Explain factors related to the development of substance abuse or

Explain factors related to the development
of substance abuse or addictive behavior
Substance abuse
• refers to the continued use
of the substance despite
knowing problems
associated with the
substance such as persistent
desire to use it and/or
unsuccessful efforts to
control substance use.
• Smoking could be an
example of substance abuse
when smokers want to quit
but find they are unable to.
Explain factors related to the development of
substance abuse or addictive behavior
Substance dependence
• This is demonstrated in
craving (i.e. a strong desire
to get the substance or
engage in a behavior) and
in withdrawal symptoms
(i.e. the unpleasant
physiological and
psychological symptoms
when people don’t get the
substance on which they
are dependent).
Explain factors related to the development of
substance abuse or addictive behavior
• (or addictive behavior)
occurs when people
become physically or
biologically dependent
on a substance because
of repeated use over
Explain factors related to the development of
substance abuse or addictive behavior
Explain factors related to the development of
substance abuse or addictive behavior
Biological factors of Smoking
• The psychoactive drug in tobacco
is nicotine.
• Nicotine alters levels of
neurotransmitters (e.g.
acetylcholine, dopamine,
adrenaline, vasopressin).
• Secretion of adrenaline results in
temporarily increased heart rate
and blood pressure.
• Secretion of dopamine is involved
in the alteration of mood.
• Secretion of acetylcholine
appears to enhance memory.
• Nicotine is also associated with
relaxation and changes in mood.
Explain factors related to the development of
substance abuse or addictive behavior
Biological factors of Smoking
• Nicotine is a highly
addictive substance. A
habitual smoker will
experience withdrawal
symptoms if the level of
nicotine is not constant in
the body.
• This could explain why up
to 80% of smokers in the
USA who would like to
quit are not able to do it
(Benowitz, 2009).
Explain factors related to the development of
substance abuse or addictive behavior
Biological factors of Smoking
• Marks et al. (2005) report that
although teenagers’ initial
reaction to tobacco smoke is
generally negative, they
quickly develop a taste for it.
• Young smokers report that
smoking has a calming effect
and that they experience
craving if they cannot smoke.
• This is confirmed in
measurement of nicotine
levels in the saliva. Within a
couple of years, teenagers
report that they find it difficult
to stop.
Explain factors related to the development of
substance abuse or addictive behavior
Research on adolescents’ smoking history and
DiFranza et al. (2006)
• The aim of the study was to
investigate the relationship
between attitudes to smoking
and smoking habits.
• The design was longitudinal and
used questionnaires and
interviews for data collection. In
Massachusetts 217 adolescents
(mean age 12) answered
questionnaires on their smoking
history, social environment (e.g.
family and peers) as well as
beliefs and attitudes towards
• All participants reported having
smoked a cigarette at least once.
Explain factors related to the development of
substance abuse or addictive behavior
Research on adolescents’ smoking history and
DiFranza et al. (2006)
• The results showed that
of those adolescents who
recalled a relaxation effect
after their first inhale,
67% became dependent
compared to 29% of those
who did not experience
such an effect.
Explain factors related to the development of
substance abuse or addictive behavior
Research on adolescents’ smoking history and
DiFranza et al. (2006)
• Feelings of relaxation
after inhalation were the
main risk factor for
• Of the participants who
the experienced
relaxation effect, 91%
reported that it was not
possible for them to quit
smoking even though
they wanted to and 60%
said they felt they had
lost control.
Explain factors related to the development of
substance abuse or addictive behavior
Research on adolescents’ smoking history and
DiFranza et al. (2006)
• The conclusion was that for
some people addiction to
smoking seems to start
almost after the first puff
but it is unknown why some
are more vulnerable to
nicotine addiction than
• It could be genetic but
smoking is a complex
behavior where both genes
and environmental factors
Explain factors related to the development of
substance abuse or addictive behavior
Sociocultural factors of Smoking
• According to social
learning theory (SLT)
smoking is learned
through modeling
(remember Bandura).
• This could apply to the
role of parents and
peers in the initiation of
Explain factors related to the development of
substance abuse or addictive behavior
Is it peer pressure (conformity…Asch)?
Explain factors related to the development of
substance abuse or addictive behavior
Role of advertising and marketing
in smoking
• Consumer research shows
that tobacco advertising
has a powerful effect on
smoking attitudes and
behavior of young people.
• The use of imagery and
positive association in
combination with brand
consciousness in young
people influences the
young to smoke the most
popular and welladvertised product.
Explain factors related to the development of
substance abuse or addictive behavior
Role of advertising and marketing
in smoking
• Advertising functions as a “cue”
to smoking (e.g. associating
pleasure and fun with smoking
may activate craving in smokers
but it could also motivate young
people to start smoking).
• Tobacco sponsorships promote
brand association and makes it
easier to start smoking.
Charlton et al. (1997) found that
boys who showed a preference
for Formula One motor racing
that was sponsored by cigarette
manufacturers were more likely
to start smoking.
Explain factors related to the development of
substance abuse or addictive behavior