GENETIC VARIABILITY AND CORRELATION OF YIELD AND YIELD RELATED CHARACTERS OF SOME POTATO (Solanum tuberosum L.) VARIETIES FROM ETHIOPIA . M.Sc. THESIS ABRAHAM LAMBORO JANUARY 2013 HARAMAYA UNIVERSITY Genetic Variability and Correlation of Yield and Yield Related Characters of Some Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Varieties from Ethiopia A Thesis Submitted to the College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Department of Biology Haramaya University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master Of Science In Genetics By Abraham Lamboro January 2013 Haramaya University APPROVAL SHEET School of Graduate Studies Haramaya University As Thesis Research advisor, we here by certify that we have read and evaluated this thesis prepared, under our guidance, by Abraham Lamboro, entitled Genetic Variability and Correlation of Yield and Yield Related Characters of Some Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Varieties from Ethiopia. We recommend that it be submitted as fulfilling the Thesis requirement for the degree of M.Sc in Genetics. Yohannes Petros(PhD) ______________________ _______________ Major Advisor Signature Mebeaselassie Andargie(PhD) ______________________ Co-advisor _________________ Signature _______________ Date ______________ Date As member of the Board of Examiners of the M.Sc Thesis Open Defense Examination, We certify that we have read, evaluated the Thesis prepared by Abraham Lamboro and examined the candidate. We recommended that the Thesis be accepted as fulfilling the Thesis requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in Genetics. ______________________ Chairperson _________________ Signature _______________ Date ______________________ Internal Examiner _________________ Signature _______________ Date ______________________ External Examiner _________________ Signature ii _______________ Date DEDICATION I dedicated this work to my Father Lamboro Lire and my Mother Workinesh Doilaso for their love, dedicated parenting and prayers for my success in life and academic career. iii STATEMENT OF THE AUTHOR First, I declare that this thesis is the result of my own work and that all sources or materials used for this thesis have been duly acknowledged. This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a M.Sc. degree at Haramaya University and to be made available at the University’s Library under the rules of the Library. I confidently declare that this thesis has not been submitted to any other institutions anywhere for the award of any academic degree, diploma, or certificate. Brief quotations from this thesis are allowable without special permission, provided that accurate acknowledgement of source is made. Requests for permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this manuscript in whole or in part may be granted by Dean of the School of Graduate Studies when in his or her judgment the proposed use of the material is in the interests of scholarship. In all other instances, however, permission must be obtained from the author. Name: Abraham Lamboro Signature: ____________________ Place: Haramaya University Date of Submission: January 2013 iv BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Abraham Lamboro was born on June 17, 1982 in Hadiya Zone of Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples Region. He attended his elementary school at Wasgebeta Primary and Junior secondary school and his secondary school at Wachemo Preparatory and Comprehensive High School. He joined Haramaya University in 2003/2004 and graduated with B.ED degree in Biology on July 8, 2006. He then worked for four years in Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples Region Education Bureau, Homecho General High School as a biology teacher until he joined Haramaya University for postgraduate study in October 2010. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my most sincere appreciation and gratitude to my advisors, Dr. Yohannes Petros and Dr.Mebeaselassie Andargie, for tireless and able supervision, support, encouragements, constructive comments, suggestions and unreserved guidance throughout the course of the study. Both have worked hard to keep me on the right track and for the successful accomplishment of the study. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Haramaya University Agricultural Research Center and Holleta Agricultural Research Center for providing potato genotypes used in the present study. I would like also to thank Areka Agricultural Research Center for allowing me a plot of land to conduct the field experiment. I would also like to thank Firehun Libu for provision of his personal laptop computer for writing my thesis. I, certainly, must acknowledge my parents for their care, support, help and encouragement during my high school education and undergraduate study that paved the way for today's success. I would like also to acknowledge Gibe Woreda Education Office for paying salary during my study leave and Department of Biology of Haramaya University for accepting and train me as a postgraduate student. Lastly, the following individuals deserve particular mention: Melese Lire, Temesgen Degele, Solomon Lamboro, Libu Megebo, Belaynesh Lire, Deselech Tuloro and Degefe Tumiso, for their encouragement, support and understanding and nice friendship. Above all, I thank and praise the Almighty God, Who offered me this chance. vi LIST OF ACRONYMS ANOVA Analysis of Variance CSA Central Statistical Agency DAP Diammonium Phosphate FAO Food and Agricultural Organization GA Genetic Advance GCV Genetic coefficient of Variation P.C Path Coefficient PCV Phenotypic Coefficient of Variation SNNPRFEDB Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples Region, Finance and Economic Development Bureau SNNPR Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples Region vii TABLE OF CONTENT page STATEMENT OF THE AUTHOR iv BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS vi LIST OF ACRONYMS vii TABLE OF CONTENT viii LIST OF TABLES x ABSTRACT xi 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.1. Economic Importance and Production of Potato 4 2.2. Botany and Developmental stages of Potato 5 2.3. Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance in Potato 2.3.1. Genetic variability 2.3.2. Heritability 2.3.3. Genetic advances 7 7 9 11 2.4. Association of Characters 2.4.1. Correlation co-efficient 12 12 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS 18 3.1. Description of the Experimental Site 18 3.2. Experimental Materials 18 3.3. Experimental Design and Crop Management 19 3.4. Data Recorded 20 3.5. Statistical Analysis 3.5.1. Analysis of variance 3.5.2. Analysis of genetic parameters 3.3.3. Analysis of correlation coefficient(r) 3.3.4. Path-coefficient analysis 22 22 22 24 25 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 26 4.1. Minimum, maximum and mean values 26 viii TABLE OF CONTENT(CONTINUED) 4.1.1. Analysis of variance 4.1.2. Estimate of Genetic Parameters 4.1.3. Genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation 4.1.4. Broad sense heritability 4.1.5. Genetic advance 4.1.6 . Correlation coefficients 4.1.7. Path coefficients analysis Phenotypic direct and indirect effects of characters on tuber yield Genotypic direct and indirect effects of characters on tuber yield 27 30 30 32 33 34 37 37 41 5. SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 43 5. 1. Summary 43 5.2. Conclusions 44 5.3 . Recommendation 44 6. REFERENCES 45 7. APPENDICES 55 ix LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Potato varieties that were used in the study and their sources.............................................. 19 2.Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for potato varieties ............................................................ 22 3. Potato varieties exhibiting extreme values for the 12 characters investigated; their means and standard errors.................................................................................................................... 27 4. Analysis of variance for 12 characters of 18 potato varieties grown at Hosanna, 2012. ..... 29 5. Estimates of components of variance, heritability (in the broad sense) and genetic advance as percent of mean for 12 characters of potato varieties tested at Hossana, 2012.................... 31 6. Phenotypic (above diagonal) and genotypic (below diagonal) correlation coefficient among potato traits. .............................................................................................................................. 35 7. Path coefficient analysis showing direct (bold) and indirect influence (off diagonal) of 11 characters on tuber yield of potato at phenotypic level tested at Hossana. .............................. 40 8. Path coefficient analysis showing direct (bold) and indirect influence (off diagonal) of 11 characters on tuber yield of potato at genotypic level tested at Hossana. ................................ 42 x Genetic Variability and Correlation of Yield and Yield Related Characters of Some Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Varieties from Ethiopia ABSTRACT This research was conducted to determine genetic variability and association of yield and yield related characters of some potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties using correlations and path coefficient analysis. The experimental design was a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications in 2012 growing seasons in Hossana, Ethiopia. Twelve agronomic traits were used to determine genetic variability of potato varieties. Analysis of variance revealed the presence of significant differences (p<0.01) among all varieties for all observed traits. Genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation were higher than the other traits for biological yield, tubers per plant, tuber yield and plant height. The characters with high GCV indicate high potential for effective selection. The phenotypic coefficients of variation (PCV) were higher than corresponding genotypic coefficients of variation (GCV) for all characters denoting environmental factors influencing their expression. Days to maturity, plant height, days to flowering, tubers per plant, biological yield, tuber yield and stems per plant were found to be the most heritable traits studied in the potato varieties. In this study, relatively higher heritability associated with higher predicted genetic advance was observed for tubers per plant, biological yield, and medium tuber percentage. These traits therefore, deserve greater attention in future breeding programs for developing better potato varieties. High positive significant correlation was found between tuber yield and biological yield, plant height and tuber yield, stems per plant and tuber per plant. Therefore, it is possible suggest emphasis should be given to those positively correlated traits. The genotypic correlation coefficients were higher than the corresponding phenotypic correlation coefficients for most of the characters indicating the inherent association among the characters. Path analysis of tuber yield and its components shows that stems per plant, biological yield and harvest index exerted positive highest direct influence on tuber yield. Key words: Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), genetic variability, correlation coefficients, path analysis,Heritability xi 1. INTRODUCTION Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a member of the family Solanaceae. It is one of the most important food crops in Ethiopia as well as many countries of the world. It produces more calories and protein per unit land area with minimum time and water than most of the major food crops (Upadhya, 1995). It is clonally