AP European History

AP European History Course Outline 2013-2014
Western Civilization: Alternate Volume: Since 1300, 8th Edition Jackson J. Spielvogel
Instructor: Elana Goldbaum ms.goldbaum@gmail.com
A (90%-100%)
Grade Distribution
B (80%-89%)
C (70%-79%)
F (0%-69%)
Participation – one calendar every month, Homework, Quizzes – 25 Multiple Choice (every chapter), Essays
(one to three pages) separate grade,
Exams – 80 Multiple Choice every unit. Exams will replace chapter quiz grades.
Absence /
late work
DON’T be absent or late to class ever. You will miss a huge amount of information and fall
behind. If (in an emergency) you are absent, then you may turn in work the day you return.
You must email me the day of your absence – this is professional behavior.
Vocab / Reflection questions will be due for EVERY chapter staggered through the week. If
all homework is complete and of high quality – there will be a small amount of extra credit
added to the unit exam.
Tests /
No exam retakes – if you complete all hw for the chapter, you’ll receive bonus points on your
chapter quizzes only.
If your essay was done on time with clear effort in your outline, then you may have the
chance to rewrite it for a B
Quizzes are not curved; however, unit tests are graded “AP style” which means that 60% or
higher is passing.
2” binder with dividers for 7 sections, highlighters, pens, pencils, markers, white-out, Post-its
for annotations
Tips for
Do your best on every assignment, bring your textbook everyday, keep up with ALL
reading and take notes diligently, if an assignment is optional – do it, ask others for feedback
or help and work as a group, participate every day, don’t just rely on the textbook – use
online resources as well, and make sure all of your work is your own – you won’t learn the
material otherwise
Binder sections – in this order
Do Now, Homework, Chapter Notes / Handouts, Maps, Readings, Test Score Tracking / , Review
Unit Guide
Semester 1
o Introduction and Ch11 The Late Middle
o Unit One: Birth of the Modern Era
o Ch. 12 – The Renaissance
o Ch. 13 – The Reformation
o Ch. 14 – The Age of Exploration
o Unit Two: The Growth of Europe
o Ch. 15 – Absolutism &
o Ch. 16 – The Scientific Revolution
o Ch. 17 – The Enlightenment
o Ch. 18 – Politics & Culture of the
18th Century Unit
o Unit Three: Age of Revolutions
o Ch. 19 – The French Revolution
o Ch. 20 – The Industrial Revolution
o Ch. 21 – Reaction, Revolution, &
Semester 2
Unit Four: Age of Nationalism & Imperialism
o Ch. 22 – Nationalism & Realism
o Ch. 23 – The Development of Mass
o Ch. 24 – Modernity, Anxiety,
o Unit Five: The World at War
o Ch. 25 – WWI
o Ch. 26 – Europe Between the Wars
o Ch. 27 – WWII
o Unit Six: Europe in the 20th Century &
o Ch. 28 - The Cold War
o Ch. 29 - The Changing Western
o Ch. 30 – Europe in the Global Age
o Unit 12. AP Exam Review
COURSE OUTLINE: this is a guide of pacing throughout the year. Use it to help you understand what you
should prepare BEFORE class and to help you know what we’re covering each week (subject to change) do
NOT fall behind.
Each bullet point stands for ONE day of the week, excluding Wednesdays .
ALWAYS consult the Gertz Website for due dates
Week 1: August 5 – 9 Chapter 11 – intro and Middle Ages
o Reading the textbook / study techniques
o Xxxix - Summarize and review Medieval History (one day)
o Late Middle Ages Chapter 11 (two days)
o Black Death, 100 Years War, beginning of nation states, decline of the Church, change in
o Vocab terms / reflection questions due
Week 2: August 12 – 16 Quiz, and Chapter 12
o Quiz Ch11, 25 Multiple Choice
o Ch12 vocab due
o Ch12
o Renaissance in Italy, Art and Intellectual, European State, Church in the Renaissance
o Ch12 reflection questions due
Week 3: August 19– 23 Chapter 13, Quiz
o Ch13 p 377-396
o Before the Reformation, Martin Luther and Spread of Information / Social Impact
o Ch13 vocab due
o Ch13 p.396 – 410
o Catholic Reformation, Politics and Wars of Religion
o Ch13 reflection questions due
o Review, Quiz Ch 12 / 13
Week 4: August 26 – 30 Chapter 14 and Unit Test
o Ch14 p.414-426
o New Horizons: The Portuguese and Spanish
o Ch14 vocab due
o Ch.14 p.426-442
o New Rivals, Impact, and World Economy
o Ch 14 reflections questions due
o Unit Test Ch11 – 14 (80 questions “AP style” grading)
Week 5: Sept 3-6 (Monday Labor Day) Chapter 15
o Ch15 p.446 – 454
o Social Crisis, War and Rebellion
o Ch15 vocab due
Week 6: Sept 9 – 13 Chapter 15
o Ch15 p.462 – 479
o Absolutism, Limited Monarchy, Culture
Week 7: Sept 16 – 20 Quiz and Chapter 15 continued
o Ch. 15 continued
o Quiz Ch15
Week 8: Sept 23 – 27 First FRQ, Ch16
o FRQ Ch11-15
o Ch16 vocab due
o Ch16
Scientific Revolution / advances
Week 9: Sept 30 – October 4 (BENCHMARKS) Chapter 16 / quiz
o Chapter 16
o Women in Modern Science, Descartes, Scientific Method
