
PSYC 200 Spring 2015
PSYC 200 – Introduction to Statistical Methods
Spring 2015
Class Meetings:
In emergency:
Office Hours:
Dee Bailey
DDH B121
PSYC 200 #31212 Section 02
Mondays 5:15-7:20pm in Classroom Bldg. 106
Wednesdays 5:15-7:20pm in WS Library Computer Lab 5
Call CSUB Campus Police at 654-2111 or dial 911
M/W 2:30 pm to 3:00 pm
This course is intended to provide you with the skills necessary to critically evaluate
information that you are exposed to on a daily basis. Regardless of your career goal, you should be
educated consumers of information. To do well in this course, you must understand the basics in the
beginning; so be sure to ask questions if you do not understand. The only dumb question is the one
you do not ask! Statistics does not have to be your worst class, and you do not need to be a math
genius to do well in this course. In fact, mathematics is only a modest portion of your course content.
If you have difficulty with time management, reading independently, listening attentively,
working with others in a group setting, or cannot/ will not buy the book and necessary materials, then
this course is not for you. The skills you are expected to practice in this class are the same skills that
will be expected of you within your careers. As you read further, you will learn that I do not take too
kindly to issues of poor attendance and tardiness either. However, I will do everything I can to not
only help you through this course, but to help you take away some valuable learning tools as well.
CSUB Catalog Course Description: The use of basic statistical methods in designing and
analyzing psychological experiments. Topics covered include basic descriptive statistics, the
normal curve, correlation, regression, and commonly used parametric and nonparametric
inferential statistical techniques. Prerequisite: MATH 85 or three years of college preparatory
Math and satisfaction of ELM requirement. (Credit cannot be earned for both PSYC 200 and
MATH 140.) GE B4.
PSYC 200 Spring 2015
Student Learning Outcomes:
Outcome 2.1: Describe the basic characteristics of the
science of psychology.
Outcome 2.3: Evaluate the appropriateness of
conclusions derived from psychological research.
Outcome 3.1: Use critical thinking effectively.
Composing 1 data gathering APA paper; 3 Exams, 17
Composing 1 data gathering APA paper.
Composing 1 data gathering APA paper; 3 Exams;
applied SPSS vignettes and problems.
 Required Text: Heiman, G.W. (2012). STAT (2nd edition). Belmont, CA: Cengage.
 Scientific Calculator: ...must have square root and squaring function keys (no cell phone
 Pencils - no pens!!! (Work written in pen will NOT be accepted)
 Quizzes or other work that is turned-in must not have ragged edges. All turned-in work
must have smooth edges or it will not be accepted.
Students who are entitled to accommodations under the ADA can contact me at their
earliest convenience to make appropriate arrangements. I adhere to all rules and
regulations set forth by CSUB’s Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office (Tel. 654-3360). Please let me know AS SOON
AS POSSIBLE to better ensure such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.
Academic Integrity
Plagiarism occurs when you use the exact written or spoken words, a summary of written or
spoken words, and/or the ideas that someone else has produced without giving the original
author credit. When you use another author’s material you must give that person credit by
indicating the source of the material in your text. Buying a paper or having someone write your
paper is also considered plagiarism. A plagiarized paper will receive no (0%) credit.
Exams will consist of M/C, short answer questions, and practical application problems. Each
exam may be comprised of content from the text as well as lecture discussion, including
concept/application questions as well as calculations. You may use a 5x7 index card for each
exam to use for quick reference notes. WARNING: If you are more than 15 minutes late for an
exam, you will not be allowed to take the exam. No make-up exams will be given. NO
Quizzes will be given at the beginning of each class. Students must be in class at exactly 5:15
pm to take a quiz. Students who arrive later than 5:15 pm will not be allowed to take the quiz
and will lose the points without the ability to make-up the quiz. Also, students who leave class
prior to instructor dismissal will forfeit their quiz points for that day. No make-up quizzes will
be given. NO EXCEPTIONS! Quizzes or other work that is turned-in must not have ragged edges.
