Pathways Advisor We need a Departmental Pathways advisor. Pathways Advisor will get a 3 hour release time (Equivalent to 1 course). They will have to attend meetings and report back to the department (during a department meeting). Alison might have volunteered, Anne will check to see and if not Melissa will be the pathways advisor. Probably just for one semester (Spring 2014). 3) Pathways Curriculum Gen Ed. must have a minimum of 20 credits. Marketing & Accounting have over 20 credits of Gen. Ed courses. Statistics (MAT 1272) could be replaced by the Finance course (BUS 2341) Statistics was added to the curriculum along with raising the general math level up to MAT 1375 (Pre-Calculus). This was done to strengthen the program and the math skills of the students within all 3 departments. Core requires 3 credits in Math so the statistics course is not necessary. The new Finance course (BUS 2341) covers statistics but it is an applied learning course. The suggestion was made to combine ACC 2311 & ACC 2411 (Cost Accounting 1 & 2) and make one 3 credit course to replace the 2 courses (3 credits for ACC 2311 & 2 credits for ACC 2411). For now we are just going to look into the matter and see if it might be worth it for the future, but not right now. Page 5 of 15 13 D-1 Substitution of Required Course for Accounting - Minor Proposal 11-13-13 VOTE: *Replace MAT 1272 (Statistics) with BUS 2341 (Finance) for the Marketing Management & Accounting curriculums. All in Favor, none opposed: 11-0 Fashion Marketing students should be taking chemistry as it is more related to the field but one of the issues is that the course must be 3 credits to count for the core requirement. Another issue is that many of the students will take Biology simply because it is easier and requires less math knowledge. We will decide this at a later meeting, for now we are putting this on hold. 4) Peer Observation Forms New forms are now available online and hard copies can be found in the main office as well, please be sure to only use the new forms as the old forms are no longer acceptable. After 10 semesters (5 years) adjunct staff are not required to be observed but all & all staff can be observed at any time at the discretion of the chair. 5) Department Evaluation by Non-Cuny Personnel For the department Self Evaluation, we will need someone who works outside CUNY to evaluate the department. They will be compensated and they must be a teacher. Alison has mentioned that she has a person that could do this, she will pass the CV on to Anne. If anyone else knows anyone that can do that as well we will need their CV as soon as possible so that it can be passed on to the Provost for approval. Page 6 of 15 13 D-1 Substitution of Required Course for Accounting - Minor Proposal 11-13-13 STUDENT SURVEY Below is the student survey each member of the Department of Business distributed to one of his/her classes. We have three majors in the Department of Business: Marketing; Accounting; Fashion Marketing. The survey was distributed randomly across the three majors, at the lower and upper level and it was anonymous, students did not include theirs names. An analysis follows. Many students are concerned that when they graduate, they will not possess enough employable skills to have a competitive edge in job market or to run their own businesses. To address this, a new course has been proposed: New course: “Financial Forecasting for Small Businesses” (BUS 2341) Many students do not know how to use MS-Excel at the level required by employers. This course would correct that. During the class, students will use MSExcel to work on projects for small business. This course would grant 4 credits and would be transferable to the other CUNY colleges. In addition, this class would be of particular interest to those students who would like to own their own business, are interested in investing and/or retirement planning, and those who envision careers in Finance or Accounting. This course would not be in addition to required classes, but would, instead, replace others already in the college catalog. Please answer “YES” or “NO” to each of the following questions: 1. Would you be interested in taking a class that, in addition to meeting requirements for your degree, also gave you employable skills, such as MSExcel? 2. Are you interested in learning how to start your own business? 3. Do you want to be able to plan for unforeseen events either in business or in your private investments? 4. Are you interested in a class that would be transferable to other CUNY campuses, e.g., Baruch? 5. Would you like to learn more about the financial world beyond basics, e.g., investing in options and other derivatives, financing real estate purchases, expanding your own business? Page 7 of 15 13 D-1 Substitution of Required Course for Accounting - Minor Proposal 11-13-13 Survey Results During spring 2011, students in Marketing, Accounting, and Finance classes were surveyed. 268 completed surveys were collected. In a study of population proportions, in which no assumptions are made, a sample of 268 yields a margin of error of approximately 10%. Thus, in the figures and tables below, each estimate should be considered within a +/- 10% range. Question 1 Would you be interested in taking a class that, in addition to meeting requirements for your degree, also gave you employable skills, such as MS-Excel? 2.24% 2.24% No Response No Yes 95.52% Question 2 Are you interested in learning how to start your own business? 1.87% 17.91% No Response No Yes 80.22% Page 8 of 15 13 D-1 Substitution of Required Course for Accounting - Minor Proposal 11-13-13 Question 3 Do you want to be able to plan for unforeseen events either in business or in your private investments? 1.12% 6.34% No Response No Yes 92.54% Question 4 Are you interested in a class that would be transferable to other CUNY campuses, e.g., Baruch? 