Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Making Connections between Fiction and Reality Argumentative Synthesis Research Paper This paper requires you to integrate a variety of multimedia sources into a coherent, wellwritten essay. Refer to your sources to support your position; avoid mere paraphrase and summary. Your argument/claim should be central and the sources should support this argument. Introduction In his novel Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury addresses his concerns about the growing threat of mass media and technology. Originally published in 1953, the novel was written at the dawn of the television age and is a cautionary tale of how society could be seduced by TV and even radio into willingly dumbing itself down by staring at screens and filling its mind with meaningless drivel. He also wrote of his concerns about multitasking and how technology cultivates short attention spans. Bradbury’s novel predicts a future without books and he equates the devaluation of books to the death of independent, intellectual, and sustained thought. Without thought there can be no passion and no passion leads to a drone-like existence where humans become dehumanized. The people in the world of Fahrenheit 451 have become mechanical and dependent on technology, losing real connections to each other. How closely did Bradbury “predict” what has happened today? What modern day examples support or disprove Bradbury’s reflections and warnings about technology? Assignment Write an argumentative research paper wherein you illustrate through modern examples how Ray Bradbury’s warning that technology would adversely affect our society has come true (or not!). You must refer to directly to Fahrenheit 451 when discussing his “warnings.” Your modern day examples must be from no earlier than the year 2000. Develop an essay that synthesizes your sources and takes a position that defends, challenges, or qualifies your claim that Bradbury accurately or inaccurately predicted the negative impact of technology on modern society. Requirements: Sources must include: o o o o Fahrenheit 451 Three articles/journals Graph/Chart Multi-media Annotated Bibliography with 6 sources Outline Multiple drafts for editing Final Draft with works cited page MLA format