SIM UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AUTOMATED DETECTION OF DIABETIC RETINOPATHY USING DIGITAL FUNDUS IMAGES STUDENT : E0604276 (PI NO.) SUPERVISOR : DR RAJENDRA ACHARYA PROJECT CODE UDYAVARA : JAN2010/BME/0016 A project report submitted to SIM University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering November 2010 BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 6 LISTS OF FIGURES 7 LIST OF TABLES 10 CHAPTER ONE AIMS AND INTRODUCTION 11-12 1.1 Background 11 1.2 Objectives 12 1.3 Scope 12 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE 13-22 2.1 Anatomy structure of the human eye 13 2.1.1 The Cornea 14 2.1.2 The Aqueous Humor 14 2.1.3 The Iris 14 2.1.4 The Pupil 14 2.1.5 The Lens 15 2.1.6 The Vitreous Humor 15 2.1.7 The Sclera 15 2.1.8 The Optic Disc 15 2.1.9 The Retina 15 2.1.10 Macula 16 2.1.11 Fovea 16 2.2 Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) and stages 16 2.3 Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) features 18 2.3.1 Blood Vessels 18 2.3.2 Microaneurysms 19 2.3.3 Exudates 20 BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 2 2.4 2.5 Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) examination methods 20 2.4.1 Opthalmoscopy (Indirect and Direct) 20 2.4.2 Fluorescein Angiography 21 2.4.3 Fundus Photography 21 Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) treatment 21 2.5.1 Scatter Laser treatment 21 2.5.2 Vitrectomy 22 2.5.3 Focal Laser treatment 22 2.5.4 Laser Photocoagulation 22 CHAPTER THREE METHODS AND MATERIALS 23-54 3.1 System block diagram 23 3.2 Image processing techniques 24 3.2.1 Image preprocessing 24 3.2.2 Structuring Element 25 3.3 Disk shaped Structuring Element (SE) 26 Ball shaped Structuring Element (SE) 26 Octagon shaped Structuring Element (SE) 27 3.2.3 27 Morphological image processing Morphological operations 28 Dilation and Erosion 28 Dilation 29 Erosion 29 Opening and Closing 30 3.2.4 Thresholding 31 3.2.5 Edge detection 32 3.2.6 Median filtering 35 Feature extraction 36 3.3.1 Blood vessels detection 36 3.3.2 Microaneurysms detection 40 3.3.3 Exudates detection 44 BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 3 3.3.4 3.4 3.5 Texture analysis 47 Significance test 48 3.4.1 48 Student’s t-test Classification 49 3.5.1 Fuzzy 51 3.5.2 Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) 54 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS 58-60 4.1 60 Graphical User Interface (GUI) CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 61 CHAPTER SIX REFLECTIONS 62-63 REFERENCES 64-66 APPENDIX A: BOX PLOT FOR FEATURES (AREA) 67-68 APPENDIX B: BLOOD VESSELS MATLAB CODE 69-70 APPENDIX C: MICROANEURYSMS MATLAB CODE 71-72 APPENDIX D: EXUDATES MATLAB CODE 73-74 APPENDIX E : TEXTURES MATLAB CODE 75 APPENDIX F : MEETING LOGS 76-79 APPENDIX G: GANTT CHART 80-81 BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 4 ABSTRACT Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the resultant cause of blindness due to diabetes. The main aim for this project is to develop a system to automate the detection of DR using the fundus images. This is first achieved by using the fundus images to image processed them using morphological processing techniques and texture analysis to extract features such as areas of blood vessels, exudates, microaneurysms and textures. Using the significance test on the features to determine which features have statistically significance of around p ≤ 0.05. The selected features are then input to fuzzy and GMM classifier for automatic classification. After which, the best classifier is then used for the final graphical user interface (GUI) based on percentage of correct data rate of 85.2% and average classification rate of 85.2%. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 5 ACKNOWLEGEMENTS I would like to thank my family for their support and encouragement. I would like to thank NUH of Singapore for providing me the fundus images for this project. I would like to thank Unisim for the school facilities. I would like to thank Fabian Pang for his patience and guidance on fuzzy and GMM classification. I would like to thank Jacqueline Tham, Vicky Goh, Mabel Loh, Brenda Ang and Audrey Tan for their moral support and encouragement. Last but most importantly, I would like to thank my project supervisor, Dr Rajendra Acharya Udyavara for his kindness, patience, guidance, advice and enlightenment. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 6 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 2.1: Anatomy structure of the eye 13 Figure 2.1.10: Location of macula, fovea and optic disc 16 Figure 2.3.1: Retinal blood vessels 19 Figure 2.3.2: Microaneurysms in DR 19 Figure 2.3.3: Exudates in DR 20 Figure 3.1: System block diagram for the detection and classification of diabetic retinopathy 24 Figure 3.2.1a: Original image (left) and its histogram (right) 25 Figure 3.2.1b: Image after CLAHE (left) and its histogram (right) 25 Figure Disk shaped structuring element 26 Figure Ball shaped structuring element (nonflat ellipsoid) 27 Figure Octagon shaped structuring element 27 Figure Original image 29 Figure Image after dilation with disk shaped SE 29 Figure Original image 30 Figure Image after erosion with disk shaped SE 30 Figure Opening operation with disk shaped image 31 Figure Closing operation with disk shaped SE image 31 Figure 3.2.4a: Original image 32 Figure 3.2.4b: Image with too high threshold value 32 Figure 3.2.4c: Image with too low threshold value 32 Figure 3.2.5a: Original image 34 Figure 3.2.5b: Sobel 34 Figure 3.2.5c: Prewitt 34 BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 7 Figure 3.2.5d: Roberts 34 Figure 3.2.5e: Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) 34 Figure 3.2.5f: Canny 35 Figure 3.2.6a: Illustration of a 3 x 3 median filter 35 Figure 3.2.6b: Original image (left) and image after median filtering (right) 36 Figure 3.3.1a: System block diagram for detecting blood vessels 36 Figure 3.3.1b: Normal retinal fundus image 37 Figure 3.3.1c: Green component 37 Figure 3.3.1d: Inverted green component 37 Figure 3.3.1e: Image after CLAHE 38 Figure 3.3.1f: Image after opening operation 38 Figure 3.3.1g: Image after subtraction 38 Figure 3.3.1h: Image after thresholding 39 Figure 3.3.1i: Image after median filtering 39 Figure 3.3.1j: Final image 39 Figure 3.3.1k: Final image (inverted) 39 Figure 3.3.2a: System block diagram for detecting microaneurysms 40 Figure 3.3.2b: Abnormal retinal fundus image 40 Figure 3.3.2c: Red component 41 Figure 3.3.2d: Inverted red component 41 Figure 3.3.2e: Image after Canny edge detection 41 Figure 3.3.2f: Image with boundary 41 Figure 3.3.2g: Image after boundary subtraction 41 Figure 3.3.2h: Image after filling up the holes or gaps 42 Figure 3.3.2i: Image after subtraction 42 Figure 3.3.2j: Blood vessels detection 42 BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 8 Figure 3.3.2k: Blood vessels after edge detection 42 Figure 3.3.2l: Image after subtraction 43 Figure 3.3.2m: Image after filling holes or gaps 43 Figure 3.3.2n: Final image 43 Figure 3.3.3a: System block diagram for detecting exudates 44 Figure 3.3.3b: Abnormal retinal fundus image 44 Figure 3.3.3c: Green component 45 Figure 3.3.3d: Image after closing operation 45 Figure 3.3.3e: Image after column wise neighbourhood operation 45 Figure 3.3.3f: Image after thresholding 46 Figure 3.3.3g: Image after morphological closing 46 Figure 3.3.3h: Image after Canny edge detection 46 Figure 3.3.3i: Image after ROI 46 Figure 3.3.3j: Image after removing optic disc 46 Figure 3.3.3k: Image after removing border 46 Figure 3.3.3l: Final image 47 Figure 3.5: Block diagram of training and testing data 50 Figure 3.5.2: Block diagram of GMM method 55 Figure 4: Graphical plot for average percentage classification results from two classifiers 59 Figure 4.1: GUI 60 BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 9 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 2.2: Summary of the features of diabetic retinopathy 18 Table Rules for dilation and erosion 28 Table 3.2.5: Methods and description of various edge detection algorithms 33 Table 3.4.1: Student’s t-test results 49 Table 3.5.1a: testing1, testing2 and testing3 data output using fuzzy classifier 52 Table 3.5.1b: testing1 data output calculation using fuzzy classifier 53 Table 3.5.1c: testing2 data output calculation using fuzzy classifier 53 Table 3.5.1d: testing3 data output calculation using fuzzy classifier 54 Table 3.5.2a: testing1, testing2 and testing3 data output using GMM classifier 56 Table 3.5.2b: testing1 data output calculation using GMM classifier 56 Table 3.5.2c: testing2 data output calculation using GMM classifier 57 Table 3.5.2d: testing3 data output calculation using GMM classifier 57 Table 4a: Fuzzy classification results 58 Table 4b: GMM classification results 59 BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 10 CHAPTER ONE AIMS AND INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND Diabetes mellitus or commonly known as diabetes is a chronic systemic disease of disordered metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and fat[21]; most notably known for its condition in which a person has a high blood sugar (glucose) level and as a result of the body either not able to produce enough insulin (type 1 insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or IDDM[48]) or insulin resistance (type 2 non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or NIDDM[48]). Diabetes is always a disease burden[32], especially in developed countries. According to Ministry Of Health (MOH) in Singapore, 8.2% of total population suffered from diabetes in 2004[32]. Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the complications resulted from prolonged diabetic condition usually after ten to fifteen years of having diabetes. In the case of DR, the high glucose level or hyperglycemia causes damage to the tiny blood vessels inside the retina. This tiny blood vessels will leak blood and fluid on the retina, forming features such as microaneurysms, haemorrhages, hard exudates, cotton wool spots, or venous loops [47]. DR affects about 60% of patients having diabetes for 15 years or more and a percentage of these are at risk of developing blindness[44] in Singapore. Despite these intimidating statistics, research indicates that at least 90% of these new cases could be reduced if there was proper and vigilant treatment and monitoring of the eyes[50]. Laser photocoagulation is an example of surgical method that can reduce the risk of blindness in people who have proliferative retinopathy[9]. However, it is of vital importance for diabetic patients to have regular eye checkups. Current examination methods use to detect and grade retinopathy include ophthalmoscopy (indirect and direct)[23], photography (fundus images) and fluorescein angiography. These methods of detection and assessment of diabetic retinopathy is manual, expensive and require trained ophthalmologists. Therefore, it is important to have an automatic detection method for diabetic retinopathy in an early stage to retard the progression in order to prevent blindness, thus BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 11 encouraging improvement in diabetic control. It can also reduce the total annual economic cost of diabetes significantly. 