Problem learning tasks based on experiments

GIREP-EPEC 2009. Physics Community and Cooperation. University of Leicester, UK.
17-21 August 2009
Problem learning tasks
based on experiments as
motivation for gifted and
ungifted students
Josef Trna
Masaryk University, Faculty of Education,
Brno, Czech Republic
Special Needs of Pupils in Context with Framework Educational Programme for Primary Education
MSM 0021622443
Problem learning tasks based on
experiments as motivation for gifted and
ungifted students
1 The motivational effectiveness of physics experiments
2 Physics teaching methods with experiments
3 Research of motivational effectiveness of physics
experiments in education
4 Learning tasks based on experiments at school practice
5 Classification of learning tasks
6 Motivational learning tasks based on experiments
6.1 Problem learning tasks with problem experiments
6.2 Problem learning tasks with toy-experiments
6.3 Problem learning tasks with experiment-modification
7. Conclusions
1 The motivational effectiveness of physics
Motivation of students - actual main problem in all levels of physics
education. Interdisciplinary application research (factor analysis) cognitive motivational teaching techniques:
Physics cognitive motivational teaching techniques:
 Stimulation through unconscious perception and experimentation
 Use of models of natural objects and phenomena
 Solving problem exercises and projects
 Demonstrating simple experiments and toys
 Seeing paradoxes and tricks
 Watching films, video programs and using computers (ICT)
 Experiencing humour in physics
Interdisciplinary cognitive motivational teaching techniques:
 Use “Physics for life” (energy, environment etc.)
 Application of physics knowledge in technology
 Exploitation history related to physics discoveries and physicists' lives
 Reading sci-fi literature and watching sci-fi films
 Application of physics and art
2 Physics teaching methods with
Laboratory work
Experimental exam
3 Research of motivational effectiveness of
physics experiments in education
 Crucial element of efficiency cognitive motivational teaching
techniques for gifted and ungifted students is physics
 For testing this hypothesis we used the empiric educational
method of a students' questionnaire. The students’ ages were
between 14 to 15 years. The questionnaire was applied in
February 2009 within 50 ungifted students (according their
teachers identification) of lower secondary schools in Brno
(Czech Republic). Gifted students were 20 participants of
“Physics Olympiad 2009”, the same age as ungifted group. We
supposed that our sample of gifted students for physics were a
sufficiently representative sample of physics gifted students. We
considered and verified a question which cognitive motivational
technique ungifted and gifted students prefer.
 The questionnaire item for testing the above mentioned
hypothesis was used as a suitable formulation:
3 Research of motivational effectiveness of
physics experiments in education
What attracts and interests you most about physics
(underline as many activities as you like)?
Application of physics and art
Application of physics knowledge in technology
Solving problem exercises and projects
Use “Physics for life”
Demonstrating simple experiments and toys
Exploitation history related to physics discoveries and physicists’
Seeing paradoxes and tricks
Reading sci-fi literature and watching sci-fi films.
Watching films, video programs and using computers (ICT)
Experiencing humour in physics
3 Research of motivational effectiveness of
physics experiments in education
Cognitive motivational
teaching technique
Gifted students
Ungifted students
Application of physics and art
Application of physics knowledge in
Solving problem exercises and
Use “Physics for life”
Demonstrating simple experiments
and toys
Exploitation history related to physics
discoveries and physicists’ lives
Seeing paradoxes and tricks
Reading sci-fi literature and watching
sci-fi films
Watching films, video programs and
using computers (ICT)
Experiencing humour in physics
3 Research of motivational effectiveness of
physics experiments in education
Results and discussion:
 Our research outcomes verify our hypothesis about high motivational
efficiency of school physics experiments. Motivational techniques
“demonstrating simple experiments and toys” and “seeing paradoxes
and tricks” have highest level of the frequency of students’ answers
(Fig. 2, line 5 and 7). The cognitive motivational teaching techniques
that are based on the usage of physics experiments effectively affect
both the gifted and the ungifted students.
 We also used a good agreement test chi-quadrate with the use of zero
or alternative hypothesis that represents our above mentioned
hypothesis about the importance of motivational effectiveness of
cognitive teaching techniques. Test on the level of effectiveness 0, 05
supported the statistic importance of our research and discovered that
“solving problem exercises and projects” is strongly preferred by gifted
students (Fig. 2, line 3).
 Therefore we need to prepare and apply suitable cognitive motivational
teaching techniques, especially focused on gifted students, which
combine physics experiment and problem solving. This cognitive
motivational teaching technique seems to be “problem learning task
based on experiment”.