1.12% 5.22% No Response No Yes 93.66% Page 9 of 15 13 D-1 Substitution of Required Course for Accounting - Minor Proposal 11-13-13 Question 5 Would you like to learn more about the financial world beyond basics, e.g., investing in options and other derivatives, financing real estate purchases, expanding your own business? 1.12% 1.87% No Response No Yes 97.01% Totals 1.49% 6.72% No Response No Yes 91.79% Page 10 of 15 13 D-1 Substitution of Required Course for Accounting - Minor Proposal 11-13-13 Table of Responses by Number Question # 1 2 3 4 5 All No Response 6 5 3 3 3 20 No 6 48 17 14 5 90 Yes 256 215 248 251 260 1230 Total 268 268 268 268 268 1340 Yes 95.52% 80.22% 92.54% 93.66% 97.01% 91.79% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Table of Responses by Percentage Question # 1 2 3 4 5 All No Response 2.24% 1.87% 1.12% 1.12% 1.12% 1.49% No 2.24% 17.91% 6.34% 5.22% 1.87% 6.72% Conclusion: An overwhelming number of students are in favor of this course. Page 11 of 15 13 D-1 Substitution of Required Course for Accounting - Minor Proposal 11-13-13 The following revisions are proposed for the Business Department Program: Associate Degree of Applied Science in Accounting Program Code: Effective: Fall 2014 A change of required courses FROM: TO: Program Specific Degree Requirements (11 courses, 35 Credits) Course # ACC 1101 ACC 1201 ACC 2301 ACC 2311 ACC 2322 ACC 2401 ACC 2411 BUS 1122 BUS 2339 BUS 2425 CST 2206 4 Course Name Credits Principles of Accounting I 4 Principles of Accounting II 4 Intermediate Accounting I 3 Cost Accounting I 3 Taxes 3 Intermediate Accounting II 3 Cost Accounting II 2 Business Law 3 Financial Management 3 Business Management 3 Introduction to Information Systems and Technologies Program Specific Degree Requirements (12 courses, 38 Credits)** Course # ACC 1101 ACC 1201 ACC 2301 ACC 2311 ACC 2322 ACC 2401 ACC 2411 BUS 1122 BUS 2339 BUS 2425 CST 2206 4 BUS 2341 Course Name Credits Principles of Accounting I 4 Principles of Accounting II 4 Intermediate Accounting I 3 Cost Accounting I 3 Taxes 3 Intermediate Accounting II 3 Cost Accounting II 2 Business Law 3 Financial Management 3 Business Management 3 Introduction to Information Systems and Technologies Financial Forecasting 3 Required Core Classes (3 courses, 10 Credits) Required Core Classes (3 courses, 10 Credits)** ENG 1101 MAT 1375 SCI English Composition 1 Precalculus* or Higher Life/Physical Science 3 4 3 ENG 1101 MAT 1375 SCI English Composition 1 Precalculus* or Higher Life/Physical Science 3 4 3 Flexible Core Classes (5 Courses, 15 Credits) Flexible Core Classes (4 Courses, 12 Credits)** COM 1330 ECON 1401 MAT 1272 Public Speaking or Higher Microeconomics Statistics 3 3 3 In addition to the 3 Required courses above, Select one course from any two of the three groups listed below (2 courses Total) Category 1 World Cultures & Global Issues Category 2 US Experience in its Diversity 6 Credits Total Category 3 Creative Expression COM 1330 ECON 1401 Public Speaking or Higher Microeconomics 3 3 In addition to the 2 Required courses above, Select one course from any two of the three groups listed below (2 courses Total)** Category 1 World Cultures & Global Issues Category 2 US Experience in its Diversity 6 Credits Total Category 3 Creative Expression Page 12 of 15 13 D-1 Substitution of Required Course for Accounting - Minor Proposal 11-13-13 Rationale: BUS 2341 retains some statistical content from MAT 1272, but with a more applied focus and centered around business issues, which will make our students more employable. * Students without the requisite math background to enter MAT 1375 MUST take MAT 1275 and/or MAT 1175 in preparation, depending on initial placement. This will increase the number of required credits for the degree by 4-8. ** The sum of all credits for the degree must add up to at least 60. Page 13 of 15 From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Anne Zissu Henry Africk Jonathan Natov; Lucas Bernard Re: Minor Curriculum Proposal Tuesday, October 01, 2013 3:04:26 PM Ok that's fine. Thank you for going over it. Anne Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. From: Henry Africk Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2013 14:55 PM To: Anne Zissu Cc: Jonathan Natov Subject: Re: Minor Curriculum Proposal Thank you. There does seem to be some overlap with our financial mathematics courses, but the mathematics requirements appear to be minimal, so I don't think cross listing would be useful. Prof. Henry Africk, Chair Mathematics Department, Room N711 New York City College of Technology 300 Jay Street Brooklyn, New York 11201 (718)260-5380 >>> Anne Zissu 10/1/2013 12:38 PM >>> enry, per your request, please find attached a description of BUS 2341, course approved in the Spring. Best, Anne Dr. Anne Zissu Chair, Department of Business NYC College of Technology, CUNY >>> Henry Africk 10/01/13 10:12 AM >>> Could you send me the course description of BUS 2341? Page 14 of 15 Prof. Henry Africk, Chair Mathematics Department, Room N711 New York City College of Technology 300 Jay Street Brooklyn, New York 11201 (718)2605380 >>> Anne Zissu 10/1/2013 8:09 AM >>> We actually could even cross list BUS 2341 with your minor in Finance. Anne Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. From: Anne Zissu Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 22:05 PM To: Henry Africk Cc: David Smith; Lucas Bernard Subject: Fwd: Minor Curriculum Proposal Hi Henry, We are in the process of making a minor change to our curriculum. We had created a new course last year that was finally approved in May. The course is BUS 2341, and will now replace MAT1272. This will probably happen in the Fall 2014. I have forwarded the description of the minor change. Please reply to ALL if there is any issue. Best, Anne Dr. Anne Zissu Chair, Department of Business NYC College of Technology, CUNY Page 15 of 15