propagated, highly heterozygous, autotetraploid, and also a world leading vegetable crop that furnishes appreciable amount of vitamin B and vitamin C as well as some minerals (Thompson and Kelly, 1957). Potato is very low in fat, with just 5% of the fat content of wheat and the calories of bread. Boiled potato has more protein than maize and nearly twice the calcium (FAO, 2008). Potato has originated some 8,000 years ago in the high Andes of South America and was cultivated in the vicinity of lake Titicaca near the present boarder of Peru and Bolivia (Horton,1987, cited in Tsegaw, 2006) where a staggering 5,500 cultivated varieties have been developed by generations of farmers. Taken by the Spanish to Europe in the 16th century, the tuber quickly adapted to northern growing conditions and soon became a staple food at a time of rapid population growth. From Europe, it spread further across the globe. Today potatoes are grown on an estimated 180,000 sq km of farmland (FAO, 2006). It was introduced to Ethiopia in 1858 by the German botanist, Schimper (Tsegaw, 2006). Its area and production are increasing day by day. In declaring 2008, the International Year of Potato, the UN General Assembly seeks to focus world attention to the role of potato in defeating hunger and poverty (Hossain et al., 2008). Potato is regarded as a high-potential food security crop because of its ability to provide a high yield of high- quality product per unit input with a shorter crop cycle (mostly less than 120 days) than the major cereal crops like maize. Recently, the price of cereals has increased worldwide and in Ethiopia the price subsequently stabilized at high level, whereas the price of 1 root and tuber crops remained relatively low during the entire food crisis. This shows that there is room for added value in the chain of tuber crops (FAO, 2008). Ethiopia is known to have a suitable edaphic and climatic conditions for the production of high quality seed potatoes. About 70% of the available agricultural land is located at an altitude of 1800-2500m above sea level and receives an annual rainfall of more than 600mm, which is suitable for potato production (Tsegaw, 2003). Potato production in Ethiopia covers an area of about 1600, 000 ha (Ferdu et al., 2009). Potato average yield 9 tones/ha in Ethiopia is much lower than the world average yield 15 tones /ha (Ferdu et al., 2009). The phenotypic expression and heritability of yield and other quantitative traits vary due to genotypic differences, environmental influences and genotype by environment interactions (Bradshaw, 1965; Becker and Leon, 1988; Crossa et al., 1990). For a successful breeding program, genetic diversity and variability play a vital role. Genetic diversity in a population is a prerequisite for an effective plant-breeding program. Genetic divergence is a useful tool for an efficient choice of parents for hybridization to develop high yielding potential cultivars. The importance of genetic divergence in the improvement of crop has been stressed in both self and cross-pollinated crops (Gaur et al., 1978). Evaluation of genetic divergence is important to know the source of genes for a particular trait within the available germplasm (Tomooka, 1991). It is also useful for making a comparative study of a few characters to select the desirable ones from different genotypes. Study of correlation between different quantitative characters provides an idea of association that could be effectively utilized in selecting a better plant type in potato breeding program(Engida et al., 2007). 2 High yield with good quality is the most important objective practiced for its improvement in potato breeding. Generally, a path coefficient analysis is needed to clarify relationship that exists between characteristics, because correlation coefficients describe relationships in a simple manner. Path coefficient analysis shows the extent of direct and indirect effects of the causal components on the response component. In most studies involving path analysis, researchers considered the predictor character as first-order variables to analyze their effects over dependent or response variable such as yield (Tuncturk and Ciftci, 2005). The current area cropped with potato (about 0.16 Mha) is small and the average yield (less than10 Mg ha−1) is far below the potential. The low acreage and yield are attributed to many factors, but lack of high-quality seed potatoes is a major factor (Lemaga et al. 1994; Endale et al. 2008 ; Gildemacher et al. 2009). Therefore, the present study was undertaken to determine the characters that contribute to yield in potato. Hence, this research was carried out with the following objectives in mind. The general objective was to determine genetic variability and association of yield and yield related characters of some Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties from Ethiopia. While the specific objectives were: 1. To determine the degree of variability, heritability and genetic advance of some agronomic characters of potato. 2. To evaluate tuber yield components and their interrelationships with each other as well as their association with yield using path analysis. 3 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Economic Importance and Production of Potato Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is one of the most economically important annual vegetable crops of Solanaceae family. It is high yielding, having a high nutritive value and gives high returns to farmers (Humera and Iqbal, 2010). Potato is a crop of worldwide importance. It supplies at least 12 essential vitamins as well as minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and iron (Gray and Hughes, 1978; Thornton and Sieczka, 1980). Potato tubers give an exceptionally high yield per acre, many times more than that of any grain crop (Burton, 1969) and are used in a wide variety of dishes, processed, livestock feed and industrial uses (Feustel, 1987). It is the fourth most cultivated food crop exceeded only by wheat, rice and maize in world production for human consumption (Ross, 1986). The cultivated potato of world commerce, Solanum tuberosum L., is a primary food crop grown and consumed worldwide, forming a basic food and source of primary income for many societies. Indigenous primitive cultivated (landrace) and wild (Solanum petota) potatoes form the germplasm base used for breeding advanced potato varieties (Spooner et al., 2010). Potato in our country is also a very essential food and cash crop, favorite choice especially by the mid-to-highlanders. It is mainly consumed as boiled, salad, stews and recently potato chips and crisps are getting attention from roadside vendors who fries and sell it on the spot (Ferdu et al., 2009). Among African countries, Ethiopia has possibly the greatest potential for potato production: 70 percent of its arable land, mainly in highland areas above 1500 m, is believed suitable for potato. Since the highlands are also home to almost 90 percent of Ethiopia's population, potato could play a key role in ensuring national food security. At present, potato is still widely regarded as a secondary crop, and annual per capita consumption is estimated at about 5 kg. However, potato cultivation is expanding steadily: FAO estimates that production has increased from 280 000 tones in 1993 to around 525 000 tones in 2007 (FAO, 2008). 4 The Southern Ethiopia is located in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State (SNNPRs) and partly in the Oromiya region. The major potato producing zones in the SNNPRs are Gurage, Gamo Gofa, Hadiya, Wolyta,Kambata, Siltie and Sidama and West Arsi zone in Oromiya region. More than 30% of the total number of potato farmers are located in this area (CSA, 2008\2009). 2.2. Botany and Developmental stages of Potato The name “potato” is believed to have originated from the Taínos Indian name, “batatas”. Potato is one of about 2,300 species in the family Solanaceae. This family includes about 90 genera, the largest of which is the genus Solanum, including about 1,500 species. About 100 species of Solanum are tuber bearing and thus commonly referred to as “potato.” The Solanaceae include such plants as tobacco, tomato, eggplant, chili pepper, horse nettle, bittersweet nightshade, ground cherry and petunia. Botanically, advanced potato cultivars, today grown in North America, Europe, and other countries are classified as Solanum tuberosum L. (William et al., 2010). All of the species are distributed entirely in the Americas from the southwestern United States south to Uruguay, Argentina and Chile. Chromosome numbers vary from diploid (2n = 2x = 24), triploid (2n = 3x = 36), tetraploid (2n = 4x = 48), pentaploid (2n = 5x = 60) to hexaploid (2n = 6x = 72). The cultivated potato has all these ploidy levels except hexaploid and originated along the high Andes of southern Peru. Landrace (native cultivar) populations today grow throughout the Andes from Venezuela to northern Argentina and also near sea level in southern Chile. Despite having originated in southern Peru, modern cultivars grown worldwide come from the Chilean landraces (William et al., 2010). The potato plant has a short life span ranging from 80 to 150 days from planting to maturity, with differences existing between varieties. Its developmental stages are often described in terms of tuberization and tuber development. The life cycle of a potato tuber is characterized by initiation and growth followed by a period of dormancy and finally sprouting resulting in 5 the next (vegetative) generation (Spooner et al., 2005).The vegetative growth stages are described as follows: a. Sprouting tuber growth stage one is the onset of sprout growth that follows dormancy termination is accompanied by substantial increases in cell metabolism; sprouts appear from the eyes of the primary tuber. b. Vegetative growth stage two is plant establishment in which all vegetative parts of the plants (leaves, branches, roots and stolons) are formed. Stages one and two last from 30 to 70 days depending on soil temperature and other environmental factors, the physiological age of the tubers and the characteristics of particular cultivars. c. Tuber initiation growth stage three is approximately 30-60 days after the seed tuber is planted, tuber formation begins. Tubers are derived from lateral underground buds developing at the base of the main stem that when kept underground develop into stolons. When conditions are favorable for tuber initiation, the elongation of the stolon stops and cells located in the pith and the cortex of the apical region of the stolon first enlarge and then later divide longitudinally. The combination of these processes results in the swelling of the sub apical part of the stolon (Spooner et al., 2005). d. Developing tuber growth stage four. During enlargement tubers become the largest sink of the potato plant storing massive amounts of carbohydrates (mainly starch) and also significant amounts of protein. Furthermore, tubers decrease their general metabolic activity and as such behave as typical storage sinks. e. Mature tuber growth stage five. Potato tubers are harvested from 90 to 160 days after planting and this may vary with cultivars, production area and marketing conditions. Starch typically represents 20% of the fresh weight of mature tuber. After potato vines die back, the skin of tuber thickens and hardens which provides greater protection to tubers during harvest and blocks entry of pathogens to the tuber (Spooner et al., 2005). 6 2.3. Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance in Potato 2.3.1. Genetic variability The amount of variability that exists in the germplasm collections of any crop is of the utmost importance towards breeding for better varieties. Particularly, genetic variability for a given character is a basic prerequisite for its improvement by systematic breeding (Engida et al., 2007). The breeding methodology to be adopted for the improvement of a crop mainly depends upon the amount of genetic variability present in the crop. It is of immense importance that the hybrids are obtained only from desirable parental combinations. Therefore, it is very important to select the desirable parents which could transmit high yield and other economic traits to their progeny (Haydar et al., 2009b). Varieties of asexually propagated crops consist of large assemblages of genetically identical plants, and there are only two ways of introducing new and improved varieties: by sexual reproduction and by the isolation of somatic mutations. The latter method has often been used successfully with potato have occasionally arisen in this way. When sexual reproduction is used, hybrids are produced on a large scale between existing varieties; the small number that have useful arrays of characters are propagated vegetatively until sufficient numbers can be planted to allow agronomic evaluation (Haydar et al., 2009b). Information on the nature and magnitude of variability present in a population owing to genetic and non genetic causes is an important prerequisite for initiating any systematic breeding program. As yield increase is the main objective of a breeder, so it is important to know the relationships between various characters that have direct and indirect effect on yield. The knowledge of association of quantitative characters, especially the yield and its attributes provide an idea of association that could be effectively utilized in selecting the desired characters in segregating population ( Ara et al., 2009). 7 The composition of the phenotype (the observable properties of an organism), is simply expressed as the outcome of three major sources of variation : the genotype, the environment and genotype by environment interaction which includes all factors external to the plant that affect development and growth, and interaction of all kinds. Lee (2006) described genetic variance as a measure of the extent of genetic differences among the germplasm units (individual or families). Sattar et al.(2007) reported high genotypic coefficients of variation for number of tubers per plant, yield per plant and average weight of a tuber. The highest genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variations were observed for yield of tubers per plant and number of tubers per plant (Sattar et al., 2007). Mondal (2003) obtained higher genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation for average tuber weight/plant tuber yield/plant and tubers number/plant in potato. Studies within-population genetic structures are essential to the understanding of micro evolutionary processes in plant populations. Spatial genetic structure within plant populations is influenced by various factors such as gene flow, clonal pattern, and micro environmental selection (Vekemans and Hardy, 2004). Gene flow, mediated by pollen and seed dispersal, is a key factor and also it determines the scale of local adaptation and the role of population structure in the evolutionary process. With spatially limited gene flow, populations should be more inbred and more likely to differentiate in response to local selective force or genetic drift. In addition to gene flow, within-population genetic structure may also be influenced by the balance between sexual and vegetative reproduction (clonal growth). Clonal multiplication has been hypothesized to result in a decrease in genetic variation and clonal diversity. However, several reviews have demonstrated that most clonal plants have high genetic diversity, similar to nonclonal plants and that a low rate of repeated sexually produced seedling recruitment may be sufficient to maintain genetic diversity (Kang and Chung, 2000). 8 2.3.2. Heritability Heritability is specific to a particular population in a particular environment, but the extent of dependence on environment is also a function of the genes involved. Individuals with the same genotype can exhibit different phenotypes through a mechanism called phenotypic plasticity, which makes their heritability difficult to measure in some cases. Recent insights in molecular biology have identified changes in transcriptional activity of individual genes associated with environmental changes. But, there are a large number of genes whose transcription is not affected by the environment (Visscher et al., 2008). Heritability estimates along with genetic gain are considered to be more useful in predicting the outcome of selecting the best individuals (Johnson et al., 1955). However, it may be noted that the heritability value indicates the relative effectiveness of selection based on phenotypic expression of a character but, genetic advance is more useful in predicting the actual value of the selection as shown by Johnson et al. (1955). Theoretically, heritability can range from one where all variation is due to genetic factor, to zero where all the variations results from the environment. Actual heritability value will fall somewhere between these extreme values. It is very difficult to determine the presence, amount or types of phenotypic expressions strongly influenced by the environment (Welsh, 1990, cited in Basazen, 2006). A large percentage of heritability for a character is regarded as highly heritable whereas if it is smaller, some environmental agency is considered responsible for phenotypic manifestation of the character (Dabholkar, 1992). Lush (1940) defined heritability in “Broad Sense” as the ratio between the genotypic variance as a whole and that due to phenotype. It expresses the extent to which individual phenotypes are determined by the genotypes .But this idea does not give a clear picture of transmissibility of variation from one generation to the next, as the genotypic variation included fixable additive effects and non- fixable dominance and epistatic gene effects, whose utility in plant improvement programme was limited. Therefore, he further defined heritability in the “narrow sense” as the ratio of additive genetic variance to the phenotypic variance (Lush, 1949). 9 Similarly (Falconer, 1989), further divided heritability into broad sense and narrow sense, depending whether it refers to the genotypic value or breeding value. The ratio of additive variance to phenotypic variance expresses the extent to which phenotypes are determined by the genes transmitted from the parents. The ratio also expresses the magnitude of genotypic variance in the population, which is mainly responsible for changing the genetic composition of a population through selection (Falconer, 1989). Moreover, heritability serves as a guide to the reliability of phenotypic variability in the selection programme and hence determines its success (Hamdi, 1992). However, Johnson et al. (1955) stated that heritability estimates together with genetic advance are more important than heritability alone to predict the resulting effect of selecting the best individuals. Main quantitative traits associated with high heritability and high genetic advance have great importance in selection of genotype in early generations (Memon et al., 2005). Heritability values can be used as a measuring scale to determine genetic relationships between parents and progeny (Memon et al., 2007). Better heritability values recorded points to the possibility of improvement in the parameters so that attention may be focused on important traits while synthesizing genotypes (Ahmed et al., 2007). Yield is a polygenic trait and attributed to its associated traits therefore for higher yield the total genetic expression of all its component genes is needed. However their expression is also influenced by environmental factors (Sial et al., 2003). Heritability and genetic advance enables the breeders to use the best genetic stock for improving the crop (Mangi et al., 2008). The success of any breeding programme depends upon the amount of genetic diversity existing in the germplasm and it is a prerequisite to have a good knowledge of heritability and genetic advance present in different yield associated parameters (Waqar-ul Haq et al., 2008). Rambaugh et al. (1984) described that heritability study must be conducted in favorable environments rather than unfavorable environments; genetic parameters such as mean, genotypic variance, broad sense heritability and genetic advance are decreased under unfavorable environments. Heritability plays a predictive role in breeding, expressing the reliability of phenotypes as a guide to its breeding value (Tazeen et al., 2009). It is understood that only the phenotypic value can be measured directly while breeding values of individuals are derived from the 10 phenotypic value by appropriate analyses. It is breeding value, which determines how much of the phenotype would be passed to the next generation (Rehman and Alam, 1994). Heritability indicates the degree of connection to between phenotypic value and breeding value (Falconer, 1989). The efficiency of the process of selection depends upon the kind and magnitude of variation. There is a direct relationship between heritability and response to selection, which is referred to as genetic progress (Tazeen et al., 2009). Sattar et al.(2007) obtained high heritability coupled with high genetic advance as percent of mean for number of tubers per plant, yield per plant and average weight of a tuber suggesting selection for these traits would give good response. Haydar et al.(2009a) reported high heritability (in a broad sense) as well as high genetic advance as percentage of mean for plant height, branches number, tubers number and tuber yield indicated that these traits could be improved through selection and were governed to a great extent by additive gene. Panse (1999) also indicated that tuber yield, number of stems, number of leaves, maturity, shoot fresh weight, number of tubers and average tuber yield had high genotypic coefficient of variation, high heritability and high genetic advance irrespective of the environment. 2.3.3. Genetic advances Genetic advance is the measure of the expected genetic progress that would result from selecting the best performing genotypes for a character being evaluated (Allard, 1999). Genetic advance is also of considerable importance because it indicates the magnitude of the expected genetic gain from one cycle of selection (Hamdi et al., 2003). Selection which is the retention of the desired genotypes and elimination of the undesirable ones is a major and important process in breeding for improvement of one or more plant attributes. In a population under selection for a quantitative character, genotypic frequencies and hence gene frequencies are altered and these changes are further modified by the mating systems that may be employed to advance the selected individuals to the next generation(s) (Chopra, 2000). Thus, the utilization of any criterion for selection as linked with high genetic coefficient of variation 11 and estimates of heritability as the magnitudes of heritability and other genetic parameters for a character would vary from location to location (Ramachandran et al., 1982). High value of heritability and predicted genetic advance clarifies that the selection among genotypes would be effective for yield and yield components (Ghandorah and Shawaf, 1993). The studies conducted by various researchers have shown that high heritability alone is not enough for selection in advance generations; it must be accompanied with substantial amount of genetic advance (Memon et al., 2007; Mangi et al., 2008). However, if a character or trait is controlled by non additive gene action, it gives high heritability but low genetic advance, while the character ruled by additive gene action, heritability and genetic advance both would be high (Ahmed et al., 2007). Haydar et al. (2009b) reported high estimates of heritability and genetic gain for plant height, number of branches, tubers number and yield indicated that these traits are largely controlled by additive gene action and that strong selection for them would be effective. Haydar (2007) recorded comparatively high heritability in potato for fresh weight and tuber weight/plant. Ara et al.