Beam Loss Monitoring System of the LHC Eva Barbara Holzer, CERN for the LHC BLM team IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium October 26, 2005 Fajardo, Puerto Rico IEEE NSS, Puerto Rico Eva Barbara Holzer October 26, 2005 1 Beam Loss Monitoring System of the LHC Specification and Requirements Architecture of the BLM System Threshold Calibration Summary IEEE NSS, Puerto Rico Eva Barbara Holzer October 26, 2005 2 Stored Beam Energies (Based on graph from R. Schmidt) Energy stored in the beam [MJ] 1000.00 LHC top energy 100.00 LHC injection (12 SPS batches) 10.00 Factor ~200 ISR SPS fixed target 1.00 HERA TEVATRON SPS batch to LHC 0.10 LEP2 SNS SPS ppbar RHIC proton 0.01 1 10 100 1000 10000 Momentum [GeV/c] Quench Levels Units Tevatron RHIC HERA LHC Instant loss (0.01 - 10 ms) [J/cm3] 4.5 10-03 1.8 10-02 2.1 10-03 - 6.6 10-03 8.7 10-04 Steady loss (> 100 s) [W/cm3] 7.5 10-02 7.5 10-02 IEEE NSS, Puerto Rico Eva Barbara Holzer 5.3 10-03 October 26, 2005 3 Large Hadron Collider (LHC) In LHC there are: 514 main quadrupoles 1232 main dipoles ~130 collimators and absorbers pp and PbPb Commissioning 2007 IEEE NSS, Puerto Rico Eva Barbara Holzer October 26, 2005 4 The BLM System: Purpose Detection of dangerous beam losses generation of trigger for beam extraction Tevatron Collimator damage, 5.12.2003 (D. Still) Setup of the collimators and continuously monitor their performance Localization of beam losses and identification of loss mechanism Machine setup and studies LHC Collimator prototype IEEE NSS, Puerto Rico Eva Barbara Holzer October 26, 2005 5 The BLM System: Challenges Reliable (tolerable failure rate 10-7 per hour per channel) Reliable components, radiation tolerant electronics Redundancy, voting Monitoring of availability and drift of channels Less than 2 false dumps per month (operation efficiency) High dynamic range (108, 1013 – two monitor types at the same location) Fast (1 turn, 89 s) trigger generation for dump signal Quench level determination with an uncertainty of a factor 2 (calibration) IEEE NSS, Puerto Rico Eva Barbara Holzer October 26, 2005 6 Locations 6 detectors around each quadrupole (~3000) Maskable: Beam abort signal can be ignored, when the stored energy in the beam is below the damage limit Critical aperture limits or critical loss positions (~400) Non-maskable Collimators and absorbers (~150) Non-maskable Plus a set of movable BLMs All non-maskable monitors have to be available before injection IEEE NSS, Puerto Rico Eva Barbara Holzer October 26, 2005 7 Quench and Damage Levels Arc Dipole Magnet Dynamic Range Arc: 108 Collimator: 1013 IEEE NSS, Puerto Rico Eva Barbara Holzer October 26, 2005 8 Signals from the BLM system Dump signal to the LHC beam interlock system (LBIS), 2 types (maskable and non-maskable) Post mortem Up to 1000 turns plus averages of 10 minutes Data for the control room and logging (1Hz) “Artist’s View” of the Beam Loss Display (C. Zamantzas) IEEE NSS, Puerto Rico Eva Barbara Holzer October 26, 2005 9 Beam Loss Monitoring System of the LHC Specification and Requirements Architecture of the BLM System Threshold Calibration Summary IEEE NSS, Puerto Rico Eva Barbara Holzer October 26, 2005 10 Monitor Types Design criteria: Signal speed and robustness Dynamic range (> 109) limited by leakage current through insulator ceramics (lower) and saturation due to space charge (upper limit). Secondary Emission Monitor (SEM): Length 10 cm P < 10-7 bar ~ 30000 times smaller gain Ionization chamber: N2 gas filling at 100 mbar overpressure Length 50 cm Sensitive volume 1.5 l Ion collection time 85 s Both monitors: Parallel electrodes (Al, SEM: Ti) separated by 0.5 cm Low pass filter at the HV input Voltage 1.5 kV IEEE NSS, Puerto Rico Eva Barbara Holzer October 26, 2005 11 System Layout LBIS Threshold Comparator: Losses integrated and compared to threshold table (12 time intervals and 32 energy ranges). IEEE NSS, Puerto Rico Eva Barbara Holzer October 26, 2005 12 