All turned-in work must have smooth edges or it will not be accepted. There will be a 15
minute time limit for quizzes!
Assignments will include a variety of in-class and out-of-class problem sets. Students who leave
class early without instructor approval will lose their quiz points for that day.
PSYC 200 Spring 2015
Paper One APA style, data gathering paper will be assigned during the quarter. No late papers
are accepted.
Statistics Folder: Students are required to keep a statistics folder for this course. The exact
contents and order of the folder will be explained by the instructor. Late folders are not
Attendance will be taken daily. Do not enroll in the course if you are unwilling or unable to
attend ON-TIME for the ENTIRE class period. Absences are strongly discouraged.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Computer/Printer/Childcare/Car problems DO NOT constitute a change
in my policies. I prefer not to be placed in a position of evaluating personal lives, though I
will be more than willing to discuss your difficulties should they arise.
Courtesy Note: The use of cell phones and texting is strictly prohibited during class. Cell
phones may not be held or placed on desktops during class and must be kept out of your sight.
Also, the use of classroom computers is strictly limited to work that is being directed by the
instructor and the monitors of all computers must be off unless instructed otherwise. Any
other use of classroom computers is grounds for ejection from class. Failure to follow cell
phone and computer policies during and in the classroom is grounds for being dropped from
the course.
Course Points
Statistics Folder
Quizzes 16 @ 10 points each
Exam 1
Exam 2
Final Exam
Total Points
30 Points
160 Points
100 Points
100 Points
100 Points
150 Points
640 Points
– 595 Points
– 576 Points
– 556 Points
– 531 Points
– 512 Points
– 492 Points
– 467 Points
– 448 Points
– 428 Points
– 403 Points
– 384 Points
or Less Points
PSYC 200 Spring 2015
You are responsible for keeping all returned, graded work and must keep all graded
assignments until after final grades have been reported to Admissions and Records in the
event that a grade is missing from the gradebook or has been miscalculated. Otherwise
the final grade will remain in effect.
Course Schedule
NOTE: The following schedule is tentative and most likely will be modified as the
semester progresses!
Week 1
Monday, March 30
Wednesday, April 1
Syllabus, Terminology
Quiz 1, Frequency Distributions, Graphing
Week 2
Monday, April 6
Wednesday, April 8
Quiz 2, Central Tendency
Quiz 3, Dispersion
Week 3
Monday, April 13
Wednesday, April 15
Quiz 4, Normal Distribution, Z-Scores
Quiz 5, Z-Scores
Week 4
Monday, April 20
Wednesday, April 22
Exam 1
Quiz 6, Confidence Intervals, One-Sample ttest
Week 5
Monday, April 27
Wednesday, April 29
Quiz 7, Independent t-test
Quiz 8, Independent & Dependent t-tests,
Week 6
Monday, May 4
Wednesday, May 6
Quiz 9, Dependent t-test, Introduction to
Quiz 10, Between-Subjects ANOVA, SPSS
Week 7
Monday, May 11
Wednesday, May 13
Quiz 11, Between-Subjects ANOVA
Exam 2
PSYC 200 Spring 2015
Week 8
Monday, May 18
Wednesday, May 20
Quiz 12, Within-Subjects ANOVA
Quiz 13, Within-Subjects ANOVA, 2-Way
ANOVA, SPSS, Paper Due
Week 9
Monday, May 25
Wednesday, May 27
Memorial Day – No Class
Quiz 14, Correlation & Regression, SPSS
Week 10
Monday, June 1
Wednesday, June 3
Quiz 15, Chi-Square & Non-Parametric
Alternatives to t & F
Quiz 16, Chi-Square & Review, Statistics
Folder Due
Week 11
Monday, June 8
Final Exam Preparation
Final Exam
Friday, June 12
5:00pm – 7:30pm