(2009) reported high heritability and genetic gain (GA %) for fresh weight/plant, number of main stem and tuber fresh weight; indicating these characters are largely controlled by additive gene action and that straight selection for them would be effective. 2.4. Association of Characters 2.4.1. Correlation co-efficient Correlation coefficient is a linear association between two variables (Gomez and Gomez, 1984). Knowledge of correlations that exist between important characters may facilitate the interpretation of the result obtained and provide the basis for planning more efficient program for the future (Johnson et al., 1955). It is indicated by the correlation coefficient(r) and measures the degree of association, genetic or non-genetic, between two or more traits (Hallauer and Miranda, 1998). It measures the mutual association between two variables but does not indicate the cause and effect relationship of traits contributing directly or indirectly 12 towards economic yield (Shivanna et al., 2007). The value of correlation coefficient, which is a ratio of the covariance between the two variables and the geometric mean of their variances, ranges from -1 to +1, the extreme values indicating perfect negative and positive association, respectively (Gomez and Gomez, 1984). Sadek et al.(2006) pointed out that estimation of simple correlation between various agronomic characters may provide good information necessary for crop breeders, when selection is based on two or more traits simultaneously. Information obtained from correlation coefficients for characters could also be useful as indicators of the more important ones under consideration. Mevlut et al. (2008) stated that correlation analyses are being widely used in many crop species by plant breeders to understand the nature of complex interrelationships among traits and to identify the sources of variation in yield. Yield is a complexly inherited trait as its manifestation is an outcome of intricate interaction of several traits and environment. Therefore, proper understanding of association of different traits provides more reliable criterion for selection to achieve the goal of high yield (Muhammad et al., 2001). Yield components, not only directly affect the yield, but also indirectly by affecting other yield components in negative or positive ways (Roopa and Ravikumar, 2008). High yield through yield attributes, as primary interest in crop improvement, requires understanding the magnitude of correlations among various yield traits (Tadele et al., 2009).Becker (1993) stated that correlation studies are of interest to plant breeders because traits that are correlated with the main breeding objectives may be useful for indirect selection. Tadele et al.(2009) noted that information on the extent and nature of interrelationships among characters help in formulating efficient scheme of multiple trait selection. Traits under consideration may have strong correlation or not at all. Grafius (1959) indicated that a positive genetic correlation between two desirable traits makes the job of the plant breeder easy for improving both traits simultaneously. On the other hand, a negative correlation between two desirable traits impedes or makes it impossible to achieve a significant improvement in both traits. 13 Therefore, knowledge of the relationship that exists between tuber yield and other characters and also interrelationships among various characters is necessary to be able to design appropriate selection criteria in potato breeding program. According to Grafuis (1959), increasing total yield would be made easier by selecting for yield components because the components are more simply inherited than the total yield itself. Thus, studies on correlation enable the breeder to know the mutual relationship between various characters and determine the component characters on which selection can be based for yield environment. Yield is a complex character associated with many interrelated components (Murat and Vahdettin, 2004). Numerous researchers (Sidhu and Pandita, 1979; Birhman and Kang, 1993; Amadi, 2005, and Amadi and Ene Obong., 2007) have used simple correlation coefficients to study the interrelationships between tuber yield and other characters. Environment plays an important role in correlation. In some cases, environment affects two traits simultaneously in the same direction or sometimes in different directions. Genetic and environmental causes of correlation combine together and give phenotypic correlation. The dual nature of phenotypic correlation makes it clear that the magnitude of genetic correlation cannot be determined from phenotypic correlation (Usman et al., 2006). Phenotypic and genotypic correlations have been computed by calculating the appropriate components of variance. Phenotypic correlation (rp) involves both genetic and environmental effects. It can be directly observed from measurements of the two characters in a number of individuals in a population (Hallauer and Miranda, 1998). Genetic correlation is the association of breeding values (i.e., additive genetic variance) of the two characters (Falconer, 1989). Both measure the extent to which degree the same genes or closely linked genes cause co-variation in two different characters (Hallauer and Miranda, 1998). Correlation coefficient provides a measure of the association between characters (Cerna and Beaver, 1990). Johnson et al. (1955) also reported that higher genotypic correlation than phenotypic correlation indicated an inherent association between various characters. 14 Galarreta et al. (2006) observed a significant correlation between tuber yield with tuber number and tuber weight. Er (1984) found that tubers/plant and tuber yield were increased when big tubers were used in sowing. Gunel et al. (1991) noted highly positive and significant correlation between tuber yield with big tubers percentage and vegetation period. Yildirim et al. (1997) observed that both yield components (tuber number and tuber weight) were associated with tuber yield, but they indicated that tuber numbers were important than tuber weight. Number of tubers and average tuber weight were positively and significantly correlated with yield (Lopez et al., 1987, Ozkaynak and Samanchi, 2005, Rasool et al., 2006). Desai and Jaimini (1997) also reported that tuber yield, number of stem, number of leaves, maturity, shoot fresh weight, number of tubers and average tuber weight had high genotypic coefficients of variation, high heritability and high genetic advance irrespective of environments. Sattar et al. (2007) reported genotypic and phenotypic correlation of the number of tubers per plant and weight of tubers per plant were highly significant. Plant vigour, number of compound leaves per plant and number of tubers per plant, average weight of a tuber and dry matter content of tuber had high degree of positive association with tuber yield per plant. Khayatnezhad et al.(2011) also observed stronger positive correlations between tuber yield and main stems/plant, plant tuber weight, plant height. Amadi et al.(2008) also found phenotypic correlation coefficients revealed a significant positive correlation between tuber yield and average tuber weight per plant, number of tuber per plant, early blight severity, days to tuber initiation, and days to maturity.Murat and Vahdettin (2005) had reported positive significant relations between tuber yield and plant height, number of stems per hill, number of tuber per hill, percentage of medium tuber, percentage of big tuber, dry matter content and starch content. Also they observed negative and significant relationships between tuber yield and small tuber percentage. 15 2.4.2. Path co-efficient analysis Although information about the correlation of agronomic and morphological characters with yields is helpful in the identification of the components of this complex character, yet these do not provide precise information on the relative importance of direct and indirect influences of each of the component characters. With increasing number of variables it becomes necessary to measure the contribution of these variables to the observed correlation and hence partition the correlation coefficient into components of direct and indirect influence (Guler et al., 2001, Onder and Babaoglu, 2001). This, in turn, allows separation of the direct effects of one variable (other variables are kept constant) from indirect effects of other variables, giving a clearer picture of the individual contributions of each variable to yield (Radovan, 1992). Assuming yield is a contribution of several characters which are correlated among themselves and to the yield; path co-efficient analysis was developed by (Wright, 1921). According to Dewey and Lu (1959) unlike the correlation coefficient which measures the extent of relationships, path coefficient measures the magnitude of direct and indirect contribution of the component characters to a complex character and it has been defined as a standardized, regression coefficient which splits the correlation coefficient into direct and indirect effects. Mehmet and Telat(2006) recommended that study of direct and indirect effects of yield components to increase the yield provides the basis for its successful breeding program and hence the problem of yield decrease can be more effectively tackled on the basis of performance of yield components and selection for closely related characters. In order to get a clear picture of the interrelationships between different traits, the direct and indirect effects of different characters worked out using path coefficient analysis in respect of the yield (Singh et al., 2004). Since path analysis permits a critical examination of the specific factor that produces a given correlation, it could be successfully employed in formulating an effective selection strategy (Kumbhar et al., 1980). 16 Path analysis of tuber yield and its traits indicated that plant height, medium tuber weight and big tuber weight evolved the highest direct influence. Conversely, main stems/plant had a positive and low direct effect with an indirect negative effect via tuber weight/plant and positive effect with average tuber weight and tubers/plant on tuber yield. In addition to, the indirect effects of plant height, tubers/plant was stronger than its direct effects. These showed that tuber weight/plant, average tuber weight, tubers/plant were the main characters for tuber yield (Khayatnezhad et al., 2011). Ara et al.(2009) and Haydar (2007) reported that main shoot number had highest positive direct effect followed by fresh weight/plant at 80 days after planting and number of leaves /plant. Higher values of direct effect of main shoot number on fresh weight/plant after 90 days after planting were the reflection of significant positive correlation of these characters with fresh tuber yield were the reflection of significant positive correlation of these characters with tuber yield per plant; suggesting that while using these characters as a criterion for selection, other causal characters must be considered simultaneously. Sattar et al.