Energy Management Technician Degree

Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Program History
The Energy Management Program Began in 1980:
• $300 National Science Foundation Grant
• Training Residential Analysts and Solar Water Heating Installers.
• Closed in 1988 due to a decrease in employment opportunities
• Program staffed most of the residential auditor positions in
Northwest public and private utilities.
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Program History (cont.)
Spring 1992 Lane Community College was invited
by BPA to restart the Energy Management Program
with a focus on
Commercial Energy Analysis
BPA provided start up funding at $200k / year for
three years.
Program hired two full-time faculty:
- Coordinator with teaching responsibilities
- Full-time Classroom instruction
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Program History (cont.)
• In 1995 the BPA grant was partially over. Program found
partial, limited duration funding from a mix of partners.
• To conserve resources, one faculty was laid off. Program
began using adjunct faculty.
• In 1997 the Utility support ended as did the funding from
Lane CC (LCC began a 10 year negative budget slide in
1997 due to Measure 5) . The program was once again
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Program History (cont.)
• EMP Coordinator requested and received from the college
permission to pursue outside funding with which to continue the
• Almost concurrently, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance was
forming with the intent to transform the energy efficiency
• EMP Coordinator applied for and received a NEEA contract ($200k /
year for three years, 1997-2000) to create the Northwest Energy
Education Institute.
• In 1998 EWEB redirected a recurring LCC grant of
$120k / year to partially fund the Energy Program. Additional
resources were necessary for the program to survive.
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Mission Statement:
“To be the Preferred Source of
Cost-effective, Innovative, High-quality Energy Education Designed
to Quickly Respond to Industry and Societal Trends”
1997 NEEI Business Plan
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Programs Include:
Two-year Degree:
1. Energy Management
2. Renewable Energy Technology (2003)
The Building Operator’s Certification (1996)
The Energy Management Certification (2000)
The Bonneville Power Administration Residential Energy Auditor
and Inspector Certification (2000)
Custom Training and Consultation
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Two-year Degree in Energy Management
1. Trains Students To Conduct Commercial Building Energy Audits
2. Trains Students To Install Renewable Energy Systems,
Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Systems
Upon completion, students are employed by utilities, governmental
agencies, school districts, engineering firms,
and energy service companies.
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Renewable Energy Technology Degree Program
“The Interstate Renewable Energy Council is pleased to
announce that Lane Community College has been awarded
the ISPQ Accreditation credential for their Renewable
Energy Technician Program.” July 31, 2007
The Institute for Sustainable Power, Inc. (ISP) is a non-profit organization,
incorporated in 1996, to coordinate, develop, and maintain international
standards for the evaluation and qualification of renewable energy (RE), energy
efficiency (EE), and distributed generation (DG) training providers.
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Energy Management Certification Program
The Certification Has Three Elements:
1. Pre-workshop preparation (5%)
2. Intensive block of study in-residence with the Institute (20%)
3. Work-based project (75%)
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Energy Management Certification Testimonials
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Energy Management Certification Testimonials
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Energy Management Certification Testimonials
“I have focused on the O&M aspect of things since boot camp. We have
achieved great savings and great success. These savings were not
produced by capital investment. It has been purely the efforts of
people directed to do the right thing.
These are some of the most significant measures responsible for the
savings. SOU has decreased its natural gas consumption by 14% to date.
I expect that number to grow a bit more by the end of the fiscal year.
Electrical consumption has decreased by 7%. Again I expect this to also
increase by the end of June. The current cost avoidance comparing to
last years operations is $331,258.19. The amount we are projecting to
be under our utilities budget for this year and saving is $260,000.00.
I am proposing to reinvest $60,000.00 of our savings into three separate
ECM projects before the end of the year. I am waiting to see how that
flies. Hopefully I will have some good news to report on that at this
years boot camp presentation. Jared Fuhriman, Southern Oregon University EMC 2006
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Energy Management Certification Testimonials
Gary Briley.Energy Manager,
Spring Branch School District
Houston, Texas
EMC Student 2003 - Cost Avoidance: $898,000
I have used a lot of what I learned in your course on a daily basis.
You and your subject matter experts gave me the base knowledge
and insight to take and steer a quality EM program in the right
direction. I even feel that I am somewhat an expert in what we are
trying to pull together for our EM department and maintenance.
