Home/EU Graduate Application form

Graduate School Application Form
Please complete this application form if you are from the UK, European Union or a European Economic Area
country and you would like to apply to one of the following courses:
Graduate Diploma
Postgraduate Certificate
Postgraduate Diploma
Executive MBA (Fashion)
Thank you for requesting this application form for Graduate School courses at the London College of Fashion.
Please also ensure that you fulfil all the requirements in relation to your application, particularly following the advice
given on individual course criteria published on the College website. You should complete one form for each
course and send this to the London College of Fashion, Student Administration.
Each course has individual course guidance notes, and depending on the course you would like to apply to, you
will need to submit a Study Proposal, Essay and/or Portfolio. The individual course guidance notes are available on
the course page.
Guidelines for filling in the application can be found on page 2. Please read these carefully as the decision to select
you for interview will be based on the information you provide.
If there is not enough space for your entry on any section of the form you should add separate sheets and make a
note on the relevant section of the form that you have done so. Any information about disability will be used for
statistical and planning purposes, and for seeking to make arrangements for particular disabled applicants.
If you think that items are missing from this application pack or you would like to receive this application form in a
large print format please contact the College to which you intend to apply. Please note that we will normally use
your correspondence address when writing to you about your application.
You are advised to keep a copy of your completed form for your own records before sending this to the Graduate
School. Please send your completed form to:
Student Administration Unit,
London College of Fashion,
20 John Prince’s Street,
London, W1G 0BJ
Email: student.admin@fashion.arts.ac.uk
LCF Graduate School
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Please read these notes carefully before completing the application form and refer to the London College of
Fashion website for further information.
A. Course Choice
Please give the exact title of the course you are applying for, as it appears in the current London College of
Fashion website, and whether you would like to study full time or part time.
B. Personal Details
Please provide details as requested. You may include a correspondence address if you will be temporarily away
from your permanent address during the application process. All college correspondence will be sent to the
permanent address indicated unless a correspondence address is given or you notify the College of any change.
C. Nationality status
This information will be used to confirm your fee status.
D. Education and other Professional qualifications
Please provide details of the last School/College you attended.
E. English language qualifications
Please provide details of all formal qualifications achieved and examinations pending. (Bachelors Degree,
Masters). If applicable, please also include any key skills qualifications. If you are from a non English speaking
country, you should enclose copies of certificates and transcripts with translations. LCF accepts international
qualifications and will consider all academic achievements that are equivalent to British qualifications.
F. Relevant Qualifications
Please provide details of qualifications that support your application. This could include short courses and evening
classes, and other qualifications, e.g. GCSEs or equivalent, relevant to the course for which you are applying.
G. Work Experience
Please use this section to outline any paid or voluntary work experience. In particular please provide information on
any relevant and transferable skills such as team work, IT or practical skills. If necessary, please continue on a
blank sheet or attach a CV.
H. Employment History
Provide details of current and previous employment (if applicable).
I. References
Please detach and pass the reference form on to a suitably qualified person (e.g. head teacher, college tutor or
employer). Ideally the references should be from an academic tutor - so a person who can comment on your
academic work and suitability for entry on to the particular course you are applying for. If you are having difficulty in
obtaining an academic reference, then please use an employer/work referee – who can comment on your
suitability for the course and any relevant professional experience. If an employer’s reference is used – attach a
note or attach a separate sheet explaining why this is the case with your application form
J. Study Proposal / Essay / Personal Statement
Please refer to the course specific guidance notes for details about the study proposal, essays and personal
K. Portfolio Submission
If your course requires a portfolio, please provide details of the work you will be submitting to the College and how
you would like the work returned to you.
L: Criminal Convictions
If you have been convicted of a criminal offence your application will first be considered in terms of academic
suitability for the course. If you are successful and the Course Director wants to offer you a place then your
conviction will be examined by a University panel before confirming that an offer can be made.
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M. Applicant Checklist
Please ensure you have completed ALL ITEMS indicated in the applicant checklist otherwise your application
cannot be processed and may be rejected. If specific information is missing or not attached to the form then you
should indicate why this information is missing and when the necessary attachments (e.g. reference or
translations) will be provided.
You must sign and date the application form. Please send the completed application form, reference form, equal
opportunities monitoring form, copy of academic certificates (with translations if appropriate), IELTS/TOEFL or
other Language Certificate (if appropriate) to:
Student Administration
London College of Fashion,
20 John Prince’s street, London W1G 0BJ
Email: student.admin@fashion.arts.ac.uk
Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
Please provide details. The College will use the information for monitoring purposes only and does not form part of
the application itself.
Application Deadlines
There is no application deadline for our Graduate School courses. Early application is advised.
What will happen next?
Your application form, references and attached portfolio (if applicable) will be assessed by an academic at the
College. If your application meets the entry requirements of the course you may be invited to attend the College for
a further portfolio review and/or interview.
Some courses do not require submission of a portfolio: please consult specific course details for further
information. If you do not live in the UK or for exceptional circumstances are unable to attend for portfolio review
and/or interview, a telephone interview will be arranged for you.
Two to three weeks after your portfolio review and/or interview we will write to you informing you of our decision.
