2014-15 WORKPLAN – AETC U.S./MEXICO BORDER PROJECT GOAL 1. The Mountain Plains (MPAETC), Pacific (PAETC), and Texas/Oklahoma (TX/OK AETC) Regional AETCs, in collaboration with the AETC National Resource Center (NRC) and the AETC National Evaluation Center (NRC) will help meet HHS-MAI goals by expanding the ability of health care providers (HCPs) serving U.S.-Mexico Border communities in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas to provide high-quality HIV prevention, diagnosis, and clinical care services. While this proposal is responsive to many of the 2010 National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) recommendations, most activities are in support of the following Implementation Plan targets: Increasing access to care and improving health outcomes for people living with HIV (PLWH) through workforce development Achieving a more coordinated national response to the HIV epidemic in the United States through increased partnerships with area agencies Reducing HIV-related health disparities by building capacity of health care providers in the region KEY NEEDS ASSESSMENT FINDINGS SUPPORTING THIS GOAL: • Mobility and migration along the U.S.-Mexico Border increases HIV risk, as indicated by high rates of sexual risk behaviors documented among male migrant farmworkers. Recent data indicated increasing HIV prevalence in the border region, which is one of the poorest areas in the United States and which has some of the worst health outcomes and lowest rates of health insurance in the country. 58% of new HIV-infected patients had AIDS at time of enrollment in border Ryan White clinics during 2001-2005, indicating late diagnosis and a poorer prognosis. Barriers to care included medication side effects and stigma. Objective 1 During 2014-2015 MPAETC, PAETC, and TX/OK AETC, with the support of the NRC and the NEC, will deliver comprehensive, needs-based HIV education, training, technical assistance, and capacity building programs including topic-specific resources to a minimum of 500 health care providers along the U.S.-Mexico Border. The exchange of information will address at least 4 of the key FTCC Border Collaborative topic areas (Engagement in Care; Mental Health & Substance Abuse; Violence, Trauma, & PTSD; Stigma & Discrimination; and/or HIV Workforce Development [WFD]). Key Action Steps Time-frame Key Staff Evaluation Measures Collaborate with regional and national partners, including Community Q 3-4 UMBAST team: NM AETC, Correspondence, emails Health Centers and U.S.-Mexico Border serving agencies, to reach MPAETC, PAETC, PAETC LPSs, Meeting minutes 1.1 clinicians in U.S.-Mexico Border communities. TX/OK AETC, NRC, NEC, FTCC partners Provide 10-20 technical assistance and capacity building programs Ongoing UMBAST team: NM AETC, AETC evaluation and with 2-4 border CHCs in each state (AZ, CA, NM, TX) regarding HIVMPAETC, PAETC, PAETC LPSs, documentation tools: 1.2 related issues (retention, oral health issues, National HIV/AIDS TX/OK AETC, NRC, NEC, FTCC ERs, PIFs, ACRE, PEFs, Strategy, healthcare reform, substance abuse referrals). partners QOPs Develop and deliver “Training providers to keep highly-mobile HIVOctober 3 2014 UMBAST team: NM AETC, AETC evaluation and infected patients in continuous care across and between borders” 3 MPAETC, PAETC, PAETC LPSs, documentation tools: 1.3 Hour Seminar for the U.S .Conference on AIDS in San Diego TX/OK AETC, NRC, NEC, FTCC ERs, PIFs, ACRE, PEFs, partners QOPs Develop prioritized learning objectives for the border in collaboration Finalized by UMBAST team: NM AETC, Meeting minutes with the NEC. October, 2014 MPAETC, PAETC, PAETC LPSs, Attendance lists 1.4 Workgroup TX/OK AETC, NRC, NEC, FTCC Completed Learning calls partners Objectives 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 Develop and/or Update standardized curriculum to address those objectives and link to evaluation Finalized by 02/15/15 Monthly calls Identify health care provider training programs on the border to begin process of assisting them with integrating HIV/ID experience into the curriculum. Ongoing Disseminate U.S.-Mexico Border specific HIV resources to clinicians and other health care providers on the U.S.-Mexico Border in HPSAs, via web site, Listservs, and through partnering agency marketing sources. Participate in the planning, logistical support, and execution of a 4part Border Issues webinar series and face-to-face training events offered through the Federal Training Center Collaborative effort (FTCC; collaboration with PTC, ATTC, RTC, and RTMCC). Deliver series to 50-100 border providers on topics covering TB, liver toxicity, and HIV testing in addictions treatment centers. Deliver 2 Level II, 1-day face-to-face training events to 60 border service providers on the AntiRetroviral Treatment and Access to Services (ARTAS) linkage to care strategy addressing the FTCC Border Collaborative topic area of Engagement in Care. Participants will receive ARTAS materials. Provide 3 technical assistance and capacity building programs with 12 border CHCs/US ICE facilities in CA and AZ regarding HIV-related issues (retention, National HIV/AIDS Strategy, healthcare reform, substance abuse referrals, transgender health). TA may include technology consults (e.g., using EMRs to implement routine testing) and WFD (e.g., using federal incentives to recruit border clinicians). Provide 1-2 Level II workshops for 50-100 border providers on InterAgency Border Collaborative (collaborate