(2007) obtained tuber per plant, average weight of tuber, number of compound leaves per plant had high positive direct effect on tuber yield. It was also reported that negative indirect effect for dry matter content. Amadi et al. (2008) observed tuber per plant, average weight of tuber had high positive direct effect on tuber yield. Yildirim et al. (1997) stated that average tuber weight, tubers/plant, tuber weight/plant and plant height had positive and high direct effects on tuber weight/plant. He also reported that main stems/plant; plant height had positive and high direct effects on tuber yield. Tuncturk and Ciftci, (2005) reported tuber per hill had the greatest direct effect on tuber yield while its indirect effects on tuber yield were positive through number of tubers per hill, average tuber weight, medium tuber percentage, dry matter contents, but negative through plant height, stems per hill, small tuber percentage and big tuber percentage. 17 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1. Description of the Experimental Site A field experiment was conducted in Southern Nations Nationalities and People’s Regional State, at Araka Agricultural Research Center, Hossana Experimental Site. It is located at an altitude of 2200m above sea level and 230km South West of Addis Ababa. It has an average annual rain fall of about 671mm and annual mean temperature of 180C and has loam soil type (SNNPRFEDB, 2010). 3.2. Experimental Materials Sixteen potato varieties, which were released by the regional and national research institutions at different times and two locally available potato genotypes were used. The institutes that released the varieties were Haramaya University Research Center, Holeta Agricultural Research Center and Hadiya Zone Agricultural and Rural Development Office (Table 1). 18 Table 1. Potato varieties that were used in the study and their sources. SNo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Variety Bolbo Bubu Gera Bule Belete Gudanie Menegesha Wochecha Awash Chiro Marachera Guassa Gorobella Bedassa Jalanie Sako Challa Zengena Source Local Haramaya Holeta “ “ “ “ “ Holeta Haramaya Holeta Holeta Holeta Haramaya Holeta Local Holeta Holeta 3.3. Experimental Design and Crop Management The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Each variety was planted in 3m × 3m plots maintaining row to row spacing of 75cm and plant to plant in a row spacing of 30cm. Each plot consisted of four rows which accommodated ten plants per row and thus forty plants per plot. A distance of 1m was maintained between the plots. The experiment was conducted under rainy season. Agronomic characters were determined on the means of five randomly selected plants in the middle rows of each plot. Recommended agronomic practices were followed, fertilizers were applied and plant protection measures like fencing experimental field from damage of wild animals were taken when required. Days to emergence, days to flowering and days to maturity were recorded on plot basis. 19 3.4. Data Recorded Pre and post harvest observations were taken for the selected sample plants from each plot for all characters. Data recording for each character were carried out as follows. Days to emergence (DE): The numbers of days from planting to the emergence of 50% of plants in each plot were recorded. Days to flowering (DF): Number of days from planting to when 50% of the plants in a plot produced flowers on 50% of their buds. Days to maturity (DM): Number of days from planting to when 90% of the plants in a plot reached physiological maturity. Plant height (PH): The height of the plants from the ground level to the tip of the plant were measured in centimeter and averaged over the sample plants to get the mean plant height in centimeter. Stems per plant (SP): The total number of stems that arise from each plant was counted and averaged over the total sample plants in each plot to get the mean number of stems per plant for each variety. Only the main stems i.e. those originating from the mother tubers were counted. The record was taken at full flowering. Tuber yield (TY) : The total weight of tubers/plant (kg). Tuber from the sample plants in each plot were weighed and averaged to get tuber yield per plant. The mean tuber yield per plant in kilogram was used for statistical analysis (to calculate range, coefficient of genotypic and phenotypic variations, heritability estimates and expected genetic advance in percent). Tubers per plant (TP): This was obtained by counting the whole tubers produced by all sample plants in the plot and averaging over the number of sample plants. Biological yield (BY): The above ground potato plant parts were dried and weighed using a sensitive balance. The weight of dry plant parts in each plot were averaged to get the mean weight of each variety in kilogram. Harvest index (HI): to estimate harvest index average tuber yield was divided by the average biological yield following (Debouk and Hidalgo, 1986) formula. 20 Harvest Index = Tuber yield(kg) Biological yield (kg) Small tuber percentage (STP): The proportion of small size tubers (diameter less than or equal to 1 ½ inch) per plant were counted and recorded as percent of tubers for each plot (USDA, 2003). The percentage of small tubers in each plot was used to calculate the different statistical parameters. Medium tuber percentage (MTP) : The proportion of medium size tubers (diameter less 1 than 2 2 inch and greater than 1 ½ inch) per plant were counted and changed into percentage (USDA, 2003). Big tuber percentage (BTP) :The percentage of big tubers (diameter greater than or equal to 1 2 2 inch) per plant were determined for each plot and used for statistical analysis (USDA, 2003). 21 3.5. Statistical Analysis 3.5.1. Analysis of variance Data were subjected to analysis of variance following the procedures described by Gomez and Gomez (1984) using SAS version 9.1.3 Table 2.Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for potato varieties __________________________________________________________________________ Source of variation Df MS Em __________________________________________________________________________ Replication ( r ) r-1 MSr 2 e + g2 r Genotypes (g) Error (e) g-1 MSg (r-1) (g-1) Mse 2 e + g2 g 2 e Total gr-1 __________________________________________________________________________ Where: r = number of replication, g = number of genotypes, df = degree of freedom, MS = mean square, MSr =mean square due to replication, Em= expected mean, 2 g =genotypic, 2 e= environmental variance. 3.5.2. Analysis of genetic parameters Estimation of genetic parameters was used to identify and ascertain the genetic variability among the genotypes and to determine the extent of environmental effects on various characters. Components due to genotypic variance (𝜎2g), environmental variance (𝜎2e), and broad-sense heritability (H2) were calculated by adopting the following formulas suggested by different authors. Phenotypic and genotypic variance components were calculated by the methods suggested by Burton and Devane (1953). 22 Genotypic variance (2g) = Msg-Mse \ r Phenotypic variance (2p) = 2g +2e Environmental variance (2e) = Mean square Where: MSg = mean square due to genotype Mse = Environmental variance r = number of replication According to Singh and Chaudhary (1985), the phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variances were expressed by the following formula: GCV (%) = (2g/X) x100 Where: GCV = genotypic coefficient of variation X = Mean value of the trait PCV (%) = (2p /X) x 100 Where: PCV = phenotypic coefficient of variation Heritability in the broad sense, Heritability in broad sense was calculated for each trait by using (Allard, 1960) formula. H2 (%) = (2g /2p) x100 Where: H = heritability in broad sense 2p = phenotypic variance 2g = genotypic variance Genetic Advance (GA): Genetic advance as the percent of mean was calculated by dividing the genetic advance with the mean and multiply it by 100 (Johnson et al., 1955). GA = H2𝜎pK Where: h2 = heritability in the broad sense K = selection differential at 5% intensity of selection, that is 2.06. σp = the phenotypic standard deviation GA% (as % of mean) = GA/grand mean 23 3.3.3. Analysis of correlation coefficient(r) The phenotypic correlation coefficients were calculated by using the formula suggested by Gomez andGomez (1984) as: rpxy = 𝐶𝑜𝑣𝑃𝑥𝑦 √𝜎2 𝑝𝑥𝜎2 𝑝𝑦 Where: rpxy = phenotypic correlation coefficient between traits x and y. Covp xy = Phenotypic covariance between traits x and y 𝜎 2 𝑝𝑥 = Phenotypic variance of trait x 𝜎 2 𝑝𝑦 = Phenotypic variance of trait y Both genotypic and environmental effects and genotypic correlation, which the inherent association between two variables, were estimated by the formula of (Al- Jibouri et al., 1958). rg = Gcovx.y/ √ (2gx. 2gy) Where: rg = genotypic correlation coefficient Gcovx.y = genotypic co-variance between variables x and y 2gx = genotypic variance for variable x 2gy = genotypic variance for variable y Testing correlation for Significance :The significance of the simple linear correlation can be tested in the following way as described by (Walepole et al., 2002). t=r n2 1 r2 Standard error (SE): with n-2 d.f., where n is the number of observations. Estimate of error variance was estimated by the method given by Hallauer and Miranda (1998) 24 SE = √𝟐(𝑴𝑺𝒆)𝟐 𝒅𝒇𝒆+𝟐 Mse = mean square of error and dfe = error degree of freedom 3.3.4. Path-coefficient analysis In path coefficient analysis, direct and indirect effects of the independent character for yields were estimated by applying (Dewey and Lu, 1959) formula. rij = Pij + ΣrikPkj Where: rij ═mutual association between the independent character (i) and dependent character (j) as measured by genotypic correlation coefficients. Pij = components of direct effects of the independent character (i) on the dependent character (j) as measured by genotypic co-efficient variation. ΣrikPkj = summation of components indirect effect of a given independent character (i) on a given dependent character (j) via all other independent characters (k). The residual effect (P2R) was estimated as described by Dewey and Lu (1959): 1=P2R + Σpij rij 25 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1. Minimum, maximum and mean values The minimum, maximum, mean and standard error of the studied 12 traits are presented in (Table3). Wide ranges were recorded for days to maturity, plant height, days to emergence, stem per plant, tuber per plant, harvest index, small tuber percentage, medium tuber percentage and big tuber percentage. Sattar et al.(2007) obtained wide range of variation in plant height, days to maturity, tuber yield, stem /plant, days to emergence in potato genotypes in Bangladesh. The range for days to maturity was from 90 for Sako to118 for Menagesha. Days to flowering ranged from 50 for Challa, Gorobella, Bule to 65 for Bubu and plant height ranged from 25.6cm for Sako to 74.8cm for Zengena. Similar to the current study Khayatnezhad et al.(2011) obtained the height of the potato plant ranged from 28.4cm to 71.2cm. Whereas days to emergence, stems/plant, tubers /plant, biological yield, harvest index were 18-31, 16-35, 5.4- 38.2, 0.09kg - 0.5kg and 16.2-20, respectively. The tuber percentage showed wide range of variation in which, the proportion of small, medium and big tuber percentage were varied from 28-91.6%, 6-57.9%, 12-22% , respectively. Tuber yield /plant ranged from 2.00 kg for sako to 6.083kg for chiro. Maximum tuber yield was obtained in Chiro, Gorobella, Bubu, Jalanie, Guassa, Bedassa, Belete, Gudanie and Zengena, respectively had good quality and high yielding varieties in the study area. While low yield was found for Bolbo, Bule, Marachera, Menagesha, Wochecha and Sako(Appendix table 1). Range and mean values in this study indicate that the presence of variability among the tested varieties for most of the traits studied. 