When my confidence level is high, I feel that I can accomplish
You and Mike helped create this monster!! All the people in the
district have been great in their response to the Energy Management
program. It’s all about approach, timing, and appropriate
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Energy Management Certification Testimonials
Elin Shepard, Resource Conservation Manager
Department of Administrative Services
EMC Student 2000
Energy Savings – 10 mW
Cost Avoidance - $2M
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
EMC Speaker Series
Offered Free to the Public
Past Speakers include:
William McDonough, 2002 EMC Honorary Chair
Paul Hawken, 2003 EMC Honorary Chair
Donald Aitken, Renewable Energy
Steven Strong, Solar PV Design
Richard Heinberg, Fossil Fuels and Society
Jim Benya, Lighting Design
GZ Brown, Integrated Design
Mike Hatten, Integrated Design
Gaylen Ohmart, Integrated Design
Reid Hart, Building O&M and Building Comfort
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Building Operator’s Certification - Oregon
Level I Course Series
BOC 101 – Building Systems Overview
BOC 102 – Energy Conservation Techniques
BOC 103 – HVAC Systems and Controls
BOC 104 – Efficient Lighting Fundamentals
BOC 105 – Environmental Health & Safety Regulations
BOC 106 – Indoor Air Quality
BOC 107 – Facility Electrical Systems
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
The Bonneville Power Administration
Residential Energy Auditor and Inspector Certification
One Week Workshop Topics:
1. Priorities of Weatherization
2. Residential Construction
3. Residential Heat Loss Analysis
4. Moisture Transport in Homes
6. Attic and Crawl Space Ventilation
7. Heating and Cooling Homes
8. Why Building Pressures Matter
9. Indoor Air Quality
Native American Indian
Weatherization Training
Students take a comprehensive exam at the
conclusion of the workshop
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Custom Training:
NEEI Regional Workshops:
Compressed Air Challenge (DOE)
Commercial Energy Auditing
Measurement And Verification
ODOE Energy Fundamentals (Staff)
Mobile Home Weatherization
American Indian Skill Development
Building Integrated Photovoltaics
NEEI International Workshops:
New Zealand Technical Institute Energy Program
University of Argentina Graduate Degree Program
American University At Beirut Lebanon: Enhancing
Environmental Sustainability through Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technology, Cyprus
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Recent Consultation:
American University at Beirut, Lebanon: Steering
Committee, Regional Collaboration for Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technology.
Technical Advisor
Partnership for Environmental Education: Community
Energy Efficiency Initiative. Technical Advisor
Advanced Technology Environment Education
Center (ATEEC): Resource Clearinghouse for
Sustainable Energy Technologies, Technical
Advisor – continuous
New Zealand Technical Institute Energy Program
Eugene Mayor’s Sustainable Business Initiative
Task Force. Task Force Member
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Book Sales
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
National Science Foundation ATE Grant Proposal
Leading Alternatives in National Energy Solutions (LANES):
Training the Next Generation of
Energy Efficiency Professionals
Round Two
Proposal is to deliver the Energy Management Program to 10 Partner
Community Colleges located in different Climates around the US. in
rotation. Current committed Partners include:
• Salt Lake City Community College
• American River Community College (Sacramento, Ca)
• Cascadia Community College (Bothell, Wa)
$300k / Year for Three Years
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
NSF Grant Preliminary Proposal Reviewer Comments
“Lane CC has a very strong history in energy management, and
their capability in this area is clearly demonstrated. A strong
feature of this proposal would be the potential to share this
expertise with a wider audience, benefiting students on a national
“The PI is highly qualified to conduct this project and has been
a leader in the field for many years. Developing a model to
disseminate Lane Community College's Energy Management
technician training nationwide would address a compelling
and timely need for technician education.” “I agree with the
two external reviewers and encourage the submission of a
formal proposal.”
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Future Programs
Need for Water
Conservation Training &
The need for water conservation:
GAO states by 2013 at least 36 states will experience water shortage.
“Understanding ways to reduce, reuse or supplement water sources is essential … most organizations
do not have employees with adequate training” (Jeff Sandberg, Water Conservation Program Coordinator,
Portland Water Bureau, 10/2/07).
• Combined water stressors include….
The need for water conservation training & certification:
Comprehensive & standardized training is not yet available
On-the-job training expensive & time consuming
Industry experts will be faculty ensuring quality curriculum
Professional certification by PNWS-AWWA ensures skills up to par
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Water Conservation Technology Degree Program
This program will:
Provide businesses w/ students interns & employees
Prepare businesses & utilities for baby boomers’ retirement
Increase water efficiencies in workplace (e.g. closed-loop cycles)
Decrease water, energy, sewer & stormwater costs
Decrease tax payer burden for increased infrastructure expenditures to meet added
Decrease on-the-job training expenses
Strengthen Oregon’s local economy while increasing local & regional water security
Decrease negative impacts on water bodies & increase water available for watersheds
& fish
Increase business sustainability & triple-bottom line solutions
Lessens demand on current sources
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Resource Conservation Management Technician
Degree Option (fall 2009)
• First Year Energy Management Building Systems Courses
• Second Year will be a combination of existing courses from
the Water Technician and Renewable Energy
Programs plus newly created coursework in Recycling
and other resource saving opportunities.
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
NEEI Energy Demonstration Building
Northwest Energy Education Institute
Lane Community College
Energy Efficient Demonstration Building