If you have an enquiry concerning your application, please contact the LCF Enquiries department on+44 (0) 207
514 7563/7582/7344.
You can check the progress of your application by contact Student Administration on 0207 514 7461 / 7462.
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A. Course Choice
Please complete the form electronically or in BLOCK CAPITALS and black ink
Course Title
B. Personal Details
Title Mr, Ms, Mrs,
Surname or Family Name
As on official documentation, e.g. passport
First name(s)
As on official documentation, e.g. passport
Previous Name (if any)
Permanent Address
Flat Number/House Name
Date of Birth
Correspondence Address if different from permanent address
Flat Number/House Name
Street Name
Street Name
Resident at Address (DD / MM / YY)
Phone Number
Resident at Address (DD / MM / YY)
Mobile number
(All initial correspondence regarding your application and interview will be forwarded to you via email)
Dates not available for interview
Do you have a disability or learning difficulty?
If Yes, Please give details
Will you require any assistance at interview? Please specify e.g. signer, wheelchair access
C. Nationality
As on official documentation, e.g. passport
Date of Entry into the UK, excluding vacations if applicable
Country of residence during the last three years
Date of Entry into the UK, excluding vacations if applicable
Do you have ‘indefinite leave to remain’ or ‘exceptional leave to remain?’
Please attach relevant documentary evidence (e.g. Copy of passport, Home Office documentation)
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D. Education details
Please provide details of the last School/College/University you attended. All applicants should enclose official
transcripts of their qualifications.
Institution name
Contact Name
Street name
Attended From (DD/MM/YY)
Attended To (DD/MM/YY)
E. English Language Qualifications
You must check the IELTS level required for the course you are applying to. If you need to take an English
Language examination, please make sure that you do so in good time well before you start the course.
Is English your first language?
Please go to the work experience section 5.
If ‘No’ what is your first language?
Please provide details of any qualifications that you hold or you are currently studying. You should provide a
certified copy of your language certificate.
Grade/predicted grade
If you do not currently hold an English language qualification, you must prove your English language level by
completing a test such as an IELTS, TOEFL or Cambridge Advanced English to the required level.
F. Relevant Qualifications
Examinations Passed
Please provide details of all formal qualifications you have achieved
Examination Board
Examinations Pending
Please provide details of all formal qualifications that are pending
Examination Board
Predicted grade
Other academic or professional examinations already passed or to be taken
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Please provide details of all professional
Other Experience
(e.g. publications, exhibitions, teaching, research or other professional experience)
Continue on a separate sheet where necessary.
G. Work Experience
Please give details of any employment/work experience (paid or unpaid) that you have undertaken
Continue on a separate sheet where necessary. You may include an additional supporting CV, but all forms must
be completed.
H. Employment History
Period of employment
Name of Employer
LCF Graduate School
Position held/job title and responsibilities
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I. References
London College of Fashion
Reference Form (Page 1 of 2)
Applicant details
Full name of applicant
Name of referee
Course the applicant is applying to
Referee details
Contact name
Flat/house name
Job title/position
Please write or type your reference below and return the completed form in a sealed envelope with your signature
(and stamp if applicable) across the seal – back to the applicant or directly to the College. Please be advised
that London College of Fashion will NOT consider applications without a necessary reference, therefore it is vital
this reference is returned as soon as possible to avoid delay in processing applications.
1. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?
2. If you are an academic referee please rate the candidate’s academic ability and relate your comments
to any known academic achievements to date. If the candidate is about to take any further
examination, please give a realistic prediction.
3. Taking an overall view, comment on what you believe to be the applicant’s strengths. Please relate this
to the specific course for which the candidate is applying.
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London College of Fashion
Reference Form (Page 2 of 2)
We would appreciate any other information that might aid us in evaluating the applicant’s suitability for the Course.
Please comment on:
 The applicant’s suitability to undertake this postgraduate course
 The applicant’s academic and creative work
 The nature and extent of the experience on which your judgement is based
Please use the space below and continue on another sheet as required.
Please choose one of the following:
I highly recommend the applicant
I recommend the applicant with reservations
I recommend the applicant
I do not recommend the applicant
Please note that the person this reference applies to has rights of access to it under the UK Data Protection Act
Name (in block capitals):
Please return the completed form to the following address:
Student Administration
London College of Fashion,
20 John Prince’s street, London W1G 0BJ
Email: student.admin@fashion.arts.ac.uk
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London College of Fashion
Reference Form (Page 1 of 2)
Applicant details
Full name of applicant
Name of referee
Course the applicant is applying to
Referee details
Contact name
Flat/house name
Job title/position
Please write or type your reference below and return the completed form in a sealed envelope with your signature
(and stamp if applicable) across the seal – back to the applicant or directly to the College. Please be advised
that London College of Fashion will NOT consider applications without a necessary reference, therefore it is vital
this reference is returned as soon as possible to avoid delay in processing applications.
1. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?
2. If you are an academic referee please rate the candidate’s academic ability and relate your comments to
any known academic achievements to date. If the candidate is about to take any further examination,
please give a realistic prediction.