26 Table 3. Potato varieties exhibiting extreme values for the 12 characters investigated; their means and standard errors. Trait DE DF DM PH SP TY TP BY HI STP MTP BTP Maximum scoring genotype Mean ± SE Score Genotype Score Genotype Bolbo,Challa,Bule,Bedassa,Zengena 18 31.00 Bubu 21.74±0.42 Challa,Gorobella,Bule Bubu 50.00 65.00 54.81±0.50 90.00 Sako 118.00 Menagesha 102.87±0.79 25.60 Sako 74.80 Zengena 54.38±1.53 16.00 Belete 35.00 Jalanie 24.53±0.64 2.00 Sako 6.083 Chiro 4.44±0.163 Menagesha Bolbo 5.40 38.20 18.02±1.00 Sako Bubu 0.09 0.50 0.25±0.014 Gudanie Challa 16.2 20.00 17.95±0.061 Chiro Bolbo 28 91.60 52.79±2.29 Marachera 6 57.90 Jalanie 36.93±1.71 12 Marachera 22.00 Gorobella 19.92±0.19 Minimum scoring genotype DE = Days to emergence, DF = days to flowering, DM = days to maturity, PH = plant height, SP = stems per plant, TY= Tuber yield, TP = Tubers per plant, BY = Biological yield, HI = Harvest index, STP = Small tubers percentage, MTP = Medium tubers percentage, BTP = Big tubers percentage, SE= standard error 4.1.1. Analysis of variance Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out following the procedures described by Gomez and Gomez (1984). The analysis of variance showed that there were highly significant (p<0.01) differences among the varieties for all the characters (Table 4). This may be attributed to the existence of large variability among varieties maintained at Areka Agricultural Research Center, Hossana Experimental Site. Coefficient of variation was low for all of the agronomic traits studied indicating good precision of the experiment. In close agreement with this study, Khayatnezhad et al.(2011) reported significant differences in plant height, main stem/plant, tuber/plant, average tuber weight, tuber /plant, tuber yield, dry matter content, starch content, medium tuber percentage and big tuber percentage in ten 27 potato genotypes. Haydar et al.(2009a) also reported highly significant differences for plant height and tuber weight/plant. 28 Table 4. Analysis of variance for 12 characters of 18 potato varieties grown at Hosanna, 2012. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Character MSr(2) MSg(17) MSe(34) LSD (5%) CV % ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ DE 9.185 25.195** 1.773 2.210 6.1 DF 1.907 38.558** 1.731 2.183 2.4 DM 2.907 102.162** 2.398 2.569 1.5 PH 4.317 389.948** 2.301 2.517 2.8 SP 7.907 66.986** 1.437 1.989 4.9 TY 1.834 3.8783** 0.197 0.7364 10.0 TP 34.796 149.213** 7.999 4.693 15.7 BY 0.00065 0.032** 0.0016 0.05083 16 HI 0.105 0.243** 0.204 0.7501 2.5 STP 0.939 88.00** 2.9 2.295 3.2 MTP 0.887 486.717** 2.537 2.643 4.3 BTP 4.056 1.874** 1.807 2.272 6.9 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MSr = mean square due to replication, MSg = mean square due to genotype, MSe = mean square due to error, DE = Days to emergence, DF= days to flowering, DM = days to maturity, PH =plant height, SP = stems per plant, TY = Tuber yield, TP = Tubers per plant, BY = Biological yield, HI = Harvest index, STP = small tubers percentage, MTP = Medium tubers percentage, BTP = Big tubers percentage, figures in parenthesis indicate the degree of freedom, LSD=Least significant difference **,*, = significant at p ≤ 0.01 and p ≤0.05 probability level, CV = coefficient of variation , respectively 29 4.1.2. Estimate of Genetic Parameters 4.1.3. Genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation Analysis of different genetic parameters like genotypic and phenotypic variance, genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variability, heritability and genetic advance as percentage of mean for twelve characters under study are presented in (Table 5). High genotypic and phenotypic variance were found for small tuber percentage, medium tuber percentage, plant height, stems per plant, tubers per plant and days to maturity indicating greater scope of selection for the improvement of the six characters while medium genotypic and phenotypic variance were found for days to flowering and days to emergence, denoting medium chance of selection for improvement of these characters while low genotypic and phenotypic variances were observed for big tuber percentage, tuber yield and biological yield. These findings are in close agreement with (Haydar et al., 2009a). However, the phenotypic and genotypic variation values cannot be used for comparing the degree of variability for different characters as the means of the characters to be measured could also be different (Okelola et al., 2007). Therefore, for the comparison purpose coefficients of variations were used. Genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation were higher ( >20%)for medium tuber percentage, biological yield, tubers per plant, tuber yield and plant height. These results are inconformity with the result of (Mondal, 2003) who reported higher genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation for average tuber weight/plant, tuber yield/plant and tubers number/plant in potato. (Haydar, 2007) observed that fresh weight and tuber weight/plant recorded comparatively high estimates of phenotypic coefficient of variability and genotypic coefficient of variability. The characters with high GCV indicate high potential for effective selection (Burton, 1957). However medium GCV and PCV value were found for stems per plant, small tuber percentage and days to emergence. Hence these traits provide practically average chance for selection while low PCV and GCV (<10%) obtained for days to flowering, days to maturity, big tuber percentage and harvest index and hence these traits provide practically less chance for selection. The phenotypic coefficients of variation (PCV) were higher than corresponding genotypic coefficients of variation (GCV) for all the characters 30 studied denoting environmental factors influencing their expression. Relatively wide difference were obtained between PCV and GCV for days to emergence, tuber per plant, biological yield, harvest index and big tuber percentage, indicating greater influence of environment on those traits. Table 5. Estimates of components of variance, heritability (in the broad sense) and genetic advance as percent of mean for 12 characters of potato varieties tested at Hossana, 2012. Character DE σ2 g 7.81 σ2 e 1.773 σ2 p 9.58 PCV(%) 14.23 GCV(%) H2b 12.85 81.52 GA 519.77 GA% 23.86 DF DM PH SP TY TP BY HI STP MTP BTP 12.27 33.25 129.22 21.85 1.23 47.07 0.01 0.013 28.36 161.4 0.26 1.731 2.398 2.301 1.437 0.1970 7.999 0.0016 0.2043 2.9 2.537 1.8074 14.00 35.65 131.52 23.29 1.43 55.07 0.012 0.22 31.26 163.94 2.07 6.82 5.80 21.1 19.66 26.79 41.15 43.8 2.66 10.59 34.70 7.2 6.40 5.61 20.90 19.05 25.4 38.1 40 0.64 10.08 34.4 2.56 670.59 1147.16 2321.11 934.20 212.63 1307.50 18.79 5.701 1044.87 2596.72 37.22 12.23 11.15 42.68 38.08 47.89 72.55 75.19 0.317 19.79 70.31 1.87 87 93.26 98.25 93.97 86.62 85.53 83.3 5.9 90.72 98.45 12.56 DE= Days to emergence, DF= Days to flowering, DM = Days to maturity, PH = Plant height, SP = Stems per plant, TY= Tuber yield, TP = Tubers per plant, BY = Biological yield, HI = Harvest index, STP = Small tubers percentage, MTP = Medium tubers percentage, BTP = Big tubers percentage, σ2g = Genotypic variance, σ2 p = phenotypic variance, σ2e = environmental variance, PCV = phenotypic coefficient of variance, GCV = genotypic coefficient of variance, H2b = Heritability in broad sense, GA = genetic advance and GA% = genetic advance as percent of mean. 31 4.1.4. Broad sense heritability The heritability estimate showed broad ranges of variation (Table 5) among the 12 characters measured. According to Singh(2001), high heritability of trait(≥80%) provides selection for such trait could be fairly easy due to a close correspondence between the variety and the phenotype due to the relative small contribution of the environment to the phenotype. But selection may be considerably difficult or virtually impractical for traits with low heritability (≤40%) due to the masking effect of the environment so that the greater the proportion of the total variability is due to environment. Based on these, small tuber percentage, days to maturity, plant height, days to flowering, tubers per plant, biological yield, days to emergence, medium tuber percentage, tuber yield and stems per plant were found to be the most heritable traits in the potato varieties studied. This indicates that these characters are highly heritable. Also this indicates that selection for these traits in the varieties would be most effective for the expression of these traits in the succeeding generations. Therefore, a good improvement can be made if some of these traits are considered as selection criteria in future breeding program. On the other hand, comparatively low heritability was observed for big tuber percentage and harvest index. Similar findings had been reported for tubers per plant, yield of tuber per plant, plant height, days to maturity and plant vigour by Sattar et al. (2007), and also in agreement with the findings of Ara et al. (2009). Desai and Jaimini (1997) also reported that tuber yield, number of stem, number of leaves, maturity, shoot fresh weight, number of tubers and average tuber weight had high heritability. Heritability value by itself cannot provide the amount of genetic progress that would result from selection of the best individuals (Johnson et al., 1955). The studies carried out by various researchers have shown that high heritability alone is not enough for selection; it must be accompanied with substantial amount of genetic advance (Memon et al., 2007; Mangi et al., 2008). To be used as a selection criterion for the breeding improvement, it has to be coupled with higher predicted genetic gain. According to Allard (1960), the higher the heritability and genetic gain values, the better will be the chance to select genotypes with good performance. 32 4.1.5. Genetic advance The expected genetic advance values for 12 characters of potato varieties evaluated are presented in (Table 5). These values are expressed as percentage of genotypes mean for each character. Therefore, comparison could be made among various characters which had different units of measurement. In this study, relatively higher heritability associated with higher predicted genetic advance was observed for tuber per plant, biological yield and medium tuber percentage indicating the major portion of genotypic variation attributable to additive gene action. These traits therefore, deserve greater attention in future breeding programs for developing better potato varieties. High heritability estimates with genetic advance as percentage of mean are more useful in predicting yield under phenotypic selection than heritability alone according to Mondal (2003) in potato. On the other hand higher heritability associated with medium predicted genetic advance were obtained for plant height, tuber yield, and stems per plant. This findings are in close agreement with that of Haydar et al. (2009b) and Ara et al. (2009) who reported high heritability (in a broad sense) as well as high genetic advance as percentage of mean for plant height, branches number, tubers number and tuber yield. Comparatively, high heritability with low genetic advance was estimated for days to maturity, days to emergence, harvest index, big tuber percentage, small tuber percentage and days to flowering. So, these characters may not be considered important. The association of high heritability with low predicted genetic advance was reported to be attributed by predominant effects of non additive gene (Ahmed et al., 2007). Panse(1957) suggested that effective selection may be done for the characters having high heritability accompanied by high genetic advance which is due to the additive gene effect. He also reported that low heritability accompanied with genetic advance is due to non-additive gene effects for the particular character and would offer less scope for selection because of the influence of environment. 