Dear Parent/Guardian

Mrs. Ema Mateica-Sosa
Spanish II 2015-2016
Syllabus, Policies, and Expectations
TL Hanna High School
Course Description
This course is based on the communicative approach; it develops a basic proficiency in Spanish and familiarity
with the Hispanic culture through practice in the use of the basic language skills and acquisition of vocabulary.
The goals of the course are to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing competency in Spanish and to
strive for a comfortable level of communication in the target language. Real-life applications with other students
and the teacher are stressed as a means of proficiency in communication. Culture study of Spanish-speaking
people helps to make students aware of the current global and historical significance of the language being
Textbook and Workbook (¡Buen viaje!-Level 2. Glencoe/McGraw Hill, 2008)
1 inch three ring binder
College ruled notebook paper
5 dividers: Warm-up, Class notes, Vocabulary, Hand-outs and Homework
EXPO Dry erase markers
Pocket Spanish/English dictionary – Langenscheid (optional)
Grading Policy
Tests / Major Projects: 50%
Quizzes / Classwork / Minor projects: 30% **
Homework: 10%
9 Week Exam: 10%
**All tests will be announced; however some quizzes may not be announced prior to the date**
It is imperative that you study on a daily basis and ask for extra help before you get too far behind.
Volunteer participation
If you participate in class and answer the questions correctly, you’ll be given a tally. One you accumulated
sixty (60) tallies; you have earned a 100 test grade at the end of the nine-week period. This is the
ONLY extra credit I’m offering.
Grading Scale:
A: 93-100 B: 85-92
C: 77-84
D: 70-76
F: 62-69(with GPA)
F: 0-61 (no GPA)
Make Up Work:
It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements to make up missed work (Quiz or Test) due to an
excused absence. Students should check the board for homework assignments as well as my web page when
returning from an absence. It is the responsibility of the student to arrange any make-up quizzes or tests with
the teacher. Parents can check Power School for missing assignments. Missing assignments are designated with
an M and these assignments can be made up.
Homework - Homework however is NOT accepted late, nor can it be made up!
Test day: A test is designed to assess a student’s understanding of the material. The student will know
beforehand what to expect on the test. Before giving the test, the teacher will clearly explain what to do on the
test and will answer any questions; however, after passing out the test, the teacher will not answer any questions.
If a student is caught talking or cheating in any way, for example using electronic devices such as cell phones,
MP3 player, iPod, or others while taking the test, the student will automatically receive a grade of “0” for that
test. Parents will be contacted as well.
Substitutes: All work done with a substitute will count.
Translators: It is important that students understand how the target language works; therefore students should
learn it by practicing it, which means that students must do their own work, and that any unauthorized work
done using any kind of translator will have a grade of “0”.
Tutoring is available in the mornings 7:30-8:15am or in the afternoon if previously scheduled with the teacher.
Power Hour is a free tutoring/study hall for students. It occurs on Mondays and Thursday. Students are able
to make up test, work on homework, projects, or receive tutoring in the subject they may be struggling with.
Transportation is free for those who need it. Students must sign up online if they need the bus to take them
Behavioral expectations:
Students are expected to respect everyone in the class.
Students are expected to take responsibility for themselves.
Students are expected to be in their seats working on warm-up activity when the bell rings.
Students are expected to bring all necessary materials to class.
Students are expected to stay in their seats until they are dismissed. I dismiss students not the bell!!
There is no food, drink, or gum allowed in the classroom. You may have bottle water or containers
with lids. We have too many ants in the building to allow food in the class.
7. There are no cell phones or other electronic devices allowed in this classroom. (If I see it then I will
take it!)
8. All other school rules must be followed while in this class. (Please refer to your student handbook for a
list of all school rules)
First Offense:
Second Offense:
Third Offense:
Fifth Offense:
Verbal Warning (recorded by the teacher)
Teacher student conference. Email / Phone call home
Parent/Teacher/Administrator Conference
A referral may be written at ANY TIME without previous warning for any major infraction!
Tentative Course Outline Spanish II
Greet people. Introduce yourself and others. Present tense: regular, irregular and stemchanging verbs.
Say where you and people are from.
Ask questions.
Interrogative forms.
Ways of greeting.
Formal and informal
Express likes.
Activities and hobbies
in the Hispanic world.
Descriptions Describe family.
Adjectives: agreement and position.
International food.
Ask and tell ages. Talk about birthdays.
Travel by train. Airport,
Talk about schedules. Ask and tell time.
Adjectives that change meaning,
comparatives and superlatives (absolute
Daily routine. Body parts.
Ser vs. Estar
Talk about traveling.
Preterite forms: regular, irregular, stemchanging verbs and “y” verbs.
Saber vs. conocer
Travel by plane.
Reflexive verbs: True and Idiomatic
Legends and myths
Imperfect forms
Celebrations around the
Hispanic world.
The city
Ordering in a restaurant.
Describe food.
Describe childhood activities.
Talk about hobbies and pastimes.
Present progressive / imperfect
La cocina Hispana
Things to do in a city.
Preterit vs. Imperfect
Health and Fitness
Travel by plane.
Object pronouns: direct, indirect and
double object pronouns. Position of
Diversity within the
Hispanic Culture
Make a hotel reservation
The doctor’s office.
Affirmative and Negative commands:
forms and usage.
Tú, usted, ustedes and nosotros forms.
Pronouns with affirmative commands.
Doler and other verbs like gustar.
Future and conditional tense.
Past participle used as an adjective.
Present perfect tense
Jan 19, 2016
Dear Parent/Guardian:
I would like to take a moment and introduce myself to you. I am Ema Mateica Sosa, a Spanish instructor here at
T.L. Hanna High School. This is my fifth year teaching at Hanna, and I am very excited to begin this new school year!
Since Spanish is only learned through constant practice and reinforcement, your child can expect to have homework almost
every night. Although there may not be any assigned homework, your child should study the material learned in class
every day to help reinforce the material learned in class. Please take a moment and go over with your child the syllabus
and course rules and expectations on my website or on a hard copy before Friday Jan. 22nd. (The student will receive
a homework grade for this signed paper). I am available by e-mail ( or by phone (260-5110)
to answer any questions you may have. If you would like to schedule a conference with me, please feel free to do so at
any time during the school year.
Your child’s grades will be available through the Parent Portal online. You can see guidance to set this up. These grades
will be kept as up to date as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to have a wonderful and exciting year with you and your child.
Ema Mateica-Sosa
(return this part to me by Friday January 22nd , 2015)
Spanish 2
Student’s name: ________________________
Block: _______________
For Parents/Legal Guardians
The best time to reach me/us is: _____________________
Home phone: _____________________________
Other number (Mobile/work): _______________________
E-mail address: ___________________________________________________
I / we have read and understood the course syllabus and its contents.
Signature/s: ______________________________
Parent / Guardian