Beam Loss Monitoring System of the LHC Specification and Requirements Architecture of the BLM System Threshold Calibration Summary IEEE NSS, Puerto Rico Eva Barbara Holzer October 26, 2005 13 Threshold Determination Beam dump threshold set to 30% of the magnet quench level Specification: Absolute precision (calibration) factor 2 (final) factor 5 (initial) Relative precision for quench prevention < 25% Calibration of Thresholds: Based on simulations Cross-checked by measurements when possible Beam tests might be necessary to reach the required precision Aim of calibration relate the BLM signal to the: Number of locally lost beam particles Deposited energy in the machine component Quench and damage levels IEEE NSS, Puerto Rico Eva Barbara Holzer October 26, 2005 14 Threshold Determination Injection Optics, 450 GeV, Horizontal Halo Warm Magnet Cold Magnet Collimator Proton loss locations (MAD-X, SIXTRACK, BeamLossPattern, measurements: LHC beam) Hadronic showers through magnets (GEANT, measurements: HERA/DESY, LHC beam) Magnet quench levels as function of proton energy and loss duration (SPQR, measurements: Laboratory, LHC beam) Chamber response to the mixed radiation field in the tail of the hadronic shower (GEANT, GARFIELD, measurements: booster, SPS, H6, HERA/DESY) (S. Redaelli, L. Ponce) IEEE NSS, Puerto Rico Eva Barbara Holzer October 26, 2005 15 Threshold Determination Proton loss locations (MAD-X, SIXTRACK, BeamLossPattern, measurements: LHC beam) Hadronic showers through magnets (GEANT, measurements: HERA/DESY, LHC beam) Magnet quench levels as function of proton energy and loss duration (SPQR, measurements: Laboratory, LHC beam) Chamber response to the mixed radiation field in the tail of the hadronic shower (GEANT, GARFIELD, measurements: booster, SPS, H6, HERA/DESY) (E. Gschwendtner) IEEE NSS, Puerto Rico Eva Barbara Holzer October 26, 2005 16 Threshold Determination Proton loss locations (MAD-X, SIXTRACK, BeamLossPattern, measurements: LHC beam) Hadronic showers through magnets Conductors (GEANT, measurements: 3 HERA/DESY, LHC beam) Vacuum tube Magnet quench levels as function of proton energy and loss duration First layer Second layer (SPQR, measurements: Laboratory, LHC beam) metal Helium Helium helium Chamber response to the mixed insulation radiation field in the tail of the hadronic -channels heat source shower (GEANT, GARFIELD, measurements: booster, SPS, H6, Cryogenic HERA/DESY) Spacers System Outer layer Inner layer (D. Bocian) IEEE NSS, Puerto Rico Eva Barbara Holzer October 26, 2005 17 Threshold Determination Proton loss locations (MAD-X, SIXTRACK, BeamLossPattern, measurements: LHC beam) Hadronic showers through magnets (GEANT, measurements: HERA/DESY, LHC beam) Magnet quench levels as function of proton energy and loss duration (SPQR, measurements: Laboratory, LHC beam) Chamber response to the mixed radiation field in the tail of the hadronic shower (GEANT, GARFIELD, measurements: booster, SPS, H6, HERA/DESY) IEEE NSS, Puerto Rico Eva Barbara Holzer October 26, 2005 18 Beam Loss Monitoring System of the LHC Specification and Requirements Architecture of the BLM System Threshold Calibration Summary IEEE NSS, Puerto Rico Eva Barbara Holzer October 26, 2005 19 Summary – Features of the BLM System Large dynamic range High reliability and low false beam abort rate (radiation tolerant electronics, fail safe design) Extensive simulations for threshold calibration Dynamically changing threshold values IEEE NSS, Puerto Rico Eva Barbara Holzer October 26, 2005 20 The LHC BLM Team Bernd Dehning, Ewald Effinger, Jonathan Emery, Gianfranco Ferioli, Jose Luis Gonzalez, Edda Gschwendtner, Gianluca Guaglio, Michael Hodgson, Eva Barbara Holzer, Daniel Kramer, Roman Leitner, Laurette Ponce, Virginia Prieto, Markus Stockner, Christos Zamantzas Contributions from members of the: LHC Machine Protection Working Group ( LHC Collimation Working Group ( IEEE NSS, Puerto Rico Eva Barbara Holzer October 26, 2005 21