o Ch16 reflection questions due
o Quiz Ch16
Week 10: October 9 – 11 Chapter 17 (pupil free Mon / Tues)
o Ch17 p.513-525
o Enlightenment
o Ch17 vocab due
Week 11: October 14 - 18 Ch. 17 and Quiz
o Ch17 p.526-536
o Culture and Society, Religion
o Ch17 reflection questions due
o Quiz Ch17
Week 12: October 21 – 25 Chapter 18
o Chapter 18 p.542-558
o European States, Wars, Expansion and change
o Ch18 vocab due
o Chapter 18 p.565-572
o Ch18 reflection questions due
Week 13: October 28 – November 21 Review Unit 2, Exam and FRQ
o Review
o Unit 2 Ch14 – Ch18 (80 questions)
o FRQ Ch14-18
o Preview Ch. 19
Week 14: November 4 – 8 Ch. 19
o Chapter 19 p.574-588
o Beginning of Revolution
o Ch19 vocab due
Week 15: November 12 – 15 Chapter 19 and Quiz (Veteran’s Day)
o Chapter 19 p.588-604
o Reign of Terror
o Napoleon
o Ch19 reflection questions due
o Quiz Ch19
Week 16: November 18 – 22 Chapter 20 and quiz
o Ch. 20
o Industrial Revolution in Britain, spread and social impact
o Ch20 vocab due
o Ch20
o Impact of Industrialization
o Ch20 reflection questions due
o Quiz Ch20
Week 17: November 25– 27 Chapter 21, Quiz (Thanksgiving Th / Fri)
o Chapter 21 p.636-646
o Conservative Order
o Ch21 vocab due
o Chapter 21 p.647-667
o Ideologies of Change, Revolution and Reform
o Society change, Culture
o Ch21 reflection questions due
o FRQ Unit 3
Week 18: December 2 – 6 EXAM
o Unit 3 EXAM on Ch19 - 21
o Prepare for finals
o Final exam is 80 questions - Cumulative of the whole semester
Week 19 and 20: December 9-20 Finals and Benchmarks
Week 1: January 15 – 17 Chapter 22 / First DBQ
o Ch22 p.671-682
o Napoleon III and France
o Unification of Italy and Germany
o Ch22 p. 682-701
o Nation building and reform
o Industrialization and Marxism
o Science and Culture
o DBQ Ch22
Week 2: January 21 – 24 Chapter 23 / Quiz (MLK holiday Monday)
o Ch23 p.704-734
o Industrial Prosperity
o Mass Society
o National State
o Quiz Ch 23
Week 3: January 27 – 31 Chapter 24, Unit Test
o Ch24 p.738-769
o Modern Consciousness
o Politics and New Uncertainty
o Ch24 p.769-772
o International Rivalry and coming of WWI
o Review
o Unit Test Ch22-24
Week 4: February 3 – 7 Chapter 25 / FRQ
o Ch 25 p.776-780
o Road to WWI
o FRQ Ch22-24
Week 5: February 10 – 14 Chapter 25 and Quiz
o War p.780-797
o War and Revolution 797-804
o Peace settlement p.804-809
o Quiz Ch25
Week 6: February 18 – 21 Chapter 26 / DBQ (Holiday Monday Feb 17)
o Ch26 p.812-839
o Uncertain Peace
o Democratic States in the West
o Authoritarian / Totalitarian States
Week 7: February 24 – 28 Chapter 26 / quiz
o Expansion of Mass Culture p.839-842
o Cultural and Intellectual Trends p.842-847
o Quiz Ch26
Week 8: March 3 – 7 Chapter 27 / FRQ
o Ch27
o Prelude to War p.850-857
o Course of WWII p.857-865
Week 9: March 10 – 14 Chapter 27
o New Order p.865-872
o Home Front and Aftermath p. 872-882
Week 10: March 18 – 21 Unit Test, Chapter 28 (President’s Day Monday)
o Unit Test Ch25-27
o Ch28
o Development of the Cold War p.886-894
o Europe and the World: Decolonization p.894-900
Week 11: March 24 – 28 Chapter 28, Quiz (Benchmarks)
o Ch28
o Development of the Cold War p.886-894
o Europe and the World: Decolonization p.894-900
Week 12: April 2 – 4 Chapter 28 (Pupil Free Mon / Tues)
o Recovery and Renewal p.900-907
o Postwar Society p.909-917
o Quiz Ch28
Week13: April 7 – 11 Chapter 29 and DBQ
o Chapter 29
o A Culture of Protest p.921-925
o A Divided Western World p.925-932
o Move to Détente p.932-937
o Society and Culture p.937-944
o DBQ Ch 28-29
SPRING BREAK April 14-18 Chapter 30 Homework
o Ch30 p.948-972
o Toward a New Western Order
o After the Cold War
o New Directions and problems
AP Review Packets
Week 14: April 21 – 25 Chapter 30 and UNIT EXAM
o Review Chapter 30
o Turn in Ch30 Vocab AND Reflection Questions
o Unit EXAM Ch28-30
Week 15: April 28 – May 2 AP Review
Week 16: May 5 – May 9 AP Review
Week 17: May 6 – 10 AP Review
Post AP EXAM – we will have a major project due the week before Finals
-----------------------------------------------------------------------(detach and return the below section signed)
Your AND your parent’s signature represents the promise to do your best work, recognizes the immense
challenge of the class, and confirms that you understand what is expected of you. My signature below
represents my promise to do my best to give you quality instruction and to make our classroom a productive
and comfortable learning environment. Place it in your binder after it is signed.
I have read and understand the above class information and promise to follow class guidelines and expectations.
Teacher Signature _______________________________________
Student Signature _______________________________________ Date__________
Parent Signature
_______________________________________ Date__________