1.2 OBJECTIVES The objective of this project is to implement an automated detection of diabetic retinopathy (DR) using digital fundus images. By using MATLAB to extract and detect the features such as blood vessels, microaneurysms, exudates and textures which will determine two general classifications: normal or abnormal (DR) eye. An early detection of diabetic retinopathy enables medication or laser therapy to be performed to prevent or delay visual loss. 1.3 SCOPE The scope of this project involves using various MATLAB imaging techniques (eg; converting image to binary format, erosion, dilation, boundary detection, etc) to obtain the desire final image and area of the features (eg: blood vessels, microaneurysms, exudates and textures) before using the values to do significance test (eg: student’s t-test) to determine the accuracy of the results obtained mentioned earlier. Next, using the chosen results obtained from student’s t-test to insert into the classifier (eg: Fuzzy and Gaussian Mixture Model or GMM) to obtain the average classification rate, sensitivity and specificity and to classify them into normal and abnormal classes. Lastly, using the data collected to develop a graphical user interface (GUI) for displaying normal or abnormal (DR) eye images based on the best classifier. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 12 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE This section will discuss about the structure of the eye, definition of diabetic retinopathy (DR) and stages, examination and treatment methods and DR features. 2.1 ANATOMY STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN EYE The eye is a hollow, spherical organ about 2.5cm in diameter. It has a wall composed of three layers, and its interior spaces are filled with fluids that support the walls and maintain the shape of the eye[45]. Figure 2.1 shows the cross-sectional structure of the eye. The eyes are so important that four-fifth of all of the information the brain receives, come from the eyes. Section 2.1 will explain some of the important parts of the eye. Figure 2.1: Anatomy structure of the eye[3] BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 13 2.1.1 THE CORNEA The cornea is a transparent medium situated in the front of the eye covering the iris, pupil and anterior chamber that helps to focus incoming light[20] with a water content of 78%[38]. The cornea is elliptical in shape with a vertical and horizontal diameter of 11 and 12mm, respectively[38]. The cornea is supplied with oxygen and nutrients through tear-fluid and not through blood vessels[28]. Therefore, there are no blood vessels in it. The function of the cornea is to refract and transmit light[38]. 2.1.2 THE AQUEOUS HUMOR The aqueous humor contains aqueous fluid in the front part of the eye between the lens and the cornea. The aqueous fluid’s main function is to supply the cornea and the lens with nutrients and oxygen[28]. 2.1.3 THE IRIS The iris is a thin, pigmented, circular structure in the eye which regulates the amount of light that enters the eye[28]. The function of the iris is to control the size of the pupil by adjusting it to the intensity of the lighting conditions[38]. By expanding the size of the pupil, more light can then enter. This reflex known as the Accommodation Reflex [28] expands the pupil to allow more light to enter when focusing on distant objects or in the darkness. 2.1.4 THE PUPIL The pupil is a hole in the center of the iris. The size of the pupil determines the amount of light that enters the eye. The pupil size is controlled by the dilator and sphincter muscles of the iris[42]. It appears black because most of the light entering the pupil is absorbed by the tissues inside the eye[36]. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 14 2.1.5 THE LENS The lens is a transparent, biconvex structure in the eye that, along with the cornea, helps to refract light to be focused on the retina[27]. By changing the shape of the lens, the lens is able to change the focal distance of the eye so it can focus on objects at different distances, thus allowing sharp image to form on the retina. 2.1.6 THE VITREOUS HUMOR The vitreous humor contains clear fluid which fills the eyeball (between the lens and the retina). It is the largest domain of the human eye. The fluid contains more than 95% of water. 2.1.7 THE SCLERA The sclera is the white opaque tissue that acts as the eye protective outer coat. Six tiny muscles connect to it around the eye and control the eye's movements. The optic nerve is attached to the sclera at the very back of the eye[42]. 2.1.8 THE OPTIC DISC The optic disc, also known as the optic nerve head or the blind spot, the optic disc is where the optic nerve attaches to the eye[28]. There are no light sensitive rods or cones to respond to a light stimulus at this point. This causes a break in the visual field called "the blind spot" or the "physiological blind spot"[35]. Figure 2.1.10 shows the location of the optic disc. 2.1.9 THE RETINA The retina is a thin layer of neural cells[38] that lines in the inner back of the eye. It is light sensitive and absorbs light. The image signals are received and send to the brain. The retina contains two kinds of light receptors; rods and cones. The rods absorb light in black and white. The rods are responsible for night vision. The cones are colour sensitive and absorb stronger light. The cones are responsible for colour vision. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 15 2.1.10 MACULA The macula is the area around the fovea[28]. It is an oval-shaped highly pigmented yellow spot near the center of the retina[31] as shown in Figure 2.1.10. It is a small and highly sensitive part of the retina responsible for detailed central vision. Fovea Macula Optic disc Figure 2.1.10: Location of macula, fovea and optic disc 2.1.11 FOVEA The fovea is the most central part of the macula. The visual cells located in the fovea are packed tightest, resulting in optimal sharpness of vision. Unlike the retina, it has no blood vessels to interfere the passage of light striking the foveal cone mosaic[15]. Figure 2.1.10 shows the location of fovea. 2.2 DIABETIC RETINOPATHY (DR) AND STAGES Diabetes is the chronic state caused by an abnormal increase in the glucose level in the blood and which causes the damage to the blood vessels. The tiny blood vessels that nourish the retina are damaged by the increased glucose level[47]. Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the complications that affect retinal capillaries. This effect causes thickening of arterial wall and blockage of blood flow to the eye occurs. DR can be broadly classified as non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) and proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR)[47] as shown in Figure 2.2. There are four DR stages: BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 16 1.Stage 1 – Background diabetic retinopathy (also termed mild or moderate nonproliferative retinopathy). At least one microaneurysm with or without the presence of retinal haemorrhages, hard exudates, cotton wool spots or venous loops will be present[6,7]. 2. Stage 2 – Moderate non-proliferative retinopathy. Numerous microaneurysms and retinal haemorrhages will be present. Cotton wool spots and a limited amount of venous beading can also be seen[47]. Some blood vessels are starting to become blocked. 3. Stage 3 – Severe non-proliferative retinopathy. Many features such as haemorrhages and microaneurysms are present in the retina. Other features are also present except less growth of new blood vessels; many more blood vessels are now blocked and these areas of the retina start to send signals to the body to grow new blood vessels for nourishment[38]. 4. Stage 4 – Proliferative retinopathy. PDR is the advanced stage where the fluids sent by the retina for nourishment trigger the growth of new blood vessels[22]. The main blood vessels become stiff and blockage of blood flow occurs. Small pockets of blood begin to form around the boundary of the main blood vessels. These fragile blood vessels have thin walls and when the walls burst, blood spatters form. Exudates (proteins and other lipids) and blood from the leakage forms around the retina and in some cases, leakage may form on the fovea, resulting in sudden severe vision loss and blindness. Figure 2.2: Stages of DR fundus images[51] BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 17 The features of each stage are summarised in Table 2.2. Classification Alternative terminology Features Background diabetic retinopathy Mild/moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy Haemorrhages Oedema Microaneurysms Exudates Cotton wool spots Dilated viens Pre-proliferative diabetic retinopathy Severe/very severe nonproliferative retinopathy Deep retinal haemorrhages in four quadrants Venous abnormalities Intraretinal microvascular abnormalities (IRMA) Multiple cotton wool spots Proliferative diabetic retinopathy Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) New vessels on optic disc Advanced diabetic eye disease Complications of proliferative diabetic retinopathy Vitreous haemorrhage New vessels elsewhere Retinal detachment Neovascular glaucoma Table 2.2: Summary of the features of diabetic retinopathy[18] 2.3 DIABETIC RETINOPATHY (DR) FEATURES There are many features which are present in a DR eye. However, since the main objective of this project is to have an automated system for early DR detection on some of the extracted features. Therefore, features such as blood vessels, microaneurysms, exudates and textures (in feature extraction section) will be discussed. 2.3.1 BLOOD VESSELS In normal retina, the main function of the blood vessels is to send nutrients such as oxygen and blood to the eye (Figure 2.3.1). In the case of DR, the simulation to the growth of new fragile blood vessels is due to the blockage and thickening of the main blood vessels. When the main blood vessels are blocked, new vessels are triggered to grow in an attempt to send oxygen and nourishment to the eye. However, these new blood vessels are BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 18 very fragile and abnormal. They are prone to rupture and leak fluids (proteins and lipids) and blood into the eye. This may not hinder the patient’s sight if the leakage does not occur on the fovea or macula. However, if the blood spatters happen to be on the fovea or macula, sudden loss of vision in that eye occurs as the spatters block all light entering into the eye. Retinal Blood Vessels Figure 2.3.1: Retinal blood vessels 2.3.2 MICROANEURYSMS Microaneurysms are small saclike out pouching in the small vessels and capillaries[25] as shown in Figure 2.3.2. They are an early feature of DR and it appears as small red dots due to the ballooning of capillaries. They represent a small weakness in the retinal capillary wall that leaks blood and serum[18]. They appear as tiny red dots in fundus photographs. Microaneurysms Figure 2.3.2: Microaneurysms in DR BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 19 2.3.3 EXUDATES Exudates often described as hard exudates, these are deposits of extravasated plasma proteins, especially lipoproteins as shown in Figure 2.3.3. They leak into retinal tissue with serum, and are left behind as oedema fluid is absorbed. Eventually exudates are cleared from the retina by macrophages[18]. They appear as yellow-white dots within the retina. The yellow deposits may be seen as either individual spots or clusters[25], usually near optic disc. Sometimes the exudates may be formed on macula or fovea, as a result, there will be sudden loss of vision in that eye, regardless of the diabetic retinopathy stages. Exudates Figure 2.3.3: Exudates in DR 2.4 DIABETIC RETINOPATHY (DR) EXAMINATION METHODS There are few types of DR examination methods but mainly ophthalmoscopy (indirect and direct), fluorescein angiogram and fundus photography. 