Famous Missourians By Room 148 Who am I ? By: Julia • I once lived in Virgina. • I became an apprentice to a cabinet maker in 1827. • Not long after this time at the Pennsylvania academy of fine arts he tried making a living from painting. • I Studied and painted Frontier life. • I did paintings like Rafts men playing cards in 1847, Settlers through the Cumberland gap and others too. George Caleb Binghem • The Jolly Flatboat men Who am I • I was one of America’s greatest writers and humorists. • I was born in Florida, Missouri, I am best known for his two classic novels of boyhood life on the Mississippi river, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. • His childhood home of Hannibal, Missouri, which inspired many of his literary creations, has become an attraction for thousands of tourists each year. Samuel Clemens Who am I? • I was posthumously awarded the Pulitzer Prize for music. • I became known as "The King of Ragtime“. • I am a pianist. • I created the “Maple Leaf Rag” and “The Entertainer” Scott Joplin • I lived a life in slavery. • I revolutionized and made agriculture easier. • Through tough research I developed more than 300 by-products from the peanut and sweat potato. • I was the first chair of the department of agriculture at the institute in Alabama called the Tuskegee institute. George Washington Carver Who am I ? By Allie I am one of the greatest military leaders. I commanded the American Expeditionary force (AEF) during world war 1. I Am the only American to be named General of the Armies. I was a one rank above the 5 star Generals in world war 2. I Am General J. Pershing! Who am I? By: Ashlee • In Kansas city I started my journalism career and was on the one man news report with the kcmo radio station. • I covered every meager news report throughout 60years of journalism. • I was awarded the acidity of television arts and science “Hall of fame”. • I married Betsy Maxwell and had three kids and four grandkids. Walter Cronkite Who am I? By: Charlotte baugh • I was the founder of the J.C. Penny company • • • department stores. By combining high ethical principals with sound economic practices and concern for his customers. He built one small store into a vast retail empire. He grew up believing in God, self –reliance, Self –control, honor , and the Christian ethic of the golden rule. James Cash Penny Who am I ?? By: Colleen I was one of the leaders of the regionalist movement in the world of art. I was born in Neosho, Missouri I received international renown as a painter, muralist, and print maker I am famous for my dramatic paintings of the American scene. I am best known for my panorama of Missouri History found in the lounge of the Missouri House of Representatives and my Truman library mural depicting the role of independence, Missouri in the opening of the west. Thomas Hart Benton This is one of Thomas’s pictures called “Benton and the Oregon Trail” Who am I ? by: Dalton I used my childhood and adulthood experiences on America. I wrote books liked by kids and adults. I wrote the book little house. My work has stayed continuously in print since the books first came in the 1930 . Laura Ingalls wilder Who am I??? By. Dominic • I commanded the American Expeditionary Force. • Also Master of military tactics. • I established 200 million men in 18 months. • Last I’m one of the 5 star generals of word war 2. • Who am I? General John J. Pershing!!!! Who am I? By; Gary • I am a General at American Extraordinary Force. (AEF) • I became a master of military tactics through my training at the United States military academy and my teaching at West Point. • I am the only American to be named General of the armies in my life time by a special act of Congress, one rank above the five-star Generals of World War 2. General John J. Pershing How am I ? By: Jasmine • I was a slave to achieve international fame as a scientist, botanist and educator. • I was borne near Diamond revolutionized. • Developed more then 300 product from the sweet potato and the peanut. • I was the chair of the department of agriculture at the Tuskegee institute in Alabama. I am George Washington caver Who Am I? By: Jessica • In 1936 I met an advertised writer named Betsy Maxwell. • I was a Bureau chief in1946-1948. • On January 1981 I was awarded “The Medal of Fame”. • In 1996 I wrote a book called ”A Reporter’s Life”. • During my spare time I like to go sailing on my Yacht, Wyntje. • I also built a solid foundation in which I used to print for my journal entry in the newspaper. Who Am I? By: Jessica I am the one and only……………. Walter Cronkite! Who am i? By: Jared In 1827 I became an apprentice to a cabinetmaker in Boonville. After a short period at the Pennsylvania Academy of fine arts he tried making a living from painting. He also painted portraits from frontier life. Some popular paintings he made was Boatmen on the Missouri, Raftsmen playing cards and Fur Traders Descending the Missouri. George Caleb Bingham One of our famous Missourians By: John I was the founder of company department stores. I built one small store into a vast retail empire. I grew up believing in god. I had self-reliance, self-discipline honor and the Christian ethic of golden rule. I was borne on a small farm outside of Hamilton Missouri. Ho am I. I am James Cash penny The end. Who am I. By Levi • He used to be one of the leaders of regionalist movement in the world of art. • He was an internationaly renown painter, muralist, printmaker. • He is famous for dramatic paintings of American Scene. • He is also good at panorama, Missouri History found in the lounge of Missouri House of Representatives and his Truman Library mural of independence. • He were a outspoken champion in belief of the American Art. • He is a famous artist. Thomas Hart Benton Who am I? By: Mathew Alan Childs I was one of the most highly regarded presidents. I was our 33rd president. I became president during the death of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. I was buried in Independence, Missouri. Harry S. Truman Who Am I? by Ryan • I was born in Wright City and I went with my family to St.Charles. • I lived with my family until I was nine like my farther did. • I interd the German Evangelical yond of North America. • I was a pastern of church in Detroit to 1915 to 1928. Reinhold Niebuhr Who am I by: Steven I used my child hood and adolescent experiences on the American frontier to write. My family home is in the Ozarks near Mansfield Missouri. My work has remained continuously in print. I wrote the Little House books. Laura Ingalls Wilder Who Am I By: Tonia I was named the “Most trusted man in America for half a century. I moved to Houston and I began my journalism career. I did journalism for more than 60 years. In January, 1981, President Carter awarded me the medal of freedom. Walter Cronkite Who am I by Tyler • I am one of America’s greatest writers and humorists. • I wrote about my life on the Mississippi river. • I was know for my classic novels ,Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. • My life in Hannibal inspired many of my literary creations. Mark twain or Samuel Clemens Who am I? By: Zach • I was an ambulance driver in world war 1. • I won a record of 32 academy awards in my lifetime. • I made the 1st synchronized sound cartoon[ steamboat Willie]. • I create animated moves. • I created Disneyland. Walter Elias Disney Who am I? • • • • I I was born in Joplin, Missouri. I am a writer. I wrote a lot of poetry. I wrote about the African American Experience. Langston Hughes I've known rivers: I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins. My soul has grown deep like the rivers. I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young. I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me to sleep. I looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it. I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans, and I've seen its muddy bosom turn all golden in the sunset. I've known rivers: Ancient, dusky rivers. My soul has grown deep like the rivers Resources • Pictures are hyperlinked to appropriate sources.