pressure - Stanwich School

State of Matter
Quiz Review
A measure of how much matter is in a certain volume.
Density = Mass/Volume
When we hang a weight on a spring, the spring stretches.
When we remove the weight, the spring returns to its
original length.
We say the spring is elastic.
Hooke’s Law
The amount of stretch (or compression), x is directly
proportional to the applied force F.
Double the force and double the stretch; triple the
force and we get three times the stretch, and so on.
Compression (push)
Tension (pull)
Compression (push)
compression, decrease in volume of any object or substance
resulting from applied stress (force).
Tension (pull)
The act or process of stretching something tight.
The upward force that a fluid exerts on an
object less dense than itself
Liquid Pressure
A liquid exerts a pressure against the walls and
bottom of its container, just as a block exerts a
pressure against the table.
Pressure =
Principle of Floatation
A floating object displaces a weight of fluid
equal to its own weight.
Pascal’s Principle
Changes in pressure at any point in an enclosed fluid at
rest are transmitted undiminished to all points in the
fluid in all directions.
The pressure of the liquid is the same at any given
depth below the surface, regardless of the shape of
the container.
Archimedes’ Principle
An immersed object is buoyed up by force equal to the
weight of the fluid it displaces.
Ideal Gases
• Boyles Law
• Charles Law
• Avogadro’s Law
Boyle’s Law
(General Physics) the principle that the pressure of a gas
varies inversely with its volume at constant temperature.
High Pressure Low volume
Low Pressure High volume
Charles’ Law
The principle that the volume of a given mass of an ideal
gas is proportional to its temperature as long as its
pressure remains constant.
Increase temperature Increase pressure Increase volume.
Avogadro’s Law
Avogadro's Law is the relation which states that
at the same temperature and pressure, equal
volumes of all gases contain the same number of
Bernoulli’s Principle
Bernoulli’s Principle in its simplest form states: When
the speed of a fluid increases, the pressure drops