2.4.1 OPTHALMOSCOPY (INDIRECT AND DIRECT) Direct opthalmoscopy is the examination method performs by the specialist in a dark room. A beam of light is shined through the pupil using opthalmoscope. This allows the specialist to view the back of the eyeball. Indirect opthalmoscopy is performed with a head or spectacles-mounted source of illumination positioned in the middle of the forehead[26]. A bright light is shined into the eye using the instrument on the forehead. The condensing lens is placed on the eye to BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 20 intercept the fundus reflex. A real and inverted image of the fundus will form between the examiner and the patient[26]. 2.4.2 FLUORESCEIN ANGIOGRAPHY Fluorescein angiography is a test which allows the blood vessels in the back of the eye to be photographed as a fluorescent dye is injected into the bloodstream via the hand or arm[49]. The pupils will be dilated with eye drops and the yellow dye (Fluorescein Sodium) is injected into a vein in the arm[49]. It is used to examine the blood circulation of the retina using the dye tracing method. 2.4.3 FUNDUS PHOTOGRAPHY Fundus photography is the usage of fundus camera to photograph the regions of the vitreous, retina, choroid and optic nerve[16]. Fundus photographs are only considered medically necessary where the results may influence the management of the patient. In general, fundus photography is performed to evaluate abnormalities in the fundus, follow the progress of a disease, plan the treatment for a disease, and assess the therapeutic effect of recent surgery[16]. In this report, the images for imaging processing were taken from fundus camera. 2.5 DIABETIC RETINOPATHY (DR) TREATMENT Treatment of diabetic retinopathy varies depending on the extent of the disease[10]. During the early stages of DR, no treatment is needed unless macular oedema is present. However, for advanced DR such as proliferative diabetic retinopathy, surgery is necessary. 2.5.1 SCATTER LASER TREATMENT Advanced stage diabetic retinopathy is treated by performing scatter laser treatment. During scatter laser treatment, an ophthalmologist uses a laser to "scatter" many small burns across the retina. This causes leaking and abnormal blood vessels to shrink[10]. This surgical method is used to reduce vision loss. However, if there is significant amount of haemorrhages, scatter laser treatment is not suitable. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 21 2.5.2 VITRECTOMY A vitrectomy is performed under either local or general anesthesia. An ophthalmologist makes a tiny incision in the eye and carefully removes the vitreous gel that is clouded with blood. After the vitreous gel is removed from the eye, a clear salt solution is injected to replace the contents[10]. 2.5.3 FOCAL LASER TREATMENT Leakage of fluid from blood vessels can sometimes lead to macular oedema, or swelling of the retina. Focal laser treatment is performed to treat macular oedema. Several hundred small burns are placed around the macula in order to reduce the amount of fluid build-up in the macula[10]. 2.5.4 LASER PHOTOCOAGULATION Laser photocoagulation is a powerful beam of light which, combined with ophthalmic equipment and lenses, can be focused on the retina[41]. Small bursts of laser are used to seal leaky blood vessels, destroy abnormal blood vessels, seal retinal tears, and destroy abnormal tissue in the back of the eye[41]. This procedure is used to treat diabetic retinopathy patients in proliferative diabetic retinopathy stage. The main advantage of using this surgical method is the short surgical duration and the patient usually can resume activities immediately. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 22 CHAPTER THREE METHODS AND MATERIALS Total 60 fundus images from various demographics are used in this project. These fundus images were taken from the ophthalmology department in National University Hospital (NUH) of Singapore. The images were taken in 720 x 576 pixels. 3.1 SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 3.1 shows the system block diagram for identification of diabetic retinopathy. Using the input image, the image is processed using the image processing techniques using MATLAB. Features such as, areas of blood vessels, microaneurysms, exudates and textures are extracted. The extracted features are then inserted into Student’s t-test to generate significance test (probability of true significance). Using the Student’s t-test results (results which have high probability of true significance) to the classifiers (eg: Fuzzy and Gaussian Mixture Model or GMM), the average classification rate, sensitivity and specificity, etc are generated. Lastly, at the final stage, using the results generated from the classifiers to determine the diabetic retinopathy (DR) classes; normal and abnormal. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 23 Feature Extraction Input Image Image Processing Techniques Areas of 1. 2. 3. 4. Blood vessels Microaneurysms Exudates Textures Significance Test Figure 3.1: System block diagram for the detection and classification of diabetic retinopathy Student’s t-test Normal Classification Fuzzy and GMM Classifiers Abnormal 3.2 IMAGE PROCESSING TECHNIQUES The image processing techniques are used to enhance the images, morphological image processing and texture analysis. They are also used to reduce image noise, contrast and invert the images. 3.2.1 IMAGE PREPROCESSING Before image processing is carried out, the fundus images need to be preprocessed to remove non-uniform background. Non-uniform brightness and variation in the fundus images are the main reasons for non-uniformity. Therefore, the error needs to be corrected by applying contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE) to the image before applying the image processing operations[22]. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 24 A histogram is a graph which indicates the number of times each gray level occurs in an image. For example, in bright images, the gray levels will be clustered at the upper end of the graph. As for images that are darker, the gray levels will then be at the lower end of the graph. For a gray level that is evenly spread out in the histogram, the image is wellcontrasted. CLAHE operates on small regions in the image, called tiles. Each tile's contrast is enhanced, so that the histogram of the output region approximately matches a specified histogram[2]. Figure 3.2.1a shows the fundus image before CLAHE and its histogram shows more bright level regions than dark level regions. Figure 3.2.1b shows the fundus image after CLAHE and its histogram shows an evenly distributed brightness. Figure 3.2.1a: Original image (left) and its histogram (right) Figure 3.2.1b: Image after CLAHE (left) and its histogram (right) 3.2.2 STRUCTURING ELEMENT A structuring element (SE) is a binary morphology that is used to probe the image. It is a matrix consisting of only 0's and 1's that can have any arbitrary shape and size. The pixels BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 25 with values of 1 define the neighbourhood[34]. There are two types of SE, two-dimensional or flat SE usually consists of origin, radius and approximation N value. Three-dimensional or nonflat SE usually consists of radius (x-y planes), height and approximation N value. There are different types of SE shapes but in this project, disk shaped, ball shaped and octagon shaped SE are used. DISK SHAPED STRUCTURING ELEMENT (SE) Disk shaped SE, SE = strel('disk', R, N) creates a flat, disk shaped structuring element, where R specifies the radius. R must be a nonnegative integer. N must be 0, 4, 6, or 8[8]. Figure shows a disk shaped SE with radius 3 and its centre of origin. Figure Disk shaped structuring element BALL SHAPED STRUCTURING ELEMENT (SE) Ball shaped SE, SE = strel('ball', R, H, N) creates a nonflat, ball-shaped structuring element (actually an ellipsoid) whose radius in the X-Y plane is R and whose height is H. Note that R must be a nonnegative integer, H must be a real scalar, and N must be an even nonnegative integer[8]. Figure shows a ball shaped SE with x-y axis as radius and z axis as height. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 26 Figure Ball shaped structuring element (nonflat ellipsoid) OCTAGON SHAPED STRUCTURING ELEMENT (SE) Octagon shaped SE, SE = strel('octagon', R) creates a flat, octagonal structuring element, where R specifies the distance from the structuring element origin to the sides of the octagon, as measured along the horizontal and vertical axes. R must be a nonnegative multiple of 3[8]. Figure shows an octagon shaped SE with radius 3 and its centre of origin. Figure Octagon shaped structuring element 3.2.3 MORPHOLOGICAL IMAGE PROCESSING Morphological image processing is a branch of image processing that is particularly useful for analyzing shapes in images[3]. Mathematical morphology is the foundation of morphological image processing, which consists of a set of operators that transform images according to size, shape, connectivity, etc. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 27 MORPHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS Morphological operations are used to understand the structure or form of an image. This usually means identifying objects or boundaries within an image. Morphological operations play a key role in applications such as machine vision and automatic object detection[33]. Morphological operations apply a structuring element to an input image, creating an output image of the same size. In a morphological operation, the value of each pixel in the output image is based on a comparison of the corresponding pixel in the input image with its neighbours. By choosing the size and shape of the neighborhood, a morphological operation can be created that is sensitive to specific shapes in the input image[34]. There are many types of morphological operations such as dilation, erosion, opening and closing. DILATION AND EROSION Dilation and erosion are basic morphological processing operations. They are defined in terms of more elementary set operations, but are employed as the basic elements of many algorithms. Both dilation and erosion are produced by the interaction of structuring element with a set of pixels of interest in the image[19]. Dilation adds pixels to the boundaries of objects in an image, while erosion removes pixels on object boundaries. The number of pixels added or removed from the objects in an image depends on the size and shape of the structuring element used to process the image. In the morphological dilation and erosion operations, the state of any given pixel in the output image is determined by applying a rule to the corresponding pixel and its neighbours in the input image. The rule used to process the pixels defines the operation as a dilation or an erosion[34]. Table shows the operations and the rules. Operation Dilation Rule The value of the output pixel is the maximum value of all the pixels in the input pixel's neighborhood. In a binary image, if any of the pixels is set to the value 1, the output pixel is set to 1. Erosion The value of the output pixel is the minimum value of all the pixels in the input pixel's neighborhood. In a binary image, if any of the pixels is set to 0, the output pixel is set to 0. Table Rules for dilation and erosion[34] BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 28 DILATION Suppose π΄ and π΅ are sets of pixels. Then the dilation of π΄ by π΅, denoted π΄ ⊕ π΅, is defined as π΄ ⊕ π΅ = ∪π₯∈π΅ π΄π₯ . This means that for every point π₯ ∈ π΅, π΄ is translated by those coordinates. An equivalent definition is that π΄ ⊕ π΅ = {(x, y) + (u, v): (x, y) ∈ A, (u, v) ∈ π΅}. Dilation is seen to be commutative, that π΄ ⊕ π΅ = B ⊕ π΄[3]. Figure shows an original fundus image before dilation and Figure shows the same image after dilation with disk shaped SE of radius 8. Optic disc becomes more prominent and exudates can also be seen near macula. Figure Original image Figure Image after dilation with disk shaped SE EROSION Given sets π΄ and π΅, the erosion of π΄ by π΅, written π΄ β π΅, is defined as π΄ β π΅ = {π€: π΅π€ ⊆ π΄}[3]. Figure shows an original fundus image before dilation and Figure shows the same image after erosion with disk shaped SE of radius 8. Blood vessels become more prominent. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 29 Figure Original image Figure Image after erosion with disk shaped SE OPENING AND CLOSING Dilation and erosion are often used in combination to implement image processing operations[34]. Erosion followed by dilation is called an open operation. Opening of an image smoothes the contour of an object, breaks narrow isthmuses (“bridges”) and eliminates thin protrusions[12]. Dilation followed by erosion is called a close operation. Closing of an image smoothes section of contours, fuses narrow breaks and long thin gulfs, eliminates small holes in contours and fills gaps in contours[12]. Opening operation of image is defined as π΄ β π΅ = (π΄ β π΅) ⊕ π΅ [3]. Since opening operation of image consists of erosion followed by dilation, therefore it can also be defined as π΄ β π΅ =∪ {π΅π€ : π΅π€ ⊆ π΄}[3]. Closing operation of image is defined as π΄ β π΅ = (π΄ ⊕ π΅) β π΅[3]. Figure and Figure shows the difference between opening operation and closing operation of fundus images. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 30 Figure Opening operation with disk shaped image Figure Closing operation with disk shaped SE image 3.2.4 THRESHOLDING Thresholding turns a colour or grayscale image into a 1-bit binary image. This is done by allocating every pixel in the image either black or white, depending on their value. The pivotal value that is used to decide whether any given pixel is to be black or white is the threshold[17]. Thresholding is useful to remove unnecessary detail from an image to concentrate on essentials[3]. In the case of the fundus image, by removing all gray level information, the blood vessels are reduced to binary pixels. It is necessary to distinguish blood vessels foreground from the background information. Thresholding can also be used to bring out hidden detail. It is very useful in the image region which is obscured by similar gray levels. Therefore, choosing an appropriate threshold value is important because a low value may decrease the size of some of the objects or reduce the number and a high value may include extra background information. Figure 3.2.4a shows original fundus image before thresholding with CLAHE. Figure 3.2.4b shows the same image with too high threshold value resulting in too much background information. Figure 3.2.4c shows the same image with too low threshold value resulting in missing foreground information. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 31 Figure 3.2.4a: Original image Figure 3.2.4b: Image with too high threshold value Figure 3.2.4c: Image with too low threshold value 3.2.5 EDGE DETECTION In an image, an edge is a curve that follows a path of rapid change in image intensity. Edges are often associated with the boundaries of objects in a scene[4]. Edge detection refers to the process of identifying and locating sharp discontinuities in an image[39]. It is possible BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 32 to use edges to measure the size of objects in an image, isolate particular objects from their background, and to recognize or classify objects[3]. There are generally six edge detection algorithms and they are, Sobel, Prewitt, Roberts, Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG), zero-cross and Canny. Table 3.2.5 shows the six edge detection methods and their descriptions. Methods Descriptions The Sobel method finds edges using the Sobel approximation to the derivative. It returns edges at those points where the gradient of I is maximum. The Prewitt method finds edges using the Prewitt Prewitt approximation to the derivative. It returns edges at those points where the gradient of I is maximum. The Roberts method finds edges using the Roberts Roberts approximation to the derivative. It returns edges at those points where the gradient of I is maximum. The Laplacian of Gaussian method finds Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) edges by looking for zero crossings after filtering I with a Laplacian of Gaussian filter. The zero-cross method finds edges by zero-cross looking for zero crossings after filtering I with a filter the user specify. The Canny method finds edges by looking Canny for local maxima of the gradient of I. The gradient is calculated using the derivative of a Gaussian filter. The method uses two thresholds, to detect strong and weak edges, and includes the weak edges in the output only if they are connected to strong edges. This method is therefore less likely than the others to be fooled by noise, and more likely to detect true weak edges. Table 3.2.5: Methods and description of various edge detection algorithms[14] Sobel After comparing all six edge detection algorithms, the Canny method performs better than the others due to the fact that it uses two thresholds to detect strong and weak edges and for this reason, Canny algorithm is chosen for edge detection over the others for this project. Figure 3.2.5a, b, c, d, e, f shows original image, Sobel edge detection, Prewitt edge detection, Roberts edge detection, Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) edge detection and Canny BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 33 edge detection methods respectively. It is apparent that by using Canny edge detection method, the weak fine blood vessels can be detected. Figure 3.2.5a: Original image Figure 3.2.5b: Sobel Figure 3.2.5c: Prewitt Figure 3.2.5d: Roberts Figure 3.2.5e: Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 34 Figure 3.2.5f: Canny 3.2.6 MEDIAN FILTERING Median filtering is a nonlinear operation often used in image processing to reduce "salt and pepper" noise. A median filter is more effective than convolution when the goal is to simultaneously reduce noise and preserve edges[1]. Median of a set is the middle value when values are sorted. For even number of values, the median is the mean of the middle of two[3]. Figure 3.2.6a shows an illustration of a 3 x 3 median filter for a set of sorted values to obtain the median value. 55 70 57 68 260 63 66 65 62 55 57 62 63 65 66 68 70 260 65 Figure 3.2.6a: Illustration of a 3 x 3 median filter This method of obtaining the median value means that very large or very small values (noisy values) will be replaced by the value closer to its surroundings. Figure 3.2.6b shows the difference before and after applying median filtering. The “salt and pepper” noise in the original image have been clearly reduced after applying the median filtering. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 35 Figure 3.2.6b: Original image (left) and image after median filtering (right) 3.3 FEATURE EXTRACTION Features namely, blood vessels, microaneurysms, exudates and textures are extracted. The steps are explained below. 3.3.1 BLOOD VESSELS DETECTION Figure 3.3.1a shows the system block diagram of blood vessels detection. The detailed steps are explained below. Original image Green component of original image Inverting intensity of green component Edge detection (Canny) Border detection Morphological opening using disk SE of radius 8 Blood vessels detection Perform CLAHE (adaptive histogram equalization) Perform median filtering Image with boundary is obtained (after subtracting image with border) Morphological opening using ball SE of radius and height 8 Thresholding Fiill holes and remove boundary Final image and area extracted Figure 3.3.1a: System block diagram for detecting blood vessels BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 36 All coloured images consist of RGB (red, green blue) primary colours channels. Each pixel has a particular colour by the amount of red, green and blue. If each colour component has a range of 0-255 then three components give 2553 = more than 16 million colours. Each pixel consists of 24 bits and therefore is a 24-bit colour image. The fundus images used in this project are 24-bit, 720 x 576 pixels. Normal images as shown in Figure 3.3.1b basically consist of blood vessels, optic disc and macula without any other abnormal features. Blood vessels detection is important in identification of diabetic retinopathy (DR) through image processing techniques. Retinal Blood Vessels Fovea Macula Optic disc Figure 3.3.1b: Normal retinal fundus image Firstly, as part of the image preprocessing step, the green component of the image is extracted as shown in Figure 3.3.1c and the green component’s intensity is inverted as shown in Figure 3.3.1d. Figure 3.3.1c: Green component Figure 3.3.1d: Inverted green component After inverting the green component’s intensity, edge detection is performed using Canny method. The border is then detected and a disk shaped structuring element (SE) of BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 37 radius 8 is created with morphological opening operation (erosion then dilation). Next, subtract the eroded image with the original image and the border or boundary is obtained. Afterwards, adaptive histogram equalization is performed to improve the contrast of the image and to correct uneven illumination as shown in Figure 3.3.1e. A morphological opening operation (erosion then dilation) is performed using the ball shaped structuring element (SE) to smooth the background and to highlight the blood vessels as shown in Figure 3.3.1f. Figure 3.3.1e: Image after CLAHE Figure 3.3.1f: Image after opening operation The image is then subtracted from the adaptive histogram equalized image (CLAHE). As shown in Figure 3.3.1g, the resulting image shows higher intensity at the foreground (blood vessels) as compared with the background – a contrast. Figure 3.3.1g: Image after subtraction From the subtracted image, the image is converted from grayscale to binary by performing thresholding with value of 0.1 as shown in Figure 3.3.1h. Median filtering is BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 38 performed to remove "salt and pepper" noise as shown in Figure 3.3.1i. The boundary is obtained after subtracting the border with disk shaped SE with image with median filtering. Figure 3.3.1h: Image after thresholding Figure 3.3.1i: Image after median filtering The border is then eliminated after filling the holes that do not touch the edge to obtain the final image as shown in Figure 3.3.1j. The pixel values of the image are inverted to get only the blood vessels with black background as shown in Figure 3.3.1k. The detailed MATLAB code is attached in Appendix B. Figure 3.3.1j: Final image Figure 3.3.1k: Final image (inverted) BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 39 3.3.2 MICROANEURYSMS DETECTION Figure 3.3.2a shows the system block diagram of microaneurysms detection. The detailed steps are explained below. Original image Red component of original image Inverting intensity of red component Edge detection (Canny) Border detection Morphological opening using disk SE of radius 8 Remove boundary Fill holes Subtract image without boundary with blood vessels after edge detection Subtract image with holes from image with filled holes Blood vessels detection Edge detection (Canny) Fill holes Subtract image with filled holes from the image with microaneurysms and unwanted artifacts Final image and area extracted Figure 3.3.2a: System block diagram for detecting microaneurysms Microaneurysms appear as tiny red dots on retinal fundus image as shown in Figure 3.3.2b, therefore the red component of the RGB image are used to identify the microaneurysms as shown in Figure 3.3.2c. Next, the intensity is then inverted as shown in Figure 3.3.2d. Similar to blood vessels detection, Canny method is used for edge detection for microaneurysms detection as shown in Figure 3.3.2e. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 40 Microaneurysms Figure 3.3.2b: Abnormal retinal fundus image Figure 3.3.2c: Red component Figure 3.3.2d: Inverted red component The boundary is detected by filling up the holes and a disk shaped structuring element (SE) of radius 8 is created with morphological opening operation (erosion then dilation) as shown in Figure 3.3.2f. The edge detected image is then subtracted from the image with boundary to obtain image without boundary as shown in Figure 3.3.2g. Figure 3.3.2e: Image after Canny edge detection Figure 3.3.2f: Image with boundary BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 41 Figure 3.3.2g: Image after boundary subtraction After which, the holes or gaps are filled, resulting in microaneurysms and other unwanted artifacts present as shown in Figure 3.3.2h. The image with filled holes or gaps then subtracts the image before filled holes or gaps. The resulting image thus has microaneurysms and other unwanted artifacts without the edge as shown in Figure 3.3.2i. Figure 3.3.2h: Image after filling up the holes or gaps Figure 3.3.2i: Image after subtraction The blood vessels are detected using the same method mentioned in section 3.3.1. Figure 3.3.2j shows the blood vessels detected image. Edge detection Canny method is then used on the blood vessels image to detect the edges as shown in Figure 3.2.2k. This image is then subtracted from the image after boundary subtraction (Figure 3.3.2g). The resulted image is shown in Figure 3.3.2l. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 42 Figure 3.3.2j: Blood vessels detection Figure 3.3.2k: Blood vessels after edge detection Figure 3.3.2l: Image after subtraction Finally, after filling the holes or gaps as shown in Figure 3.3.2m, this image is subtracted with the image with microaneurysms and unwanted artifacts to obtain the final image with only microaneurysms as shown in Figure 3.3.2n. The detailed MATLAB code is attached in Appendix C. Figure 3.3.2m: Image after filling holes or gaps Figure 3.3.2n: Final image BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 43 3.3.3 EXUDATES DETECTION Figure 3.3.3a shows the system block diagram of exudates detection. The detailed steps are explained below. Original image Green component of original image Morphological closing using cctagon shaped SE of radius 9 Column wise neighbourhood operation Thresholding Morphological closing using disk SE of radius 10 Edge detection (Canny) ROI of radius 82 Remove border Morphological erosion operation using disk shaped SE of radius 3 Final image and area extracted Remove optic disc Figure 3.3.3a: System block diagram for detecting exudates Exudates appear as yellowish dots in the fundus images as shown in Figure 3.3.3b. It is easier to spot them than microaneurysms. In order to detect exudates, firstly similar to blood vessels detection, green component of the RGB image is extracted as shown in Figure 3.3.3c and octagon shaped structuring element (SE) of size 9 is created. A morphological closing is performed on the SE as shown in Figure 3.3.3d. As clearly shown, the exudates become more prominent than the background although the optic disc is also present, as their grey levels are similar. Exudates Figure 3.3.3b: Abnormal retinal fundus image BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 44 Figure 3.3.3c: Green component Figure 3.3.3d: Image after closing operation Column wise neighbourhood operation is performed to rearrange the image into columns first. The parameter sliding indicates that overlapping neighbourhoods are being used[3]. This operation is performed to remove most of the unwanted artifacts leaving only the border, exudates and the optic disc as shown in Figure 3.3.3e. Figure 3.3.3e: Image after column wise neighbourhood operation Next, thresholding is performed to the image with the threshold value of 0.7 as shown in Figure 3.3.3f. Morphological closing with disk shaped structuring element (SE) of size 10 is used to fill up the holes or gaps of the exudates as shown in Figure 3.3.3g. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 45 Figure 3.3.3f: Image after thresholding Figure 3.3.3g: Image after morphological closing The optic disc contains the highest pixel value in the image. Therefore, to remove the optic disc, edge detection using Canny method (Figure 3.3.3h) is used together with region of interest (ROI). First, a radius of 82 is defined as most optic disc is of size 80 x 80 pixels as shown in Figure 3.3.3i. Next, the optic disc is removed together with the border as shown in Figure 3.3.3j and Figure 3.3.3k. Figure 3.3.3h: Image after Canny edge detection Figure 3.3.3i: Image after ROI Figure 3.3.3k: Image after removing Figure 3.3.3j: Image after removing border optic disc BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 46 Finally, by performing morphological erosion operation with disk shaped structuring element (SE) of size 3 to obtain the final image with only exudates as shown in Figure 3.3.3l. The detailed MATLAB code is attached in Appendix D. Figure 3.3.3l: Final image 3.3.4 TEXTURE ANALYSIS Texture describes the physical structure characteristic of a material such as smoothness and coarseness. It is a spatial concept indicating what, apart from color and the level of gray, characterizes the visual homogeneity of a given zone of an image[24]. Texture analysis of an image is the study of mutual relationship among intensity values of neighbouring pixels repeated over an area larger than the size of the relationship [22]. The main types of texture analysis are structural, statistical and spectral. Mean, standard deviation, third moment and entropy are statistical type. Mean, standard deviation and third moment are concern with properties of individual pixels. Mean N ο1 N ο1 is defined as: Mean = µ1 = ο₯ο₯ iPi, j [6] and standard deviation is defined as: SD = σ1 = i ο½0 j ο½0 N ο1 N ο1 ο₯ο₯ Pi, j ο¨i ο ο ο© i ο½0 j ο½0 2 [6] 1 . Third moment is a measure of the skewness of the histogram and is [37] 3 defined as: π3 (π§) = ∑πΏ−1 . Entropy is a statistical type of texture that π=0 (π§π − π) π(π§π ) measures randomness in an image texture. An image that is perfectly flat will have entropy of zero. Consequently, they can be compressed to a relatively small size. On the other hand, high entropy images such as an image of heavily cratered areas on the moon have a great deal of contrast from one pixel to the next and consequently cannot be compressed as much as low entropy images[7]. Entropy is defined as: − ∑ π log 2 π. The texture features used in BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 47 this project are mean, standard deviation, third moment and entropy. The detailed MATLAB code is attached in Appendix E. 3.4 SIGNIFICANCE TEST Significance test is to calculate statistically whether set(s) of data is occurred by chance or true occurrence or the level of true occurrence. The significance level is defined as p-value. The lower the p-value, the more statistically significant a set of data is. For example, given set A has a p-value of 0.1 and set B has a p-value of 0.05, then set B is said to be more statistically significant than set A as there is only 5% chance that it could occur by chance or coincidence. Unlike set B, set A has 5% more chance than set B that it could occur by chance or coincidence. The typical level of significance is 5% or p-value ≤ 0.05. Significance test is done prior to classification. 3.4.1 STUDENT’S T-TEST Student’s t-test deals with the problems associated with inference based on “small” samples[46]. When independent samples are available from each population the procedure is often known as the independent samples t-test and the test statistic is: π‘ = π₯Μ 1 −π₯Μ 2 1 1 + π1 π2 π √ where π₯Μ 1 and π₯Μ 2 are the means of samples of size π1 and π2 taken from each population[5]. Using the area of the features for blood vessels, microaneurysms, exudates, mean, standard deviation, third moment and entropy into Student’s t-test, the significance test results are generated. Appendix A shows the box plot for various features (area) with high, median and low values. Table 3.4.1 shows the p-values of each set of features (area). The highlighted (yellow) rows indicate that data is statistically significant. Therefore, only the statistically significant sets of data are used in the classification (ie: blood vessels, microaneurysms, mean and third moment). After selecting the features, normalization of the data is then processed prior to classification. Normalization is done by dividing each value in the particular feature by the highest value of that particular feature. This is to ensure each value is ≤ 1 > 0 to improve the classification as it will have less distribution among the data. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 48 Mean ± Standard Deviation Features P-Value Normal Abnormal Blood Vessels 31170 ± 7989 35950 ± 10430 0.051 Exudates 1909 ± 1224 1477 ± 957 0.13 Microaneurysms 330±238 884±564 <0.0001 Textures Mean 74.1± 17.0 83.3±21.4 0.072 Textures Standard Deviation 37.0±6.42 39.5±8.36 0.20 Textures Third Moment 0.139±0.609 -0.400±0.389 0.0001 Textures Entropy 4.04±0.320 4.13±0.305 0.30 Table 3.4.1: Student’s t-test results 3.5 CLASSIFICATION For this project, Fuzzy and Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) are used for automatic classification of diabetic retinopathy (DR). There are 42 training data and 18 testing data. Figure 3.5 shows the block diagram of training and testing data processing prior to inputting to the classifier. Normalized data is first split into 70% and 30%. Step I consists of 70% of normal and abnormal data and 30% of normal and abnormal data. They are then grouped into step III. Train1 and test1 is then further split into set A, B, C and D (step IV). They are then mixed and split into train2, test2 and train3, test3 (step V). Lastly, the training and testing data is exported to MATLAB as variables to load into the classifier. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 49 Normalized data Step I 70% Step II 30% Step III 70% normal 70% abnormal 30% normal 30% abnormal Step IV 70% train1 normal 70% train1 abnormal 30% test1 normal 30% test1 abnormal train1 A - 30% B - 30% D - 10% train1 A - 30% B - 30% D - 10% test1 C - 30% test1 C - 30% train2 C - 30% B - 30% D - 10% train2 C - 30% B - 30% D - 10% test2 A - 30% test2 A - 30% train3 C - 30% A - 30% D - 10% train3 C - 30% A - 30% D - 10% test3 B - 30% test3 B - 30% Step V Figure 3.5: Block diagram of training and testing data BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 50 3.5.1 FUZZY A fuzzy classifier is any classifier which uses fuzzy sets either during its training or during its operation[29]. Fuzzy pattern recognition is sometimes identified with fuzzy clustering or with fuzzy if-then systems used as classifiers[29]. In a fuzzy classification system, a case or an object can be classified by applying a set of fuzzy rules based on the linguistic values of its attributes. Every rule has a weight, which is a number between 0 and 1, and this is applied to the number given by the antecedent. It involves 2 distinct parts. The first part involves evaluating the antecedent, fuzzifying the input and applying any necessary fuzzy operators[40] such as, union: π π΄ ∩ π΅ (π₯) = Min[ππ΄ (π₯), ππ΅ (π₯)], intersection: π π΄ ∩ π΅ (π₯) = Min[ππ΄ (π₯), ππ΅ (π₯)], complement: ππ΄ − (π₯) = 1 − ππ΄ (π₯) where π is the membership function[40]. The second part requires application of that result to the consequent, known as inference. A fuzzy inference system is a rule-based system that uses fuzzy logic, rather than Boolean logic, to reason about data[40]. Fuzzy Logic (FL) is a multivalued logic, that allows intermediate values to be defined between conventional evaluations like true/false, yes/no, high/low, etc[30]. These fuzzy rules define the connection between input and output fuzzy variables[40]. Table 3.5.1a shows the output of 3 set of testing data from fuzzy classifier. The correct (true) Boolean rule from nos 1-9 is supposed to be [0, 1] (true positives for normal data) so [1, 0] (false positives) is incorrect (false). Therefore, there are some errors. Likewise for data from nos 10-18, the correct (true) Boolean rule is supposed to be [1, 0] (true negatives for abnormal data) so [0, 1] (false negatives) is incorrect (false). Therefore, there are some errors too. Label 1 denotes normal data and label 2 denotes abnormal data. The correct labeling should be 1 from nos 1-9 and 2 from nos 10-18. Table 3.5.1b-d shows fuzzy testing data for positive predictive value, negative predictive value, sensitivity and specificity calculation. TP denotes true positives, TN denotes true negatives, FP denotes false positives and FN denotes false negatives. Using the formula: Specificity = Sensitivity = ππ’ππππ ππ π‘ππ’π πππππ‘ππ£ππ ππ’ππππ ππ π‘ππ’π πππππ‘ππ£ππ + ππ’ππππ ππ ππππ π πππ ππ‘ππ£ππ ππ’ππππ ππ π‘ππ’π πππ ππ‘ππ£ππ ππ’ππππ ππ π‘ππ’π πππ ππ‘ππ£πππ + ππ’ππππ ππ ππππ π πππππ‘ππ£ππ ∗ 100% [43] and ∗ 100% [43]. A specificity of 100% means that the test recognizes all actual negatives[43] and a sensitivity of 100% means that the test recognizes all actual positives[43]. Positive predictive value denotes positive test BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 51 results which are correctly diagnosed and Negative predictive value denotes negative test results which are correctly diagnosed. No Fuzzy comparing testing1 Label Error Fuzzy comparing testing2 Label Error Fuzzy comparing testing3 Label 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 3 1 0 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 4 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 5 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 6 1 0 2 0 1 1 1 0 2 7 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 8 1 0 2 Error 0 1 1 0 1 1 9 1 0 2 Error 0 1 1 0 1 1 10 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 11 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 12 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 13 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 14 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 2 15 1 0 2 0 1 1 1 0 2 16 1 0 2 1 0 2 0 1 1 17 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 18 1 0 2 1 0 2 0 1 1 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Table 3.5.1a: testing1, testing2 and testing3 data output using fuzzy classifier BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 52 Fuzzy comparing testing1 POSITIVE NEGATIVE POSITIVE NEGATIVE FP = 4 Positive predictive value = TP / (TP + FP) = 5 / (5 + 4) = 5 / 9 5 / 9 * 100 = 55.6% FN = 1 TN = 8 Negative predictive value = TN / (FN + TN) = 8 / (1 + 8) =8/9 8 / 9 * 100 = 88.9% Sensitivity = TP / (TP + FN) = 5 / (5 + 1) = 5 / 6 Specificity = TN / (FP + TN) = 8 / (4 + 8) = 8 / 12 TP = 5 5 / 6 * 100 = 8 / 12 * 100 83.3% = 66.7% Table 3.5.1b: testing1 data output calculation using fuzzy classifier Fuzzy comparing testing2 POSITIVE NEGATIVE POSITIVE NEGATIVE FP = 1 Positive predictive value = TP / (TP + FP) = 8 / (8 + 1) = 8 / 9 8 / 9 * 100 = 88.9% FN = 1 TN = 8 Negative predictive value = TN / (FN + TN) = 8 / (1 + 8) =8/9 8 / 9 * 100 = 88.9% Sensitivity = TP / (TP + FN) = 8 / (8 + 8) = 8 / 16 Specificity = TN / (FP + TN) = 8 / (1 + 8) = 8 / 9 TP = 8 8 / 16 * 100 = 8 / 9 * 100 = 50% 88.9% Table 3.5.1c: testing2 data output calculation using fuzzy classifier BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 53 Fuzzy comparing testing3 POSITIVE POSITIVE NEGATIVE NEGATIVE FP = 1 Positive predictive value = TP / (TP + FP) = 8 / (8 + 1) = 8/9 8 / 9 * 100 = 88.9% FN = 2 TN = 7 Negative predictive value = TN / (FN + TN) = 7 / (2 + 7) =7/9 7 / 9 * 100 = 77.8% Sensitivity = TP / (TP + FN) = 8 / (8 + 2) = 8 / 10 Specificity = TN / (FP + TN) = 7 / (1 + 7) = 7 / 8 TP = 8 8 / 10 * 100 = 7 / 8 * 100 = 80% 87.5% Table 3.5.1d: testing3 data output calculation using fuzzy classifier 3.5.2 GAUSSIAN MIXTURE MODEL (GMM) A Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is a parametric probability density function represented as a weighted sum of Gaussian component densities. GMMs are commonly used as a parametric model of the probability distribution of continuous measurements or features in a biometric system[11]. A GMM is a weighted sum of πcomponent Gaussian densities as given by the equation: π(π₯|π) = ∑π π=1 π€π π(π₯|ππ , ∑π ) where π₯ is a Ddimensional continuous-valued data vector, π€π , π = 1, … , π, are the mixture weights, and π(π₯|ππ , ∑π) , π = 1, … , π, are the component Gaussian densities. Each component density is a D-variate Gaussian function of the form: π(π₯|ππ , ∑π) = 1 π· 1 (2π) 2 | ∑π |2 1 exp{− 2 (π₯ − ππ )′ ∑−1 π (π₯ − ππ )}, with mean vector ππ and covariance matrix ∑π. The mixture weights [11] satisfy the constraint that ∑π . π=1 π€π = 1 Figure 3.5.2 shows the GMM classification method. Table 3.5.2a shows the output of 3 set of testing data from GMM classifier. Column No of incorrect normal data denotes false positives and there are 2 incorrect normal data in testing1. Column No of incorrect abnormal data denotes false negatives and there are 6 incorrect abnormal data in testing1 BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 54 and testing3. The Classification rate denotes percentage of correct data. The higher the classification rate, the higher the accuracy. Table 3.5.2b-d shows GMM testing data for positive predictive value, negative predictive value, sensitivity and specificity calculation. TP denotes true positives, TN denotes true negatives, FP denotes false positives and FN denotes false negatives. Using the formula: Specificity = Sensitivity = ππ’ππππ ππ π‘ππ’π πππππ‘ππ£ππ ππ’ππππ ππ π‘ππ’π πππππ‘ππ£ππ + ππ’ππππ ππ ππππ π πππ ππ‘ππ£ππ ππ’ππππ ππ π‘ππ’π πππ ππ‘ππ£ππ ππ’ππππ ππ π‘ππ’π πππ ππ‘ππ£πππ + ππ’ππππ ππ ππππ π πππππ‘ππ£ππ ∗ 100% [43] and ∗ 100% [43]. A specificity of 100% means that the test recognizes all actual negatives[43] and a sensitivity of 100% means that the test recognizes all actual positives[43]. Positive predictive value denotes positive test results which are correctly diagnosed and Negative predictive value denotes negative test results which are correctly diagnosed. Normalized data Train GMM Test Classifier Output Figure 3.5.2: Block diagram of GMM method BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 55 GMM comparing testing1 GMM comparing testing2 GMM comparing testing3 No of correct normal data No of incorrect normal data No of correct abnormal data No of incorrect abnormal data Classification rate 7 2 6 3 72.2% 9 0 9 0 100% 9 0 6 3 83.3% (testing1+testing2 + testing3) / 3 = 85.2% Average classification rate Table 3.5.2a: testing1, testing2 and testing3 data output using GMM classifier GMM comparing testing1 POSITIVE POSITIVE NEGATIVE NEGATIVE FP = 2 Positive predictive value = TP / (TP + FP) = 7 / (7 + 2) = 7/9 7 / 9 * 100 = 77.8% FN = 3 TN = 6 Negative predictive value = TN / (FN + TN) = 6 / (3 + 6) =6/9 6 / 9 * 100 = 66.7% Sensitivity = TP / (TP + FN) = 7 / (7 + 3) = 7 / 10 Specificity = TN / (FP + TN) = 6 / (2 + 6) = 6 / 8 TP = 7 7 / 10 * 100 = 6 / 8 * 100 = 70% 75% Table 3.5.2b: testing1 data output calculation using GMM classifier BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 56 GMM comparing testing2 POSITIVE POSITIVE NEGATIVE TP = 9 FN = 0 NEGATIVE FP = 0 Positive predictive value = TP / (TP + FP) = 9 / (9 + 0) = 9/9=1 9 / 9 * 100 = 100% TN = 9 Negative predictive value = TN / (FN + TN) = 9 / (0 + 9) =9/9=1 9 / 9 * 100 = 100% Specificity Sensitivity = = TN / (FP + TP / (TP + TN) = 9 / (0 FN) = 9 / (9 + + 9) = 9 / 9 = 0) = 9 / 9 = 1 1 9 / 9 * 100 = 9 / 9 * 100 = 100% 100% Table 3.5.2c: testing2 data output calculation using GMM classifier GMM comparing testing3 POSITIVE POSITIVE NEGATIVE TP = 9 FN = 3 NEGATIVE FP = 0 Positive predictive 9 / 9 * 100 value = TP / = (TP + FP) = 100% 9 / (9 + 0) = 9/9=1 TN = 6 Negative predictive value = TN / (FN + TN) = 6 / (3 + 6) =6/9 6 / 9 * 100 = 66.7% Specificity Sensitivity = = TN / (FP + TP / (TP + TN) = 6 / (0 FN) = 9 / (9 + + 6) = 6 / 6 = 3) = 9 / 12 1 9 / 12 * 100 = 6 / 6 * 100 = 75% 100% Table 3.5.2d: testing3 data output calculation using GMM classifier BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 57 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS The features such as blood vessels area, microaneurysms area, exudates area and textures corresponding to three features were extracted using the proposed algorithms and methods. Table 4a shows the results of fuzzy classification and Table 4b shows the results of GMM classification. The percentage of correct data for fuzzy classification over total data shows a significantly high percentage of 81.5% which makes a good classifier choice for the final graphical user interface (GUI). However, Table 3.5.2 shows the average GMM classification rate of 85.2% over the three testing data which makes an even better classifier choice than fuzzy. Therefore, GMM classifier will be used for the final GUI. Figure 4 shows the graphical plot for average percentage classification results for fuzzy and GMM classifiers. Total no Total no of of correct incorrect data data % of correct data over total data (44 / 54) * 100 = 81.5% Testing1 Testing2 Testing3 13 16 15 5 2 3 55.6% 88.9% 88.9% 77.8% 88.9% 88.9% 77.8% 85.2% Sensitivity 83.3% 50% 80% 71.1% Specificity 66.7% 88.9% 87.5% 81% No of correct data No of incorrect data Positive predictive value Negative predictive value 44 Average 10 Table 4a: Fuzzy classification results BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 58 Testing1 Testing2 Testing3 Total no of correct data Total no of incorrect data % of correct data over total data (46 / 54) * 100 = 85.2% Average No of correct data 13 18 15 No of incorrect data 5 0 3 72.2% 100% 83.3% 85.2% 77.8% 100% 100% 92.6% 66.7% 100% 66.7% 77.8% Sensitivity 70% 100% 75% 81.7% Specificity 75% 100% 100% 91.7% Classification rate Positive predictive value Negative predictive value 46 8 Table 4b: GMM classification results 100 90 80 92.6 81.5 85.2 91.7 85.2 77.8 81.7 77.8 81 71.1 70 60 50 Fuzzy 40 GMM 30 20 10 0 Avg classification Avg positive Avg negative rate predictive value predictive value Avg sensitivity Avg specificity Figure 4: Graphical plot for average percentage classification results from two classifiers BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 59 4.1 GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE (GUI) Figure 4.1: GUI Graphical User Interface or GUI is a type of user interface that allows users to interact with the program by clicking or typing. It allows the image features to display for both normal and abnormal classification. Figure 4.1 shows the print screen of the GUI, the list box shows the list of fundus images. By clicking ‘Extract Features’ button, blood vessels, microaneurysms, textures mean and textures third moment are displayed together with their areas. The corresponding patient’s data can be shown for every fundus image by clicking ‘Patient’s Data’. Clicking the ‘Diagnosis’ button will display either normal or abnormal classification. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 60 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION In this report, the system developed have demonstrated a reasonably accuracy of classification rate of 85.2% (GMM average classification rate) with sensitivity and specificity of 81.7% and 91.7% respectively (GMM average sensitivity and specificity). The algorithms and methods used for significance test and classification were fairly fast in computation speed; a good choice for comparing and computing for two classes of fundus images. The results have also demonstrated that the system can help to detect diabetic retinopathy (DR) at early stage for any DR abnormalities. This is important for ophthalmologist to detect DR and perform necessary treatments to prevent or delay vision loss. However, the system can be improved further by using more than two classifiers to improve sensitivity and specificity, more input features, diverse demographics and most importantly, the quality of the original fundus images (ie: even background illumination) need to be improved to show more detailed features as well as to improve the overall accuracy for significance test and classification. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 61 CHAPER SIX REFLECTIONS Doing capstone project has been a whole new, exciting and ‘thrilling’ experience for me. Although I’ve learned quite a lot from biomedical engineering degree, however, my choice of capstone project made me felt all awed and bewildered at the beginning. I had no prior knowledge or experience in MATLAB programming nor did I know anything about image processing. I began to doubt whether I could complete my project successfully. In order to begin my project, I needed firstly, to know more about diabetes and diabetic retinopathy, the complication of diabetes. By finding more information from the internet, journals and as well as books, I gained better understanding regarding the disease. Most importantly, the literature review enabled me to start on my proposal. The greatest hurdle was starting on MATLAB programming. I needed to find materials and information to practice on programming. I had to juggle between practicing the programming and reading the journals. Lastly, I needed to start writing the image processing codes. I spent most of my time practicing on MATLAB programming and understanding simple debugging. It was difficult to understand all codes and had to look for help from the materials as well as from my supervisor. It was quite depressing and frustrated when hitting brick walls and stuck at some point. However, it was very rewarding when I have resolved the problems. Starting on image processing was not all that smooth. Bits of problems surfaced during this time. I had to find solutions to solve / debug these coding problems. I also had to find and explore right threshold and structure element values. After some struggling and advice from my supervisor, I was able to finish feature extraction codes. Initially, I had tried and wanted to include haemorrhages feature for my project, however I was not able to implement it successfully, but it was then dawned on me that using the texture (together with the others) features to differentiate between normal and abnormal retinas were adequate as normal and abnormal retinas have different texture values. Next, I had to find out about various significant tests and with the advice from my supervisor, decided to use Student’s t-test method. I also learned about the significance pBME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 62 values which features are more significant than the others, then using the data to generate normalized values for the classifiers. The learning curve for creating classifiers had been confusing and frustrating. Luckily with the help of my supervisor and Fabian, I was able to understand how to create the training and testing data for my classifiers. Lastly, I needed to learn to create a graphical user interface (GUI) for my project presentation. It was a fun and enjoyable experience which was reminiscent of my Visual Basic lessons from my poly days. All in all, the capstone project was a priceless experience for me and which I was quite satisfied with my efforts and outcomes. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 63 REFERENCES [1] 2-D median filtering – MATLAB [2] Adjusting Pixel Intensity Values :: Analyzing and Enhancing Images (Image Processing Toolbox™). [3] Alasdair McAndrew Introduction to Digital Image Processing With Matlab. [4] Analyzing Images :: Analyzing and Enhancing Images (Image Processing Toolbox™). [5] B.S. Everitt. The Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics in the Medical Sciences. [6] C.M.R. Caridade, A.R.S. Marcal & T. Mendonca. The use of texture for image classification of black & white air-photographs. [7] Cassini Lossy Compression. [8] Create morphological structuring element (STREL) – MATLAB. [9] Diabetic Retinopathy. [10] Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment - Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy. [11] Douglas Reynolds. Gaussian Mixture Models. [12] Dr Hanno Coetzer. Morphological Image Processing Lecture 21. [13] Eye - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [14] Find edges in grayscale image – MATLAB. [15] Fovea centralis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [16] Fundus Photography. [17] generation5 - Thresholding and Segmentation. [18] Gillian C. Vafidis. Features of diabetic eye disease. [19] Harvey Rhody, Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science, Rochester Institute of Technology. Lecture 3: Basic Morphological Image Processing. [20] How the Eye Works - Singapore National Eye Centre. [21] Ida G. Dox, B. John Melloni, Gilbert M. Eisner, June L. Melloni. Melloni’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary (4th ed). BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 64 [22] Jagadish Nayak, P Subbanna Bhat, Rajendra Acharya U, C M Lim, Manjunath Kagathi. Automated Identification of Diabetic Retinopathy Stages Using Digital Fundus Images. [23] James L. Kinyoun, Donald C. Martin, Wilfred Y. Fujimoto, Donna L. Leonetti. Opthalmoscopy Versus Fundus Photographs for Detecting and Grading Diabetic Retinopathy. [24] Jean-Pascal Aribot. Texture Segmentation. [25] John Paul Vetter. Biomedical Photography. [26] K R Bishai An inexpensive method of indirect opthalmoscopy. [27] Lens (anatomy) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [28] LensShopper. Anatomy of the eye. [29] Ludmila Ilieva Kuncheva. Fuzzy classifier design. [30] M. Hellmann. Fuzzy Logic Introduction. [31] Macula of retina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [32] Ministry of Health: Disease Burden. [33] Morphological Operations. [34] Morphology Fundamentals: Dilation and Erosion :: Morphological Operations (Image Processing Toolbox™). [35] Optic disc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [36] Pupil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [37] Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard Eugene Woods. Digital image processing. [38] Rajendra Acharya U, Eddie Y. K. Ng, Jasjit S. Suri. Image Modeling of the Human Eye. [39] Raman Maini, Dr. Himanshu Aggarwal. Study and Comparison of Various Image Edge Detection Techniques. [40] Ravi Jain, Ajith Abraham. A Comparative Study of Fuzzy Classification Methods on Breast Cancer Data. [41] Retina-Vitreous Center | Procedures. [42] Scott & Christie and Associates Eye Diagram. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 65 [43] Sensitivity and specificity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [44] Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped. [45] Stanley E. Gunstream. Anatomy and Physiology with Integrated Study Guide (3rd ed). [46] Student's t-Tests. [47] U R Acharya, C M Lim, E Y K Ng, C Chee and T Tamura. Computer-based detection of diabetes retinopathy stages using digital fundus images. [48] Vinod Patel. Diabetes mellitus: the disease. [49] Wendy Strouse Watt, O.D. Fluorescein Angiogram. [50] What is Diabetic Retinopathy? [51] Wong Li Yun, Rajendra Acharya U, Y V. Venkatesh, Caroline Chee, Lim Choo Min, E.Y.K.Ng. Identification of Different Stages Of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Retinal Optical Images. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 66 APPENDIX A BOX PLOT FOR FEATURES (AREA) Box plot for blood vessels, exudates and microaneurysms respectively Box plot for mean, standard deviation and third moment respectively BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 67 Box plot for entropy BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 68 APPENDIX B BLOOD VESSELS MATLAB CODE clear all clc % Read original retinal image b = imread(‘file name'); b = imresize(b,[576 720]); % b(:,:,1) = red component, b(:,:,2) = green component, b(:,:,3) = blue % Assigning green component to g1 g1 = b(:,:,2); % Extract green component %============ Figure 3.3.1c =============% % Inverting the green component g2 = 255-g1; %============ Figure 3.3.1d =============% % Edge detection using canny method ed = edge(g2, 'canny'); %============ Border detection (NEW) =============% Border = imfill(ed,'holes'); [row col] = size(Border); for x = 2:5 for y = 100:650 Border(x,y) = 0; end end for x = 573:575 for y = 100:650 Border(x,y) = 0; end end % Morphological opening using the disk structuring element s1 = strel('disk',8); e1 = imerode(Border,s1); % Perform erosion d1 = imdilate(Border,s1); % Perform dilation f1 = d1-e1; % Border created %===============================================% %============== Blood vessel from background ===========% % Assigning new green component to g3 g3 = 255-g1; % Create new extacted green component a = adapthisteq(g3); % Perform adaptive histogram equalization %============ Figure 3.3.1e =============% s2 = strel('ball',8,8); % Perform morphological opening operation with structuring element 'ball' e2 = imerode(a,s2); d2 = imdilate(e2,s2); %============ Figure 3.3.1f =============% f2 = a-d2; % Subtract