with PTC, ATTC, RTC, and Curry TB Center) themes, including Engagement in Care, MH and Substance Abuse, Violence, Trauma and PTSD, Stigma and Discrimination, and other topics based on needs assessments. Workshops will be co-sponsored with at least one border CHC and 2-3 FTCC partners UMBAST team: NM AETC, MPAETC, PAETC, PAETC LPSs, TX/OK AETC, NRC, NEC, FTCC partners UMBAST team: NM AETC, MPAETC, PAETC, PAETC LPSs, TX/OK AETC, NRC, NEC, FTCC partners TX/OK Director and Distance Learning and Web Education Coordinator Meeting minutes Attendance lists Completed Curriculum Q2-4 TX/OK AETC Director; TX/OK region’s PTC, RTC, RTMCC, & ATTC representatives Meeting Notes Q 3-4 TX/OK Border LPSs, TX/OK Program Manager and TX/OK region’s PTC FTCC PIFs, ER, Standard evaluation tool UCLA, UCSD, and AZ LPSs ERs, PIFs pre-/post-test for knowledge change PAETC LPSs, CA PTC, Cardea Services (RTC), PS ATTC, Curry TB Center, AETC NRC Pre/Post test; ACRE evaluation Q2 Ongoing Q 2-4 Meeting minutes Completed Lists and contacts from sites in each state Website postings; eblast messages 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 Conduct 2-3 Mental Health and HIV on the Border cross-training workshops for 50-100 providers on issues such as Substance Abuse, Co-morbidities, Stigma/Discrimination, Harm Reduction, and Trauma. UCLA and UCSD will present Continuum of HIV Care Level II workshops for 30 HCPs at 1-2 border trainings in San Diego Complete Level I education encounters with 73 Border-area HCPs. Topics to include: HIV 101, Engagement in Care; Violence, Trauma & PTSD; Stigma & Discrimination; and/or Cultural Awareness Complete Level II education encounters with 109 Border-area HCP. Topics to include: Engagement in Care; Hep C Treatment; MH & Substance Abuse; Violence, Trauma & PTSD, Stigma & Discrimination; and/or Cultural Awareness Complete 74 Level IV encounters with Border-area HCP using local, regional, and national resources including training providers on the border via project ECHO telehealth weekly HIV clinic. Provide concentrated, intense TA and CBA for identified Border area clinics: Las Cruces Memorial Medical Center and CCC, DoH Collaborate with Project ECHO to implement a plan to assess the impact of border-region programming through participation in strategic planning process and outcome evaluation analysis and reporting. Assess HIV-related learning needs of HCP in ICE facilities (Alamogordo & Chaparrel); adapt existing training programs to those needs, implement training, and evaluate outcomes. The NEC will provide evaluation-oriented support to Border-funded regions, with emphasis on analyzing trends, developing multi-site measures, and improving collaboration between sites. Q 3-4 PAETC/UCLA LPS and PSATTC Pre/Post test; ACRE evaluation Q 2-4 UCLA & UCSD LPSs Q 2-4 MPAETC NM LPS staff PIF, PEF, Pre/Post and ACRE evaluation ER, PIF, and evaluation forms Q 2-4 MPAETC NM LPS staff ER, PIF, and evaluation forms Q 2-4 MPAETC NM LPS staff ER, PIF, and evaluation forms MPAETC, NM LPS staff, and MPAETC Evaluation Team MPAETC PI & Evaluator, NM LPS faculty & staff CBA reports, New repeat trainee report UMBAST meeting minutes Outcome evaluation analysis ERs of TA and CBA reports on ICE facilities On going through Q4 Strategic planning on monthly calls On-going Q 1-4 MPAETC PI, NM LPS faculty & staff NEC Director NEC Assistant Director multisite evaluation measures (ACRE) 1.20 implemented documentation of TA to Border-funded AETCs The NRC will maintain and enhance the UMBAST website Q 1-4 NRC Web Manager 1,500 page hits (AETCBorderHealth.org) to include the latest epidemiology and NRC Blog Manager Updated resource 1.21 border resource information, incorporating FTCC border trainings into Blog Author directory a cross-regional calendar and develop and maintain the Border HIV AETC/FTC border Training Blog training calendar Objective 2 During 2014-2015, the AETC U.S./Mexico Project will collaborate in a coordinated manner to provide excellent programming to meet the overall goal of the work plan. Key Action Steps Time-frame Key Staff Evaluation Measures 2.1 During 2014-2015, the New Mexico LPS of the MPAETC will continue leadership for the AETC U.S/Mexico. Border Project. Ongoing 2.2 The three border region AETC UMBAST coordinators, HRSA representatives, FTCC representatives and other border stakeholders will participate in monthly conference calls that will update group members on border collaborative activities and will serve as a planning and coordinating group. Collaborate with UMBAST Team to support program planning during annual border planning summit. monthly calls 2.3 2.4 Collaborate with the US Mexico Border Health Commission (USMBHC), Ventanillas de Salud, and the SPNS project. NM LPS Program Manager, NM AETC faculty and Staff, MPAETC PI/Director TX/OK, PAETC, and NM border coordinators, NRC Web Manager, HRSA partners and others Email announcements Coordinated conference calls & meetings Call Minutes Coordinated work plans Q1-Q2 NM LPS Program Manager to lead planning group with participants from MPAETC, PAETC, PAETC LPSs, TX/OK AETC, NRC, NEC, FTCC partners Ongoing TX/OK, PAETC, and NM border coordinators, NRC Web Manager, HRSA partners and others Planning summit dates & venue set Planning summit agenda Planning summit minutes Attendance records Plans for competitive renewal grant in place Coordinated conference calls & meetings Collaborative events scheduled and ER, PIF, and evaluation forms collected