33 4.1.6 . Correlation coefficients The results of the correlation coefficients (Table 6) revealed phenotypic and genotypic correlation between characters. In this study high positive significant correlation was found between tuber yield and biological yield, plant height and tuber yield, tuber per plant and small tuber percentage, stems per plant and tuber per plant. These findings were in agreement with the results of (Burton, 1969), who reported positive significant association between tuber yield and stems per plant, plant height and tuber weight per plant. Days to emergence had high significant positive association with days to flowering and days to maturity. Similarly, days to maturity had high significant positive correlation with biological yield. Plant height and biological yield, tuber yield and plant height had high significant positive associations. This indicates that increase in positively associated characters contributes in order to increase yield per plant. Therefore, for selection purposes to improve tuber yield per plant, it is suggested that emphasis should be given to those positively correlated traits. Yildirim et al. (1997) found similar results for plant height, main stem/plant, average tuber weight, tuber weight/plant and tuber yield. Galarreta et al. (2006) reported that there is a significant correlation between tuber yield with tuber number and tuber weight. Khayatnezhad et al. (2011) determined that significant correlation between tuber yield and stem per plant, tuber weight per plant and tuber yield, plant height and tuber yield, Amadi et al. (2008) also reported that number of tubers and average tuber weight were positively and significantly correlated with yield. These results are in agreement with the current findings. 34 34 Table 6. Phenotypic (above diagonal) and genotypic (below diagonal) correlation coefficient among potato traits. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Trait DE DF DM PH SP TY TP BY HI STP MTP BTP ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DE 1 0.442** 0.364** -0.011 -0.361** 0.156 -0.337* 0.262 -0.237 -0.131 -0.118 -0.010 DF 0.513** 1 -0.082 -0.263 0 .152 -0.006 0.169 0 .163 -0.094 0.056 -0.202 0.145 DM 0.410** -0.084 1 0.313* -0.202 0.100 -0.469** 0.362** -0.138 -0.101 -0.082 0 .179 PH -0.012 -0.273 0.330* 1 0.089 0.574** -0.137 0.404** -0.068 -0.346* 0.252 0.004 SP -0.406** 0.163 -0.214 0.10 1 0.289* 0.449** 0.246 -0.028 0.135 0.073 0.094 TY 0.186 -0.007 0.110 0.615** 0.318* 1 -0.008 0.653** 0.001 -0.423** 0.314* 0.015 TP -0.400** 0.191 -0.512** -0.145 0.491** -0.015 1 -0.051 0.193 0.601** -0.337* 0.148 BY 0.301* 0.18 0.384** 0.415** 0.261 0.720** -0.057 1 -0.042 -0.245 0.086 0.125 HI -1.00** -0.38** -0.55** -0.26 -0.11 0.00 0.816** -0.182 1 0.008 0.079 0.122 STP -0.143 0.016 -0.102 -0.036 0.144 -0.45** 0.635** -0.251 0.00 1 -0.789** 0.112 MTP -0.13 -0.21 -0.084 0.253 0.14 0.34* -0.357* 0.088 0.00 -0.767** 1 -0.196 BTP -0.029 0.418** 0.490** 0.038 0.273 0.016 0.436** 0.35* 1** 0.31* -0.53** 1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ** = Correlation is highly significant at p< 0.01, * = Correlation is significant at p< 0.05, DE = Days to emergence, DF = days to flowering, DM = Days to maturity, PH = plant height, SP = Stems per plant, TY= Tuber yield, TP = Tubers per plant, BY = Biological yield, HI = Harvest index, STP = small tubers percentage, MTP = Medium tubers percentage, BTP = Big tubers percentage. 35 Days to emergence has positive non significant association with tuber yield, biological yield, and negative non- significant correlation with plant height, harvest index, medium tuber percentage, small tuber percentage, big tuber percentage, similarly days to flowering had positive non-significant correlation with stem per plant, tuber per plant, biological yield, small tuber percentage, big tuber percentage and also negatively non-significant relationships with days to maturity, medium tuber percentage, tuber yield, harvest index and plant height. Days to maturity had positive non-significant association with tuber yield, big tuber percentage and negative non-significant correlation with small tuber percentage, medium tuber percentage, harvest index and stems per plant. Plant height has positive non-significant correlation with stem per plant, medium tuber percentage, big tuber percentage and negative non- significant association with tuber per plant and harvest index. Stems per plant had positive nonsignificant relationships with biological yield, small tuber percentage, medium tuber percentage and big tuber percentage, but it had significant positive association with tuber yield. Biological yield had strong positive significant association with small tuber percentage and non-significant correlation with harvest index and big tuber percentage. And characters like, tuber per plant and harvest index, harvest index and medium tuber percentage had positive non- significant associations whereas tuber per plant and biological yield, harvest index and big tuber percentage, tuber yield and tuber per plant, medium tuber percentage and big tuber percentage, harvest index and small tuber percentage had negative non-significant correlation. Therefore, improvement of tuber yield in potato is possible by using appropriate breeding strategy through selection for those positively correlated traits. On the other hand, negative and strong significant correlation were found between small tuber and medium tuber percentage, days to maturity and tuber per plant, tuber per plant and stems per plant, days to emergence and stems per plant. Negative significant association were determined between plant height and small tuber percentage, tuber yield and small tuber percentage, tuber per plant and medium tuber percentage, tuber yield and medium tuber 36 percentage, days to emergence and tuber per plant, days to maturity and plant height. This may be indicative of the existence of a compensatory relationship between pairs of characters. This indicates increase in one of the character may lead to decrease in the other. This is in agreement with the findings of Khayatnezhad et al. (2011), who reported negative significant association between tuber per plant and medium tuber percentage, tuber yield and medium tuber percentage, small tuber percentage and medium tuber percentage. Negative relation was observed between tuber number and tuber weight as it was reported by Hamed et al. (2011). The genotypic correlation coefficients were higher than the corresponding phenotypic correlation coefficients for most of the characters indicating the inherent association among the characters (Table 6). The low phenotypic correlation coefficient could arise due to the modifying effect of environment on the association of characters at genetic level under study as explained by Nandpuri et al.(1973). Johnson et al. (1955) also reported that higher genotypic correlation than phenotypic correlation indicated an inherent association between various characters. However, lower genotypic correlation was obtained between small tuber percentage and plant height, days to flowering and medium tuber percentage, harvest index and tuber yield, small tuber percentage and harvest index, medium tuber percentage and harvest index (Table 6).This may be indicative of low inherent association between the characters. On the other hand, big tuber percentage had perfect positive correlation with harvest index at genetic level indicates increase in one character lead to increase in the other character, but harvest index had perfect negative association with days to emergence. 4.1.7. Path coefficients analysis Phenotypic direct and indirect effects of characters on tuber yield In the present study, the phenotypic and genotypic correlation coefficients of the tuber yield with other characters were further divided into direct and indirect effects using path coefficient analysis. In computing the path analysis the tuber yield was considered as a dependent variable while the rest of the variables were used as independent variable. 37 Path coefficient analysis based on tuber yield as a dependent variable obtained positive direct effect for harvest index, stems per plant, days to emergence, tuber per plant, plant height and biological yield (Table 7). Compared to simple correlation, path analysis of tuber yield and its characters shows that days to emergence, stems per plant, biological yield, and harvest index exerted positive highest direct influence on tuber yield. Whereas days to flowering, days to maturity, small, medium and big tuber percentage exerted high negative direct influence on tuber yield. Conversely tuber per plant and plant height had positive and low direct effect on tuber yield. Stems per plant had the greatest direct effect on tuber yield. Its indirect effect on tuber yield were positive through days to maturity, plant height, tuber per plant and biological yield but negative through days to emergence, days to flowering, harvest index, small, medium and big tuber percentage. The second highest positive direct effect on tuber yield was days to emergence. While it had highest positive indirect effect via biological yield, days to maturity, and low via small tuber percentage and big tuber percentage. Thirdly, plant height had highest direct effect on tuber yield and its indirect effect was positive and high through biological yield and small tuber percentage. Finally biological yield had highest direct effect on tuber yield with high positive indirect effect via days to emergence, plant height, stem per plant and small tuber percentage. The strong positive direct effect of the characters studied shows positive correlation with tuber yield. This analysis showed that days to emergence, plant height, stems per plant, biological yield and harvest index were the main characters for tuber yield. Sattar et al.(2007) obtained tuber per plant, average weight of tuber, number of compound leaves per plant had high positive direct effect on tuber yield. He also reported that negative indirect effect for dry matter content. Strong negative direct effect were obtained for small tuber percentage, medium tuber percentage, days to flowering and days to maturity whereas small tuber percentage had high positive indirect effect via medium tuber percentage and vice versa. Days to maturity had high positive indirect effect through days to emergence, plant height and biological yield but low positive via days to flowering, small and medium tuber percentage. 38 Big tuber percentage had negative medium direct effect on tuber yield with its positive indirect effect via all characters except for days to flowering and days to maturity. This suggests that low correlation between these characters and tuber yield. Yildirim et al. (1997), Amadi et al. (2008), Lopez et al. (1987), Ozkaynak and Samanchi, 2005, Rasool et al. (2006), stated that tuber per plant and tuber weight had positive and highest direct effects on tuber yield. These findings were in accordance with the results of present study. Khayatnezhad et al. (2011) reported medium tuber percentage, tuber per plant, tuber weight per plant had highest direct effect on tuber yield. This is also in agreement with the current findings. He also reported that small tuber percentage had negative low direct effect on tuber yield, which disagree with this finding. The residual effect (0.214) indicated that about 78.6 percent of the variability in tuber yield was contributed by the eleven characters studied in path analysis. About 21.4 percent of the variability towards yield in the present study might be due to many reasons such as other characters which were not studied, environmental factors and sampling errors as stated by Sengupta&Karatia(1971). 