from original image to show blood vessels vividly BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 69 %============ Figure 3.3.1g =============% th = ~im2bw(f2,0.1); %============ Figure 3.3.1h =============% mf = medfilt2(th,[3 3]); % Perform median filtering to lessen noise %============ Figure 3.3.1i =============% f3 = mf-f1; % Image with boundary attained Ifill = imfill(f3,'holes'); %Fill holes NOT touching edge for x = 1:50 % eliminate top border for y = 1:80 f3(x,y) = 1; end end %================= Calculate area =================% H = Ifill+f1; Final = unwanted(H); %final image figure, imshow(Final); %============ Figure 3.3.1j =============% Final1 = ~Final; figure, imshow(Final1); %============ Figure 3.3.1k =============% % Area Calculation L = 0; for i = 1:size(Final) for j = 1:size(Final) if Final(i,j) == 0 L = L+1; end end end L BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 70 APPENDIX C MICROANEURYSMS MATLAB CODE clear all clc % Read original retinal image mi1 = imread('file name'); mi1 = imresize(mi1,[576 720]); % mi1(:,:,1) = red component, mi1(:,:,2) = green component, mi1(:,:,3) = blue r1 = mi1(:,:,1); % Extract red component %============ Figure 3.3.2c =============% % Inverting the red component r2 = 255-r1; %============ Figure 3.3.2d =============% % Edge detection using canny method ed = edge(r2,'canny'); %============ Figure 3.3.2e =============% [row col] = size(ed); for x = 2:5 for y = 100:650 ed(x,y) = 1; end end for x = 573:575 for y = 100:650 ed(x,y) = 1; end end %============= Border detection (NEW) =============% Border = imfill(ed,'holes'); s1 = strel('disk',5); e1 = imerode(Border,s1); % Perform erosion with disk of radius = 5 d1 = imdilate(Border,s1); % Perform dilation with disk of radius = 5 f1 = e1+(~d1); % Border created %============ Figure 3.3.2f =============% %===============================================% G = f1-(~ed); % Edge detection without border %============ Figure 3.3.2g =============% K = imfill(G,'holes'); % Fill holes %============ Figure 3.3.2h =============% P = K - ed; % With unwanted artifacts %============ Figure 3.3.2i =============% %============= Blood vessel detection =============% BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 71 t3 = adapthisteq(r2); se = strel('ball',8,8); BW4 = imerode(t3,se); BW5 = imdilate(BW4,se); Im = t3-BW5; BW3 =~ im2bw(Im,0.08); B = BW3-(~f1); Ifill = imfill(B,'holes'); %============ Figure 3.3.2j =============% L = im2double(Ifill); L1 = edge(L,'canny'); %============ Figure 3.3.2k =============% %===================================================% %================ Final improvisations =====================% K = G-L1; %============ Figure 3.3.2l =============% Final = imfill(K,'holes'); %============ Figure 3.3.2m =============% Final2 = Final-(~P); figure, imshow(Final2); %============ Figure 3.3.2n =============% % Area Calculation L=0; for i=1:size(Final2) for j=1:size(Final2) if Final2(i,j) == 1 L=L+1; end end end L BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 72 APPENDIX D EXUDATES MATLAB CODE clear all clc % Read original retinal image ex1=imread('file name'); ex1=imresize(ex1,[576 720]); % ex1(:,:,1) = red component, ex1(:,:,2) = green component, ex1(:,:,3) = blue % Assigning green component to g1 g1 = ex1(:,:,2); % Extract green component %============ Figure 3.3.3c =============% % Morphological opening using the octagon structuring element s1 = strel('octagon',9); imc = imclose(g1,s1); % Morphological closing %============ Figure 3.3.2d =============% imc = double(imc); fun = @var; im2 = uint8(colfilt(imc,[11 11],'sliding',fun)); %============ Figure 3.3.2e =============% th = im2bw(im2,0.7); %============ Figure 3.3.2f =============% s2 = strel('disk',10); d1 = imdilate(th,s2); %dilation e1 = imerode(d1,s2); %erosion %============ Figure 3.3.2g =============% ed = edge(uint8(e1),'canny'); %============ Figure 3.3.2h =============% %===================================================% G1 = rgb2gray(ex1); % Convert RGB image to grayscale G2 = imadjust(G1); % Adjust image intensity values % Detection of Optical Disk max_Ie = max(max(G2)); % Finding maximum value on the image [r, c] = find(G2 == max_Ie); Rmed = median(r); Cmed = median(c); R = floor(Rmed); C = floor(Cmed); % Mask IeSizeX = 576; IeSizeY = 720; radius = 82; [x,y] = meshgrid(1:IeSizeY, 1:IeSizeX); mask = sqrt((x-C).^2 + (y-R).^2) <= radius; %============ Figure 3.3.2i =============% % Optical Disk Removal BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 73 ex2 = imsubtract(e1, mask); %============ Figure 3.3.2j =============% %===================================================% g2 = 255-g1; % Image inversion bd = g2-225; bde = edge(bd,'roberts'); % Edging sq = ones(20,20); % Thickening of edges d2 = imdilate(bde,sq); fi = ex2-d2; % Subtracting edges %============ Figure 3.3.2k =============% for x = 1:10 % Eliminate top border for y = 1:720 fi(x,y) = 0 ; end end for x = 560:576 % Eliminate bottom border for y = 1:720 fi(x,y) = 0; end end for x = 1:576 for y = 1:10 % left fi(x,y) = 0 ; end end for x = 1:576 for y = 710:720 % right fi(x,y) = 0; end end s3=strel('disk',3); e2=imerode(fi,s3); % Erosion %============ Figure 3.3.2l =============% % Area Calculation L=0; for i=1:size(fi) for j=1:size(fi) if fi(i,j)==1 L=L+1; end end end L BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 74 APPENDIX E TEXTURES MATLAB CODE function [output] = firstOrderStat(image) x = rgb2gray(image); %convert to grayscale. %calculate mean mean = 0; for k = 1:255 mean = mean + k*intenProb(k,x); end %calculate Standard Deviation stddev = 0; y = int16(x)-int16(mean); % convert from uint8 to int16 to avoid overflow. z = y.*y; stddev = sum(sum(z)); stddev = stddev/numel(x); stddev = sqrt(stddev); %calculate third moment thirdMoment = 0; total = (y./stddev).^3; %(x(i)- mean)^3 thirdMoment = sum(sum(total)); thirdMoment = thirdMoment/numel(x); %divide by number of element N; %calculate entropy temp = 0; entropy = 0; for k=1:255 temp = (k-mean)*(k-mean)*intenProb(k,x); if(intenProb(k,x) ~= 0) entropy = entropy + intenProb(k,x)*log(intenProb(k,x)); end end entropy = -1*entropy; %print output output = struct('Mean',mean,'Deviation', stddev, 'Third_Moment',thirdMoment,'Entropy', entropy); end function out = intenProb(i,x) numOccur = 0; numOccur = sum(sum(x==i)); out = numOccur/numel(x); end %function h(i) first Order Statistic. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 75 APPENDIX F MEETING LOGS 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Capstone project meeting log - 1 16 January 2010 Date 12pm – 12.30pm Time ½ hour Duration Minutes of current meeting Overview of diabetes and diabetic retinopathy. Find and read some related journals and online Action items/ Targets to information regarding diabetic retinopathy and achieve the stages and diabetes. Capstone project meeting log - 2 6 February 2010 Date 11.15am – 11.45am Time ½ hour Duration Minutes of current meeting Discussed further about individual DR features such as blood vessels, exudates, microaneurysms and textures of normal and abnormal (DR) in different stages. Overview of detection of DR based on the features data and values using MATLAB. Continue on literature review. Gained better Action items/ Targets to understanding and had rough idea on how to achieve proceed on my proposal. Capstone project meeting log - 3 13 February 2010 Date 10.45am – 11.45am Time 1 hour Duration Minutes of current meeting Overview of some of the MATLAB commands. I am required to practice using the MATLAB commands to prepare for writing image processing codes. I am also required to begin on my project proposal. Starting on proposal and practice MATLAB Action items/ Targets to commands. Submitted proposal draft to achieve supervisor for vetting before submission. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 76 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Capstone project meeting log - 4 13 March 2010 Date 5pm – 5.30pm Time 1/2 hour Duration Minutes of current meeting Updated my ongoing MATLAB practice progress. Starting to write blood vessels extraction MATLAB codes. Continue on literature review. Ongoing Action items/ Targets to MATLAB practice. achieve Capstone project meeting log - 5 17 April 2010 Date 11am – 11.30am Time 1/2 hour Duration Minutes of current meeting Updated my ongoing MATLAB practice progress and blood vessels codes. Continue on literature review. Ongoing Action items/ Targets to MATLAB practice. Starting on interim report. achieve Submitted interim report draft to supervisor for vetting before submission. Capstone project meeting log - 6 8 May 2010 Date 11am – 11.30am Time 1/2 hour Duration Minutes of current meeting Reported some problems with MATLAB codes / function (threshold value and structuring elements) on blood vessels. Received advice on finding the threshold value. Continue on literature review. Ongoing Action items/ Targets to MATLAB practice. Discover the appropriate achieve threshold value and SE value. Capstone project meeting log - 7 22 May 2010 Date 11.15am – 11.45am Time 1/2 hour Duration Minutes of current meeting Finished getting the average threshold value and structuring elements value. Problems with area of blood vessels values were resolved. Continue on literature review. Ongoing Action items/ Targets to MATLAB practice. Starting on microaneurysms achieve and exudates feature extraction coding. BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 77 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Capstone project meeting log - 8 26 June 2010 Date 11.30am – 12pm Time 1/2 hour Duration Minutes of current meeting Discussed about microaneurysms and exudates feature extraction codes. Overview of getting the p-values (statistically significant) for different features on all images. Continue on literature review. Ongoing Action items/ Targets to MATLAB practice. Explore and discover the achieve best way to obtain p-values for different features on all images. Capstone project meeting log - 9 10 July 2010 Date 11.10am – 11.40am Time 1/2 hour Duration Minutes of current meeting Discussed about texture feature extraction. Continue on literature review. Ongoing Action items/ Targets to MATLAB practice. Starting to write texture achieve feature extraction codes. Capstone project meeting log - 10 31 July 2010 Date 11.00am – 11.30am Time 1/2 hour Duration Minutes of current meeting Discussed about texture feature extraction codes. Overview of classifier and using different classifiers to generate results. Continue on literature review. Ongoing Action items/ Targets to MATLAB practice. Starting to write classifier achieve codes and preparing training and testing data. Capstone project meeting log - 11 14 August 2010 Date 11.00am – 11.30am Time 1/2 hour Duration Minutes of current meeting Discussed about classifiers results and overview of creating graphical user interface (GUI). Starting to write GUI codes. Action items/ Targets to achieve BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 78 1 2 3 4 5 Capstone project meeting log - 12 21 August 2010 Date 11.00am – 11.30am Time 1/2 hour Duration Minutes of current meeting Presenting GUI to supervisor. Preparing the materials to start writing final Action items/ Targets to report. achieve BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 79 APPENDIX G GANTT CHART BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 80 BME499 ENG499 MTD499 ICT499 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 2 81