4 Learning tasks based on experiments at
school practice
School physics experiments as a maybe crucial educational tool is not correctly used in
terms of practice and methodology. That’s why it is quite difficult to identify and measure its
real function and importance. The evidence of this state of physics education can be the
research of physics education of 13-14 years old students with the use of the video study
method which brought one alarming discovery that the learning tasks containing results in
the form of an experiment are rarely used in physics:
Experimental Solution
Graphical solution
Oral solution
Numeral solution
5 Classification of learning tasks
 Tollingerova [4] classified learning tasks on the basis of Bloom
taxonomy into five basic categories based on difficultness of
cognitive operations needed for learning task solution:
learning tasks demanding memory reproduction of knowledge when
students use memory operations,
learning tasks demanding simple mental operations with knowledge so
as analysis, synthesis, comparison, categorization,
learning tasks demanding complicated mental operations with
knowledge so as induction, deduction, interpretation, transformation,
learning tasks demanding knowledge interpretation when students
interpret not only the results of their own solution but also its progress,
conditions and phases,
learning tasks demanding creative thinking based on the previous
operations, ability to combine these operations into wider complexes
and come to new solutions.
5 Classification of learning tasks
Experimenting can occur in all these groups of learning tasks but their
importance grows from the first to the last one.
Learning tasks are classified as qualitative and quantitative according to the
level of calculations during task solution. Experimenting belong mainly to the
group of the qualitative learning tasks demanding a minimum of calculations.
Appropriately connected with measurements and ICT, they can also be a part of
the group of the quantitative learning tasks when an output is a numerical value
of the wanted physics quantity.
According to the form of setting and solution, learning tasks can be classified
as verbal, numerical, graphic, experimental, etc. Experimenting are primarily the
part of the experimental learning tasks.
According to the teaching phase, learning tasks can be classified as
motivational, expositional, fixation, diagnostics and application. Experimenting
can occur in all these groups of learning tasks but they play the most important
motivational role in the motivational tasks.
As we mentioned above, experimenting can be included in various types of
learning tasks and they can play various roles. We focus especially on
motivational effectiveness of experiments in learning tasks.
6 Motivational learning tasks based on experiments
6.1 Problem learning tasks with problem experiments
 The problem based teaching is the significant innovation of
science education. Psychological substances of problems
determine the taxonomy of learning tasks.
 Motivational effectiveness of problem learning tasks based on
experiments results from increasing students’ cognitive needs
and their consequent satisfying by way of students’ active
cognitive working.
 Psychological base of increasing cognitive needs is “perception
and conceptual conflict”. This conflict becomes an incentive
which causes strong motivation and thus students become
active which heads towards conflict elimination and satisfaction
of the need.
 An induction of that conflict has several variants, namely
surprise, paradox, doubt, uncertainty and difficulty.
6 Motivational learning tasks based on experiments
6.1 Problem learning tasks with problem experiments
Problem cylinder
 We glue a coin on the base of a polystyrene cylinder. The coin has the
same diameter as the cylinder. Height of the polystyrene cylinder will
be adapted so that only the coin extends from the surface of the water.
We turn the cylinder coin down and place it in the water again. How
deep will the cylinder with the coin dip?
(a) the height of an extending polystyrene is the same as the
height of the coin
(b) polystyrene will not extend from the surface since the coin
pulls it to the bottom
(c) the higher part of polystyrene than the coin will extend from
the surface
 Correct learning task solution: (a). This is about Archimedes’
principle application. Weight of the cylinder does not change during
turning and therefore buoyant force and volume of the sunken part of
the cylinder will be the same.
6 Motivational learning tasks based on experiments
6.1 Problem learning tasks with problem experiments
Problem cylinder
6 Motivational learning tasks based on experiments
6.2 Problem learning tasks with toy-experiments
 We define a toy as an object which displays a feature that is
remarkably emphasized (elasticity, colour, distinctive behaviour etc.).
 The toy in the role of experiment stimulates the needs to have sense
and muscle activities.
 The relaxation function of the play is also remarkable. There are many
toys manufactured commercially but students can create their own.
 We can form the play learning task based on experiment and apply it in
6 Motivational learning tasks based on experiments
6.2 Problem learning tasks with toy-experiments
Balance on a surface:
 We put a high block of polystyrene on the water surface in a
vessel with its big sidewall. The block in a stable position is lying
on the surface. Then we sink a load (screw, nut etc.) into the
centre of a small base of the second block, same as the first
one. If we put the second block with its big sidewall down on the
water surface, it surprisingly stands up on its small base.
Explain the base of the demonstrated phenomenon.