3. Taking an overall view, comment on what you believe to be the applicant’s strengths. Please relate this to
the specific course for which the candidate is applying.
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London College of Fashion
Reference Form (Page 2 of 2)
We would appreciate any other information that might aid us in evaluating the applicant’s suitability for the Course.
Please comment on:
 The applicant’s suitability to undertake this postgraduate course
 The applicant’s academic and creative work
 The nature and extent of the experience on which your judgement is based
Please use the space below and continue on another sheet as required.
Please choose one of the following:
I highly recommend the applicant
I recommend the applicant with reservations
I recommend the applicant
I do not recommend the applicant
Please note that the person this reference applies to has rights of access to it under the UK Data Protection Act
Name (in block capitals):
Please return the completed form to the following address:
Student Administration
London College of Fashion,
20 John Prince’s street, London W1G 0BJ
Email: student.admin@fashion.arts.ac.uk
LCF Graduate School
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J. Study Proposal / Personal Statement
Please refer to the course specific guidance notes for details about the study proposal, personal statement and
For your personal statement - please tell us why you are interested in studying on the course for which you are
applying, if necessary continue on a separate sheet and I indicate that you have done so. Try to include the
following as much as possible: reasons for applying for this particular course, future career plans, extra curricular
activities including any paid or unpaid work experience, and any other information about yourself that you feel is
relevant to your application.
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K. Portfolio Submission Form
You may/may not be required to submit a portfolio along with your application. Please refer to the individual course
guidance notes for information about this. The individual course guidance notes are available on the course page.
Image list
Please list here ALL the contents of your portfolio. Label ALL items with your name. We receive hundreds of portfolios
so it is essential you label everything clearly. Please list the CD as a single item.
LCF Graduate School
Title, if any
Brief description
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Returning your work
Please note that due to the large number of portfolios we receive it is not possible for us to return your portfolio by
courier. Please note that we are unable to store portfolios after selection/interview and you must arrange collection
via one of the methods below. Please tick the appropriate box below:
I will arrange a courier to collect my portfolio and I will incur the cost for this
I do not wish to have my portfolio returned to me
My portfolio will be collected by someone else
If someone else will be collecting your portfolio, please give their contact details below:
Key requirements if sending your portfolio on CD:
ensure that your CD works on both PC and Mac
supply images in PDF format, where possible
individual JPEG’s are not acceptable
do not duplicate work on the CD elsewhere in your portfolio
If you would like your personal website(s) to be considered as part of your application please provide the address
Website address:
Website address:
Website address:
L. Criminal Convictions
Please indicate by ticking this box if you have been convicted of a criminal offence.
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Application Checklist
All questions have been answered
A copy of your academic certificates with a translation (if appropriate) is attached
Two references (either attached or requested)
Equal Opportunities Monitoring form is completed and enclosed
A copy of your passport and/or 'indefinite leave to remain'/ visas (if applicable)
Proof of English Language proficiency (if applicable)
Study Proposal / Essay (if applicable)
(Please refer to the course guidance notes)
Portfolio (if applicable)
(Please refer to the course guidance notes)
Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
Separate sheets marking the corresponding section and labelled with your full name
(if separate sheets have been provided)
You have provided an active email address on your application form
Data Protection notice
The personal information you provide on this form will be processed for purposes connected to your application
and period of study at the University and may be transferred between university departments as well as the
Student Union. Sensitive data such as information about disability and ethnic origin will be used for equal
opportunities monitoring, and kept confidentially.
I hereby certify that all of the above information provided in this application is correct and completed
Signature of applicant
Please send your completed application form to the following address:
Student Administration
London College of Fashion,
20 John Prince’s street, London W1G 0BJ
Email: student.admin@fashion.arts.ac.uk
LCF Graduate School
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Equal Opportunities Monitoring
The information on this page is requested for the purposes of meeting national higher educational statistical
requirements as defined by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) and will also be used by the College
for statistical and monitoring purposes. London College of Fashion appreciates you supplying this information.
First name
Ethnic Origin
Please choose one section, and then tick the appropriate box to indicate your cultural background.
10 White
Any other White background
Black or Black British
21 Caribbean
22 African
29 Any other Black background
41 White and Black Caribbean
42 White and Black African
43 White and Asian
49 Any other Mixed background
Asian or Asian British
31 Indian
32 Pakistani
33 Bangladeshi
39 Any other Asian background
Chinese or other ethnic group
34 Chinese
80 Any other
98 Decline to answer
Learning Difficulty or Disability
Do you have a learning difficulty or a disability?
If you have answered Yes, please tick the relevant box to indicate the type disability
01 Dyslexia
03 Deaf / Hearing impairment
04 Wheelchair user/Mobility difficulties
05 Personal Care Support
06 Mental Health difficulties
97 Other
07 Unseen disability
e.g. Diabetes, Epilepsy, Asthma
08 Multiple Disabilities
Autistic Spectrum Disorder
e.g. Asperger’s Syndrome
If you have a disability which is likely to affect your studies in any way, you should discuss the practical implications
at interview. You are invited to consult the Disability Coordinator on +44 (0)20 7514 6157 at any stage during the
application process.
LCF Graduate School
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