39 Table 7. Path coefficient analysis showing direct (bold) and indirect influence (off diagonal) of 11 characters on tuber yield of potato at phenotypic level tested at Hossana. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Trait DE DF DM PH SP TP BY HI STP MTP BTP rp __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DE 0.449 -0.1410 0.1630 -0.0490 -0.1621 -0.1513 0.1176 -0.1064 -0.0588 0.0529 0.0045 0.156 DF -0.1330 -0.301 0.0246 0.0791 -0.0457 -0.0508 -0.0491 0.0283 -0.0168 0.0608 -0.0436 -0.006 DM -0.0768 0.0173 -0.2110 -0.0660 0.0426 0.0989 -0.0763 0.0291 0.0213 0.0173 -0.0377 0.100 PH -0.0004 -0.0959 0.1142 0.3650 0.0324 -0.0489 0.1474 -0.0248 -0.1328 0.0919 0.0001 0.574** SP -0.1963 0.0826 -0.1098 0.0484 0.5440 0.2442 0.1338 -0.0152 0.0734 0.0397 0.0511 0.289* TP -0.0007 0.0003 -0.0009 -0.0003 0.0009 0.0211 -0.0001 0.0004 0.0126 -0.0007 0.0297 -0.008 BY 0.0875 0.0544 0.1209 0.1349 0.0821 -0.0170 0.334 -0.0140 -0.0818 0.0287 0.0417 0.653** HI -0.0706 -0.0280 -0.0411 -0.0202 -0.0008 0.0575 -0.0125 0.2980 0.0002 0.0235 0.0363 0.001 STP 0.0745 -0.0318 0.0574 0.2071 -0.0768 -0.3419 0.1394 -0.0050 -0.569 0.4489 0.0637 -0.423** MTP 0.0487 0.0834 0.0338 -0.1040 -0.0301 0.1392 -0.0355 -0.0325 0.3258 -0.413 0.0809 0.314* BTP 0.0001 -0.0245 -0.0302 -0.0001 -0.0158 -0.0250 -0.0211 -0.0206 -0.0189 0.0331 -0.169 0.015 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Residual effect = 0.214, ** = is significant at p< 0.01, * = is significant at p< 0.05 DE = Days to emergence, DF = Days to flowering, DM = Days to maturity, PH = Plant height, SP = Stems per plant, TY=Tuber yield, TP = Tubers per plant, BY = Biological yield, HI = Harvest index, STP = Small tubers percentage, MTP = Medium tubers percentage, BTP = Big tubers percentage, rp = phenotypic correlation. 40 Genotypic direct and indirect effects of characters on tuber yield Path coefficient analysis showing direct and indirect effects of eleven characters on tuber yield of potato at genetic level are presented in (Table 8). The highest positive direct effect was obtained for small tuber percentage followed by days to flowering, medium tuber percentage, biological yield, stems per plant while low were found for plant height, harvest index and big tuber percentage. However, days to maturity and days to emergence exerted highest negative direct influence on tuber yield. Small tuber percentage had strongest direct effect on tuber yield with low positive indirect effects via all the characters except medium tuber percentage. Whereas days to flowering had negative low indirect effect through days to emergence, plant height, harvest index and medium tuber percentage but low positive indirect effects were found for the rest characters. Tuber per plant had low direct effect as compared to its indirect effect via days to maturity and small tuber percentage. Similarly, big tuber percentage was found to have low direct effect relative to its indirect effect through small tuber percentage and harvest index. Biological yield, stems per plant and medium tuber percentage had significant genotypic correlations with yield and exerted highest direct effect on tuber yield indicating these characters are more important than others for genetic improvement of potato yield. The genotypic residual effect (0.345) of path analysis shows about 65.5 of the variability is due to eleven characters studied. Also indicates that studied characters were enough to contribute tuber yield per plant in potato. 41 Table 8. Path coefficient analysis showing direct (bold) and indirect influence (off diagonal) of 11 characters on tuber yield of potato at genotypic level tested at Hossana. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Trait DE DF DM PH SP TP BY HI STP MTP BTP rg _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DE - 0.153 -0.0785 -0.0627 0.0018 0.0621 0.0612 -0.0461 0.1530 0.0218 0.0198 0.0044 0.186 DF 0.0938 0.183 -0.0154 -0.0499 0.0298 0.0349 0.0329 -0.0695 0.0029 -0.0384 0.0765 -0.007 DM -0.1496 0.0031 -0.365 -0.1204 0.0781 0.1868 -0.1402 0.2007 0.0372 0.0306 -0.1788 0.110 PH -0.0012 -0.0267 0.0323 0.098 0.0098 -0.0142 0.0406 -0.0255 -0.0035 0.0249 0.0037 0.615** SP -0.0434 0.0174 -0.0228 0.0107 0.107 0.0525 0.0279 -0.0117 0.0154 0.0149 0.0292 0.318* TP 0.0382 0.0208 -0.0558 -0.0158 0.0535 0.109 -0.0062 0.0889 0.0692 -0.0389 0.0475 -0.015 BY -0.1069 0.0228 0.0487 0.0527 0.0331 -0.0072 0.127 -0.0231 -0.0318 0.0112 0.0445 0.720** HI -0.095 -0.0361 -0.0523 -0.0247 -0.0104 0.0775 -0.0171 0.095 0.0000 0.000 0.095 0.000 STP -0.1069 0.0119 -0.0763 -0.0268 0.1077 0.4749 -0.1877 0.000 0.748 -0.5737 0.2318 -0.45** MTP -0.0227 -0.0367 -0.014 0.0443 0.0245 -0.0624 0.0154 0.000 0.1342 0.175 -0.0927 0.34* BTP -0.0024 0.0351 0.0411 0.0032 0.0229 0.0366 0.0294 0.084 0.0260 -0.0445 0.084 0.016 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Residual effect= 0.345,**= is significant at p< 0.01, * = is significant at p< 0.05 DE = Days to emergence, DF = Days to flowering, DM = Days to maturity, PH = Plant height, SP = Stems per plant, TY=Tuber yield, TP = Tubers per plant, BY = Biological yield, HI = Harvest index, STP = Small tubers percentage, MTP = Medium tubers percentage, BTP = Big tubers percentage, rg = genotypic correlation. 42 5. SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5. 1. Summary The cultivated potatoes of world commerce are collectively designated under the name Solanum tuberosum L. It is one of the important crops in the developed as well as in the developing countries of the world due to its characteristics of being a staple food and high yielding potential. Therefore, there is a bright prospect to promote potato crop as supplementary food in developed and developing countries of the world. It is the most industrial plant which plays an important role in feeding the world. Comparing with rice and wheat, potato consists the valuable amount of energy and protein per unit area. Potato production in Ethiopia covers an area of about 1600,000 ha. Ethiopia is known to have a suitable edaphic and climatic condition for the production of high quality potatoes. For making comparative study of a few traits to select desirable ones from different genotypes different genetic parameters such as genotypic and phenotypic variance, genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variability, heritability (H2b) and genetic advance as percentage of mean and correlation coefficient and path analysis were done for twelve characters under study. The genotypic coefficients of variation (GCV) were less than corresponding phenotypic coefficients of variation (PCV) for all characters, denoting environmental factors influencing their expression. Significant differences among all the genotypes were obtained. Correlation coefficient analysis measures the magnitude of relationship between various plant characters and determines the component characters on which selection can be based for improvement in potato tuber yield. However, path coefficient analysis helps to determine the direct effect of traits and their indirect effects on yield. This study was intended to clarify the inter relationship between yield and some agronomic traits in potato by partitioning the observed phenotypic correlation into direct and indirect effect in order to identify traits of utmost 43 importance that may be used as selection criteria in breeding potato for improved yield. The result of correlation coefficient for tuber yield had strong positive and significant association between plant height and biological yield. On the contrary strong and negative significant relations were obtained between, tuber yield and small tuber percentage, tuber per plant and medium tuber percentage, tuber yield and medium tuber percentage In path coefficient analysis, stem per plant, days to emergence, plant height and biological yield had highest direct effect on tuber yield. 5.2. Conclusions Path coefficient analysis helps to determine the direct effect of traits and their indirect effect on yield. In this study small and medium tuber percentage, stems per plant and biological yield at genetic level and days to emergence, plant height biological yield, stems per plant at phenotypic level exerted highest direct effect on tuber yield indicating that these traits are of utmost importance and could be used successfully as indices for selection for high yields in potato. Most of the traits except harvest index and big tubers percentage were found to be most heritable. Higher heritability associated with higher predicted genetic advance was observed for tuber per plant, biological yield and medium tuber percentage indicating the major portion of genotypic variation attributable to additive gene action. These traits therefore, deserve greater attention in future breeding programs for developing better potato varieties. 5.3 . Recommendation High yield with good quality is the most important objective in potato breeding. 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Mean values of studied traits, measured from 18 potato varieties NO 1 2 Genotype DE DF Awash Bedassa 22.67 21.00cde 52.33 55.00cd 94.00 103.67cd 49.60 59.73de 23.67 27.00cd 4.558 5.150bcde 13.73 19.73abc 3 4 5 6 7 Belete Bolbo BUbu BUle Challa 23.33bc 19.33ef 29.67k 18.67ef 19.33ef 53.00def 52.33efg 61.67a 50.33g 50.00g 104.67bc 98.00L 106.67b 104.00bcd 101.33 54.33gh 56.87fg 65.40b 60.87cd 48.63I 17.33h 28.67bc 24.33def 26.33de 19.33gh 5.018cdef 4.122gh 5.583abc 3.403Hi 4.225fg 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Chiro Gera Gorobella Guassa Gudenie Jalanie Marachera 24.67b 20.00ef 20.00ef 19.33ef 24.00b 24.00b 58.67b 54.67cde 52.00fg 56.33bc 53.67def 56.67bc 53.67def 102.67cde 102.67cde 104.67bc 102.67cde 103.33cde 102.00cde 110.00n 57.83ef 67.20b 61.20cd 47.80I 62.70c 52.73h 43.33k 22.33f 20.00g 30.00b 32.33a 23.33ef 34.00a 18.33gh 15 16 17 18 Menagesha Sako Wochecha Zengena 24.00b 20.67de 22.67bcd 18.00f 56.67bc 63.33a 53.33def 53.00def 118.00m 90.00s 102.67cde 100.67e 54.93gh 26.13m 36.13L 73.47a 23.67ef 26.33de 19.67g 25.00def bcd 20.00ef DM efg PH k SP I TY ef TP defg BY defg HI e STP MTP d BTP 0.1067 0.2167d b 17.667 18.000a e 42.67 52.67n 40.00 23.67g 19.13ab 20.20a 10.67fgh 36.80L 16.00bcde 18.87abcd 14.73cdefg 0.3667abc 0.1933d 0.4133a 0.2000d 0.1300e 18.000a 18.000a 18.000a 18.000a 18.667a 31.00g 89.87a 48.67c 49.23c 38.67f 37.00e 24.00g 34.00e 46.00c 57.23a 20.20a 20.20a 20.20a 20.20a 18.47b 6.083a 4.334efg 5.857ab 5.275abcd 4.883cdefg 5.567abc 3.367hI 18.67abcd 15.40cdef 16.07bcde 21.33ab 13.27efg 22.73a 22.47a 0.3333bc 0.1967d 0.3000c 0.3967ab 0.2933c 0.4000a 0.3000c 18.000a 18.000a 18.000a 18.000a 17.400b 18.000a 18.000a 28.90g 62.00b 57.67c 60.67b 47.33cd 42.33e 88.00a 51.37b 26.00fg 41.67d 27.00f 45.83c 53.23b 7.67w 20.20a 20.20a 20.20a 20.20a 17.47b 20.20a 20.20a 3.123h 2.000s 2.770I 4.733defg 6.73h 28.80m 9.60gh 18.87abc 0.1967d 0.0900e 0.1967d 0.3433abc 17.473b 18.000a 18.000a 18.000a 46.00d 72.00m 56.00c 36.67f 36.10ef 26.00fg 40.00d 48.00c 20.80a 20.20a 20.20a 20.20a Values with the same superscript letters are non-significantly different at p≤ 0.05, DE= Days to emergence, DF= days to flowering, DM = days maturity, PH = plant height, SP = stems per plant, TY= Tuber yield, TP =Tubers per plant, BY = Biological yield, HI = Harvest index, STP = small tubers percentage, MTP=Medium tubers percentage, BTP=Big tubers percentage 55 56