 Correct learning task solution: Surprising behaviour of the
second block is caused by lowering of the centre of block mass
thanks to the load.
6 Motivational learning tasks based on experiments
6.2 Problem learning tasks with toy-experiments
Balance on a surface
6 Motivational learning tasks based on experiments
6.3 Problem learning tasks with experiment-modification
 Strong motivation and support of creativity development is brought by
learning tasks which contain creation of hands-on activities
 Students are familiarized with a hands-on experiment and their learning
task is to create similar hands-on experiment or, on the contrary, an
experiment with additional physics phenomenon.
 These learning tasks are appropriate especially for gifted students:
6 Motivational learning tasks based on experiments
6.3 Problem learning tasks with experiment-modification
Underpressure and overpressure:
 Behaviour of an apparatus in an underpressure chamber is
often demonstrated. An experiment with membrane flex in an
underpressure container is well-known. Make an apparatus for
demonstration of the inverse phenomenon in an overpressure
chamber. How does this phenomenon appear on human body?
 Correct learning task solution: Test tube covered by rubber
membrane arches by overpressure in the plastic bottle. The
rubber membrane simulates behaviour of ear-drum during
swimming, bathing and diving. Water in ear canal pushes on
ear-drum at this time. The result is deflection of the ear-drum.
6 Motivational learning tasks based on experiments
6.3 Problem learning tasks with experiment-modification
Cartesian diver I
The Cartesian
diver floating in
plastics bottle is
made out of the
test tube and the
rubber stopper.
6 Motivational learning tasks based on experiments
6.3 Problem learning tasks with experiment-modification
Cartesian diver II
diver in
plastics bottle
is made out of
two glass test
6 Motivational learning tasks based on experiments
6.3 Problem learning tasks with experiment-modification
Spinning Cartesian diver
Cartesian driver
in plastics
bottle is made
out of the test
tube, the rubber
stopper and the
bent glass
6 Motivational learning tasks based on experiments
6.3 Problem learning tasks with experiment-modification
Water jet of Heron
The water jet
of Heron in
plastics bottle
is made out of
the test tube,
the rubber
stopper and
the blast tube.
6 Motivational learning tasks based on experiments
6.3 Problem learning tasks with experiment-modification
Overpressure pumping
The pumping of
water in plastics
bottle is realised
by use of two
test tubes,
rubber stoppers,
glass tubes and
plastics pipes.
6 Motivational learning tasks based on experiments
6.3 Problem learning tasks with experiment-modification
Energy of compressed air I
The small
plastics ball
with the hole is
moving by
changing of the
air pressure on
the water
surface in the
plastics bottle.
6 Motivational learning tasks based on experiments
6.3 Problem learning tasks with experiment-modification
Energy of compressed air II
The small
plastics ball with
the hole plugged
up by the bent
glass pipe is
moving by
changing of the
air pressure on
the water
surface in the
plastics bottle.
7. Conclusions
 Learning tasks based on experiments are an important part of physics
 They are a source of significant motivation because they excite and
satisfy primarily students’ cognitive needs.
 Learning tasks sorting should be done according to educational
objectives, difficultness of cognitive operations needed for task solution,
level of calculations use during task solution, form of task setting and
solution and especially teaching phase.
 Because of the quick increase of physics and science education
efficiency, information about learning tasks based on experiments
should be inserted into both pre-service and in-service teacher training.
7. References
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Testaufgaben im Physikunterricht. In Thonhauser, J. (Hrsg.). Aufgaben als
Katalysator von Lernprozessen. Münster, New York, München, Berlin:
Waxmann, 2008, p. 169-181.
[3] Talyzinova, N. F. Utvareni poznavacich cinnosti zaku. Praha: SPN, 1988.
[4] Tolingerova, D. Uvod do teorie a praxe programovane vyuky a vycviku. Odborna
vychova, 1970/1971: 21: 77-78.
[5] Trna, J. Motivation and Hands-on Experiments. In HSci2005. Hands-on Science
in a Changing Education. Rethymno (Greece): University of Crete, 2005. p. 169174.
[6] Trna, J., Trnova, E. Cognitive Motivation in Science Teacher Training. In
Science and Technology Education for a Diverse Word. Lublin (Poland): M.
Curie-Sklodovska university press, 2006. p. 491-498.
[7] Vaculova, I., Trna, J., Janik, T. Ucebni ulohy ve vyuce fyziky na 2. stupni
zakladni skoly: vybrané vysledky CPV videostudie fyziky. Pedagogicka
orientace, 2008: 18(4): (in press).
Thank you for your attention.
Josef Trna
Masaryk University
Brno, Czech Republic